Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1886 Hunting the flag and hunting with blessings as a sacrifice

The day of the expedition.

Over the first floating island of Dingmao, there was a sudden dark rain.

The big flag embroidered with the word "Wu'an" and Ziwei Zhongtian Taihuang flag are held high in the sky.

The raindrops crackled the flag.

The soldiers lined up on the school field, and all the generals stood still. No one made any abnormal movements or noises.

Because the commander-in-chief of the army, Marquis Jiang Wang of Wu'an, stood on the platform with his head held high, and was also drenched in the rain.

Speaking of which, as the number one martial artist of the younger generation of the Great Qi Empire, he was the first to command an army independently, commanding dozens of generals and tens of thousands of soldiers.

Although there are no elite soldiers under his command, they are all elite soldiers who have been tempered in blood and fire in the maze world.

Jiang Wang originally wanted to give a speech before the war to boost morale, so he also made some drafts and "borrowed" some famous historical works.

But looking at the pair of piercing eyes under the stage and in the shower, he suddenly felt that there was no need to say anything more.

He feels trust.

Every soldier present believed in him without reservation, and believed that Marquis Wu'an would lead everyone to victory.

Not only because of his reputation in the past, but also because of getting along with each other in the past few days.

What more can I say?

Jiang Wang raised his finger to the sky and said in a low voice, "Cut the rain."

"The last general will take orders!"

Kuang Huiping, the general stationed on the floating island, immediately got up and flew out of the floating island, into the thick cloud and dark rain. The light of Er'er's sword suddenly appeared, the clouds parted, and the strong wind howled, sweeping the showers.

Gao Qiong is obscured and restored to light.

Jiang Wang pointed to the flag stand again, pointing to the tattered Haizu who was chained around the neck, curled up and trembling under the flagpole.

"We wait for the hero, and we must not go out without blessings, and we must not serve vulgar things."

"This is the peerless genius of the Hai Clan, the descendant of the true king, and the strongest teacher of the younger generation, Yu Guangyuan is also."

After he finished the introduction so calmly, he raised his voice: "Kill him to sacrifice the flag!"

It has been more than five days since Yu Guangyuan was captured alive!

For more than five days, Yu Guangyuan's cultivation was sealed, his magical powers were suppressed, and his body's defenses were broken through. He couldn't speak, hear, smell, see, or feel. In a state of complete ignorance of the outside world.

And at all times, suffer the torment of the hell of the five senses.

It can be considered a tenacious will, and it is worthy of being the genius of the sea clan who has captured the opportunity of Dongzhen, and he has not had a mental breakdown until now.

From the series of names that Jiang Wang said, no one who fought in the maze world would not understand their gold content. But at this time, such a proud of the Hai Clan could only curl up in front of the flag, as a sacrifice for the flag before they set off.

The whole army is suppressed.

Standing beside the Wu'an flag, Fang Yuanyou, dressed in full armor, grabbed Yu Guangyuan's hair and pressed his head down. With the other hand, he drew out a bright saber and pointed it at Yu Guangyuan's neck.

Fang Yuanyou's expression cannot be seen under the helmet cover, but the hand holding the knife with bulging veins may explain his excitement! This is the strongest and highest status existence that he has been able to kill so far in his life, and it is in the form of execution.

Ending such a powerful life with my own hands, I have an indescribable feeling in my heart.

This nobleman of the sea clan, the defeated general of Lord Hou!

Fang Yuanyou took a deep breath and raised his saber high.

Although Yu Guangyuan's sense of the outside world was completely blocked, although he was still suffering in what seemed like endless torture, he seemed to feel that his death was approaching, and he suddenly twitched violently!

The sharp saber fell!

Yu Guangyuan's head left his body immediately, rolled a few times, and faced the sky on his back, his face still twisted together. His body froze suddenly and stopped moving.

His corpse no longer turned into bloody light, and that drop of source blood, whether born or not, could never revive him.

Jiang Wang waited for a long time.

The entire Dingmao No. 1 floating island, the army lined up, and the formation was ready for a long time.

Yu Guangyuan's body remained the same, and there was no attack from the powerful Sea Clan.

Jiang Wang certainly didn't expect danger.

Even if it is defended according to the island, there is a large formation to protect the island with sufficient energy, the support of the army, and the presiding by itself, which is enough to withstand the bombardment of the real king for a period of time. Even though he had already reported to Yu Qi Shuai through the banner officer in advance, and even contacted the nearest Cangwu Realm.

But once the real king arrives, the situation in Dingmao's border area is unpredictable, and the casualties on Dingmao's floating island are unpredictable.

It is also common for big fish to eat bait but not to bite the hook.

Qi Shuai has a famous saying - "If the sword is not horizontal, it will be vertical, and if the soldier is not cutting, it will be defensive. If you don't give me danger, I will give you danger."

