Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1887

Many people have heard that Penglai Island, one of the three holy places of Taoism, is overseas. But no one knows the true location of Penglai Island. Only generation after generation of Penglai Island's powerhouses, who enter to practice subconsciously, and leave to suppress the world, are constantly declaring the existence of this Taoist holy land.

Such as the real Meng Yu, is one of them.

This person has guarded the Cangwu Realm for six years, and he has fought against many True Kings of the Sea Clan.

Although the Blood King had never fought against him, he had heard his name for a long time and knew a little about his methods. Understand that this is not an opponent that can be easily shaken off. He avoided it as soon as he saw it, and he didn't say a word. The joints in his body exploded like firecrackers.

Crack, crack, crack!

This real king's body, which contains terrifying power, has completely disintegrated into principles within one-thousandth of a breath, and it is specifically manifested as blood light, scattered into hundreds of kinds, thousands of ways, and thousands of strands.

Blood is divided into yin and yang, and there are five elements, the three animals are different, and the four directions are different.

Or vicious, or hot, or cold, or corrosive.

The bright color is dark brown, there are thousands of variations of one blood color, and it flies away, like blood-colored fireworks soaring into the sky!

They reflect the blood king's absolute control over the word "blood".

These blood lights are indeterminate, of different lengths and scattered in all directions, fast or slow, flickering, and there is no possibility of precise capture.

The blood king's intention to avoid the battle couldn't be more clear.

But the so-called clarity above the blood light suddenly seemed like a snow mountain collapsed!

There is no "sky" here, so the concept of "sky" is first reflected, and then the sky is pressed down.

There is no "land" here, but at the foot of Mengyu, the earth extends infinitely, bears endless loads, and exists forever.

The upside-down clarity lifts up all the weight...

It is the so-called round sky!

Inherited from Penglai Island's fundamental Taoism "Gaosheng Taishang Yuchen Sutra", the supreme secret method is the heavenly performance art in the forty-nine arts of fortune.

When Meng Yu came to God, he knocked on the door with this technique. Later, he introduced the old and brought forth the new and carried it forward, pushing this technique up nine rankings!

Thousands of bloody fireworks that exploded hastily stopped at a high place, condensing into a short-lived gorgeous picture scroll.

The way of silent collision outlines the vague waves like a dream.

What a great deal! After meeting the Blood King for the first time, Meng Yu made an unreserved move and directly blocked a boundary!

It was just a chance encounter, everyone was afraid of each other, and he was supposed to catch a glimpse, but he moved like a landslide.

Why can't Meng Yu not understand that at this time, the blood king has been in a series of battles, and although he didn't have any fatal injuries, it also took a lot of energy. If you want to fight this beast, it's the right time. Killing the Blood King is of great significance to the entire war situation in the Lost World, and it is a rich contribution to himself.

If you don't take it from God, you will be blamed instead!




The scorching flames descended from the sky, unreservedly bombarded the light curtain of the nest protection array, and exploded into countless brilliant fireworks.

Make this fierce war scene a bit festive.

Fang Yuanyou, the commander of the personal guards, asked: "The famous general of the Hai nationality, Ao Huangzhong, is here. What can we do?"

Marquis Wu'an replied: "There are six sea nests in the Dingmao area. How can there be six Ao and Huangzhong? The way of war is to use the crowd to beat the few and use the strong to attack the weak!"

Jiang Wang decisively withdrew his troops from Ding Mao's first sea nest, and immediately rushed to Ding Mao's second sea nest.

And as soon as he arrived here, he launched a fierce attack!

Not only dispatched battle formations to bombard in turn, but also took action personally to attack the city together with various ordnance.

After the most direct bombardment of Yancheng, the flames bloomed all over the light curtain of the nest protection array. With the continuous support of the Sea Clan defenders, they were wiped out one by one by the power of the Nest Protector Array.

With Jiang Wang's current strength, mobilizing the energy of heaven and earth is as straight as a mountain swallowing the sea. Just standing there, he was already the center of the storm.

No other Taoism is used, just one after another, the firework burns the city, and the attack is fierce, giving the most direct pressure to the nest protection formation.

There are tens of thousands of nest-protecting arrays, but the light curtains covering the entire sea nest must maintain the flow of source energy during operation, and must gather huge defensive forces to a certain area or even a certain area at any time. point capacity.

The multi-point bombardment tactics commanded by Jiang Wang are the most direct way to hinder the operation of the formation.

Under such intensive and powerful bombardment, as long as one of the Sea Clan defenders can't keep up, they will be blasted open, thus breaking the defense.

