Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1876 What kind of art of war is this

There are tens of thousands of arrows on the Feiyunlou boat, and Marquis Wu'an is undoubtedly the most vicious and powerful one!

He flew ahead quickly, and thousands of arrows chased after him.

At first glance, it seems that the entire Feiyunlou ship has rebelled, and everyone is scrambling to shoot and kill the prince.

But the arrows rained like rain, but none of them touched his body.

A blue rainbow flashed left and right, and in the army formation disrupted by the rain of arrows, it was unstoppable.

Warrior-level sea clan?

Breathe out.

Commander-level Sea Clan?

Difficult to be a sword!

The flames had just landed on the city, and there was a huge blank space in front of him.

Jiang Wang stepped out of the Flame City and was already approaching the King of the Sea Clan.

Nearly a hundred royal guards, each exhibiting their supernatural powers, each applying true methods.

The gloomy light on Jiang Wang's left palm suddenly faded, and the seven light balls swirling around his fingertips suddenly jumped out, exploding endless brilliant light, showing a terrifying turbulent flow of vitality!

There is a commander-level sea clan, who is probably the personal guard commander of the sea clan prince, with a powerful breath and dazzling supernatural powers, flying across the front.

There was red gold in Jiang Wang's eyes, and he looked at it at a glance.

The battle of spirit and soul was over in a single thought, how he flew up and how he fell down.

All this is slow to say.

But from the moment Jiang Wang jumped up from the big boat to when he cleared all the obstacles and appeared in front of the leaders of the sea clan who surrounded the island this time, three breaths have not passed.

Killing the new king of the Tianbang, fighting against the true demon of the world, after coming back from a situation where there were almost ten deaths in the demon world, now Jiang Wang is on the battlefield, truly explaining what it means to kill an enemy like mowing grass!

Rolling head fell, blood sprinkled sword edge red.

There is no heaven and earth in the lost world.

It is nothing more than that the above of the floating island is regarded as the upper, and the below of the floating island is regarded as the lower.

But at this moment, Qinghong came, so Gao Tian was born!

There are ants in the sky!

There has always been a saying - "the king of the sea clan has no weak ones".

Gein, in the harsh environment of the sea, often only the top-level commander-level sea people can become kings.

And the top-level commander-level sea clan has at least three supernatural powers.

Supernatural powers, the most precious secrets.

Human monks can be divided into weak gods, ordinary gods, strong gods, and top gods. If measured by the strength standard of human monks, the kings of the sea clan all started with strong gods.

But there is also a gap between Qiangshenlin and Qiangshenlin, the gap is huge!

At the beginning, Jiang Wang had no flaws, no omissions, no regrets, and as soon as he entered the gods, he became a strong god. He and Chongxuanzun killed Liushenlin side by side, except for the blood bat, all of them were regarded as strong gods.

How far is the difference between Jiang Wang at that time and Jiang Wang today!

At this moment, he came to meet the king of the Hai clan with great momentum, without asking how strong the king was or what preparations he had made.

A pair of four eyes is a horizontal sword!

Sight and sight entangled together, prior to Jian Fenghan.

The mighty Sea Clan prince who commanded a large army to encircle the first floating island and break through it, has not had time to use his pupil technique in the future, and his vision has been broken like silk!

He closed his eyes tightly, forced blood and tears, and his breath was as majestic as a mountain, and he did not hesitate to show the true face of the sea master: "Who is coming? This king—"

Boom boom boom!

Although he cut off the line of sight, he couldn't cut off the battle of spirits and souls.

Above the boundless sea of ​​consciousness, a supreme and noble portal appeared.

When the door is opened, the body is half short!

It's not just the spirit strengthened by the sea lord's true form, but the entire sea of ​​consciousness has been suppressed by that supreme majesty!

And the Bodhisattva of Six Desires stretches out his palms out of the gate of heaven, with colorful lights, six desires blurred, in that kind of blissful trance that is difficult to break free and unwilling to break free... There is a golden watchdog in the palm of his palm, which is opened at the gate of his skull!

The battle of spirits and souls was completely suppressed.