So Jiang Wangji pointed to the distance: "Let's go!"

For the four floating islands in the Dingmao boundary, only a thousand people are stationed on each to ensure that the island protection array can operate in time.

The rest of the soldiers all boarded the warship and set off with the Marquis of Wu'an.

Using Yu Guangyuan as a blessing to sacrifice the flag, the morale of this army can literally turn into a rainbow.

Raise the flag!

The soldiers are armored, and the warships are in the sky.

It was so dark that it was like a flood.

The lost world has always been synonymous with danger and chaos, but this army is rampant all over the country, heading straight for Dingmao's first sea nest, without any cover at all!

Although there are six sea nests in the Dingmao boundary, they can only shrink the turtle shell.

Once these sea tribes mobilize their troops to go out to fight in the field, they will have the strongest individual combat power in this area, so Jiang Wang, who can come and go freely and has the right to strike freely, can let them know what it means to care about one thing but lose another, and what it means to be difficult to care about.

In the case of an absolute advantage in field battles, Jiang Wang doesn't play any tricks—of course, he can't play many tricks when leading troops in battle—so he chooses the tactics of pulling out nails, directly attacking a nail. Pull out a nail.

Let's start with the strongest Dingmao's No. 1 sea nest, the city, the general, and the army!

Wu'an's army surrounded Haichao, and two thorny boats lined up outside the army.

The Feiyunlou ship is also listed in the attack array to maintain the oppression of the ferocious sea nest in front of it.

The Moon Shooting Crossbow roared from time to time, causing ripples in the nest-protecting array.

On the contrary, Jiang Wang himself stood still and watched all directions.

His trip is to practice the ability to command the army to fight, and try not to kiss Shi Shishi.

Whether a sea nest has a large army stationed or a strong general sits in it, its ability to resist the risk of war is completely different.

Earlier in the Xinyou area, Jiang Wang first broke the Chinese army, attacked and killed the Bat Mountain King in the process of rescuing the floating island, and then disabled the main force of the Xinyou Sea Clan army.

Afterwards, he cut down the sea nest and confronted him directly and forcefully. They were beaten so badly that they couldn't continue their energy and blood, and they couldn't grasp the energy supply of the nest-protecting formation in time, so they forcibly destroyed the formation and slaughtered them all.

This time is different, the Sea Clan army in the Dingmao area has shrunk its garrison early.

Jiang Wang gave them a lot of preparation time.

Now there are no sea tribes in the wild in Dingmao, and every sea nest is like a steel fortress.

The law of war says: go up to fight against the enemy, next to attack the enemy, next to attack the army, and then down to attack the city. The law of siege is a last resort.

It is really a matter of siege, there is no room for the use of military tactics. It's nothing more than head-to-head, injury for injury, death for death, the opponent's army's morale collapses, and then the city can be defeated.

Jiang Wang went out in person to patrol the scouts himself, which was also a kind of siege. If one is lucky enough to capture and kill one or two famous generals of the Sea Clan, the blow to the morale of the Sea Clan army will undoubtedly be devastating. It is even more beneficial to the military to control a certain general of the sea clan and open the pass of the sea clan by fraud.

It's a pity that the Dingmaohai clan forces have been asking for help for a long time, but they haven't seen any important characters come here.

Jiang Wang hid in the middle of the road many times, but he met all the minions, so he simply didn't bother to expose it. The commander-in-chief of the First Army personally acts as a scout, after all, it is not very conducive to the evaluation of "knowledgeable soldiers".

If the aid fails, we have to attack by force.

Following the old example of "Twenty-Six Sea Battle Collection", Jiang Wang commanded the army and set up a tidal array.

With Kuang Huiping, Tu Liangcai, You Yuxin and other six generals as the front line, each commanding 3,000 soldiers, launched a continuous offensive against Dingmao's first sea nest. The soldiers are like the tide, reciprocating without rest.

The Moon Shooting Crossbow on the Feiyunlou boat constantly adjusted its landing point to match the attack of the cultivator of God's Landing, intensifying the defensive pressure on this sea nest.

This attack lasted for two days.

The tenacity of the first sea nest did not surprise Jiang Wang. After all, it is a racial war, life and death are at stake, there is almost no room for maneuver, and it is difficult to give birth to surrender.

Although the battle formation has been rotating, many fighters are tired.

Under such an offensive situation, the defenders in Sea Nest will only become more exhausted.

Jiang Wang sat and watched the whole situation, and suddenly raised his hand and pressed it. When the shooting moon crossbow fell and the nest protection array was mobilized, he pressed the bright and burning flames to burn the city!

The Wu'an flag was waved three times in a row, starting with the burning of the city with fireworks, the general attack was officially launched.

