Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1885 Auspicious blessings, singing and dancing

Yanggu has no future.

Yanggu does not seek the future.

The future of Yangu... is the future of the human race.

The general who founded Yanggu back then refused to return to aid Yangdu, and tried his best to reject the Haizu from the lost world. Fill the sea with your body, and repay the country with your death.

Life does not leave body, death does not leave name.

But the spirit of Yanggu has been passed down to this day.

Under the premise of defending the sea area together, Diaohailou and Jueming Island are fighting openly and secretly for the dominance of the offshore islands, and they are going to fight each other's brains.

The state of Qi suppresses Diaohailou today, and kills the prestige of Diaohailou tomorrow. Diaohailou will fight a big battle in the fandom today, and form a Zhenhai League tomorrow, which can stir up waves.

But Yanggu was rarely targeted.

Because this is really a pure sect.

Do not fight for power, do not fight, only guard your own territory, only guard the seas of the human race.

They came from the Eastern Territory many years ago, and never went back.

At this moment, Yang Feng was fighting for his life!

In the bright knife light like the scorching sun, the blood king cursed bitterly: "Crazy!"

He is crazy because he is moody, and people like Yanggu are crazy because they don't care about the consequences. After all, the other party is crazier.

He didn't want to fight with Yang Feng here, and wanted to get away to save Yu Guangyuan, but he couldn't give up the Huangtai boundary so easily.

The value of a Yellow Terrace realm is unquestionable, and it took a lot of hard work to take shape. In a chaotic environment like the confused world, luck and strength are needed to have a chance to be born.

The human race's obsession with the "Huangtai Boundary" is like the sea race's malice towards the "human camp".

A place like this, as long as it can withstand the counterattack and continue to operate for a long time, it will have the opportunity to completely cover the rules of the sea and become another stronghold of the Hai Clan in the confused world.

He, Yu Xinzhou, is the True King of the Sea Clan, so he has the responsibility to guard the land!

At the moment, the pupil turned blood-colored, congealed like red amber.

The blood of all the sea tribes in the entire Huangtai area boiled at the same time!

Even on the other side of the boundary river that was briefly pierced by the aftermath of the battle, no matter the human race or the sea race in the other realm, they all feel the same way, and the blood is not free.

It is conceivable that Yang Feng, who was mainly targeted by the Blood King, was under pressure.

And at such a time, under the golden armor, every inch of his body appeared golden. The texture of his skin is clearly delineated in gold.

His body was like a tsunami, silver white blood surged in the powerful blood vessels under the golden skin.

Yang Feng's body became gold, and his blood became mercury!

The golden body and chalcedony of the gods face the strong man, so that youth will never grow old, and the cultivation base will not fade before the end of life.

At this moment, Yang Feng has completely changed the nature of his body, reshaping his real body with the power of Jin Xingyuan, so as to fight against the terrifying supernatural power of the Blood King.

But that's not enough.

Mercury blood is also blood, and it must be controlled by the blood king. It's just that after being reconstructed by Jinxing Yuanli, it has both the nature of Jinxingyuanli and blood, so it can also be controlled by the Blood King and Yang Feng at the same time.

Under the brilliant golden skin, silvery white blood vessels protruded like a python, swimming around, struggling endlessly! This is a collision of two principles, a contest of two wills.

In such a fierce battle, Yang Feng's hand holding the knife is still as steady as a rock.

His knife does not seem to have a specific shape, but a sharp edge, breaking boundaries in this chaotic world, practicing his own path, unstoppable!

His own becoming a battlefield for the battle of supernatural powers did not affect his determination in the slightest. On the contrary, his saber moves higher and higher, chopping upside down and chaos, and dividing heaven and earth into this world!

Heaven and earth are also life and death.

The sky and the earth hang on a line, and life and death follow the blade.

This is Yang Feng's invitation, and it is bound to make this world rain of blood, make this world without heaven and earth, without direction, feel sad for one of them.

Totally insane! It is a miracle that this Xuanwei flag can survive till now!