The outside world has not been much better either.

But listen to a long "beep". From behind Jiang Wang, a magnificent one-legged divine bird rose and flew high. The huge wings brought fire, and the noisy red swept across the battlefield.

Brilliant Fire Territory shrouded the Sea Clan prince with a domineering attitude, clearing away those Sea Clan fighters who were still rushing bravely. In the field of fire, the city will be burned with fireworks again.

This poor prince of the Hai clan was crushed. The spiritual domain was crushed, and Yancheng was at the head.

Relying on his fighting instinct, he mobilized the power of supernatural powers, manifested the shield of the five elements, and raised his head high to support the city of flames. And spread out the wings of the wind, so he wrapped himself in a tornado!


A wisp of frosty white wind blows into the tornado.

What is the wind in the world that day?

This wind once blew the sky!

The violent tornado dissipated before it even started!

And Tianfeng was followed by a long front.


The head whose eyes were closed tightly and still sees blood and tears flew high into the sky.

The process of these battles is so complicated to describe, but it happened almost in an instant.

The Ear Immortal sat and watched with ease, all the reactions of the Hai Clan prince were caught, and all the resistances were broken ahead of time. From start to finish, there was no chance.

So much so that he had already manifested the sea lord's true form in the first time.

A terrifying sea beast like a mountain indeed appeared on the spot.

But only the body.

His Taoist head had been cut off first.

It all happened so fast!

So much so that this head has been held by Jiang Wang, and his body is still in the instinct of manifesting the true nature of the sea lord.

Wu Duqiu on the Feiyunlou boat hadn't recovered from the shock of "Marquis Wu'an rushing into the formation alone, and the Feiyun ship fired all arrows", he saw Marquis Wu'an pick off the enemy's head and return it.

Beheading the enemy's head among thousands of troops is like searching for something!

He and the champion Hou Chongxuanzun can be regarded as friends, of course they have always understood the strength of Marquis Wu'an. After all, these two are called double pride. But it wasn't until today that he realized that he might not know how powerful Champion Hou is, and he had never really seen the edge of Wu Anhou!

At this moment, he opened his eyes for a moment, but he saw him walking away on the clouds, indescribably calm and unrestrained on this bloody battlefield.

Marquis Wu'an of the Great Qi overlooked the group of enemies, raised his bloody head high in his hands, and moved his feet to Dao Yuan, shouting in a loud voice: "Your commander-in-chief—"

Halfway through shouting, he turned his head and caught the sight of a sea clan at random, his red eyes were indifferent: "What king?"

The sea warrior stammered: "Bat... Bat Mountain King."

As soon as the words fell, blood and tears flowed from the eyes, and the corpse fell into the air.

"Bat Mountain King!" Jiang Wang continued: "The Bat Mountain King is dead! The one who killed him is Jiang Wang of Qi State! Those who want to die, come forward!"

The corners of his clothes fluttered, and his sword roared.

His voice shook the whole field, and turned into thunder, bombarding and killing the remnants of the Sea Clan!

There is no solid army formation, no core leader, and no strong man who can stand up to Jiang Wang.

Under such circumstances, no matter where Jiang Wang went or where Hai Clan's head rolled, they had no ability to resist. After a few rounds of touring, the Sea Clan army, which still holds the numerical advantage, has collapsed!

The defenders of the floating island also launched a full-scale counterattack at this time.

Jiang Wang casually threw the head of the Bat Mountain King on the deck, and said in a very indifferent voice: "General Wu, there is a saying in the art of war, capture the thief first and capture the king!"

This is a response to Wu Duqiu's question.

Wu Duqiu was a general of the Spring Death Army before, and he fought under the command of Duhou Caodu, which is very appreciated. It can be regarded as a talented soldier in the army, and the art of war is not unreasonable. The purpose of coming to the Lost Realm to guard an island is to experience oneself and seek opportunities for God to come.

After all, if the gap between heaven and man is not crossed, it is difficult to cross the mountain above the general position. Like the late Lord Chongxuan, who used his troops like a god, never lost a single battle in all previous battles, made military achievements repeatedly, and could single-handedly teach the famous general Chongxuan Mingtu... after all, there is only one.

