Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1879 Who in the world can let Jiang Wang take the lead?

"You have one, I have one. I have one, I have another... Hey! Crunchy!"


The sound of teeth colliding with phalanges is one kind of bone crushing another.

Yu Guangyuan sat on the top of a high tower, holding a bunch of severed human fingers in his hands, eating snacks. There was a creaking sound in the mouth, and the corners of the mouth overflowed with satisfied blood.

"Stop reading." He picked up a severed finger and handed it forward, and said in a friendly way: "Come one."

In front of him, there was an old monk kneeling in the air, muttering something: "Now the heavens and the people in the future, I now entreat you to use my supernatural powers to save you from falling into the evil realms..."

"I told you to stop reading." Yu Guangyuan smiled.

The monk has no arms, so he can't put his palms together.

His knee was gouged out, so he could only sit on his knees.

Qi and blood are both declining, and it is difficult to be independent.

His ears can hear the words, and there is no incomprehension of the Taoist language, but he is deaf.

His lips were moving and he was chanting sutras.

Yu Guangyuan glanced at the giant pit in the distance.

There were circle after circle of human monks kneeling outside the huge pit, and a famous sea tribe general with a sharp knife, as soon as he received Yu Guangyuan's eyes, he immediately knocked down one of them. The sharp knife flashed coldly in the air, deftly cut some small wounds, and then stuck three fingers in... Amidst the screams of this famous human, the bones were pulled out!

The general of the Hai clan who executed the execution was very skilled in his movements. He pulled out all the bones in two or three strokes, leaving only a mass of unsupported flesh and blood. With a flick of the blade at will, he rolled into the deep pit.

Yu Guangyuan looked away and looked at the monk playfully.

The monk kneeling in front of him was still chanting sutras, his eyes closed tightly, but tears flowed from the corners of his eyes.

"Okay, don't cry." Yu Guangyuan said very gently: "Eat some snacks to ease your mood."

He took a severed finger and stuffed it into the monk's mouth.

But the old monk kept his mouth shut.

Let Yu Guangyuan poke randomly with his severed finger, his lips were smashed and a few teeth were broken, but he was determined not to eat it.

"Mom, you bald people are really stubborn!" Yu Guangyuan cursed the swear words he didn't know where he learned, and threw away the severed finger that was covered with saliva and blood.

The severed finger was completely separated in the air, the bone flew to the edge of the island, and the flesh and blood fell into the pit.

After picking through the pile of fingers for a while, he chose another one that was pleasing to the eye, put it in his mouth, and chewed angrily.

While chewing, he came up with another idea, looked at the monk in front of him and said, "I am eccentric by nature, and I like to force you to do things you don't want to do... In this way, if you eat one, I will let one go. I keep my word."

The Lost Realm is the sea frontier of the human race, and of course not only the sea people, but also the Qi State are stationed here.

Zhuo Qingru, as the true disciple of the Sanxing Palace, will come here, and a Buddhist holy place like Xuankong Temple also needs to take responsibility.

The monk kneeling in front of Yu Guangyuan is Master Jingyou of Xuankong Temple.

Although he is a pure generation, he is already very old. The golden body he obtained at the age of fifty-nine is already ninety-six this year. His master was much older than the current abbot, Master Kuming, and had passed away long ago. He guarded the floating island of the Lost Realm all the year round, and built a stone pagoda here to take care of the human monks who came to help from all directions. His healing skills are quite good, and he has saved many people.

The "Tower of Kude" located in this area of ​​Yihai is quite well-known in the fandom.

Today is over!

The very old Master Jingyou opened his closed eyes and looked straight at Yu Guangyuan.

Yu Guangyuan nodded, indicating that you bald man heard correctly.

Jingyou didn't say a word, and moved in the air with difficulty with his legs whose kneecaps had been gouged out, and approached Yu Guangyuan like this, lowered his head, and leaned close to Yu Guangyuan's outstretched left palm like a dog...biting those Fingers, eat hard!

