Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1878: Envoy the Champion Hou here

Regardless of the floating island sea nest, in most cases, the monks in the outer building and the commander-level sea clan can guard a place.

In some places where the confrontation is fierce, there will be monks from the gods and princes from the sea clan.

Now that Yu Guangyuan is gone, the Bat Mountain King is dead, and the main force of the Hai Clan has been defeated, the Xinyou area can be said to be left to run rampant.

However, a war fortress like Haichao, which has been in operation for a long time, can still bring a great sense of security to the Haizu fighters. Most of the scattered Sea Clan fighters gathered in Sea Nest.

Just like Mo Shiyi relied on the defense system of the first floating island to block the siege of the sea tribe army that was several times larger than his own, and only survived until Wu Duqiu broke through, and Jiang Wang came to help.

Under normal circumstances, even if there is no King of the Sea Clan in charge, there is no main force, just relying on the existing Sea Clan fighters to guard the nest, more or less can support it for a period of time.

It's a pity they met Jiang Wang.

The five mansions are fully opened, the supernatural powers are fully displayed, and the sword is extremely powerful, and the sword is repeatedly bombarded. This intensity has exceeded the perception of many sea people.

The energy replenished by Yuanshi couldn't keep up with the consumption of the large formation.

The sea warriors are known for their physique, vigor and blood, but under such bombardment, rows of sea warriors were directly sucked into mummies by the formation!

Even though there are many brave fighters among the sea clan fighters, they still cannot keep up with the same sentence.

When attacking the city in the Qixia battlefield, he used different costumes, cheated and sneaked, exhausted all means, and took many risks.

Now directly and strongly break through the level, facing the bang head-on, and blasting the nest-protecting formation to the ground!

Ordinary monks of God's presence must not do this.

Ordinary strong gods can't do it!

The steel-colored light curtain shattered into streamers.

The radiant Jiang Wangti sword stepped into it!

The floating island of the human race is a floating island, and there is actually no difference between the buildings and the land. It is only specific to each floating island, which has different architectural styles.

The Sea Nest of the Sea Clan is a three-dimensional, spherical large structure. From the midline part can be divided into upper and lower halves.

The lower part is like an upside-down's a seamount, not a landmount. It is densely covered with fissures, deep and dull, and there are several feet long floating aquatic plants, like the tentacles of a sea nest.

In the crevices of the mountains, small fishes that are as thin as flying knives can occasionally be seen passing through.

There are a few weird eyes that show signs from time to time. They should all be small sea beasts raised by the sea clan, with the ability to scout and attack.

In the upper part of the sea nest, the outermost spikes are reversed and gather towards the middle, like flower petals.

The inner "stamen" part is like a huge black iron cover, impervious to light, and nothing can be seen. Only when it was in a state of war did it show dense square passage openings, making it look like a honeycomb built of steel rods.

Those bone guns, flame arrows, flying stones, and even all kinds of large-scale attacks are all launched outwards through these corridors.

The four sides of the tunnel are engraved with complex patterns, which can increase the attack speed and attack power.

At the moment when the nest-protecting formation was broken, many Sea Clan fighters rushed out from these passages.

"Brothers, charge with me!"

"Fighting for the Sea Clan is now!"

None of the races that can survive in the world lack heroes, and none lack bloody bravery.

Although Jiang Wang was so powerful, the soldiers stationed at Haichao still launched a desperate charge.

Jiang Wang strode forward, facing the charge of thousands of troops, and only slashed with his sword——

Thousands of sword silks fly like snow, and one sword kills the head!

Infinite star power, majestic Dao Yuan, all in one blow.

Even if Zhang Xun comes back to life, the sword will no longer be sharp.

Threads of terrifying sword energy poured down like a river of heaven, rushed into these passages arbitrarily, twisted out a pile of broken flesh and bones, and chopped off all the patterns carved on the four walls indistinctly.

Jiang Wang stepped on the rush of sword energy, like riding a translucent flying beast, and cut open more than a dozen corridors at the same time, as if opening a skylight for this sea nest! He jumped down from the skylight and fell into the criss-crossing interior of Haichao's bridges.

His red-gold eyes roamed around, wherever he looked, a real fire could start a prairie fire!

With a flick of the long sword, the sword screamed like thunder.

The flashing thunder turned into swords, spears and halberds, killing wantonly among the sea warriors.

One by one, the warriors of the sea clan flew forward to kill him, and he was unstoppable with his sword in his hand!

There was no chance, no possibility of resistance. In this strong human race, the sea warriors on Xinyou's second floating island felt nothing but despair.

No matter how brave they are, what tactics they use, how they surround and attack... they can only be annihilated in the roaring sword energy in the end.

This is a massacre!

Jiang Wang fought from the upper level to the lower level, piercing through more than ten army formations back and forth, without even scratching his own blood. Ten kills in one step, and the fingers are wiped out in ashes.