If you don't become a god, it is difficult to protect yourself on the big battlefield, and you can basically reach the top of the military rank as a general.

Old Hou Ye Chongxuan had such a legendary experience, and even with the support of Chongxuan's family, he has never been able to take charge of Qiusha, which is a lifelong regret.

If he, Wu Duqiu, can succeed, he will return to the army in the future, and Marshal Chen Zeqing will also reserve a place for him, and he can even follow Duhou to serve in the Tianfu army.

From his point of view, the phrase "capture the thief first captures the king" directly points to the core of the problem, and of course it is considered the essence of the art of war.

But it doesn't make sense to say that this statement is the best in the art of war.

But watching the battle situation reversed in an instant.

Looking at the sea warriors who had completely collapsed and fled in all directions.

This is too reasonable!

Champion Hou often said that "the way is true, and the nature of falsehood is eliminated", isn't it the same in the art of war?

The two peerless geniuses can be said to be heroes who see the same thing!

Wu Duqiu was silent for a long while, and said sincerely: "Master Hou is so strategic!"

Before the lingering sound fell, the Feiyunlou ship was full of blazing lights, and it had already crashed into the fleeing sea tribe. Crossbow arrows, ramming horns, long spears, and secret arts of the army array... this ordnance born for war began to slaughter wantonly!

On the completely chaotic battlefield, a flash of lightning flashed around, and after killing countless people, it rushed to Jiang Wang, turned into a tall and thin middle-aged man, and bowed down: "Mo Shiyi has met Marquis Wu'an! A great favor is hard to repay, and I don't know what to say." cloud!"

Wu Duqiu is the deputy island owner of the first floating island in Xinyou.

The owner of this island, Mo Shiyi, is the number one master of the Mo family in Baizhi County, Qi State, and the only god-facing monk of the human race in the Xinyou area.

Because of the particularity of the lost world, he is not well known by people.

The most famous member of Bai Zhi Mo's family is the younger generation Mo Liancheng. He is also a talented person. Before the Yellow River Conference started, he was once popular among the people. Many people expected him to represent the country in the battle outside the Yellow River Conference. Of course, after his conflict with Chongxuanzun, the story that he would take a detour whenever he met Chongxuanzun is often discussed.

Wu Duqiu, as Chong Xuanzun's friend, worked with Mo Shiyi, and some people would feel that it was more or less awkward. But when Xinyou Fudao was in danger, Mo Shiyi stayed on the island and stood firm, Wu Duqiu broke through and asked for help, each of them fought for his life without complaining... This is undoubtedly a model of Xiangyi, and it can also be regarded as the embodiment of the heroic spirit of the Qi army.

No king of the sea clan is weak, and those who can guard one side in the lost world, and confront the prince of the sea clan, are not weak at all. For example, Ding Jingshan and Mo Shiyi can all be squeezed on the dividing line of Qiangshenlin.

They are also gods, and they are very respectful to Jiang Wang. What they worship is the love for saving the floating island, and what they worship is the honor of the prince of the country.

Jiang Wang helped him up: "Pao Ze will be saved, no thanks."

His eyes swept over the human corpses strewn about on the floating island: "It's better to behead more enemies and comfort the heroic spirits."

"Flag up!" he shouted.

On the Feiyunlou ship, which was rushing to kill wantonly, the runner started. A large flag was hoisted on the mast, fluttering in the wind, with a purple face and a red face, and the stab said "Wu'an".

At this time, above the building boat, there were two large flags flying.

A flag of latitude and longitude represents Daqi.

One flag of Wu'an represents Jiang Wang.

"Island Master Mo, you can't rest for the time being." Jiang Wang said: "Please attract elite soldiers and take me to the second floating island to rescue there."

Mo Shiyi said politely: "The last general takes orders!"

Immediately, he flew away and summoned soldiers capable of fighting.