After taking the first bite, he frowned, and the wrinkles on his face seemed to be fighting.

Then made a nauseous sound and started vomiting.

But he squeezed his lips tightly, swallowed the vomit and the severed finger in his mouth, and swallowed it all!

Just like that, he buried his head in Yu Guangyuan's hand, ate and chewed desperately, and ate up all the severed fingers that Yu Guangyuan piled up in his hand.

Then he raised his head again, like a dying fish on the shore, just looking at Yu Guangyuan.

"You still want to eat?" Yu Guangyuan asked with a smile.

The old monk Jingyou swallowed the severed finger in his mouth, let the finger bone prick his throat, and nodded vigorously!

Yu Guangyuan laughed 'hum hum', shrugging his shoulders: "But I...hahahaha...but I...I lied to you! Hahahaha..."

Master Jingyou was stunned, he looked at Yu Guangyuan in pain, jumped up like a fish, aimed at Yu Guangyuan's throat with a mouthful of rotten teeth, desperately wanted to take a bite.

But he was slapped on the bald forehead, and he froze in the air for a moment, unable to move.

Yu Guangyuan was very happy: "You are really cute, the human race is so stupid—"

A great vigilance suddenly arose in his heart, and before he even had time to press the monk under his palm to death, he had already disappeared suddenly. Disappeared from the spire and appeared outside the flattened floating island.

During this process, they made three turns in succession to create the illusion of breaking through elsewhere.

But that's not enough at all!

He realized it was too late!

In Yu Guangyuan's field of vision, a faint light suddenly jumped out.

Then, from the dim light, a very thin and sharp long sword jumped out.

His eyes, which have been tempered for thousands of years, suddenly felt tingling. Its edge has not yet arrived, its sharpness has been injured!

In the blood that suddenly blew out, Yu Guangyuan saw the surging sword energy like a tide, wave upon wave, crashing into the sea. And in that endless wave of swords, there was an extraordinarily clear line, leaping out of the wave of swords, suddenly cut off his sight, and charged in front of him!

Raise your eyes and feel the wave of swords coming, opening a line of sky out of this world!

Too fast, too abrupt, too sharp.

It is simply the result of no cause, no reason.

Yu Guangyuan closed his eyes tightly for the first time, protecting himself with raw blood, but he still shed blood and tears, and his eyeballs were cut.

While closing his eyes tightly, he also flexed his fingers to pop out a piece of white bone and a mass of flesh and blood.

White bones and red flesh are entangled in the air, creating splendor.

Using white bones as wooden pillars and flesh and blood as bamboo strips, weaved into an indestructible fence of flesh and blood, wrapping him three feet to the ground, all within the protection.

The so-called super-grade spells of the Sea Clan are inseparable from flesh and blood.

But they were separated in an instant!

The law belongs to the law, and the technique belongs to the technique.

Dao Yuan was cut open.

This fence of flesh and blood returns to flesh and blood.

The line of sky that jumped out abruptly had unparalleled sharpness, like a belt, and was directly printed on Yu Guangyuan's waist, cutting into three-fifths of the waist and abdomen before being grabbed by his bloody left hand.

This line almost cut him in half!

The supreme genius of the Hai Clan, the strongest virtuous teacher of the younger generation, the existence who once fought against the arrogant...

Even a face-to-face meeting has already injured her!

What kind of swordsmanship is this? What kind of killing method is this?

Yu Guangyuan thought to himself that his spiritual sense was extraordinary, but he hadn't noticed this sword beforehand.

The flesh and blood in his palm turned into an oven, boiling the too abrupt sword, his figure kept flying back, the flesh and blood of his waist and abdomen undulated like waves, and the wound healed in an instant.

He opened his healed eyes.

But see——

A wave of boundless swords rolled in, and a blue shirt stood at the head of the tide.

I heard about it a few years ago, saw it a few days ago, and met today!

