Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 851 Minority (4k)

On June 26, Yike held a press conference and officially announced the touch screen 3G smartphone Mars.

On October 1, Yike started pre-sales simultaneously on the official website and operator channels.

On December 10, Yike officially launched the mobile phone at 3 pm New York time.

Because of a series of publicity, a long queue formed outside the T-Mobile operator's store in New York at around 2 o'clock.

There are technology media, test bloggers, and phone purchasers, but most of them are users who have pre-ordered and picked up the phone.

In two months, 404,000 Mars units were pre-sold in the U.S. market. These were basically concentrated within T-Mobile’s 3G equipment coverage, including New York, Austin, Boston, Dallas, Houston, Las Vegas, Miami, etc. 12 cities.

The operator subsidy model determines that channels are king in mobile phone sales, and T-Mobile has also promised to provide 3G services in 27 cities next year, covering more than two-thirds of its user groups.

Considering consumers who pre-ordered and picked up the phone, Yike and T-Mobile have also cooperated with Amazon to complete the delivery of mobile phones and mobile phone cards within 2-3 days.

Even so, there is an endless stream of customers at T-Mobile and a small number of Yike stores. Many pre-order users and consumers hope to get their favorite mobile phones as soon as possible.

However, while American consumers are contributing to the popularity of offline sales, the European market has already taken the lead.

Yiko's opening hours are 3 pm in the two major European and American markets, but there is a time difference between the two places. 3 pm Berlin time is 9 am New York time. European consumers have been arriving hours in advance to receive interviews and get hands-on experience. , social media sharing, real machine testing, and comments.

Europe's 3G telecommunications market is mature. Deutsche Telekom's channels here are much stronger than those in the US market, and its user base is wider. But because Amazon is not as strong as its US headquarters, the queuing atmosphere here is even more enthusiastic.

At 5 o'clock in the afternoon Berlin time, two hours after the launch of Mars, Nokia's marketing executive Huo Ning was pushed on YouTube about the latest European launch of Yike mobile phones. He was immediately shocked by the scene in the video.

——Berlin's most prosperous commercial area, Kurdammstrasse, has a long queue outside the Deutsche Telekom store.

——The reporter interviews consumers who have just walked out of the store.

——Consumers rush to answer questions without waiting. I am very happy.

——The consumer also enthusiastically demonstrated the functions of the front camera on the spot.

——The camera moves back, and the queue behind is still very long.

Looking at the length of the team in the video, Huoning felt as if he had been struck by a whip, and felt a burning sensation in his heart.

But he also suspected that this was a misleading video, an exception, and a specially made marketing promotion.

Horning put down the coffee cup that made him feel comfortable a minute ago, stood up and walked out of the company. He remembered that there was a Deutsche Telekom store a street away. He wanted to see with his own eyes a company that had never made mobile phones but suddenly entered this fiercely competitive market. What is the latest product of the manufacturer?

When he took ten minutes to see the actual situation, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

The Finnish compatriots have indeed seen the big scene and were not fooled by the toy products. Although there was a queue, it was not very long.

Huoning thought about it and decided that since he had already come, he might as well buy one to see what this toy was like.

He walked from the front to the end of the line, thinking that he must unveil the fake popularity on YouTube - the Android system is led by Google, and its YouTube naturally supports the new mobile phone.

Then, just as Huoning stood firm, a voice suddenly came from behind.

"Hello, please don't jump in line."

Huoning turned around in shock and found half a body emerging from behind the corner of the street. The other person politely kept a social distance and reminded him of his proper qualities in the gentlest voice.

Horning apologized and walked back.

As a result, fellow Finns lined up two meters apart from each other, resulting in long queues.

When Huoning reached the end of the line, it was already another street for Te Niang!

Compatriots from Finland who have seen the big world!

You have the best mobile phone brand in the world!

Huoning asked angrily another compatriot standing in line behind him: "Why do you want to buy Yike's mobile phone?"

The Finnish compatriot took a half step back, kept his distance, and said concisely: "Cheap, front-loaded, YouTube."

Horning was deep in thought as he lined up.