Wu Duqiu blocked outside for a while, only saw the brilliant fire, only heard the roaring thunder, but did not see deserters for a long time. It also flew down from the "skylight". But there were stumps all over the place, blood gushing like a river... There were still some residual flames, swaying and falling in the air.

As far as he could see, there was not a single living thing.

There are quite a few powerful sea clansmen who have shown their true nature as sea lords, and they didn't leave any traces of battle at all, which just made the corpses in the sea nest even more bloated.

He flew across the bridges connecting the internal buildings of Hai Nest, looking for the undissipated sword energy, and saw the figure in green shirt holding a sword in the extraordinarily tall warehouse of the Hai Clan.

After such a fierce fight, his body was spotless, and he still walked calmly.

For some reason, Wu Duqiu suddenly remembered that Chongxuanzun gave him a way to defeat Jiang Wang under his questioning once——

"He is a real strong man who has fought all the way from the Traveling Pulse Realm to the God Realm Realm. He truly possesses the ultimate fighting talent and is flawless. If you want to defeat him, the only way is to be stronger than him."

At that time, he felt that this was nonsense. Who do you want to defeat, must you not be better than that person?

So at that time he sneered and said: "If I want to beat Marquis Wu An, do I have to prove myself a real person?"

But at that time Chong Xuanzun just smiled and didn't say much.

Today, under such a scene, he vaguely understood Chong Xuanzun's expression.

If it was him, Wu Duqiu, it might be true...

"What are you thinking?" Wu Anhou asked suddenly.

Of course Wu Duqiu couldn't say, I was thinking about how to defeat you, so I just asked: "Do you want to go to other sea nests?"

This place is said to be the warehouse of the Sea Clan, but it is more like a beast pen.

One by one, the beasts were lying on the ground, motionless.

The sea environment is harsh and resources are extremely scarce. There are not many materials for making storage boxes at all, and the powerhouses of the Sea Clan are already stretched. However, the storage box is an extremely important strategic material, which is indispensable everywhere.

In this case, the Sea Clan created the "Sac Beast\

,"It has two wings and four legs, and can fly and run. But the life expectancy is less than ten years old, and only one sac will live in a lifetime. The sac on the back is like a huge water bag, which shakes slightly with breathing, and there are a lot of storage inside.

Forcibly grafting the storage ability on sea beasts is the main reason why such sea beasts don't live long. This "sac" is a storage pouch for the Sea Clan, but for the Sac Beast, it is actually a fatal thing, robbing the host's essence and blood all the time. So sacs need to eat frequently, and the reason why they often lie still is because of pain rather than docility.

But in any case, being able to breed various new types of war sea beasts according to the needs of the ethnic group is a very remarkable talent and enjoys a lofty status among the sea clan.

They are often referred to as "sage teachers".

It is worth mentioning that Yu Guangyuan is currently the best teacher of the younger generation of the Hai Clan. It's just that his crazy and violent temperament and powerful force often cover up this.

Jiang Wang casually peeled off a pouch, took out the maze crystals stored inside, and said in a low voice: "Leave the rest of the sea nest to yourselves, I have other important matters. The resources of the tribe should be used to consolidate the island defense as soon as possible."

Capture a sea nest without loss, and the harvest is not insignificant

Wu Duqiu looked at the hundreds of beasts in the barn, and didn't know what mood he was in for a moment, but he replied instinctively: "The last general takes orders."

"General Wu." Seeing the posture of this real soldier, Jiang Wang asked again: "Do you think that a general at the level of this Marquis has the right to adapt to the situation when he is under military orders?"

"Of course!" Wu Duqiu said without hesitation, "The battlefield changes rapidly, and the opportunity is fleeting. If you can't change on the fly, how can there be a teacher who is always victorious? As the saying goes, the general is out, and the king's fate is not acceptable. Don't Speaking of Lord Hou, the last general will have to fight on the battlefield. You come to rescue Xinyou Fudao, it makes sense based on emotion, reason and law, and Qi Shuai will not be harsh if you think about it."

"General Wu is a veteran general in the army. I will definitely agree with what you said. General Wu and Champion Hou are friends. If he is here, he will be with me." Jiang Wang said, and changed the subject directly: "After you return to the island, tell Fang Yuanyou, the commander of my personal guard, to let him carry out the military order himself, and go to the Dingmao boundary to complete the defense. I will join him as soon as possible."

Wu Duqiu was dumbfounded.

You said there are other important things, not to implement the original military order?

Wait, my personal opinion of Wu Duqiu, why does it represent the champion?

Hello! where to! ?

Countless questions are stuck in the throat, and they will eventually stop at the throat.

Because Marquis Wu An has already left in style.

Seeing that the flames around him were getting hotter and hotter, he could only "wheeze" and drive all these beasts out of the barn and sea nest first.