The blood king's bald browbones cut through the cold emotions, and his body suddenly turned into a streak of blood, and he was about to leave the hole.

It's not that he can't beat Yang Feng, and it's not that he doesn't have the courage to face life and death.

But not today.

Inappropriate timing, inappropriate location, unexpected opponent!

If Yang Feng wanted to overthrow the Huangtai, he had no choice but to let it go.

Huangtai can be regained, but Guangyuan is hard to find again!

At that time, the blood light turned like electricity, and the knife energy on it was condensed into golden clouds, and the blossoms hung in the sky, blocking the way to the other side.

The Blood King waved his big sleeves, and the sky and the earth hung upside down.

Since then, the blood shines on.



Heavy clouds are below.

The endless thunderstorm falls to the endless sky.

Sometimes because of the loss of direction, it will move horizontally in all directions.

This kind of weather is not uncommon in the Lost Realm, the clouds are falling, the sea is above, or the rain is falling into the sky-in fact, this is not true.

There is no upper and no lower in this world, so how can it be reversed?

Perhaps the huge ship hundreds of feet above the continuous thunderclouds is the upside-down existence.

However, regardless of the human race and the sea race, there is such a perception in the fan world-self-centered.

No matter where "I" is in the maze world, when "I" stands there, the top of my head is up, and the bottom of my feet is down. Front, back, left and right all exist because of "I".

So this terrifying giant ship named "Fuze" itself is the anchor of the direction.

Qi Xiao stood on the deck.

No need to describe her.

The name is enough.

No matter Diaohailou, Yanggu, or Haizu.

Who doesn't know Qi Xiao? Who hasn't seen Qi Xiao's methods?

She was able to suppress Qi Wen in all directions, such a brilliant and famous family arrogance, and was able to snatch Xia Shi's military power in the hands of a big and famous family like Donglai Qi's family. It was not because of her gentleness.

It is a bit exaggerated to say that Qi Xiao's name can stop Xiao Er Ye Ti, after all, she is not as famous as Chong Xuan and Chu Liang. But if the true kings of the Hai clan who want to be in charge of the army choose a commander among the nine soldiers of Qi who they don't want to face, Qi Xiao's name will definitely be high.

In the past nine years of rotating on Cassia Island, she has beaten the Sea Clan so badly!

Although it is said that the Lost Realm fights every day, the intensity has never been so high. No matter how fierce the two sides fight, there will always be a calm period for each other to recuperate and adjust.

But as soon as Qi Xiao's garrison came, the strikers blossomed from all directions. False and real, day and night.

As long as there is any negligence on the part of the Hai Clan, it will immediately be a peak battle, and blood will flow into rivers - there are not a few cases where Qi Xiao led the army to cut into the vital points of the heart and kill them instantly.

Every True King of the Hai Clan who is fighting against Qi Xiao, and even the troops under their command, must maintain a high level of tension all the time. Playing is really hard, often physically and mentally exhausted.

Nian Wang Jinghua, a famous general of the Hai Clan, once commented on Qi Xiao like this - "He is not human, like a war puppet, never tired and never evil."

The huge ship named "Fuze" hit a strong wind, and the thunderclouds under the ship seemed to surge into the sea.

In the strong wind, a figure like a withered leaf fell down.

The wind is so violent, but the leaves are so gentle.

Between the movement and the stillness, the natural harmony of heaven and law is outlined.

Finally hang in front of the ship.

This figure hanging in front of the bow, facing the big ship with its back against the strong wind, and actually walking with the big ship, has no facial features or facial features, but "sees" it clearly.

Of course Qi Xiao could be seen.

At this time, Qi Xiao was wearing armor, and his mid-length hair was simply tied behind his head, like an upside-down thorn.

Her hands are empty, but the armor on her body is not ordinary.

There are lin, phoenix and five spirits on the armor, the dragon and tiger are on the arm armor, the tortoise and phoenix are on the leg armor, and the breastplate is engraved with a unicorn.

In addition to the five spirits of Jiarui, it is also decorated with Jingxing Qingyun.