"Jiang Wang!" Yu Guangyuan said angrily.

Jiang Wang flipped his hands over and wiped away You Guang casually, Bao Xinglang took it away, and Chang Acacia appeared.

Too lazy to say a word, stepping on the sword tide and leaving the sword tide.

The tide of swords rolled over and killed Kude Floating Island.

With Qinghong in his body, he is already close to Yu Guangyuan.

The sword light blazed into a sea of ​​anger, and the two Tianjiao who could represent their respective ethnic groups fought together!

Huang Weizhen's powerful mountain and sea seal, Jiang Wang only learned two styles.

Only relying on the hiding ability of Huo Douyin, it is impossible to hide such a stunning attack from a powerhouse of Yu Guangyuan's level.

His sword was concealed in the seal of disaster, cutting out a ray of sky, but he also borrowed Yi Shengfeng's nameless sword that escaped from his senses.

It belongs to the perfect blend of two swords and one seal.

Based on his supernatural powers on a whim, Yi Shengfeng created a sword that hides from the senses, and often kills the enemy before he is aware of it.

Jiang Wang's Wrong Way has a warning ability similar to but far weaker than that of a whim, and he has been trying to use the wrong way to reproduce Yi Shengfeng's sword, but he has never succeeded.

It wasn't until this trip to the demon world that misguided paths blossomed and I became more familiar with Bo Yukiro that I was able to successfully reproduce it.

It was Yu Guangyuan who showed his edge for the first time.

Gave him a moment he will never forget.

Because of Yu Guangyuan's special supernatural power, this sword failed to seriously injure him, but it also helped Jiang Wang take the lead.

For a while, it was as if a strong wind and rain were hitting plantains, and the swords were screaming.

On the floating island, no matter the sea tribe or the human race, they were all moved for a moment.

All the sea people knew how powerful Yu Guangyuan was, and all the human races present had felt Yu Guangyuan's desperate pressure, but at this moment Yu Guangyuan was clearly being suppressed and beaten!

Who in the world can give Jiang Wang the first! ?

The ear fairy sits and watches freely, and everyone who has a voice comes to court. A body of swordsmanship that penetrates the heavens and the earth is swayed wantonly, let you use all kinds of techniques, all kinds of skills, take the lead, and take the lead every step of the way!

But in this torrential battle where he was almost breathless, Yu Guangyuan laughed wildly.

"Hahahahahaha! Sure enough!"

There was a violent red in his eyes, but his movements were calm and tight. A narrow knife guards against wind and rain, although it is suppressed, it sticks to the knife frame like a mighty city.

"White Elephant King said that you are the pride of the human race, and a strong man from the twenty-sixth level of martial arts will escort you. I also saw your sword today, and it lives up to your reputation."

At a certain moment, a huge phantom appeared behind him.

It was a pair of blood-colored armor, with two horns on the helmet and divine patterns on the armor. The armor is empty, and there is no specific support for the sea clan, but it stands coldly like a powerful sea clan.

At the same time as this scarlet armor phantom appeared, Yu Guangyuan's aura surged up, like a strong sense of oppression, almost causing ripples in the space.

"But how dare you—" Yu Guangyuan's bloody eyes suddenly opened, and his long hair danced wildly: "Come! Find me!"

The phantom of that huge blood-colored armor, with its hands horizontally, is like an insurmountable high wall, blocking all the sword moves like a storm.

The rules are established from now on, and those without orders are not allowed to approach!

And Yu Guangyuan himself retreated step by step, receding towards the blood-colored armor phantom.

As he approached, the scarlet armor gradually solidified. Thousands of blood threads came out from the inside of the armor, pierced into his back, and connected to his body. His power is getting stronger and stronger, and his aura is getting more and more terrifying.

He seems to have become the master of this realm, approaching the possibility of overwhelming everything.

But Jiang Wang, who was blocked hundreds of feet away, just looked at him calmly: "You said you would come to me but you haven't come, so I have to take the initiative."

