Wait, this is called Huahuahuahua. Could it be the little girlfriend that this kid found outside again?


The thought of this made Yan Jie a headache.

This kid is out there with all kinds of waves and all kinds of girls with one face. I used to be in K country. Anyway, the ladies and ladies over there know what kind of virtue he is. If you want to play, just play. , Forget it if you don't want to play.

Unexpectedly, this kid is still like this when he gets here, there is really no one. When will he be able to change his intestines!

Yan Jie was really about to die of a headache, but even if it was a headache, he still had no choice but to slid to answer the call.

After answering the phone, Yan Jie first learned Quan Zhichen’s tone, and politely greeted the other side, "Hello? Hello, may I ask you?"

"Oh, hello, Mr. Quan, I am Tang Nuan painting of the Tang Group. We have seen it several times." Tang Nuan painting didn't know who the voice was. She was also very polite and kind. Feeling polite.

However, Yan Jie frowned and thought in confusion, Tang Nuan painting, who is this?

Then he pinched his voice again, learning Quan Zhichen asked coldly, "Excuse me, what's the matter?"

"Yes, Mr. Quan, you forgot, you told me last time that you want to cooperate with our Tang Group. I have considered it in the past two days, so I will come to you today to talk about cooperation." Tang Nuanhua explained.

Little did he know that Yan Jie frowned in confusion when he heard the word cooperation on the phone.

She wants to cooperate? When did the company say to cooperate with others?

Yan Jie clearly remembered the last time that he asked Quan Zhichen about finding people to cooperate, but Quan Zhichen rejected him, saying that the company is just getting started now, and he is not in a hurry to cooperate with others. He also said that he had his own arrangements or something in his heart.

Why is there still someone coming to the door? Moreover, if you listen carefully, the woman's voice seems to be familiar.

For a while, Yan Jie was filled with a lot of uncertainty, so he pushed aside Quan Zhichen's body and asked, "Achen, have you ever said who you want to cooperate with these days? Someone called you and said I have considered it and decided to cooperate with you."


As soon as the voice fell, only the snoring sound was interrupted immediately, and the person in front of him almost immediately woke up from sleep.

Afterwards, Quan Zhichen took the phone back from Yan Jie's hands with a thunder and thunder, and said excitedly to the phone, "Tang Nuan painting, are you here?"

"Ah, you, are you Quan Zhichen? Then, wasn't the person who was talking to me just now?" Tang Nuan was confused on the phone.

Quan Zhichen quickly apologized in embarrassment, and smiled apologetically, "I'm sorry, Miss Tang, I don't know if you called. It was a pig who answered the phone with you just now... You have already come to the company. Is it? I will come out to pick you up now, wait a minute!

After speaking, Quan Zhichen ignored the opinions of other people in the meeting room, and stood up directly, leaving the meeting room in stride with the tall figure.

The people in the conference room instantly looked at each other with big eyes and small eyes, with a stunned expression, wondering what's the situation?

The most daunting among them is Yan Jie.

What did he say? This kid actually said he was a pig?


At the meeting just now, isn't the person who snored loudly, isn't it Quan Zhichen? Why is he ashamed to say that he is a pig? This **** is really...!

No, no, no, no.

Yan Jie took two deep breaths, thinking that if he wanted to live longer, he would better not care about this guy, otherwise one day, he would be **** off by Quan Zhichen.

However, after thinking about it, who did this guy go out to meet?

Why did you hear Quan Zhichen’s tone as if he was excited, as if the person who answered the phone with him was important to him.

And on the phone just now, what did the woman say about cooperation? What is the situation?

Wouldn't it, Quan Zhichen secretly made some impulsive decisions behind his back! No way, relying on this kid's brain circuit, it doesn't seem strange to do anything.


Yan Jie thought helplessly, this is the first branch established by their Quan Group in this city, and they finally opened with a big fanfare, Chen, don't do anything bad, you kid.

Thinking of this, Yan Jie was really worried, how could he still have the energy to hold meetings?

He simply stood up from his position, and waved his hands to everyone in the meeting, "Sorry, everyone, this is the end of today's meeting. If we haven't finished, we will talk about it next time."

Then Yan Jie also packed up the folders on the desktop, and walked out in a stride.

In the conference room, there were only a few high-level managers and managers, all with expressions of hopelessness in life.

Among them, there are some older employees who are sighing when they see this situation.

I think young people are young people, without depth, without mind, and impulsive in doing things.

But who said this era is the world of young people? The older generations of them have no other effect except to assist young people in the upper ranks. What's more, this is originally a subsidiary of the Quan Group, which is too small to be smaller. Therefore, these small shareholders, besides patience, Is there any way?

Oh, let's accept your fate!


Soon, right outside the group company.

After Tang Nuanhua finished hanging up the phone, he nodded to Lin Nanxiang and Han behind him, "Mr. Quan will be out soon. We must talk to them about this cooperation in a while, and we must seize this opportunity. Don't go wrong, you know?"


Lin Nanxiang was sure and affirmative, and nodded vigorously, "Nuanhua, we will definitely try our best."

Han Ke nodded along with him, "Miss, come on."

Then the three of them calmed down, waiting for Quan Zhichen to appear.

As expected, Quan Zhichen came out in less than three minutes.

When he saw Tang Nuan painting and Lin Nanxiang and others, the smile on his face appeared unscrupulously, and he even couldn't restrain himself from stepping forward, and directly gave Tang Nuan a solid hug, "Miss Tang, I I knew you would come."


Tang Nuan was stunned by this hug at once.

However, after thinking about it in his mind, Tang Nuanhua remembered that Quan Zhichen did not grow up in China since he was a child. It is estimated that hugging is also a custom of greetings abroad, so he didn't take it too seriously.

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