Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 853 Mars’ million sales (5k)

New York is already a bustling night with lights and lights.

"Schmidt really said that?"

When the recording of Yu Hong's response to the mobile phone brand LG ended and she heard Mr. Fang describing her exchange with the CEO of Google, she couldn't help but wonder. Schmidt had met several times, and even if he was brought to the door by Mr. Fang that time, it was still pretty good. Such grace.

Fang Zhuo nodded.

Yu Hong thought of a possibility: "Did Schmidt mean Do it? When you listened to English, your mind automatically translated it into your native language and added some personal characteristics, turning it into killing LG?"

Translation should be honest and elegant, but sometimes personal emotions and self-understanding are also included. Will it be different because someone is too vicious?

Fang Zhuo sighed, feeling a little sad: "Xiao Yu, don't think too badly of me and think too well of others. How can I not know who Schmidt is? I can smell it even from three miles away. To the bad water in his belly.”

He once again gave strong proof: "He is not talking about Do it, he is talking about Fuck LG. Do you think there is something wrong with my description?"

Fuck LG!

Yu Hong understood that Mr. Fang's English proficiency was indeed good, and he was worthy of being a man who used Selfy accurately.

She explained: "No, Mr. Fang, I just didn't expect Schmidt to have such decisive business leadership charisma like you."

What is charisma in business leadership?

Unite your partners and defeat your opponents!

"After all, he is the CEO of Google. It is not easy to pull Sergey and Larry along. I am quite wary of Schmidt, especially since I learned last time that he has a close relationship with the U.S. defense." Fang Zhuo believes that he must be serious. To clarify his attitude, because Xiao Yu is in charge of the US market, the two of them must be on the same front.

Yu Hong nodded silently when she saw Mr. Fang's sharp eyes that rarely showed towards her.

Fang Zhuo's eyes softened and he continued: "LG thought it was in the Android camp with Verizon this time, but I didn't expect that it might choose Symbian. I don't think Symbian will work, but Schmidt attaches great importance to it. Our patents on touch screens, especially multi-touch, are killer patents."

He repeated the positioning.

Killer patent, Killer Patent.

"But our patents are certified and effective in the United States through the Paris Convention. I am not worried about the European side. I am more worried about whether there will be unexpected situations with the Patent and Trademark Office here in the United States." Fang Zhuo frowned and said, "I pay attention From time to time, patents here have been overturned, and the review of patents is extremely long.”

Yu Hong knew where Mr. Fang's worries came from.

Yike applied for a patent in China, and then passed the Paris Convention for global patent certification. For example, multi-touch is targeted at capacitive screens and was successfully approved in the United States.

However, FingerWorks, a company acquired by Apple in 2005, also has a similar patent, but it is more general and does not describe capacitive screens as specifically as Yike.

This is a potential source of disputes, given the additional influence of directors like Apple's vice-boss.

"Furthermore, once a patent war starts, it will be fine for LG, but it will be a loud reminder to giants like Nokia." Fang Zhuo said with a smile, "Nokia's accumulation is too strong, and it will be difficult to fight a patent war. "

Yu Hong nodded. Indeed, it was the dominant company in the industry, and patent wars were difficult to fight.

Now, we need to build a star product first, and use its effects and the chips in our hands to do things behind the scenes, including the patent cross-licensing Pro Alliance jointly established with Google, all of which are preparing for deeper competition.

These behind-the-scenes are complicated, but Yu Hong has confidence in the company and Mr. Fang.

Yike Mars started by selling 1 million units.

On the second day after the launch of the Yike mobile phone, queues at stores of major operators in the United States and Europe continued.

Many users who previously chose express delivery have been affected by the popularity of the Internet and have canceled the door-to-door mode and actively go to stores, hoping to get their mobile phones as soon as possible.

According to T-Mobile's estimates, this batch of pre-sale models can be digested within 4 days.

Many media were surprised by the launch of Yike Mars and reported on the queuing phenomenon. More influential online bloggers gave evaluations of Yike Mars after careful exploration and comparison.

Among them, TechCrunch, a technology blog that has analyzed Yike’s press conference before, has the greatest impact.

TechCrunch founder Michael Arrington personally recorded a video to share his experience of using Yike Mars.

"After waiting for more than 5 months, I finally got the 3G touch screen smartphone Mars sold by Yike."

"This mobile phone, which is advertised as having unique features in the world, shined with a different brilliance from the first second I opened the phone box!"

"I have to say that as a pre-order user, I inevitably have many of the same worries as everyone else before I get the phone. A phone made of glass must be easily broken, right?"

"When I got it, all these worries were immediately forgotten because... it's really beautiful!"

"Mars canceled the physical buttons, and even refused to retain the Home button like the iPhone, giving us a complete 3.7-inch screen. The one I am holding in my left hand is Nokia's N95, and its 2.4-inch screen is put together for comparison..."

"The body of the N95 is made of engineering plastic and the back is made of soft rubber."

“Based on the feel alone, the feeling of holding two mobile phones together simply does not look like products of the same era!”

"I can somewhat understand why Yike Company insists on using such glass material."