In short, it is unspeakable.

This pair of armor, which has been fighting on the battlefield for many years, looks so peaceful.

The figure in front of the boat said: "The boat's name is 'Fuze', the armor's name is 'Xiangrui', and the person's name is 'Qi Xiao'... What do you mean the soldiers are in danger, and wherever Qi Shuai goes, it should be called 'Dance and Dance'!"

Qi Xiao looked at the front calmly: "I'm waiting to put on armor, isn't it because of these four words?"

The figure stopped in front of the boat said: "I heard that Marquis Wu'an was tortured with a stick in the Dingmao realm?"

Qi Xiao only said: "Responsible for failure."

The figure in front of the boat said: "In the entire Dingmao No. 1 floating island, there are dozens of generals and tens of thousands of soldiers. The composition is complicated, and the news spreads quickly. He is a proud son of heaven, a world-famous hero, and he is punished in public. , It’s not nice to say it.”

"Is Du Hou deliberately speaking ironically?" Qi Xiao said directly: "Wu Anhou puts punishment on himself, and rectifies the law by name, so it can almost be recorded in the annals of military strategists. What's not good about it?"

At this time, the figure standing on the bow of the ship was Duhou Cao Du who replaced Jiang Mengxiong and took over the Tianfu Army!

As the hereditary Marquis of Da Qi with 30,000 households in the city, he single-handedly made the Cao family prominent in Donglai, and wiped out Xia's reputation to catch up with the existence of the army god. Cao Jun didn't care about Qi Xiao's attitude, but instead It was a soft smile: "It seems that Marquis Wu An has passed your test."

Qi Xiao said softly, "Mr. Du is very close to Marquis Wu'an."

Cao Jie's facial features are not obvious here, but one can almost imagine the smile on that bitter face: "After all, I took him out twice, and he won both times very well. He is my lucky general."

It is indeed a great blessing to take the leader of the Yellow River once and destroy Daxia Sheji once.

Qi Xiao shook his head.

"What?" Cao Jie asked, "Marquis Wu An did not do well in Dingmao Fudao?"

"After coming to the island, he did too well to be criticized."

"Perhaps Qi Shuai thinks that the Marquis of Wu'an lacks military talent?"

"Military knowledge can be supplemented, the art of war can be learned, and the sense of war can be cultivated. Jiang Wang has first-class xinxing and first-class comprehension, and he will not be too slow in learning anything. Watch him train soldiers, work diligently, watch him control, be lenient Strict and economical, able to win people, able to employ people... In time, even if you can't become a famous general in the world, it is not a problem to command a hundred thousand soldiers."

Cao Jie was silent for a moment, and said: "The talent of a hundred thousand soldiers is also the appearance of a famous general. Then it is still a question of military law."

Qi Xiao was always calm, because she was just stating the objective result: "It's fine if he doesn't know military law, you can always teach him. It doesn't matter if he doesn't know awe, because he becomes famous at a young age, he will inevitably be wild, and he can always be sculpted slowly.

But looking at his trip to Dingmao Fudao... He studied military law, understood military law, and respected military law, but he still made his own choice. He knew the weight of the military order, but he still felt that capturing and killing Yu Guangyuan was more important. He has his own judgment, whether this judgment is based on Yu Guangyuan's danger, or based on sympathy for those who were tortured and killed by Yu Guangyuan.

And I already understand that he has his own reason, which surpasses all others. "

Cao Jie completely understood.

It doesn't mean that joining the army has to cut off the edges and corners completely, and you can't have your own ideas at all.

Which famous general in the world doesn't have a unique style?

Leaving aside, let's take Ji Tu as an example. At the beginning of Faxia, Chongxuan and Chuliang also stood up to compete for the commander-in-chief. He had his own overall strategy for Faxia, which was completely different from Cao Jie's strategy.

And during the slow progress of Cao Jie's attack on Xia, what did this murderous and unparalleled star general do?

He wrote a letter "Lighting the Lantern Night to Play the Son of Heaven" overnight, expressing his unconditional support for any decision made by the coach Cao Jie.

