Rebirth of the Official Business Route

Chapter 934: Global music online

\\Global music online with the goal of the world’s largest online music store is supported by piece sales, while Toshiba accounted for more of the global market shipments at this time; on the other hand, the website’s revenue at this time is far from being able to continue to pay The expansion and the huge cost of daily operations, Xiao Jincheng has a report on the expansion and operation of the website in the world’s major Internet countries and regions in the next two years. In the next two years, at least 60 million US dollars will be needed. It was decided that Kumho would transfer part of the equity of the global music online website to Toshiba to obtain funds for the continued exhibition of the website.

As for how much Toshiba injected, what percentage of equity it obtained, and how to limit the management authority of the website, these all need to sit down and slowly. The time round progressed to the end of 1998, and Internet investment gradually became turbulent, occupying an absolute monopoly in the market segment. The status of the website, the market value will never be underestimated. w Novel chapter updated fastest

This is also part of the adjustment that Toshiba requires in the distribution of benefits in the future. In short, Okamaki and his assistant Mori Yamano had no unpleasant experience when they came to visit. Their requests were all responded positively by Zhang Ke.

After chatting for a long time, Zhang Ke stood up from the sand, and through the floor-to-ceiling glass curtain wall, he watched the sunset light shining in the water of Victoria Harbour, like 100 million gold coins hidden under the blue water. w "Fiction" novel chapters are updated fastest

Okamaki, who is only in his early forties this year, is regarded as a representative of the young and strong faction within Toshiba, but compared to the young man in front of him, he is really half a bad old man, and it is not clear how he effectively restrained his banner, Su Jindong, Dong, etc. An elite management team composed of people, he saw Zhang Ke standing up, thinking that it was time to leave. He stood up with his assistant Mori Yamano. As soon as he was about to leave, Zhang turned around and asked him: "I heard that Mitsui & Co. is in China. The general representative of Toshiba wants to organize its member companies and carry out large-scale strategies. I wonder if Toshiba is in Chisao Hidezo's plan?"

"..." When asked this question straightforwardly, Okamaki felt a little sudden. He hesitated a little before saying, "Toshiba is not a member company of Mitsui, but if Hidezo Chisa's plan is beneficial to Toshiba's Shiba, it will not. Reject—but if there are things of interest, I’m afraid that companies like Nigeria, Panasonic, and Sharp will compete first..."

The meaning of Okamaki’s words is very clear. Zhang Ke smiled slightly: Okamaki’s words can’t be taken seriously either. Although Toshiba has long been excluded from the series of Mitsui’s core member companies, the close ties between Japanese companies are outsiders. It's hard to imagine.

Samsung learned that Mitsui is in place at this point. On the surface, Lee Kin-hee owns less than 4% of Samsung Group’s shares. However, Lee Kin-hee is involved in the bribery case. After resigning from his main positions in Samsung Group, he still firmly controls the entire Samsung Group. The operation of the group-the implementation of the modern financial system's development and cross-shareholding plan, can completely conceal the true controlling rights of the enterprise.

Zhang Ke has also gradually implemented a cross-shareholding plan within the Kumho system, so as not to directly expose the wealth to the public in the future to be too appalling.

Because of the overseas business placement, Aida Group will become the largest shareholder in name. It will directly hold shares with Xie Wanqing, Sun Shangyi, Ge Mingde, Ye Jianbin, etc., either as a private company or as a holding company or as a subsidiary. Holds nearly 60 remaining shares of Kumho Corporation.

In mid-September, Zhang Ke and Xie Wanqing jointly transferred part of the shares of Aida Group and Yuexiu Holdings to the Guojia, Majia, Chenjia, Hejia and other Southeast Asian Chinese business families. Aida and Yuexiu controlled the most The high-quality business and assets allow Guo He Zhujia to share the core interests of Kumho, and also want to further draw them under the banner of Kumho.

Besides. Zhang Yan has been actively increasing the shareholding ratio of management and core employees in its member companies.

Chen Xinsheng, Su Jindong, Dong, Chen Hanzhang, Xiao Jincheng and other senior and core staff have increased the shareholding ratio of Aida Group to 18%.

In the past few months. Zhang Ke initially completed the cross-shareholding between Kumho Corporation and Kumho member companies such as Yuexiu Holdings, Aida Group, and Shin Kong Paper. In terms of financial structure, the Kumho system has initially formed a complex system with Aida Group and Kumho Corporation as the core.

Although there is no change in the total equity of land owned directly or indirectly. But in the Xindi system. Zhang Ke's direct shareholding in Kumho's member companies was reduced to a very low percentage. At least until next year when the British Hurun comes to China to rank the Chinese rich and raise the Hurun Rich List. Even if the material confidentiality measures of the relevant parties are not in place. Zhang Ke's ability to directly calculate the private wealth would not allow him to occupy a prominent position—of course. If it's a young man in his early twenties

In 1998, private ownership of even a few hundred million in wealth in China would be a surprise to T3.