At this moment, the process of such supernatural powers is difficult to be interrupted.

Jiang Wang could feel how much preparation for counterattack was hidden in the immovable posture of the blood-colored armor. Yu Guangyuan's gentle retreat is the bait, and his lack of preparation is the trap.

Watch yourself and learn everything.

Jiang Wang looked at Yu Guangyuan's strength, and regarded the sword tide of Xiannian as another important matter.

Here the two strong men separated briefly.

The turbulent wave of swords over there has already surged onto Kude Floating Island. Under the control of Jiang Wang's terrifying immortal thoughts, thousands of sword qi were split up, and they fought against almost all sea clan fighters on the entire Kude Floating Island!

In a thought, the world turns around, who is mourning with dead bodies lying everywhere!

Yu Guangyuan watched with cold eyes, feeling his own strength quietly, and never let himself give the opponent an opportunity because of those sea warriors on the floating island.

With only a self-absorbed evil voice, he said solemnly: "You don't talk about martial arts, since you are chasing all the way here, why don't you destroy my pet island easily, and remind me?"

On one side was the fierce attack and defense of the floating island, and Jiang Wang wanted to kill the enemy.

On one side was Yu Guangyuan who showed terrifying supernatural powers, Jiang Wangbo remained calm and said, "I'm afraid I'll scare you."

"You think I can run?" Yu Guangyuan laughed wildly.

He laughed and stepped back into his blood-colored armor. His musculoskeletal muscles swelled instantly, transforming into a terrifying general with a height of hundreds of feet, as if he had come from the blood-colored Middle Ages.

There is a waterfall under your feet, and the waves are rough, covering the whole field of vision. There is a sea in the confusing world, and it is the turbulent tide that entrusts the sea master!

There are three command flags on the back, and the flags say "disease", "town" and "kill".

At this moment, he is completely a giant spirit.

This square boundary area becomes the sea area.

Standing in this world, I still feel cramped.

There was a tornado between the breaths, and the blood in the eyes was full of thunder.

Embodies the complete form of the magical sea armor!

But at the moment when Yu Guangyuan fully put on his armor and showed his strongest state——

Jiang Wang, who was distracted by the battle on the floating island, also moved.

The sword light shines in his eyes, and the fire flows around his body, prompting the five palaces to appear sword immortals in an instant, and at the moment when Yu Guangyuan is the strongest, he gives the most violent attack!

At the most impossible time, to overthrow this world and cause the sea to shatter and the sky to collapse!

One sword plays ten thousand tricks.

Eight Wind Dragon Tiger! Chaotianque!

Canglong Seven Changes! Cave golden watchtower!

Bodhisattva of Six Desires! Fireworks burn the city!

Outside the body is a waterfall of Taoism, and inside the body is a hurricane of spiritual knowledge.

The royal sea armor with infinite power was stripped of its leaves one by one.

The extremely vicious and extremely powerful Yu Guangyuan, with his blood pupils turning white inside the fortress-like armor, was mad for a while, bewildered for a while!

The old monk Jingyou, who had been tortured beyond recognition, was bent on the ground, staring at the floating island——

Flying immortals fighting giant spirits outside the sky.

Under it, the sea is flowing.

On it hangs the Big Dipper!

Tears welled up in his old eyes.

It seems to see the Buddha, it seems to see the gods!

The more I write these days, the more I feel that the writing of Shenxiao Bureau is too complicated and grand, and it is completely digging a hole for myself.

If the ending plot I set cannot be written in an ideal state, it will be difficult to catch it.

It's like crossing the river with Xingnian, you have to use Yu Zhen 10% to pick it up.

Where the road is difficult, use the meeting of the Yellow River to meet Tianyatai.

Now it's not easy to use my fat house face to pick up the Shenxiao Bureau...

The energy and inspiration are not very supportive, and the fat house loses hair like crazy.

If I knew it earlier, I would have ended up in the demon world...

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