Just gently pushing Quan Zhichen away, Tang Nuan painted a polite and unfamiliar smile, "Mr. Quan, didn’t you talk about cooperation with me last time? I have already considered it, let’s find a place to talk. Right?"

"Well, okay." Quan Zhichen agreed willingly after hearing this.

Then he pointed to his office, "If Miss Tang doesn't mind, come to my office, let's talk about it."

"Mmm Good."

Tang Nuan painting certainly didn't mind. She and Lin Nanxiang were too happy to be too late, so under the leadership of Quan Zhichen, the three walked into his office together.

Just like what Tang Nuan imagined in his paintings, Quan Zhichen had lived abroad since he was a child, so the office decoration style is all European minimalist style.

This style is somewhat similar to Li Jingyi's office.

Then, Quan Zhichen first entertained Tang Nuanhua and Lin Nanxiang and the others to sit down, and then ordered his newly recruited assistant to the side, "Hurry up and bring some water to my guests."

"Yes." The little assistant nodded, and then went to pour water for Tang Nuanhua and the others.

When the water was brought over, the assistant was cautious, and gently put a few cups of steaming boiled water on the coffee table, and whispered, "Sorry, the water is a bit hot, please use it slowly."

When the words fell, the little assistant stepped aside in silence.

At this moment, Quan Zhichen walked to the opposite of Tang Nuan's painting, and sat down opposite Tang Nuan's painting with a long leg, and then a smile broke out at the corner of his mouth, "Miss Tang, I have been waiting for you for two days. Congratulations, you finally want to start."

"Oh, yes."

Tang Nuan's paintings are also unpretentious. After smiling generously, he joked, "I thought about it for two days at home, and felt that uncooperating was nothing. The duck that reached the mouth couldn't let him fly like that, so I am here."

Hearing this, Quan Zhichen smiled comfortedly, "Miss Tang, you are called, the person who knows the current affairs is a brilliant, I admire you very much."

"Really?" Tang Nuan's painting was flattered when he didn't expect to be praised.

However, Tang Nuanhua didn't forget the purpose of this trip. The next step is to talk about cooperation.

"Before you said you want to cooperate with me, Mr. Quan, how are we going to cooperate?" Tang Nuanhua asked politely.

Quan Zhichen laughed at this moment, then snapped his fingers directly, and said without looking back, "Bring the plan I prepared before."


After hearing this, the little assistant immediately went to Quan Zhichen's desk and found the relevant document he wanted, and then handed the document to Quan Zhichen.

Quan Zhichen didn't even look at the documents after he got the documents, and he passed the documents directly to Tang Nuan painting sitting on the opposite sofa, saying, "Miss Tang, how to cooperate, I have already written clearly on it. , You can take a look first, if you feel that something is inappropriate, we will negotiate, anyway, everything is up to you."

"Ah? Listen to me?" Tang Nuan had an obvious pause when he heard this.

I wondered what Mr. Quan said that made people feel very stressful. What does it mean to rely on her? Isn't that deliberately putting pressure on her? If you really pick out any thorns, isn't it all on your own body?

He didn't know that Quan Zhichen didn't mean this. He just thought, after all, he was looking for someone to cooperate with him. Of course, he wanted to make Tang Nuan paint his heart.

No, he smiled proudly and raised his chin, "Hey, look at it."


Tang Nuan's painting is really a bit speechless, but since they are here, what else can she do? You can only pray silently in your heart, and the requirements of this plan should not be too unreasonable.

Three minutes later.

Facts proved that Tang Nuan was thinking too much about painting, she almost watched the plan intently. The moment she finished, she was a little surprised.

I originally thought that there would be a lot of unreasonable aspects in this plan. After all, the Quan Group is a new enterprise, and Quan Zhichen is such an unreliable young master, and he is in charge of it.

Hey, it is estimated that individuals will doubt whether this company can continue to operate.

However, after seeing this plan, Tang Nuan's paintings have changed their views on Quan Zhichen, because the contents of the plan are all very reasonable, and there is nothing uncomfortable about it.

Regarding the content of the cooperation between the two parties, including how the two companies will work together, etc., Quan Zhichen has planned it all alone, and there is no need for Tang Nuan to think about it.

"Tsk tusk, Mr. Quan, it seems that I really underestimated you." Tang Nuan painting took the plan and finally couldn't help but sigh.

Lin Nanxiang was also full of curiosity at this time, and quickly took the plan from Tang Nuan's hand, and read it with Han Ke.

Quan Zhichen smiled at Tang Nuan's painting, lightly and casually, "I wrote this plan by myself. No one in the company knows yet, how about it? Are you satisfied?"

"What, did you write this yourself?" Tang Nuan painting was even more shocked when he heard this.

She thought that for such a perfect plan, she would have to be a high-achieving student in finance, who could only write it after half a month of hard work.

I didn't expect that in the serious man in front of him, he still had this ability.

It seems that she really underestimated this man.

"Why, are you dissatisfied?" Quan Zhichen thought that Tang Nuan was dissatisfied with him, his expression hesitated.

"It's not dissatisfaction." Tang Nuanhua shook his head, suddenly smiled, and looked at the man in front of him indifferently, and said, "I just don't understand, why do you want me to cooperate?"

Obviously, on the market, there are many more promising companies than the Tang Group. Why did the Quan Group choose their Tang family?

In other words, why is the man in front of him so stubborn to cooperate with her?

"Heh, Miss Tang, this is my business. As the boss of a company, it is my freedom to find someone to cooperate with. Why, are you not willing to let me find you?" Quan Zhichen suddenly smiled, smiling. There was even a hint of childishness in it.

In fact, he doesn't care who he works with. He feels comfortable in Tang Nuan's paintings and thinks this woman is cute, so he wants to work with her. There is no other reason.

It's just that this reason may not be serious, so Quan Zhichen still feels that some things should not be said directly.

"Well, I respect your choice."

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