Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1539 Sky-high price secret medicine

What is hunger marketing? !

Liu Mu was completely confused at this moment. He knew the word "hunger" and had experienced it deeply. But he didn't understand the word "marketing". He had never heard of this word before. As for the combination of these two words The term "hunger marketing" formed together is even more unheard of, and I have no idea why.

However, although he did not understand what hunger marketing was, it did not prevent him from carrying out Zhu Pingan's wishes.

"Everyone, I'm really sorry. It's really hard to find good medicine. We have really tried our best. My master even shared his own reserved portion to get enough of these one thousand packets of secret magic knife healing medicine."

After everyone complained and shouted, Liu Mu clasped his fists and explained to everyone, his expression still a little unnatural.

"Is this thousand packs enough for several families to buy?"

"Yes, it's too little. How can we divide it among so many of us?"

People couldn't help but cry. There were a thousand packets of secret medicine, which was enough to share among several families.

"Ahem, I'm really sorry. At present, we really only have these one thousand packs of secret knife-creating medicine. However, you don't have to be disappointed. Starting from next month, and on the first day of every month, our Zhejiang Army will have a new batch The Secret Magic Knife Creation Medicine is on the market, and each batch is expected to be about 2,000 packs. Of course, we will do our best to expand production and launch as many Secret Magic Knife Creation Medicines as possible for external sale every month. On the first day of every month , you can go to our Zhejiang Army camp to buy, the quantity is limited, first come first served, while stocks last." Liu Mu coughed and told everyone according to Zhu Pingan's instructions.

I heard that two thousand packs of Secret Art Knife Creation Medicine will be put on the market on the first day of every month. Although the quantity is limited, after all, there will be two thousand packs every month, right? And didn’t it say that the Zhejiang Army will use all its strength to strive for expansion? Production, try to release as many packs of secret knife-creating medicine that can be sold to the outside world on the first day of every month. The future is promising, isn't it? People's groans finally calmed down.

So, people began to pay attention to how to divide the current thousand packs of secret magic knife medicine, and the price.

"There are so many of us, how are we going to divide these one thousand packets of secret magic knife-creating medicine? Who will be sold to first, and who will be sold later?"

“If the person who buys first buys a thousand packs at once, won’t the people behind him not be able to buy it?”

"How much does a pack of Secret Art Knife Creation Medicine cost? Is there a discount for buying more?"

People have many problems

In response to everyone's concerns, Liu Mu couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Fortunately, the young master had already made preparations, otherwise he really wouldn't know how to deal with it.

"As for the question of 'who sells first and who sells later', you don't need to worry too much. When you came, you all registered at our camp gate. The order in which you registered on the registration book is the order of purchase qualifications. In order, the first one to register has the right of first refusal, and so on." Liu Mu took the registration book from the gatekeeper general, opened today's registration page, and explained to everyone.

First come, first served, with this arrangement, everyone naturally had no objection.

"How much does a pack of Secret Art Knife Creation Medicine cost? Are there any discounts for buying more?" People were concerned about the price again.

"It's reliable, please take a look."

Liu Mu's face turned slightly red, he coughed, clapped his hands, and the soldier behind him brought out a board in time to show it to everyone.

He was really embarrassed to tell the price of the Secret Art Knife Creation Medicine, blushing and feeling guilty, so he had no choice but to do this.

Everyone looked up and saw a large handwritten calligraphy in the middle of a board: Secret Magic Knife Creation Medicine, Eternal Miracle Medicine. Each package of powder weighs five coins and sells for five coins in silver. Because today's opening is auspicious, everyone has come from afar, and we are offering a huge reward, selling it at a 40% discount, that is, three hundred coins per package. Starting from next month, the original price will be restored to 5 cents. Hope everyone knows.

"Five cents a bag? Is this a money grab?!"

"Even with a 40% discount today, I still pay three hundred silver per bag! From now on, it will return to five coins per bag every month."