He didn't necessarily approve of Cao Jie's strategy, and didn't necessarily agree with Cao Jie's ideas. Didn't he think that he had a better way to open up the situation? Even with his military talent, there is a great possibility to do it. But on the battlefield, the top and bottom are divided, and everything is based on the orders of the superiors.

Of course the two things are not exactly equivalent.

But all aspiring generals should know that an army can only have one idea.

On the battlefield, not only greed, jealousy, fear, and hatred are distracting thoughts, but sometimes sympathy, pity, and sense of justice also need to be cut off.

Because sabers are merciless.

And Jiang Wang's ego is too strong!

Cao Jie sighed: "Now the position of the commander-in-chief of the nine soldiers, only Zhan Yu is in the air. Tian Anping and Zheng Shi have their own advantages and disadvantages, and the emperor has never expressed his opinion. Until the last time Marquis Wu'an went to the demon world to fulfill the responsibility of the gods, the emperor ordered Xiuyuan to give it to him. Ye, Marquis Wu'an once fell into Frostwind Valley, the emperor waited for half a year, and then let Marquis Wu'an go to sea, and ordered you to teach the art of war... The heart of the emperor is so clear. Everyone can see who he reserved that position for ..."

Of course, there is a bit of persuasion in this statement.

The Son of Heaven is looking forward to Jiang Wang so much, and wants Jiang Wang to enter the military hall so much and become the next military god, can you, Qi Xiao, work harder?

But Qi Xiao just said: "Marquis Wu An is not suitable."

The figure of Cao Jie stood in front of the boat, riding the wind and clouds, and there was only one sigh.

He completely believes in Qi Xiao's judgment, fully approves of Qi Xiao's vision, and knows that no one can change Qi Xiao's mind.

"Actually, the Son of Heaven doesn't know! He sees farther and more accurately than us." In front of this fellow who has been in Donglai County for many years, Qi Xiao finally explained: "It's just that the Sacred Heart I just want to see it again."

"How to say?" Cao Jie asked.

Qi Xiao slightly raised his eyes: "Mr. Du said that Jiang Wang is your lucky general... Do you still remember the imperial edict issued by the chief empress of the Yellow River?"

Cao Jie thought back to the day when the Taimiao presented the gift, Jiang Wang, who was not yet weak at that time, was so proud: "Leijue is Qingyangzi, and he is bestowed a third-rank gold melon warrior, and he will come to the court with a sword?"

"There is no need for wind and rain, and there is no need to carve. It is a world-class talent, a jade of heavenly craftsmanship!" Qi Xiao sighed softly: "It's true!"

So Cao Jie was silent.

Today, of course, no one can deny that Jiang Wang has lived up to the evaluation of the emperor, and deserves every word of praise. He is indeed an unrivaled talent, a jade of heavenly craftsmanship.

But he has come so solidly, growing up all the way so far, and the wind and rain can't change the foundation, and the quality can't be changed by sculpting!

If Jiang Wang's too strong ego can't be pulled out, he is destined to not learn much from Qi Xiao.

But if that self is really pulled out, Jiang Wang will still be Jiang Wang, can Jiang Wang still be so dazzling?

"Then, how do you plan to use him next?" Cao Jie asked.

"Give him a goal and let him do whatever he wants." Qi laughed and said, "I won't give him any more restrictions. He has his own ideas and judgments, so let him verify them with real knives and guns."

Of course, Qi Xiao knows people well, and for such Jiang Wang, this is indeed the best arrangement.

Jiang Wang wants to be that towering crane and dragon on the clouds, so he can't be imprisoned in chains. But this also means that he will face the wind and rain alone, and he will be responsible for the outcome.

A person with too strong ego will definitely not be placed in a key military position by Qi Xiao.

Cao Jie didn't express any opinions. Qi Xiao held absolute power in the war in the lost world. Even if she arranged for Jiang Wang to be a halberd-handler to guard the gate, no one could say anything. So I just asked: "What are you going to tell the emperor?"

