Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 2059 On cheating, you are a younger brother

Another year passed.

Spring of 1985.

Zhuji County Puxi Socks Factory.

Chen Jianghe was a worker in a sock factory because of his meritorious service in fighting fires. In terms of his ability, he was indeed overqualified, but he did not regret living in such a small place, because he always felt that Luo Yuzhu would come back Yes, here are her roots.

As for his own roots, he hasn't returned to Chenjiacun for the New Year for two consecutive years. He just sends his monthly salary to Qiaogu and asks her to help pay off Luo Yuzhu's debts.

In the past, we talked about unified purchase and marketing, but now we talk about shopping malls. When the wave of reform sweeps across the country, the individual economy is booming, and the old leaders of state-owned factories with conservative ideas and outdated concepts have become stumbling blocks hindering the development of enterprises.

On this point, Puxi Socks Factory is no exception.

In 1983, the supply of new socks produced by the factory was still in short supply. By 1985, they were no longer accepted by the state-owned shopping malls in big cities, and the products fell into a situation where the products were unsalable and the employees could not pay their wages.

Zheng Qian was in a hurry, scratching his head and scratching his head. He made all the calls he could make, and asked everyone he could ask for, but there was still a large backlog of goods that could not be sold. Chen Jianghe volunteered, saying that he had a way to sell the socks in the warehouse. Going out, Zheng Qian certainly didn't believe that a small employee like him had such ability, and said that if he could do it, let him be the section chief of the sales department.

As a result, Chen Jianghe made a phone call and sold those socks to friends he met when he was traveling abroad. Within a month, those socks were sold out. Zheng Qian did what he said, and he really wanted to be the chief of his sales department, but At the critical moment, he decided to be the head of some design department.

But before taking office, he deleted the phone book of the sales department.

"Why can't I find it?"

"What can't be found?"

Section Chief Yan and Factory Manager Zheng didn't know what he was looking for in the phone book, but they were all the phone numbers of the partners of Puxi Socks Factory over the years.

"That is, we have a big customer of yours in Yiwu. Thousands of pairs of socks come in every time. Why don't there be any above?"

"A customer with thousands of pairs of socks? What's his name?"

"It's called Lin Yue, or Chen Yulian."

Section Chief Yan thought for a while, shook his head and said, "There is no such person."

"Impossible." Chen Jianghe was still turning over.

"Oh, can I still lie to you?" Section Chief Yan said: "The customers listed in the phone book must at least be purchased from shopping malls in prefecture-level cities. Your Yiwu is a county town, so how could there be?"

This is indeed reasonable. If the state-run department store in the county had also supplied the goods, Luo Yuzhu would not have become the king of socks in Yiwu back then.

"But...but obviously..."

Boom boom boom...

At this moment, a knock on the door outside interrupted his concentration.

The three looked up and saw the face of the man standing at the door, they were all taken aback.


"Xiao Li?"

Halfway through his name, Chen Jianghe looked at Zheng Qian who called Lin Yue "Xiao Li", his mind was full of question marks.

"Factory Manager, what do you call him? Xiao Li? The Li from Shangmu Xiazi?"

"That's right, it's Xiao Li. He is Li Hua from the Purchasing Department of Jinhua No. 1 Department Store. The cooperative relationship with our factory has lasted for two years."

two years? Chen Jianghe counted with his fingers, is it 1985 now, 1983 two years ago? It happened to be the year when Lin Yue found a purchase channel.

"Xiao Li, why did you come here? I thought you No. 1 Department Store didn't want our socks any more." For the socks from Puxi Socks Factory, just talk to them on the phone, there is no need to send someone over.

Chen Jianghe blinked his not-so-big eyes with a dazed expression, not knowing whether to recognize Lin Yue or not.

"Director Zheng, I am no longer working in No. 1 Department Store. I am going back to my hometown, Yiwu."

"Quit? Go back to my hometown, Yiwu?"

When he said this, not only Chen Jianghe was at a loss, but also Zheng Qian and Section Chief Yan couldn't figure out which song he sang.

Lin Yue continued: "Yeah, you don't know how popular our new small commodity market is in Yiwu, not only in Jinhua, but also in Taizhou, Wenzhou, Shaoxing... Individual traders from nearby counties and cities all go to our place to buy goods, so I am no longer a buyer at No. 1 Department Store, I will go home and do business.”

Chen Jianghe smelled it, TNND is cheating again, the point is, it seems that Zheng Qian and Section Chief Yan have no doubts and trust him very much.

If it was the first two years, Zheng Qian and Section Chief Yan would think he was stupid. There is no reason for him to be an official employee of a state-owned department store and go back to the county to do business. Now, the situation is much better. Many people have become households worth ten thousand yuan by doing business, and they, the leaders of state-owned factories, are also envious.

"This time, I want to introduce someone to you." Lin Yue clapped his hands and said to the outside: "Come in."

A nervous-looking man with an unnatural expression walked in.

"Daguang, come, let me introduce you. This is Director Zheng, and that is Section Chief Yan from the sales department." Lin Yue looked at him with a funny look. The future Chen Daguang will be the boss of the liquor store. Youtiao, who exchanged cups with Yuzhu Group's suppliers and called them brothers, is now like a chicken in front of Zheng Qian and Section Chief Yan.

"Hello, Director Zheng, and Hello, Section Chief Yan."

Lin Yue turned his head to Chen Jianghe again: "This is..."

Chen Daguang glanced at it, and the already stiff facial lines seemed to be frozen: "Brother...Brother?"

Zheng Qian and Chief Yan were taken aback for a moment.