Jiang Wang didn't seem to care about the loss of Dao Yuan at all, and the fireworks were released one after another. He showed the power of this super-grade Taoism to his heart's content, and verified his judgment on the weakness of the nest protection formation in front of him. The more he fought, the more excited he became. Don't pay attention to your own defense at all.

If someone from the Sea Clan is waiting for an opportunity to attack, this will probably be the best opportunity.

It's a pity that this Ding Mao's second sea nest is very quiet, and the steel honeycomb-like corridors only become the outlet for the torrent of ordnance and spells. Not even a call!

Jiang Wang already had a judgment in his mind, but he just stepped up his offensive and became more eager.

Just when the light curtain of the nest protection formation began to shake, a big blue hand with vitality suddenly stretched out, grabbing the sky full of flames.

"Where do we not meet again!" Ao Huangzhong flew out of the dark steel corridor and looked at Jiang Wang.

The battle robe fluttered, the armor leaves were like scales, and there was a calm smile on his face that had everything under control.

Jiang Wang also smiled: "It seems that you think this is the fate between you and me."

"There is a destiny in the dark." Ao Huangzhong said: "Suddenly I remembered, your nickname is Qingyang, and my name is Huang Zhong. It is indeed destined!"

Jiang Wang didn't say much, stepped directly onto the deck and ordered the army to retreat.

Fang Yuanyou was shocked for no reason, and finally couldn't help but said: "Could it be that there are really six Aohuang bells?"

Jiang Wang ignored such a stupid question, and only said: "Under the situation that these sea nests are all defenseless against him, there are many ways to do this. For example... a top-level magical power called the end of the world."

Fang Yuanyou frowned: "If the end of the world is really close to him, then we may not be able to take down any of the sea nests in this area."

Although Ao Huangzhong's individual combat strength is not as good as Lord Hou's, the Feiyunlou ship with a load of 3,000 soldiers may also become a sharp weapon for rampage on the battlefield.

However, under the circumstances that they could rush to help each sea nest at any time, relying on the huge advantage of the defender, Ao Huangzhong didn't have to worry about being breached at all. If it continues for a long time, the army will go out to fight, and it will be fruitless for a long time, which may cause disaster.

From Fang Yuanyou's perspective, after the appearance of Ao Huangzhong, the battle situation in Dingmao Realm is indeed difficult to make progress!

For example, Kuang Huiping, You Yuxin, etc., are also generals who regularly participate in the war of the lost world. They have nothing to do with this situation, and they have the intention of persuading them to return.

But Jiang Wang just ordered the army to turn around and go to the next sea nest.

At this time, the benefits of him gathering the morale of the army and subduing the three armies have become apparent.

Attacking two sea nests in succession failed, although the soldiers were tired, they didn't feel lazy, but seized the time to recuperate and rest on the warship, taking pills and stones.

Jiang Wang stood on the bow of the boat with his hands behind his back, stretching his clothes against the wind, calm and at ease. In my heart is the deduction that has already fallen into the battle situation, and I am struggling to find a solution.

So war is such a complicated subject.

When the army is dispatched, it is not for you to swim alone with your sword, fight if you can beat it, and leave if you can't beat it.

Already marching so far, if this battle can't gain anything, and regardless of the huge blow to prestige, the consumption of these Qi and Blood Pills and Dao Yuan Stones alone will be a huge deficit.

If there are too many deficits, this war zone will no longer be one of the support points of the human army, but will become a bottomless vortex that sucks blood inward.

Of course, with Jiang Wang's current accumulation, he can afford the consequences of futility.

With his character, even if it really caused a huge deficit, he would not let his soldiers pay for his stubbornness, and in the end he would just fill it up by himself.

The reason why they refuse to withdraw their troops now is naturally because...the Dingmaohai clan, which is garrisoned by the famous general Ao Huangzhong, is not incomprehensible!

It is known that there are a total of six sea nests in the Dingmao area.

It is known that Dingmao's No. 1 sea nest is the strongest, and through an all-out attack, he has already recognized the strength of the sea nest's defense.

Ao Huangzhong is known to be able to transfer from one sea nest to another in some way.

It is known that Ao Huangzhong is a famous general with sufficient military strategy and strength, and he chose the tortoise style of tactics very carefully, and the main one is to stay behind closed doors. No matter how you show your weakness, you will never show your head and bite the hook...

Jiang Wang circled all the knowledge so far in his mind, and casually ordered the army to bypass the third sea nest and kill the fourth sea nest.