In an instant, flames flowed like dragons, and arrows flew like rain.

The large-scale military formation Taoist smashed like a giant hammer on the mask of the nest protection formation!

The normal attack for two consecutive days made Haichao's defenders accustomed to the Wu'an army's offensive. At this time, the intensity was instantly full, and the nest protection formation seemed a little unbearable, and the mask shook for a while.


Suddenly a torrent flew up, and the violent water element exploded above the sea nest. The azure water flow formed a huge sea snake with a bulging abdomen and a forked tail.

Opening his mouth wide, it seemed as if he had opened a huge umbrella, stopping the second round of attack from the Wu'an army.

This spell sea snake was blown up instantly.

But the nest protection formation of the first sea nest has also stabilized.

The honeycomb-like steel corridors of Haichao opened to both sides, and the figure hanging above the criss-crossing bridges appeared so clearly in front of Wanjun.

It was a young Sea Clan with dark eyes and a somewhat old-fashioned appearance.

The reason why he is said to be young is because his blood is lively, his breath is vivid, and he is full of vitality.

Wearing a yellow robe, he greeted Jiang Wang very politely: "My king, Ao Huangzhong, has met Marquis Wu'an of Qi."

A previously unknown sea clan powerhouse appeared in the first sea nest!

Jiang Wang even personally investigated several times.

It is precisely because he has personally investigated that it can be considered that the support of the Dingmaohai tribe is nothing more than military merit, and it is a gift from him, Jue Jiang, who wiped out the six sea nests and emptied the Dingmao boundary.

But the reality is obviously not so taken for granted.

Ao Huangzhong who suddenly appeared at this moment gave a strong answer.

Why haven't you found a strong man like Ao Huangzhong in many secret investigations before?

At least in terms of intelligence, they have already lost a bit!

The enemy knows me, I don't know the enemy, this is a big taboo for military strategists.

If it hadn't been for the sudden pressure to this point, Ao Huangzhong might not have appeared suddenly, and he might still be waiting for the right time.

If he hadn't always been in charge of the central army, and the army's offensive rotation had always been orderly, there might have been an accident.

Jiang Wang's heart was dark, and he only laughed boldly on his face, as if he had expected Ao Huangzhong's appearance: "Who is waiting for me in my Daohui! Since Brother Ao showed up, why don't you come out for a while and play with me in the three armies?" Before the battle!"

Ao Huangzhong smiled lightly: "No need."

At this time, Tu Liangcai had already sent information by voice transmission. This Aohuang Zhong was a young generation of Haizu famous general.

Jiang Wanghong's voice was like thunder, and he looked like a brave man who was happy to see the hunter: "The battle of Tianjiao should be performed to the fullest, and the ultimate sublimation! Ao Huangzhong, don't you have the courage?! If you don't fight today, it will be difficult to advance in your life. I will be a demon for you!"

Ao Huangzhong's faint smile turned into a big laugh: "Marquis Wu An is really sensitive and eager to learn, these words are so familiar! It seems that before Yu Guangyuan died, you two chatted for a long time!"

Jiang Wang was no longer excited, and asked lightly: "You guys know each other well?"

Ao Huangzhong said with a smile: "When Yu Guangyuan was beaten by Jiao's order, that's what he said."

"And then?" Jiang Wang asked.

While chatting, he raised his hand to indicate that the Italian army continued to attack.

Ao Huangzhong commanded the defense of the Sea Clan army, and said in a relaxed tone: "Jiaoming let him go, let him prepare well... Then Yu Guangyuan took five princes to encircle and beat Jiaoming."

While talking, he couldn't help laughing, obviously he was deeply impressed by Yu Guangyuan's history.

"Then he is really well prepared." Jiang Wang said with great interest, "How did it turn out?"

Ao Huangzhong shrugged his shoulders: "All six were beaten by Jiaoming."

At this moment when the army was fiercely attacking and defending, the two strong men chatted nonchalantly.

Although the arrows are flying across the sky, the spells shine on the body.

They are calm, like sitting in a court.

Jiang Wang was gentle and polite: "Brother Ao and I hit it off right away, and it was really itchy to break up. How about we have a few matches? It's just a match, it's a matter of three or five rounds. If you want to come to the sea clan, you won't be afraid of the human race."

Ao Huangzhong's face was full of innocence: "I can't even beat Yu Guangyuan, so naturally I can't beat you either."

He was so honest, but this "general" couldn't be more excited.

Jiang Wang raised his palm.

The army offensive stopped suddenly!

"Ao Huangzhong is an interesting person. This Marquis can't bear to hurt him. Let's put this nest and go to the next place!" Jiang Wangxuan gave up, then turned and walked back to the cabin.

Let Ao Huangzhong shout something behind him, "Talk a few more words", "Don't go if you have the guts", and never look back.