"You know each other?"

"This...I..." Chen Daguang didn't know what to say, so he looked at Lin Yue, asking him to help explain.

Chen Jianghe said, "Oh, we belong to the same village."

Section Chief Yan said: "A village? It's a coincidence."

Lin Yue interrupted their conversation: "Director Zheng, Section Chief Yan, there are two reasons for coming to the socks factory this time. First, No. 1 Department Store doesn't plan to order your socks any more. It's a pity. Second, , I would like to introduce Chen Daguang to you. He is now the representative of the clothing stall owners in our small commodity market. At least 3,000 pairs of socks are needed per month, which is more than the average monthly purchase volume of No. 1 Department Store. For such a large batch of goods, our factory should do it.”

"Do it, do it, do it." Zheng Qian said three "does" in a row. Under the mechanism of unified purchase and marketing in the past, shopping malls can buy as much as the sock factory produces. There is no need to consider the market in small cities and towns. Now marketization is fashionable. Shanghai, Big cities like Hangzhou no longer look down on their products. Half a month ago, he was still troubled by the tens of thousands of pairs of socks backlogged in the factory. Chen Jianghe gave him an idea to sink the market to the county Level 1, don't underestimate those small merchants and hawkers. Although these people don't buy much, they have a lot of people, and the sum is very impressive.

Now Lin Yue has brought him a customer who sells an average of 3,000 pairs of socks a month. This is definitely the God of Wealth.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you Xiao Li, I will be the host at noon today, let's go to the best restaurant in the city and have a quick drink."

Chen Jianghe was speechless.

Now he understands the matter. Before he and Luo Yuzhu came to the socks factory to buy goods, they used the trick of pretending to be Zheng Qian's relatives. Lin Yue went even further, pretending to be a buyer of the state-owned shopping mall in the city, which is even more ridiculous It was cleared up in a few words. Director Zheng didn't know that he was deceived, and he was grateful to Dade for inviting him to dinner.

This is the realistic portrayal of being sold and helping to count the money.

"There's no need to eat. I'm rushing to Hangzhou. I've already bought the train tickets. The train leaves at 11:30." Lin Yue politely declined Zheng Qian's offer.

"Okay then, since there is something urgent, I won't keep you. Next time you come to Zhuji, remember to let me know."


Zheng Qian sent Lin Yue to the factory gate before returning to the office.

As for Chen Daguang, with Chen Jianghe around, he naturally didn't need Section Chief Yan to receive him.


At noon, in Chen Jianghe's single dormitory in Xinfen.

Chen Daguang said with a red face: "Brother, I married Qiao Gu a few years ago, because I didn't know where you were, so..."


He burped and exhaled a strong smell of alcohol.

Chen Jianghe said: "Uncle finally agreed to your marriage with Qiaogu."

"It's okay if he doesn't agree. Last year, he stepped down from the mayor's position. Now Lin Yue's uncle, Chen Jinzhu, has become the deputy mayor."


Chen Jianghe understood that Chen Jinshui was not the mayor of the town anymore, and his spirit was not so high. In addition, the father and son fell out, and it was impossible for the daughter to be with the adopted son. Naturally, there was no reason to prevent Chen Daguang from approaching Qiaogu: "So, you Thank you Lin Yue."

"I thank him, what should I thank him for?"

It may be that he drank too much, and spoke the truth after drinking, and when he talked about "Lin Yue", Chen Daguang looked unhappy.

"If it wasn't for this kid to get in the way, the deputy mayor should belong to my father."

Chen Jianghe disagreed with his statement: "Da Guang, Lin Yue is already helping you by bringing you to the socks factory and handing over the purchase channel to you. Is it appropriate for you to say that about him behind his back?"

"What's inappropriate? Brother, you are now the head of the design department of the socks factory. Even if he doesn't give me the sales channel to Yiwu, sooner or later he won't be able to hide it."

What you said...does make sense, but making sense doesn't mean you can say it.


"Brother, I know what you want to say, but you don't know. Once you leave, Lin Yue will be awesome. Who in the village won't praise him? Grandma Zhang, who is in her 90s, and Chen Erniu, who has been single for half her life. Even the dumb grandson, who can't speak, gives a thumbs up when someone mentions his name. Humph, don't you just give the villagers a few catties of meat and a few catties of oil during the festival? What kind of big-tailed wolf can he be? of."

Chen Jianghe did the math, there are more than 80 households in the village, and according to Chen Daguang, the meat and oil alone cost hundreds of dollars.


"His mother engaged in cooperative promotion of carpets and asked women to help her earn money. He asked my dad and Uncle Jinhuo Jinrui to go to the countryside to collect bicycles and sell them to others at a high price after refurbishment. How much money did we make for him? He took Isn't it right to give money to everyone? Earn everyone's money and give everyone benefits to gain fame, bah!" Chen Daguang became more and more angry, and the more he said, the more unwilling he was: "Brother, I know why he agreed to bring me socks. Is it Qiaogu? Qiaogu begged him, saying that I had nothing to do at home, that I gave up on myself, and begged him to give me a chance. I have nothing to do at home, and it was not because of him that I was looked down upon by others. Yingjie proposed to let Luo Yuzhu be the middleman in the barley trade. Will I become a useless piece of trash in the mouths of the villagers? He is the chief culprit of all this. Why should I thank him? I don’t thank him, he did these things ... because he owes me."

"Da Guang! It's wrong for you to say that." Chen Jianghe persuaded him from the side, but it didn't seem to have any effect, so he didn't persuade him at all in the end, let him talk, just in case he vented his anger.

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