He suddenly discovered that the positioning of Yike Mars was very vague, and as a result, Nokia seemed to have no very appropriate competitive models.

For a mobile phone that costs less than 200 euros, is Nokia going to compete with it with the N95 and E90?

The difference was several hundred euros, which was obviously inappropriate.

But if Nokia's 200-euro model is used to compete with Mars, how can it effectively provide product strength?

Unique front camera? Google's masterpiece Android system? Brand new capacitive screen? 3.7-inch super large screen?

Huoning put his mentality in the position of ordinary consumers, and suddenly discovered an embarrassing part of the market competition. Yike mobile phones did not seem to follow the traditional product dimensions, but were presented to Nokia in an extremely misplaced way. .

The queue for fellow Finns was long, but the queue time was not too long.

Huoning discovered the problem when he got to the front of the queue. Many people simply took their mobile phones and left, indicating that they were users who purchased in advance.

But what made him a little creepy was that many people were eager to try it out as soon as they left the store, with similar postures - raising their hands, raising their heads, smiling, looking at it, and leaving.

One, two, three, or four, the movements of these people caught Huoning's eyes, making him feel uneasy as if they were fascinated.

At 4:10 p.m., Huoning walked into the store. There were customers in front of every salesperson inside, and many of them were trying out the touch-screen mobile phone.

He noticed the prices and packages marked prominently. 8G/16G storage is 190/285 euros, and there are four different bundled packages.

"I want this one with 8G storage." Huo Ning suddenly felt a little embarrassed looking around in the salesperson's eyes, "Can I not choose the package?"

The salesperson's eyes were very surprised: "Sir, that will be much more expensive."

The more expensive it is, the more comfortable it is. Huoning replied steadily: "My mobile phone plan is still on for a long time, so it is not convenient to switch."

"Okay, if you are willing to use our tariff package in the future, you can also place an order on the official website." The salesperson handed over a leaflet with detailed tariffs, "This mobile phone is produced by Yike Company and is equipped with Clear phone case, if you don’t like it, you can choose other styles on it and on our website.”

She familiarly introduces the latest mobile phones to customers.

Huoning didn't expect that there was a mobile phone case, but he quickly understood its function, which was probably to prevent falls.

He opened the mobile phone box, handed over his credit card, and took out a touch-screen mobile phone launched by Yike Company.

Although he had already seen this phone on the website, even though he had just watched others use it, and even though he had tried another touch-screen phone, the iPhone, Horning really put Mars on his phone.

He suddenly discovered...


How does this glass body feel?

Horning turned the glass-body Mars over and over in his hands and looked at it from an objective perspective. It really felt like a high-end product.

Sign the credit card, take the receipt, and pick up the pouch.

Huoning took one last look at the well-organized operator store where everyone was experiencing Mars. He frowned and left, resisting the urge to try out the front-facing camera for the first time. He didn't take out Mars until he left a street away.

Raise your hands, look up, and smile.

Horning took his first front-facing camera selfie.


This photo...

It’s really convenient to take selfies!

In just a few seconds, theory became reality.

Nokia marketing executive Horning was struck by a huge convenience.

The posture, the novelty, and the claim to change the industry in the past advertisements have hit the hearts of numb middle-aged men in the workplace at this moment!

Horning realized one thing. Nokia must follow up on the idea of ​​front-facing cameras that can change the user experience.

Why didn't Nokia do it before? Why was it brought to the market by Yike?

Horning briefly thought about this issue on the way back to the company, and focused on the screen size of a full-touch screen mobile phone. In this way, mobile phones without keyboards seem to have more room for display.

Soon, Huo Ning, who returned to the company, on the one hand ordered other subordinates to study the popularity of Yike mobile phone sales, and on the other hand convened a meeting to discuss the latest Yike Mars.

Front-facing, touch screen, Android, glass body, Internet applications.

A mobile phone that combines these elements was placed in front of Nokia executives so sincerely...

“A very good mobile phone product.”

Some Nokia executives gave an evaluation that was a historical breakthrough for them - at least it is not a toy.