"Forgive me for praising the material and feel of Mars so much. The last thing I admired was the metal texture of iPhone, but I soon became troubled by the signal problem of the latter. After a day of use, Mars has not encountered any problems in this regard for the time being. Troubled.”

"The texture brought by the glass body, I really recommend other mobile phone manufacturers to quickly follow suit."

"I still want to continue to praise the quality of Mars, but I also have to talk about its front camera."

"But, what should I say?"

“The collapse of Facebook’s servers in Europe not only proves Facebook’s stinginess with its budget in Europe, but also proves people’s pursuit of themselves!”

“Mr. Fang’s word Selfy is very good. It can be traced back to the 17th century Scottish ancient word ‘self-centered’. Hey, isn’t taking a selfie meant to be self-centered?”

“I can almost conclude that front-facing camera selfies will profoundly change the habits of mobile phone users and the designs of mobile phone manufacturers!”

"After only one day of use, I have to come to this conclusion and I must be true to my inner judgment."

"Because it's so convenient!"

"Oh yes, YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter are also convenient. These three mobile apps have built a video, social, and media framework. I suspect that I will spend more time on my mobile phone in the future."

Arrington demonstrated his use of the three software one by one with great interest, and also showed the excited speeches of users on the three platforms.

He said with great appreciation: "Yike only claims that its front camera is unique. Let me tell you, its Internet application framework is also unique in the world and is very convenient for our users."

"Looking at the root cause, the system installed on this phone has such an effect."

"It has a software called the Android Store. I tried to download the recommended applications. I lamented the convenience again, and the application of Symbian's signature mechanism is already very backward!"

"I think the idea of ​​this mobile phone made by Yike is not only to compete with mobile phones on the market, but also to think about how to tap and meet the needs of users."

“I highly recommend the first mobile phone launched by Yike Company and look forward to its next one.”

“And after recommending it, I’m going to talk about its shortcomings.”

"As a technology blogger, I own almost all mobile phone products on the market. I have used an iPhone for five months in the past. It has a similar positioning to Mars. It is said that many parts come from the same supplier."

"I want to say something objectively. As a touch-screen phone, the touch-screen experience takes up a lot of the user's experience time. The iPhone is better than Mars in this aspect."

“But when I want to take a selfie, when I don’t have wifi and want to watch videos, in the future, when I want to use Amazon to shop without getting up from the sofa, should I use Mars or iPhone?”

Arrington shrugged: "I can only choose Mars."

He leaned his upper body forward and tapped the camera lens with his hand.

"Dong dong dong, Steve Jobs, we want 3G!"

"Dong dong dong, Steve Jobs, we need to move forward!"

"Dong dong dong, Jobs, Jobs, do you hear it? You have fallen..."


The notebook is covered.

Jobs obviously heard it.

Not only did he hear it, he was impressed.

People were already sitting down in Apple's conference room, and they happened to hear Arrington's affectionate shout-out to Jobs, and couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed.

Today's meeting is to discuss competitors that have been on sale for two days.

Since that conference, Apple has conducted a lot of research and analysis on Yiko products.

As a result, to really see the Internet popularity and reality of the sale, we had to have another meeting hosted by Jobs himself.

The content of the meeting is not complicated. It will discuss whether to make improvements to the iPhone released next year.

According to the original plan, the next generation iPhone will be released around June next year. It will mainly add 3G functions and change the metal back shell to improve signal problems. It will also be launched on the Apple Store to increase the use of applications.

Now, the question before everyone is whether to study based on Mars.

First, whether to add a front camera, which means changes in the internal design.

Second, whether to change the screen size, Yike used the extra 0.2 inches of 3.7 inches to do a lot of publicity work.

Third, whether to also use a glass body to replace next year’s plastic design.

Fourth, based on this year’s situation, whether to add pre-sales next year, optimize online marketing, and how to conquer the European market.

So far, 2.3 million iPhone units have been sold in the US market and only 250,000 units have been sold in the European market. The latter is a big problem.

In particular, Mars seems to be gaining momentum in Europe with Deutsche Telekom's channels, which is a very unfavorable signal. Apple's stock price has fallen in the past two days due to the popularity of its opponents.

Jobs talked about iPhone sales.

In fact, for a new mobile phone, the total sales volume of 2.55 million units is already very good, and it is the peak sales season around Christmas.

However, under the heat of the launch of competing products, this is somewhat bleak.

"Yike has not yet announced its pre-sale sales. A large part of its current offline sales is due to the collection of pre-sale mobile phones. This is a big bubble. I think..."

Apple's marketing director's speech was interrupted by Jobs waving his hand.

Jobs saw the latest news push appearing on the laptop of his colleague on the right - Yike announced mobile phone sales.

He interrupted the meeting, pulled his notebook closer, and clicked on the message.

——Yike announced that Mars sales exceeded 1 million units!

“Since Yike’s mobile phone was released on December 10, as of 3:30 pm on the 12th, in just two days, Mars sales exceeded 1 million.”

“Does this mean the era of touch-screen phones is coming?”

“Is this a challenge from Android to mainstream mobile phone systems?”

"Yiko Mars is still going on."

