Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1877 One Man Against One City

It is often said that military strategists are ruthless, and military strategists are ruthless. After witnessing thousands of deaths again and again, death is a numb thing!

Since his debut, Jiang Wang has experienced the battle of Qiyang, the battle of Ding Jingshan on Ding Weifu Island and the White Elephant King, the battle of Xingyueyuan, the battle of Qixia, the battle of Wunan, the human race and monster race...

He has repeatedly built martial arts, and even made him a Marquis with military merits.

He has a clear understanding of the cruelty of war and has seen too much life and death.

But when he and Wu Duqiu came to Xinyou's third floating island, he was still silent for a long time.

Here the blood is drawn into a canal, and the white bones are dismantled into a fence.

Human heads paved the road, winding above the floating island.

Overlooking the huge floating island from a height, you can see that all the buildings on the island have been bulldozed. All human magic circles were destroyed, and all valuable things were scraped away. Not even a few complete square bricks can be seen.

Looking around, only in the very center of the floating island, there are three huge quagmires standing in three directions.

Looking closer, it wasn't mud, but human flesh and blood.

Stirred into such a thick appearance, it is still bubbling non-stop.

There is indeed no need for the Sea Clan army to be stationed here, because there is nothing here anymore.

The road paved with human heads connected the three flesh and blood quagmires and extended outwards.

In this way, a total of six roads have been extended from this quagmire triangle.

Those were terrified faces, facing the high sky of the floating island in pain and helplessness.

All these pictures on the floating island are not just a totem exaggerating terror. Rather, it has a certain magic circle that refers to it, as if it is gestating something terrifying.

Wu Duqiu covered his face and remained silent.

He is the deputy island owner of the first floating island in Xinyou, and the first floating island is the strongest force of the human race in the Xinyou region. He and Mo Shiyi are responsible for the entire human race in the Xinyou region!

There is nothing more humiliating to be a general than to lose one's land and die.

The hatred of death and life has not reached the torture of a corpse.

He was still injured, and he was also wearing blood and holding the broken sword, but he failed to defend the soil, and how many steps too late!

And Jiang Wang has set foot on the floating island, walking in this real and concrete hell.

The nose smelled of blood, and there seemed to be howling in the ears, and there was no purgatory in the world beyond the eyes. He walked forward step by step, along the road paved with human skulls, approaching the quagmire made of flesh and blood.

With every step, there is a breeze flowing, lifting the painful heads one by one.


The sound of the wind is the only sound on Xinyou's third floating island.

Wu Duqiu's pain was silent.

Jiang Wang's footsteps were silent.

When he finally reached the bloody quagmire, the wind that passed over the entire third floating island also held all the heads together.

Dazzling red soars.

There is fire in the wind, and it burns.

"Ah! ah! ah!"

Suddenly, there was a strange scream in the flesh and blood quagmire.

A monster with a strange appearance rushed out from the bottom of the quagmire. Its body is like a huge loach, but it has centipede-like centipedes. There is a row of inverted bone spurs on the back, with black threads at the bottom and fine holes at the tip, like breathing, steadily exhaling foul-smelling poisonous gas.

The most striking thing is the hat-like sores on the top of its head. The skin of the sores is wrinkled, and through several cracks, meat paste is constantly flowing out.

This species is not seen in "Sea Beast Minutes".

It may be a new war beast bred by the Sea Clan.

Obviously, this guy survives and grows by devouring the flesh and blood of the human race.

I don't know how many corpses were smashed into flesh after their bones were taken out, so that such a quagmire of flesh and blood was created, and such a vicious beast was formed!

The path of the destroyed human head obviously affected the layout of a certain existence here, and also affected the growth of this evil beast, which made it stop eating and stick its head out, using the disgusting, pus-dripping pus on its forehead. His one eye stared at Jiang Wang.


Before it completely jumped out of the bloody quagmire.

The one eye on its forehead was ignited by the red flame first!

The flames spread on the body of this evil beast, quickly covered the flesh and blood quagmire, and then extended to the other two.

For a moment, the muddy blood was completely red.



Horrible screams came and went.

In these three bloody quagmires, such evil beasts drilled out one after another,

The flesh and blood quagmire seems to be bottomless, and the thorny beasts seem to be endless!

The poisonous gas ejected from the tip of the bone spurs was originally thin, but when they touched each other, they suddenly became stronger. The poison was so heavy that there were phantoms of evil beasts in the void!

Jiang Wang's golden body and chalcedony were suddenly cold.

There is a chance to threaten the poisonous gas of the monks of God's presence!

If such vicious beasts are put on the battlefield, once the number increases, the poisonous gas will be strong to a certain extent...the degree of ferocity is unpredictable.

Jiang Wang's eyes turned to red gold, and his gaze circled around a large circle, followed by a bright line of fire, enclosing the three quagmire of flesh and blood.

Turning out Bi Fangyin with his left hand, in the phantom of the one-legged divine bird, raging flames suddenly rose.

The wires of fire were pulled up into a curtain of fire, like an upside-down crimson hood, which tightly locked the evil beasts that kept coming out, and also the poisonous gas that was rapidly invading outwards.

