Rise From the Humble

Chapter 2020 What do you want to do?

As soon as Tu Dashan finished speaking, Zhu Ping'an continued to bow his hands to Zhang Jing and said, "At the same time, we are also governors appointed by the Holy Father. We also have the responsibility and responsibility of taking charge of the military within the territory and commanding the military within the territory."


It will be said for a while that the Governor-General is unified in commanding the military in the south of the Yangtze River, and that is how it should be! After a while, he said that the governor has the power to take charge of military affairs and command the military within the territory! As for the military command power, should we accept it or not? !

Are you just sitting on the fence? !

And no one even carries it! Riding on the wall in front of Governor Zhang and all of us, how many crotches do you have, can you resist riding like this? !

Tu Dashan was stunned.

Not only Tu Dashan, but everyone including Zhang Jing was also stunned and looked at Zhu Pingan in confusion.

Under the attention of everyone, Zhu Ping'an spoke slowly, "The governor has unified command of the military in the south of the Yangtze River, and we, the governor, are also in charge of military command within the territory. There is no contradiction between the two. It is related to the overall peace of the Japanese war, and it is under the unified command of the governor. I We fully obey the command of the Governor; local pacification of Japanese wars within the territory is under the command of our governor. Of course, the Governor can give orders at any time for local pacification of Japanese wars, and we fully obey orders; for generals, officers and soldiers at all levels within the territory, the Governor has orders, Then listen to the Governor. If the Governor has no orders, then listen to us. If there is a conflict between the orders, the orders of the Governor shall prevail."

Zhu Pingan did not want the military command power to be taken away by Zhang Jing. He respected Zhang Jing, but he was not superstitious.

Zhang Jinghui's strategy for suppressing the Japanese was still conservative, and Zhu Pingan did not agree with it. In addition, according to the historical trajectory, Zhang Jinghui was pulled down by Zhao Wenhua with the power of the strict party, and died unjustly. The post of governor of Jiangnan would pass through several hands in the future, and finally fell to him. On Hu Zongxian’s head.

If the military command power is taken away by Zhang Jing, it will become a common practice in the future. No matter who becomes the governor, his military command power will be taken away.

From then on, for a long time, he will become a governor without military power, equivalent to a tiger that has lost its teeth.

The Zhejiang Army you formed will also fall into the hands of others and become a stepmother. It will most likely be like the Qi Army in history - the entire army will be annihilated. In addition, the Zhejiang Army is the most heavily armed army. In this era, any Ming army will be defeated. A number of generals, including Yu Dayou and Qi Jiguang, were far behind in their ideas about firearms. If the Zhejiang Army falls into the hands of others, no matter who it is, they will not be able to unleash the true strength of the Zhejiang Army.

This situation is unacceptable to me.

It's not that I'm greedy for power, it's not that a man can't have power, but that only with power can we do things, and only with military power can we suppress Japanese invaders.

The people in Jiangnan have been suffering from Japan for a long time!

According to the historical trajectory, it will take about ten years to completely quell the Japanese invasion.

Ten years.

This is not a simple number. Behind this number, there are dozens of millions of people who were ravaged by Japanese pirates. Their families were destroyed, their wives and children were separated, their hair was white and their hair was black, and their black hair was white. It is unknown how much wealth and property was lost to Japanese pirates. They plundered and carried away, and no one knows how many houses and fields were destroyed by the Japanese pirates.

Ten years of catastrophe is too tragic.

Zhu Pingan wants to do his best to end this catastrophe as soon as possible, which requires power, especially military power.

Therefore, Zhu Ping'an strived to retain the military command power of the governor.

Tu Dashan glanced at Zhu Pingan unexpectedly.

Zhang Jing squinted his eyes slightly, which was his habit when thinking. He was thinking about Zhu Pingan's proposal.

Everyone here has eight hundred minds. They know that this is a power struggle at the upper level. They all look at their noses and hearts and sit still. You can't see me, you can't see me, you can't see. I.

After Zhu Pingan spoke, the huge venue fell into silence, and the quiet deep breathing was conspicuous.

Quiet, quiet, still quiet.

Zhang Jing was still thinking with squinted eyes and had no intention of speaking. The atmosphere in the venue became more and more depressing.

Zhu Pingan silently counted the time, and when he saw that Zhang Jing had no intention of speaking, he continued to speak.

"In the opinion of the Governor, who is better than Zhuge Wuhou?" Zhu Pingan asked Zhang Jing.

Come on, Master Zhang, tell me, who is more powerful between you and Zhuge Liang?

"How can I compare to Zhuge Wuhou? Compared with Zhuge Wuhou, I am like the stars and the bright moon. How can a spark of fire dare to compete with the bright moon?"

Zhang Jing shook his head and replied, although he was a little conceited, he was not as conceited as Zhuge Wuhou.

"In order to repay the late master's kindness in knowing and meeting him three times, Zhuge Wuhou did everything he did and worked hard until his death. He got up early and went to bed late every day. He personally reviewed all matters, no matter how big or small. He didn't eat well or sleep well. In the end, he regretted the Wuzhangyuan, which led to the great cause of the Northern Expedition. It can be said that the three times have troubled the world, and the two dynasties have helped the hearts of the veterans.

"I secretly thought that Zhuge Wuhou didn't have to do everything personally. There were so many talented people in the Shu Han Dynasty, such as Fazheng, Li Yan, Wei Yan, etc. It was only reasonable authorization that caused Zhuge Wuhou to become ill from overwork. Why should the Governor-General be like Zhuge Wuhou and be so involved in all matters, big and small? It’s okay to do everything personally, sit in Jiangnan, unified command of the overall situation, and outline the leadership. I am not talented, and I am not a waste. Your Majesty entrusts us with important responsibilities, and we will do our best to not disappoint you. "

"The Japanese pirates are serious in the south of the Yangtze River. The eradication of Japanese pirates is not a day's work, and the Governor is not an iron man. If he has to do everything personally, how can his body and energy be exhausted? I am not talented, and I am willing to share the worries and solve the problems for the Governor."

Zhu Pingan said slowly.

"Haha, Zihou brought out all the examples of Zhuge Wuhou." Zhang Jing raised his eyebrows and chuckled.

At this time, Zhang Jing had no intention of letting go.

"Master Zhu, please be careful when you speak. Are you cursing our governor?" An official stood up and attacked Zhu Ping'an.

"How could that be? I am completely concerned about the governor." Zhu Ping'an said sincerely.

"Don't make it too serious." Zhang Jing waved his hand and turned away from the topic of cursing.

"The Japanese invasion in various places is complicated and the situation is changing rapidly. Sometimes your instructions are inevitably out of reach, and someone needs to adapt to the situation and respond in time."

"In addition, to say something inappropriate, if the governor is personally involved in everything and all military power is in his hands, without losing a single bit, it is inevitable that some people with ulterior motives and deliberate obstruction will criticize and suspect the governor."

Zhu Ping'an continued to speak slowly.

Although Zhu Ping'an did not explicitly say why those people with ulterior motives would criticize and suspect Zhang Jing, but a little thought would reveal that you, Zhang Jing, have taken all military power in Jiangnan into your own hands. You have even taken the military power of the governor appointed by the emperor. What do you want to do? Is it just to suppress the Japanese pirates?

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