In just two days, even if they knew there had been pre-sales, when the figure of 1 million really came into view, Apple executives including Steve Jobs were shocked!

There was silence in the conference room!

Just like Apple is waiting for Christmas sales, Yiko Mars will definitely boost sales greatly before and after Christmas.

Apple is working towards 3 million. When will Yike’s 2 million be achieved? And, will Yike reach 3 million before Apple?

There is also a European market over there!

Jobs allowed his colleagues to discuss the matter intensively before returning to the meeting.

This time, the decision-making was quick.

Jobs himself said: "Add a front-facing camera."

This means that changes in appearance and interior require overturning part of the design.

As for the screen size, he is still hesitant. With the 0.2-inch gap, the smoothness of the system should be enough to make up for the user's scrutiny.

If even the screen is on par with Yike, wouldn’t this become Apple’s Mars?

Jobs has successively finalized the content of the meeting and will hold urgent consultations with European operators. He will no longer insist on the original high share of revenue and strive to improve competitiveness in Europe and make up for this shortcoming.

This meeting lasted for a long time and the atmosphere was very solemn.

When Jobs returned to the office, he couldn't help but open his laptop and want to see the feedback on Yike's sales on the Internet.

However, as soon as he opened YouTube, he was pushed a video from Fang Zhuo, the head of Yike.

"Mars has exceeded 1 million units. This is of course loved by consumers. I am very happy that the first mobile phone we made can be recognized."

"I once promised Steve Jobs that I would give him the millionth mobile phone."

“The one I’m holding in my hand is a gift that will be sent via Amazon Logistics.”

"He'll definitely like it. It's a healthy competition between us."

"By the way, Amazon will launch its Android software application before Christmas, and you can use Mars for mobile shopping on Christmas."

"Also, the Android system is being upgraded tonight, and we have carefully prepared Easter eggs for Fruit Killer for everyone."

Jobs watched the video with a sullen face, and felt that the smile inside was particularly dazzling.

Very familiar?

Who wants your phone?

I want to buy it myself!

Jobs glanced at Mars on the table and suspected that Fang was targeting him with Easter eggs. Fruit killer? Wrong name? Apple killer?

After years of fighting, Apple knows Fang Zhuo’s heart best.

No coincidence.

When Apple first learned that Mars sales exceeded one million, the Finnish giant Nokia was also forced to learn the news.

Nokia CEO Kallasvuo was interviewed by reporters on the phone.

He heard what the reporter on the other end said and suspected that the other party had misrepresented the data.

"What? What? How many days? Yike's mobile phone sales exceeded one million? One million? Which million?"

The reporter absolutely said that yes, the sales exceeded one million, which is Mars’ million in two days! It’s the mobile phone company of the world’s richest man Fang Zhuo that is rising!

Kovrig was shocked.

Is this the phone that was considered a touchscreen toy?

Is this a little-known new player in the industry?

Is this, that... a small mobile phone manufacturer that will infringe Nokia's patents?

You might as well say that Yike acquired Samsung overnight and changed all the names!

It was 9:30 pm European time. Kovrig hurriedly ended the interview, summoned his subordinates, and received a brief report. Only then did he learn that there was another "minority" issue.

Kovrig finally breathed a sigh of relief when he learned about the pre-sale and the two days of pre-sale.

However, this still attracts attention. Users are actually so attracted to front-facing photography? This deserves a closer look.

Kovrig talked about one million in two days and thought this pre-sale was a slightly interesting trick.

Almost at the same time, Lowell, the head of Verizon who had announced a cooperation with LG, looked at the news on his computer and fell into deep thought and hesitation.

Yike's two-day pre-sale of millions is also very impressive.

However, South Korea's LG is a well-known brand and is equipped with the Symbian system, which is the most used system in the world. Moreover, LG has released two capacitive screen products.

Plus its own users and channels in the United States.

This way you won’t lose, right?

How could such a combination lose?

Lowell stared at Yike's news for a long time, thinking that he wanted to send his congratulations to Yike out of grace.

He dialed the number of the head of Yike, and as soon as he got through, he heard a very noisy background sound on the other side, which seemed to be a celebration party.

"Congratulations to Yi Ke and Mr. Fang on their great success." Lowell took his time and showed his magnanimity.

Before Fang Zhuo was about to speak, champagne was opened next to him, and even Schmidt's "FFFFF..." rang out.

"Cough, Verizon, Verizon, shhh."

Lowell heard Mr. Fang’s reminder to others on the other end, followed by a formal reply.

Fang Zhuo smiled and said: "Thank you, this is just a small step for Yike."

Lowell thought the next sentence was "but it's a big step for the mobile phone industry."

"I hope to still receive your call before Christmas." Fang Zhuo said clearly amidst the celebrations of colleagues and partners, "then we can wish each other a Merry Christmas."

Lowell understood the meaning, exchanged a few pleasantries, and ended the call.


Two million?


Lowell was in a haze. There were only 13 days left. Can you sell nearly 80,000 units in one day? If you can produce one million units in 13 days, I will eat LG’s mobile phone right then and there!

Impossible, impossible, absolutely impossible!

LG, LG, you have to stand up! Stand up! !

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