After everyone heard the price of the secret knife-creating medicine, they couldn't help but open their mouths, took a breath of cold air, and exclaimed.

Hearing everyone's exclamations, Liu Mu couldn't help but turn a little red. He also thought it was expensive, so he couldn't say anything.

He knew the actual cost price of the Secret Art Knife Creation Medicine. Their Zhejiang Army purchased it from the Wuxi Miaoman. The cost of a pack of Secret Art Knife Creation Medicine was 150 yuan, and the Wuxi Miaoman made a pack of Secret Art Knife Creation Medicine. The cost of creating a drug is even cheaper, less than ten cents. My young master set the price of a pack of Secret Art Knife Creation Medicine at five denarii, which was really expensive. Even if it was a big opening reward, it was sold at a 40% discount, and a pack of three hundred denarii was still twenty times more expensive.

Liu Mu still remembers when he asked his son a question, his son's answer was, "It's not that I have a bad heart, but the secret knife wound medicine is worth the price. It is a holy medicine for healing, and it has the effect of resurrecting wounds such as knife wounds." With it, it is like gaining half a life. Life is priceless, isn't half a life worth five cents of silver? In addition, now that Japanese pirates are rampant and the people are in dire straits, if our Zhejiang Army wants to develop and make a difference, it must We must have military supplies and food and wages. Nowadays, the imperial court is financially tight and cannot make ends meet. It is difficult to distribute food and wages on time, and rumors have increased. Therefore, we still have to rely more on ourselves and rely on our own efforts. Therefore, the secret sword and medicine must also be worth the price. Our Zhejiang army develops and grows in order to destroy Japanese pirates, so that the people of the world will be less harmed by Japanese pirates, and it is also to take what we have from the people and use it for the people."

He understood the logic, but he was still embarrassed.

So, Liu Mu clapped his hands again, and the soldiers behind him carried out two more boards.

A letter was written together: The secret knife and the medicine are ancient magical prescriptions, the sacred medicine of wound medicine, worthy of trust; if the pain is unavoidable, the secret medicine is by your side; holding the secret knife and medicine, the king of hell must also take a detour.

A letter was written: According to legend, in the arena where swords are shining, it is a must-have for knights to fight violence; on the battlefield where swords are raining and arrows are raining, it is a life-saving elixir that brings soldiers back to life.

Yes, these are all written by Zhu Pingan, who wrote them casually while writing official documents.

It is extremely exaggerated and extremely impressive. After reading it once, it will leave a deep impression on people's minds.

"Ahem, everyone, I believe you have all seen the miraculous efficacy of the secret knife wound medicine. Carrying the secret knife wound medicine with you is equivalent to half an extra life. Taking it internally and externally can save a life from ordinary fatal injuries. Life. Think about how much money a life is worth. A pack of secret knife trauma medicine is worth half a life, but it only costs five coins. Don’t you think it is very affordable?! Think about it, if it is a common fatal injury, just ask a doctor The consultation fee is more than five coins, let alone ginseng and other precious herbs. Therefore, a pack of secret knife-creating medicine only costs five coins. It is really affordable and cannot be more affordable, not to mention that it is only available today. Three hundred coins a bag is enough to make a profit by losing money." Liu Mu waited for everyone to look at the promotional board for a while, then coughed and said to everyone.

"Yes, that's right. The secret knife-creating medicine is a life-saving medicine. The life-saving medicine only costs five coins. You can't even buy a century-old ginseng root. It's really affordable."

"It's still acceptable."

"Buy more today."

After looking at the display board and listening to Liu Mu's words, everyone present nodded slightly and accepted the price.

ha? !

Is this accepted? ! Still think it’s very affordable? !

Seeing the slight nods from everyone present, Liu Mu opened his mouth in surprise. He was originally prepared to waste more words, but he didn't expect everyone to accept the sky-high price so easily, and he admired Zhu Pingan even more.

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