Fang Yuanyou sighed in his heart, seeing that Lord Hou really didn't intend to lead the troops himself, so he had no choice but to command the Feiyunlou boat and follow Mo Shiyi.

Obviously strong bows, strong crossbows, large ships and heavy troops, well-trained soldiers, skilled and powerful soldiers... They can be regarded as strong reinforcements wherever they go, why is there always a sense of burden next to Lord Hou?

Get out of the boat at every turn!

"General Wu!" Jiang Wang said again: "Please show me the way, let's go to the third floating island to see the situation."

There shouldn't be a second Sea Clan prince in Xinyou area, if there was one, it would have already appeared outside the first floating island.

At this time, Xinyou's Second Floating Island was not known to have fallen, but the marine troops stationed there would definitely not be able to stop Mo Shiyi and Feiyunlou boat.

On the contrary, Xinyou's third floating island was lost strangely, and it had been lost for a few days, so there was an even more unpredictable risk.

The chasing and killing on the battlefield continued, but the noise became more and more silent.

Those who run fast have already run away, and those who cannot run fast have been killed. The remaining sporadic teams can't make any ripples.

As for the soldiers on the first floating island, they have been besieged for a long time, and they have also experienced a large formation being breached and a Jedi counterattack. At this time, most of them are paralyzed on the ground and do not want to move.

Du Tong, Dui Zheng, and some elite fighters who still had enough strength, patrolled the battlefield back and forth. While making up for the undead sea tribe, they also helped up the limp brothers, tried to make them sit up, and helped them adjust their breathing and straighten out their bodies. Qi and blood.

Boxes of qi and blood pills, dao yuan stones, and various wound medicines in the basement were dragged out and distributed by area.

From time to time, there were cries of pain, screams, and laughter from time to time.

Although the battle is fierce, those who can clean the battlefield alive are luckier than those who lie down and are cleaned.

Jiang Wang didn't pay too much attention to the battlefield, and seized the time to let Wu Duqiu lead the way to Xinyou's third floating island.

"General Wu." On the way of flying, Lord Jiang casually said in a tone of 'I'll test you': "Island Master Mo and this Marquis are going to save the second floating island by boat, and this Marquis and you Come to the third floating island, what does this mean in the art of war?"

Wu Duqiu didn't know why the Marquis of Wu'an always mentioned the art of war to him. It was a bit baffling, but he answered honestly: "This is called advancing at the same time, directly attacking Huanglong?"

Lord Jiang gave a "huh" with no expression on his face, but he felt much more relaxed in his heart.

I know how to write the report to Qi Shuai afterwards...

Starting from Jueming Island this time, the military mission to assist in the defense of Dingmao Floating Island is almost certain to fail.

In the military law of the Qi State, "failure" is considered a relatively dangerous crime, but it is also very flexible. The most serious is even "the whole army will be beheaded", and the lightest one only needs to flog the commander.

The consequences of the "failure" and the causes of the "failure" are all factors that affect the charge.

The displacement of the maze is an objective reason, and it is an objective reason that Jiang Wang and other god-faced powerhouses cannot control. It cannot be predicted and cannot be reversed. The "lost schedule" caused by this, no matter what the consequences are, are not too serious.

Because this is something that no one can avoid in that situation.

In this case, the soldiers are innocent, and the commander who only bears the responsibility of leadership needs to bear a certain degree of accountability.

Of course, no matter how light the accountability is, the dignified Marquis of Wu'an, who was held accountable the first time he led troops out alone, would somewhat lose his dignity.

But in the process of "losing his promise", he also led the rescue of Xinyou Fudao, beheaded the king of the sea tribe, and defeated the army of the sea tribe. This is more merit than demerit.

Rewards are needed for great achievements, but small punishments can be eliminated.

The "robbed must be rescued" "conquered" by Wu Duqiu can also slightly cover Qi Shuai's military orders!

Wait until all the Xinyouhai people are wiped out, and all the human floating islands are returned.

Who can say that Marquis Wu'an didn't know soldiers?

Thanks to the book friend "Mr. Butter Tea" for becoming the leader of this book! It's for the 411th League of the Chixin Sky Survey!

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