The samadhi is really hot, and the ground becomes a prison!

These war beasts cultivated with the flesh and blood of all the races on the third floating island of Xinyou, of course have more abilities than poisonous gas, but under the true fire of samadhi that Jiang Wang is fully mobilizing, they have no more room for display.

His body and bones, like snow meeting the scorching sun, quickly melted in the flames!

The black poisonous gas that was so thick that it could not be melted was also burned into white smoke by the flames, and burned into nothingness.

This fire is scorching hot, the more it burns, the more blazing it is.

The more burning and killing, the more ferocious!

It takes more than ten breaths to burn and kill the first thorny beast.

After staying for more than ten breaths, they were almost on fire, not even giving them a chance to scream.

Jiang Wang has never been so unreserved in stimulating the true fire of Samadhi. What he has always pursued is to end the battle in the most appropriate way at the most appropriate time.

But at this moment, the fire in my heart can only be ignited by the flames outside my body!

The scarlet fire swam on his body, flying over the entire floating island.

The raging flames almost burned the void out of the rainbow shadow!

Burn and kill the stinging beasts, and also burn the mud of flesh and blood.

Hundreds of evil beasts were erased, and even the screams stopped. And the three flesh and blood quagmires continued to sink and sink, and with the speed of the flames' attack, they sank to the bottom crazily.

During this process, there were still spiky monsters jumping out, and they were still mercilessly erased.

"who is it!?"

Right at the bottom of the flesh and blood quagmire in front of Jiang Wang, there was a sudden sound of anger.

The muddy flesh and blood surged, and quickly gathered into a figure, raised his palm, and forced the raging flames into the air!

From this flesh and blood body, came a sinister voice: "Dare to disturb this king's pet island?"

Still in the flowing flesh mud, a pair of blood-colored eyes suddenly opened, looking at the top of the blood and flesh mud, a pair of red-gold eyes just projected down!

"Human race?"

Under the blood-colored eyes, flesh and blood protruded from the nose and lips.

This is a sinister face, representing Yu Guangyuan, one of the most powerful talents of the sea clan.

He thought it was some ignorant sea clan who broke in by mistake, but he didn't expect that with the current situation in the Xinyou area, his pet island would still be disturbed by humans!

The mouth opened, and the fangs bared: "The Bat Mountain King is such a waste! When this king turns around, he must be skinned and cramped!"

The flames are raging, burning away all pain and filth.

The flesh and blood quagmire has been burned into a deep pit at this time.

Standing on the edge of the first deep pit, Jiang Wang looked down at the strong body made of flesh and blood at the bottom, and kept the appearance of this strong man of the sea clan firmly in his heart: "Is it the Bat Mountain King? This Marquis has already done it for me. .”

The strong man, made of flesh and blood, grinned grimly: "It's actually a lord! The rank and order are orderly, and there are differences between princes and princes. Since you see the king, why don't you worship?"

Jiang Wang looked at him expressionlessly: "The lord of this Marquis comes from the overlord of the world. The personality of this Marquis is recognized by the world. He holds the power of mountains and water, and entrusts the heaven and the land. What kind of king are you? Where are you sealed? ? The 198th trench in the sea?"

Yu Guangyuan squinted his eyes and said with a malicious smile: "Shameless thief, do you really think you are the master of this world? Human race is such a disgusting creature, it has been consistent from ancient times to the present!"

Jiang Wang's eyes were calm, and his voice was even calmer: "The mouse in the gutter is's ridiculous."

At the bottom of the flesh and blood quagmire, the blood-colored eyes were violent for a moment, but then subsided into a kind of ruthless indifference: "If you dare to mess with my pet island, if you dare to show your teeth to me, you might as well report your name."

The flames reflected the sky behind Jiang Wang red, as if a long cloak was tied on him, this scene will never disappear in Yu Guangyuan's world.

And his voice was also clear and self-sufficient, he only replied two words - "Jiang Wang."

Yu Guangyuan was stunned for a moment, and his eyes became crazy again: "Huhohohoho, you are the proud life of that human race?! Marquis Wu'an of Qi State?"

Jiang Wang frowned slightly: "What is arrogance?"

"Hahahaha!" Yu Guangyuan looked up to the sky and laughed wildly: "Well said, arrogance is nothing! I'm starting to like you a little bit!"

Jiang Wang said indifferently: "You are not even as good as arrogance, let alone nothing."

The wild laughter stopped abruptly, and he looked at Jiang Wang coldly: "These centipede stinging poisonous beasts are just the silk gold I paid in advance...wait for me to find you."

"You must not get lost." Jiang Wang said.

Those raging flames that had been lingering in the air for a long time came crashing down, emptying the whole quagmire of flesh and blood!

Wu Duqiu flew over at this time, and said seriously: "This guy should be Yu Guangyuan, the strongest one among the descendants of the Blood King. He is crazy and powerful, and he knows everything. Many war beasts of the Sea Clan belong to him." Creation... If he had been here, it would be no wonder that the third floating island fell silently."