The location of the floating island or the sea nest is not a decision made by the high-level executives.

They usually stop at a place where mazes are bound to be produced in a boundary. This kind of place is simply called "Maze Crystal Mine" by the human race. In the beginning, there were fancy names like Cave of Destiny, but they were all replaced by the simple and concise word mine.

The process of breeding mazes in the maze itself is like a bird laying eggs, always popping out one by one. How much is uncertain, and the speed is uncertain. Everything in the maze world is chaotic, even the birth of maze crystals has no rules at all. The only thing that is certain about the Maze Mine is the location of the mine.

It is known that the wilderness of the Dingmao realm is now completely the private land of the human race, and the scouts with extraordinary cultivation base are flying around, and there is no opponent at all. In other words, the Dingmaohai tribe is half blind outside the sea nest.

The reason why Ao Huangzhong was able to know the target of Jiang Wang's army at the first time and complete the support in time was naturally because of the communication circle between the sea nests.

So this time before the army arrived at the fourth sea nest, the vanguard first lifted a three-foot-high black metal obelisk outside the sea nest, placed it on the spot, transported blood, embedded enough Dao Yuan stones, Then activate it.

This is the unique ordnance "Silent Monument" of Daqi, created by the great craftsman Gongsun Ge.

Of course, it can't be done like the Qi Xia War. Under the leadership of Ruan Yu, the Qi army, with the stars as the formation, directly cut off the rules of the communication, so that any form of long-distance communication of any intensity cannot be realized.

However, within a certain range of space, the "Silent Monument" can also block the long-distance transmission of words and sounds in a timely manner, making it "silent".

Now the sea clan in the fourth sea nest has become completely "blind" outside the sea nest.

When the fourth sea nest suddenly loses the ability to communicate, what does it mean? This event itself is telling that the fourth sea nest has been designated as a military target by the human army.

That is, through such a behavior.

Ao Huangzhong already knew that the Wu'an army was here at the fourth sea nest, and Jiang Wang also knew that Ao Huangzhong rushed to the fourth sea nest quickly. At the same time they both know that the other already knows.

Then Jiang Wang garrison did not send.

The army quietly stopped outside the Stele of Silence, at a position where the fourth sea nest could not be accurately observed. At the same time, the scouts travel around, and the sea people are not allowed to spy.

Now the big test for Ao Huangzhong has begun!

Because the communication of the fourth sea nest has been cut off, the sea clan in the fourth sea nest cannot know the situation of the other five sea nests through the communication circle. They don't even know whether the human army has stationed its main force outside the Fourth Sea Nest.

This has nothing to do with Ao Huangzhong's military capabilities, it is the evil result of the loss of intelligence rights, and it is also the inevitable result of the crushing of field combat capabilities.

At this point, the Dingmao Sea Clan may only be able to rely on Ao Huangzhong's ability to come and go freely, repeatedly going to and from the six sea nests, and constantly confirming the main attack target of the human army. And what supported Ao Huangzhong to come and go freely, whether it was magical powers or some kind of treasure, how many rounds could it last repeatedly?

Hanging a knife and hanging a door at this step is better than thousands of chisels!

Of course, Ao Huangzhong can also hide in the depths of the sea nest and continue to remain calm. Just like what he did in the first sea nest and the second sea nest before, he waited until the nest protection formation was exhausted before making a move at a critical moment. Ao Huangzhong's trips to and from the Sea Nests consume a lot of energy, but how many times can the fierce attack of the Wu'an army bombard the Nest Protecting Formation last?

But for Jiang Wang, he still has a card——

Ao Huangzhong took two shots to cut off Jiang Wang's offensive, but Nian Chen had already restrained him.

He has been able to perceive the location of Ao Huangzhong for a long time, but pretends not to know, and still challenges Ao Huangzhong to a battle of wits and courage with the silent tablet. Ao Huangzhong thought that this was a gamble where the two sides tried each other's position and used their own consumption to spy on the opponent's hole cards.

In fact, he was looking at Ao Huangzhong's hole cards and the gambling table above!

Three hours is quite a long time in the concrete and dazed waiting, but for Jiang Wang, who is practicing silently, it only passes in a blink of an eye.

"Master Hou, when are we going to wait?" Kuang Huiping stepped onto the Feiyunlou boat and took the initiative to challenge: "Brothers have had enough rest, the last general is willing to be the vanguard and attack the enemy's door for Master Hou!"

"General Kuang is calm and honest, but he also finds it hard to bear. Ao Huangzhong will only be more anxious." Jiang Wangyuan looked at the Fourth Sea Nest, which was out of sight, and extinguished the smart flame on his fingertips, and said in a low voice: "Send the order, Eat first."