The thunder cloud below the big ship continued to roar, and Qi Xiao's voice was always calm: "War God may be possible, but Army God is hard to do."

Cao Jie only said: "I will wait for good news from Commander Qi for the upcoming battle."

Qi laughed and said, "It may not be good news, but there must be news."

Unlike Chongxuan Chuliang, she has such a dazzling elder brother who teaches by example and is unparalleled in the world with sharpness and self-confidence.

She is also not like Li Zhengyan, who was raised as a celebrity since she was a child, showing the bravery and calmness of a famous nobleman, and possessing gorgeous and superb military skills.

She also comes from a famous family, and she is always vigilant. Always face danger and always be danger.

Compared with a real commoner like Xiu Yuan, she has more of the atmosphere of the wilderness and jungle.

Cao Jie remained silent for a while, and then the silence, together with the faceless figure, fell into the strong wind.

The giant ship named "Fuze" continued to fly above the clouds and rain.

Auspiciousness is now, and Fulin is also!



Originally, there were four floating islands and six sea nests in the Dingmao boundary, maintaining a barely balanced power.

Every time the maze is displaced, it is the time when the forces change the fastest, and this is true for both the human race and the sea race.

The dominant side will definitely seize this rare period of fog, and strive to completely wipe out the hostile forces, and recreate a realm completely autonomous by their own forces.

This is a great achievement!

But after the army of Marquis Wu'an of the Great Qi arrived, the situation in Dingmao's border had already changed.

A Feiyunlou ship, a Wu'an banner, wherever it passes, there is nothing to avoid.

Although Jiang Wang's feat of returning from the demon world has not yet spread among the sea clan.

But the name of "Human Race's Arrogant Fate" is hard to be unaware of by most of the Sea Clan who have been in the Lost Realm.

Back then, the blood king peeled off the white elephant king's skin, and the white elephant king cried bitterly, but he never changed his words. When Jiang Wang's deeds in the human race came one by one, most of the Hai clan began to recognize this title. Even Jiaoming himself said that he hoped to meet Jiang Wang and test his name.

Ordinary generals of the Hai clan don't need to know how powerful Jiang Wang is, just know how strong Jiao Ming is, and they just want to run away.

So the Feiyunlou boat showed its flag and ran wildly in the Dingmao area, forcing the six sea nests to call for help.

The real Marquis of Wu'an has only come now.

There is no need to talk about the defense mission. After Jiang Wang arrived in person, the human floating islands in the Dingmao realm did not need to think about defense at all. On the contrary, the Sea Clan closed their nests, so it was worth their while to think of a way.

These warriors are not all Qi people, they come from different sects and countries in the Eastern Region, and even places outside the Eastern Region.

Before the new military order came, Jiang Wang had enough autonomy.

After being tortured and gaining the morale of the army, he first spent a whole day patrolling around, familiarizing himself with the defenses and generals of the four floating islands. It took another two days to complete the training.

All kinds of complicated tasks are done in a similar way. Some are copying military books, and some are learning from Chong Xuansheng.

Then an order was issued, and the troops were officially dispatched!

He needs to verify what he has learned in military books in real military warfare.

You need to use these six sea nests to practice your hands first, and you must first build a "human camp" corresponding to the "Yellow Terrace Boundary".

As for the reinforcements that the Dingmaohai tribe urgently requested from all parties during this period...

He was afraid that his subordinates would not see the truth, so he acted as a scout and secretly checked it countless times.

It is now possible to say loudly——

Just come, what gifts do you bring!

Thanks to the book friend "Foggy Spring Morning" for becoming the leader of this book! It's for the 417th League of the Chixin Sky Survey!


Friends, if you want to write 6,000 words at night, your strength will not allow it.

Tomorrow is my birthday, and it's also my grandma's birthday. I definitely want to have a meal with her or something. There will be many relatives at home, so...

It will be updated as expected.

But if you don't see an update at noon, see you at 8pm.

I will no longer notify you~

The New Year is coming, I wish you all a happy!

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