The battle was won, and the capture was abundant, but for Wu Duqiu, he really had no sense of experience.

Neither the "guide" nor the "herdsman" can get along with a general of the Spring Death Army.

Behind them is the gradually brilliant flame, and in front of them are groups of fat and big sac beasts.

Wu Duqiu watched all directions with his eyes and listened to all directions, and drove these reluctant beasts to fly to his floating island.

During this process, he suddenly thought - the emperor wants Marquis Wu'an to learn the art of war, he intentionally let Marquis Wu'an enter the military hall, and looks forward to the next Great Qi Army God... Many people can understand these things. But Marquis Wu'an himself, is he willing?

Ouch, bold.

He shook his head and smiled, how dare he compare Marquis Wu'an to a beast?



When Marquis Wu An was in the Demon Realm, the Champion Marquis was in the Lost Realm.

When the Marquis of Wu'an came to the Fan Realm, the Champion Marquis went to the Demon Realm.

As the prestige of these two peerless geniuses grew and their martial arts became more prosperous, the possibility of them appearing on the same battlefield became less and less.

Since eggs are not easy to put in the same basket, even a hegemony like Da Qi cannot bear the risk of losing two peerless talents at the same time. It is because, no matter the champion or Wu'an, they already have the ability to influence the outcome of a big battle. Their appearance on the same battlefield is a serious waste of resources in many cases.

People at that time called it the "Twin Walls of the Empire", and they really deserved this reputation.

Looking at the world, it is rare among peers.

Jiang Wang's appreciation and respect for Zhong Xuanzun has never been concealed. Of course, he never shied away from fighting or competing with Chong Xuan Zun.

When encountering some problems, he would often ask himself, if Chong Xuanzun were placed in this situation, what choice would he make?

Of course, sometimes Chongxuanzun would be replaced by Chongxuansheng, Wang Changji, Yin Guan, and even... Zhang Linchuan.

It's just that, relatively speaking, Chongxuanzun's straight-pointed authentic style of looting is easier for him to feel.

Leaving Xinyou's second sea nest, Jiang Wang went to look for the next boundary river with his arms full of mazes.

Magic crystals are priceless, one or two equals about a hundred primordial stones. Of course, this is just a deformed value based on the special circumstances of the maze world, and I'm afraid it won't be recognized by too many people outside the maze world.

In any case, Lord Jiang also made a fortune for a short time, although the wealth was destined to be squandered.

Boundary rivers are not a constant number. After the displacement of the maze, some disappear and some are born, sometimes more, sometimes less.

He came to the Xinyou region from the Gengwu region. After rescuing a floating island, cleaning a floating island, and destroying a sea nest, the pointer in his hand, which represents the highest level of Daqi military use, has begun to receive some sporadic messages.

Like every change in the past, the Terran is building a new map at the fastest speed to meet the challenges that may arise at any time.

Jiang Wang himself kept adding information to the director during the flight.

After such a long time of face-to-face "communication", recalling and adding Nianchen could have accurately captured the target. But in such a special environment as the Mystery Realm, he could only vaguely notice the traces of Yu Guangyuan—this was enough.

Soon after finding another new boundary river in the Xinyou area, Jiang Wang threw himself into the maze without hesitation, and crossed the river in the short moment when the rules were stable.

The crossing bridge specially made with maze as raw material can use the least maze to stabilize the rule for the longest time. It is convenient for the passage of the army. Ordinary monks cannot cross the river without this treasure.

But at Jiang Wang's level, one breath took too long.

The reason why he pursued Yu Guangyuan so urgently that he had planned in advance how to report to Qi Shuai was certainly not out of personal hatred or anger.

The "pet island" left by Yu Guangyuan in the Xinyou area made him feel dangerous while being angry.

This thief is not dead, I don't know how many floating islands will suffer.

The extremely bloody scenes and the ferocious and weird totems are not just about cultivating new war beasts.

At least when he was staring at the quagmire of flesh and blood, he clearly felt the connection between Yu Guangyuan and those hundred-legged thorn beasts, which was very close to the influence he had on believers with the faceless statue.

Yu Guangyuan could easily destroy more floating islands in the Xinyou area, but left in a hurry after making the "Pet Island", there must be his reasons.

After a large number of "pet islands" are formed, what level will Yu Guangyuan reach?

Jiang Wang didn't want to see the answer.

I also don't want the process to continue.

Lian Que said that if you burn a few sea nests with the real fire of Samadhi, they will bloom, which is a bit taken for granted!

But there may be a chance to burn a few of the Sea Clan's geniuses to death.

Thanks to the book friend "angel Xiao'ao" ​​for becoming the leader of this book, for the 412th league of the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thanks to the book friend "Son of Bloodthirsty" for becoming the leader of this book, for the 413th Alliance of the Chixin Sky Survey!

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