The entire Wu'an army, like Jiang Wang, left as soon as they said it, and pulled out in an orderly manner. The offensive was like fire one moment, and the troops retreated like a tide the next moment.

Instead, the sea warriors on the first sea nest looked at each other in blank dismay.

Ao Huangzhong also stopped clamoring.

He knew very well that although Jiang Wang walked resolutely, it would be useless for him to yell and scold, but as long as his front foot stepped out of the sea nest, Jiang Wang's back foot would step on his instep.

"Your Majesty." A general flew behind Ao Huangzhong: "What should we do next?"

Ao Huangzhong said to himself: "Looking at his battle formation command, he is quite stagnant. If I am equal to his strength, I will be able to lead the army to defeat him. But looking at his army's strength, when he comes, he is magnificent, and when he goes, he is decisive. He is also worthy of military merit. Dehou. Such a contrast. Could it be that someone else commanded the attack before? Or was he deliberately showing weakness and showing weakness to me?"

In the silence of his subordinates, he took out an ancient flag plate from his arms.

The painting pattern of this flag plate is very gorgeous, but ancient and profound, as if it came from a long time ago.

In fact, it is indeed a treasure handed down from the era when the dragons and humans ruled the world together, and it cannot be touched by a prince with a prominent background like Ao Huangzhong.

Even its status symbol is stronger than its function.

"What we do depends on what he does. He wants to fish us out now!" Ao Huangzhong said calmly: "This man is not easy to deal with, we have to take it easy."



The blood king fish new week has never felt so tormenting!

Like him, he also became famous as a Tianjiao, rose all the way fabulously, and finally became a generation of true kings. In the level of true kings, he is also one of the strongest!

But the best blood descendant was captured just like that, and he came to chase after him personally, but he couldn't catch up with a single shadow!

As time passed, he became more and more anxious.

Stepping across the boundary river, full of tyranny and nowhere to break out, suddenly saw a mountain of meat lying across the front!

Blood King's heart suddenly turned cold.

This is a prince who showed his true form as a sea lord and was easily killed.

This is another strong man he sent to chase Yu Guangyuan back.

How could he be killed so silently and meet him again here?

He raised his figure, and sure enough, he saw a corpse in the distance, in the same dead state without any waves.

So far, the two princes under his command who are best at tracking have been wiped clean.

Who did it?

Blood King's heart boiled with murderous intent.

"Who am I?" A Taoist with crane eyes and short beard came on the wind, and he was slapped from a distance, like the sky fell: "How can the blood king have a leisurely time today, and come here to swim with these minions?" ?!"

Its voice is chic and its momentum is majestic!

The blood king's pupils shrank, and he turned around.

The real Meng Yu who has guarded the Cangwu Realm for the past few years! How could he not recognize it? !

This person used to be a strong contender for the position of commander of the Demon Slayer Army. In the competition with Yin Xiaoheng, he lost a point in the military strategy, so he gave up his post.

That's Jingbajia!

Naturally, there is no need to say much about Meng Yu's strength.

Counting this journey in detail, I even met Xu Wuming, a true legalist, Yang Feng, a general of Xuanwei Banner, and Meng Yu.

It is simply Sanyang Kaitai, good luck!

Thanks to the book friend "Hanyu who loves to sleep" for becoming the leader of this book! It's for the 416th League of the Chixin Sky Survey! I missed it yesterday, I'm sorry, I'm more careful~



Since writing Chixin, every birthday has been spent in writing, and this year is the same. Sitting at home and writing all day, Fat House is sad!

I miss the old days when I called friends and made friends, the boy in white clothes, feasting and feasting and looking at beauties...


Well, gossip ends here. Next is the leave note for annual leave.

For one thing, this year is about the last time I spend the New Year in the countryside, and I have no reason to go back to the countryside after that.

Secondly, I really can’t write about Chinese New Year.

It's not that the next plot will definitely be a sword or not. How the plot is, it's the collision of characters, and the plot line is naturally deduced. But in this atmosphere of "you must not write anything during the New Year", I really don't know how to write.

So just take a vacation and let everyone live happily.

I used to be ignorant during Chinese New Year, and had to work overtime to catch up with the plot, but now I'm grown up!

Reading should be a happy thing, and so is writing. Let’s all be happier~

Day off twenty-nine, thirty, the first day of the first month, the second day of the first month.

It counts as taking four days of annual leave, but in fact I will start writing on the second day of the first lunar month.

So everyone - see you on the third day of the first lunar month and January 24th in the Gregorian calendar!

I wish you all a Happy New Year!

Thank you for your company this year.

I hope that this year, "Red Heart Survey" will dedicate its splendor to you.

Hope we are all really touched by it.

Hope you and your family are safe, healthy and happy!

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