Kuang Huiping was stunned, but he obediently accepted the order and left.

"Master Hou." Fang Yuanyou reminded in a low voice: "It's been a long time since the brothers came out, and the number of mazes on board is limited. We need to pay attention to the reserves and be careful of the threat of alienation."

Jiang Wang took the list and glanced at it, then handed it back: "There is enough time."

He knew the location of Ao Huangzhong, and knew when this famous sea clan general was in the Fourth Sea Nest and when he left. So he has enough patience to test opponents.

Ao Huangzhong has been back and forth in the fourth sea nest for five rounds!

This is sufficient evidence of anxiety.

Anxious emotions tend to magnify problems.

He was waiting for Ao Huangzhong's mistake.


"It's not right!"

In the Fourth Sea Nest, Ao Huangzhong's face that was too old because of his seriousness showed a trace of imperceptible excitement.

"It has been four full hours, and there is no new movement from the human army."

He shook his head as he spoke.

"The Marquis of Wu'an in Qi State shouldn't be so calm. His army travels, exhausting every moment, and repeatedly bombarding the nest-protecting formation. The soldiers are exhausted and the military supplies are exhausted. But I sit guarding the Xiongguan, relying on the formation, and wait for work at leisure. , how could he be calmer than me?"

He walked back and forth three steps on the highest bridge inside Sea Nest, and when he looked up again, he had already made a decision: "Send the order to move Sea Nest!"

"Your Majesty!" The commander-in-chief of the Fourth Sea Nest couldn't believe it: "Our fortifications are all there, and the army has not lost a single part. Why do you want to move the Sea Nest?"

Although Sea Nest is a fortress of war, it has the function of moving at the beginning of its establishment.

But relocating sea nests is by no means an easy task.

The location of sea nest is often attached to the maze mine. It needs to be fixed, and in the chaotic world, creating a small pure land of the sea clan requires a huge amount of energy and long-term management.

Migrating rashly is a huge resource loss!

Losing the maze crystal mine here is also handing over the most important strategic material that has confused the world!

How can this not surprise him?

Ao Huangzhong had already calculated the loss in his heart, and said casually: "Jiang Wang has already found out my position, although I don't know how he did it."

"He discovered your existence and didn't dare to attack. Isn't that what foreign powers are doing?" The commander in the nest didn't understand at all: "He just erected a monument of silence, and we will move. If he erected a monument in other sea nests Woolen cloth?"

Ao Huangzhong said calmly: "Also move."

"What a huge loss, and it was lost without a battle!" The commander in the nest gritted his teeth: "The last general is really hard to understand!"

Finally found some fun in playing chess today, Ao Huangzhong was a little more patient, and explained to him: "Humans have an art of war that says, 'If you lose land, you will save the people, and if you lose the land, you will save the land. Lost'. You should memorize it. A proud man like Jiang Wang will not stay here for the rest of his life. What you lose today can be regained tomorrow."

"But our place is calm, and the human army dare not fight over." The commander in the nest is still puzzled: "I can't see the risk of losing ground, let alone the risk of losing troops."

Ao Huangzhong glanced at him, and finally said more impatiently: "Follow my king's order."

So the fourth sea nest rose against the wind, rumbled away from the direction of the first sea nest, and naturally left the shroud of the silent monument.

Only the human army who were eating, looking at each other, and Jiang Wang standing on the bow of the building boat, frowning silently, were left behind.

Jiang Wang did wait for Ao Huangzhong's change.

But what was waiting was not Ao Huangzhong's excessive consumption and limited ability to come and go freely, nor was it the risky gamble of this famous sea general, but the tail of the gecko was cut off.

From the beginning of contact between the two sides to the present, they have not had a real head-on collision. But Ao Huangzhong shrinks again and again, and now he can even give up the Mijing mine, he is extremely cautious!

It was precisely such an opponent that made Jiang Wang unable to see the possibility of destroying the enemy.

When Ao Huangzhong decided to move the Sea Nests, the worst result he could encounter was that all five Sea Nests would be moved. And any Sea Nest in the Dingmao area is impossible to be breached by the human race again!

Thanks to Dameng "I love Qiqi 888" for rewarding Xinmeng!

Thanks to the book friend "Niu Da's little fan cc" for becoming the leader of this book! It's for the 418th League of the Chixin Sky Survey!


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Happy New Year to all book friends! I hope that in the new year, everyone is safe and happy!

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