Avoiding the sight of the public and the media as much as possible is a must. Implement an extremely complicated cross-shareholding plan. Cross-entangle the interests of domestic companies and overseas companies. In essence, it is still necessary. Avoid people or institutions from coveting Kumho. It is also to avoid that the wealth directly owned by Zhang Ke's private name is too dazzling in the eyes of high-level people.

The late 1990s was a critical period for the development of the domestic private economy. Private entrepreneurs with a net worth of one billion, billions, or even tens of billions of dollars are no longer in the air, but private property rights have not yet been fully obtained. In confirmed countries, is there an upper limit on the accumulation of private wealth? Zhang Ke is hard to say. Looking up at the sky, there seems to be no obstacle above your head, but there is a kind of ceiling like transparent glass. You can't feel its existence until you don't bump into it blood and blood.

There are also disadvantages to doing so. For example, the two core Aida Group and Kumho Corporation in the Kumho system are bound to be unable to go public on the stock market for financing due to overly complicated financial relationships.

Sending Gangcunki and his assistant Mori Yamano left, Zhang Ke and others walked back to the living room.

Chen Xinsheng asked: "In exchange for the equity of the global music online website for a capital injection of 60 million US dollars, will Toshiba agree to this condition?"

"The Economic Research Institute is quite optimistic about the global Internet economy's development trend in the next two years," Zhang smiled. "At first they would not agree to it, but the longer it is, the better it will be for us and the greater the pressure on them. Big...the big deal, drag it on for a while, and if Toshiba refuses to commit it, there is also Skober."

Injecting 60 million US dollars in exchange for equity means that the remaining equity in Kumho’s hands is worth 140 million US dollars. In the past year, Kumho has repaid the total investment in the acquisition and re-injection of global music online websites. No more than 30 million US dollars, the representative of Toshiba Okamura casually agreed to such a condition, it is called encountering a ghost.

Zhang hurried to Hong Kong, and people couldn’t stop for a while. As soon as he sent Gangcunki and Mori Shanye away, the CEO of Skopard Emmer called in. Zhang Ke smiled and said to Chen Xinsheng: "Look, Skope’s The action won't be much slower." At this time, Fu Jun ran over and told him that the car sent to pick Tang had already arrived downstairs in the hotel.

Putting aside the seriousness and seriousness of official business, the humorous and gentle personality of Emmer is a worthy friend. Zhang Ke did not ask Chen Xinsheng or Su Jindong to deal with Emmer, but invited Emmer to work together.

The tourist restaurant is located on the top floor of the Renaissance Harbour View Hotel. Tomorrow is the day when the Hong Kong Electronics Fair officially opens. People who come to this tourist restaurant to dine are well-dressed, and many of them are big people who can cause an uproar in the industry, Zhang Ke They chose a seat by the window, and Aimo eagerly followed Zhang Ke with the big people he recognized. ,

Zhang Ke also recognized some acquaintances. South Korea's Samsung China Investment Corporation executive Lee was sitting with Sony's Keiichi Watanabe and talking.

"They are really big people," Tang held his chin in his hand and observed these big people with interest. "It looks like they are not much different from you. Some people look so ugly."

Zhang Ke put her hand on her bright and bright forehead, and said with a smile: "Ordinary people are also like this, one nose and two eyes, if you say it is different from ordinary, it only has a dirty heart. The level is not comparable to ordinary people..."

"What about yourself?" Tang asked Zhang Ke playfully.

"Similarly, he is the same too," Zhang Ke pointed to Emmer who was sitting across from him. Gao Bai gave up more benefits..."

Mo was drinking a French soup with a spoon. Hearing Zhang Ke’s words, he almost squirted the soup, wiped the liquid from the corners of his mouth with a napkin, and dumbfoundedly complained to Zhang in his weird Mandarin, "I’m just thinking about us. How can we go further on the road of cooperation..."

"Well, just let you talk about how the two companies can go further on the road of cooperation..." Zhang Ke said with a smile, grabbing Tang Rouruo's tender hands and slowly rubbing them in his palms, making her body comfortable. Leaning on the back of his chair, he listened to Emmer's argument.

In the next few years, the market in Europe and North America, Global Music Online should mainly \\deploy the business in these regions. Don’t you think that letting Skober participate in Global Music Online will also benefit the website’s business in the above-mentioned regions. Disguise Skober’s coveting of global music online interests. (To be continued, if you want to know what's going on, please go to Section 6 for more, support for \\, support for genuine reading!)

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