With the quality of a general, he calmly analyzed: "Yu Guangyuan didn't participate in the siege of the first floating island. Firstly, he believed that the strength of the Sea Clan here was sufficient. In addition, he probably had more important things to do. Combined with these The existence of what he called the Centipede Stinging Beast, and the status quo of the third floating island, I think he is constructing some kind of ritual to seek a breakthrough."

Jiang Wang didn't speak, a bean heart jumped on his fingertips, jumped a few times, and twirled wildly at his fingertips!

Yancao lowered her head, as if in remembrance.

How could he have so much free time to chat with Yu Guangyuan, every sentence, every glance is just to write down Yu Guangyuan's spirit and imprint his feelings.

At this moment, the flames shining through the floating island gradually dimmed.

Jiang Wang withdrew his fingers and walked forward, the flames were flying, the green shirt was dancing, and the bean heart fire crashed into the red pupils!


This is an echo that only exists at the level of the soul.

A crystal-clear thought, like a diamond or pearl, flew into the Temple of Yun.

The god sitting on the throne spread out his palms and let this thought fall into his palms.

At a certain moment, a little blood smudged away, and in the crystal clear thoughts, a sinister and crazy face was clearly reflected, and it was Yu Guangyuan.

Do not forget, such as the heart tied to the dust.

This thought is a fairy thought!

This is the peak level that this secret technique has shown since it was created.

Jiang Wang will not wait for Yu Guangyuan to find him.

Because...he was going to find Yu Guangyuan!

No matter how heavy the Guanshan is, no matter how many boundary rivers.

The bloody storm also meets.

"Is there a bridge on your body?" Jiang Wang closed his eyes and felt for a while, then opened his eyes and asked.

Wu Duqiu took out the crossing bridge from the storage box: "There is only this one, prepared for going to other realms for help."

Jiang Wang didn't pick up this one, turned around and walked out: "Take me to the nearest sea nest."

Wu Duqiu froze for a moment, didn't say anything nonsense, and flew away.

Two figures, one in front and one behind, cut through the sky and went far away.

behind them.

The endless flame expands and retracts, closing in a little bit. The third floating island of Xinyou was completely burned, and there has been no trace since then.


Wu Duqiu was born in a serious army, and he worked his way through the strong army of Daqi. Familiar with the art of war and battle formation, read through the classics of military books, and know all about the famous generals and bureaus all the time.

What he admired the most in his life was Duhou's suffocating and iron wall-like tactics that suffocated his opponents.

He has not been in the Lost Realm for a long time, but he is already familiar with the sea clan's battle plan.

He is familiar with dozens of battle formations commonly used by the Hai Clan and hundreds of battle formations that are not commonly used, and he knows how to deal with them.

How to break the Sea Nest, how to transform the Sea Nest, how to make use of the maze environment, how to maximize the advantage...all have a lot of experience.

Destroying sea nests is a big project.

What leads snakes out of holes, builds bridges to offer roads, shifts geomantic omens, hits seas and shakes mountains, depending on the situation, there are many others.

He didn't know how the war was fought—

Marquis Wu'an asked him to lead the way, without saying a word or asking for any information.

After arriving outside Xinyou's second sea nest, Marquis Wu'an only said once and backed away.


Wu Duqiu felt that the entire Xinyou Realm was shaking.

Both body and soul froze for a moment, as if placed in an endless void.

The terrifying turbulence of vitality almost made him unable to stand still.

Then he saw—

The frosty wind blows into a white cloak, and the red fire dances all over the sky.

The pupils of red gold are eternal and immortal like gods and demons.

Five rounds of blazing light rushed into the sky and hit the ground like a scorching sun.

A long sword seems to come from the sky, and the sky pillar breaks.

It bumped straight into Haichao, and onto the nest-protecting array.

Wu Duqiu looked at all this in disbelief, saw the whole fully armed, ferocious sea nest, and was shaken by this sword!

The four star towers are raised in the sky.

Endless starlight overwhelms the sky!

On this day, Wu Duqiu saw the sky and the sky in the confusing world.

Seeing the Marquis Wu'an of Daqi who truly liberated his power, he used the sword tilted from the sky to blast Haichao over and over again!

Whatever bone guns, flame arrows, or flying stones you want.

No matter what kind of spell, what kind of war beast, what kind of sea clan ordnance.

Before this sword, everything is empty!

boom! boom! boom!

Like the legendary Yan Luo knocking on the door!

The nest-protecting array covering the entire Xinyou Second Sea Nest was wiped out in the last bombardment.

What followed was the fear that permeated the entire Sea Nest!

Although the main force of the Sea Clan in the Xinyou area was strongly defeated outside the first floating island of the human race, the defeated soldiers were scattered and blood flowed into rivers.

However, the necessary defense forces in Sea Nest still exist, and the nest protection array has sufficient energy.

Regardless of the floating island sea nest, it is a military fortress, comparable to a real heroic city.

And Jiang Wang man against one city!

Thanks to everyone's kindness, I took this year's Twelve Heavenly Kings.

There is no reward for accompanying me all the way.

All I have to do is to pull out my hair and try to write a more exciting plot, so that the world of fairy tales can come to an end safely, complete the vision in my heart, and let us have no regrets.

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