But someone soon pointed out the shortcomings: "It is difficult to change the user's habit of using the keyboard. This phone is as radical as the iPhone. It just has the advantage of being cheap. Moreover, its rear camera is the same as our high-end products." A big difference."

The rear camera of Nokia N95 is 5 million pixels, while Mars only has 2 million pixels.

The iPhone has landed in the European market, but it has not reached closer cooperation with operators here and only uses sales channels.

So far, only about 200,000 iPhone units have been sold in Europe.

This situation is believed by mobile phone manufacturers such as Nokia that it will be difficult for the iPhone to be competitive after excluding the market subsidies provided by US operators.

However, Yike Mars is different. It is operated by the same operator in Europe and the United States. This low-price idea seems to have different power.

190 euros and 380 euros, these are completely two product positionings.

"The large screen gives users a better experience. We can combine the large screen and the keyboard with a slider." A director of Nokia's R\u0026D department said with a smile, "This can take into account the advantages."

"And there's this front-facing camera," Horning said.

The R\u0026D director nodded and said: "This won't be difficult. In fact, I don't think this is a threshold. If necessary, we can launch a mobile phone with a front-facing camera in as soon as 3 months."

What can this enable a new mobile phone company to do in three months?

Even if it sells 1 million units in a month and 3 million units in three months, so what?

3 million units, and then facing the follow-up of Big Mac, it will inevitably fall off a cliff.

Huoning said thoughtfully: "The glass body is not bad either."

"This is just an alternative, just a boring design. Yike will soon face backlash because of this." The R\u0026D director disagreed.

Huoning rubbed the glass body back in his hand, hesitated for a moment and still respected the opinions of professionals.

The discussion at this meeting was very convenient.

However, when Horning sat in his office and tried to watch YouTube on Yike Mars, he was still touched by the experience and couldn't help but give a temporary order to let the publicity department respond.

At 7:30 in the evening, Nokia, which had taken some action, used the Internet to give an informal statement.

Horning appeared on the scene and recorded a video of him playing with N95 and talking to colleagues, talking about the iPhone that was frustrated in the European market and the newly launched Mars.

The two people are extremely proud to say that Nokia is the mobile phone brand covering the largest user group in the world and will continue to provide users with the best experience.

If users need a front-facing camera, Nokia can also provide the best front-facing camera experience.

Horning said hintingly: "This may only take less than 3 months."

The video lasted for 20 minutes. The two listed the features, sales volume, and user groups of many Nokia products. Although it was relatively boring, it still received a lot of views on YouTube and was regarded as a kind of attention from the Finnish mobile phone giant.

The giants are watching! Overlord’s attention!

Are you scared

In just half an hour, on YouTube, the most popular video website on the Internet, Fang Zhuo, the head of Yike, uploaded a video of only 20 seconds.

——Fang Zhuo raised his phone to take a selfie and adjusted it to the best angle.

——The background behind him is two people taking photos with Nokia. After taking a picture, they ran over to communicate and image.

——Fang Zhuo quickly finished taking the photo and looked back at the users who were still busy taking pictures with Nokia.

——Immediately, he turned to face the camera, winked his left eye, and smiled slightly: I like being in the minority.

——The final scene is fixed on Yike Mars in Fang Zhuo’s hand.

Long and concise!

Mobile phone overlord and emerging brand!

The world's largest and freshest!

The Nokia giant's statement received an elegant response.

Accompanying this "minority" response, Facebook, a social platform that expanded its business to the European market, crashed its servers twice due to the surge in image sharing.

# Selfie # .

# How to take a selfie # .

# Mars selfie # .

Popular words in the European market spread to the American market along the Internet, successfully irritating consumers who had just received Yike Mars, and made them eager to join the ranks of taking selfies.

However, YouTube saw that Mr. Fang did not list parameters and responded with one sentence in a calm and appropriate manner. It also silently increased the push, allowing more people to see the attitude from the head of Yike.

The world's unique mobile phone products, the world's most trendy products that fit the Internet ecology, and the cool style that young people most accept and even like.

Is the phone before you a piece of top-notch parts?

No, they are the most exciting minority at the forefront of the industry.

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