Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1579: (?·?·?) Waiting for an opportunity to make trouble

‘Early’ the next morning (probably a little bit before the sun rises to the highest point), Annie was already wandering on a sparsely populated street in Pratunam City.

At this time, Emilia and the others must have followed that Anastasia to the city hall for a meeting. Originally, Annie was invited, but she did not follow, because she was interested in meetings. Neither, nor did they care about what those guys were discussing, so in the end just let Ram and Rem follow to watch the excitement.



For the competition last night, the red-haired uncle named Reinharut challenged her. There was no suspense for Annie, and it was impossible to have any suspense.

Although the other party tried to put on a variety of protections for her before the start of the competition, such as:

Swordmaster’s protection, dodge protection, demon protection, fire protection protection, wind protection protection, soil protection protection, water protection protection, dark protection protection, light protection, Preliminary protection, protection for the first sight, protection for the second coming, protection for the night, protection for the thunder, protection for the poison, protection for the phoenix, etc...

In short, in order to fight against her, the opponent frantically superimposed various buffs (BUFF) before the official competition began, regardless of the strange eyes of others, and almost all of them could reduce all kinds of magical damage, increase their own protection and Increase the protection of one's own attack or enemy's attack are superimposed, just like an open'hanging ratio'?

But it's a pity that the guy who turned on the other side finally found the wrong target for the challenge.

Although the other party’s "hanging" is indeed very powerful, but when you encounter Annie, who is equal to or even higher than the world manager (GM), in the end his "hanging ratio" was cut off the table leg before he had time to fight back. Apart from knocking on the ground and beating him violently, and finally passing out in a gorgeous coma, there must be no more possibilities.

You know, it took a lot of effort for Annie to get rid of the messy BUFF that seriously affected the magic healing effect. In the end, she even broke the table leg. Maybe Do you have dozens or hundreds of hits before and after?

Fortunately, in the end, before she broke the table leg, she finally cleared out the opponent's BUFF.

Then, Felix Argyll, the cat-eared male of the Karsten family, the leading user of healing magic in the Lugenica Kingdom, and the youngest heir to the title of the highest-level healer "Blue" Only then was able to go forward without hindrance to treat the other party.

By now the next day, that guy must have a blue nose and swollen face and hide in the inn room miserably, afraid to come out to see people, right?

Anyway, Annie felt that even the highest-level healer of the cat-eared male knight would certainly not be able to heal the opponent's injuries so easily.



Just as Annie was about to jump along this street to another city area, an aunt who was carrying fish on a small boat docking at the pier in the waterway under the steps of the street saw her.

"Hey! Little guy!"

"Yes, it means you!"

"The road over there doesn't work, you should come back quickly and go around here!"

"Go over there, there is a bridge over there!"

Then, the kind man continued to move things from the boat while reminding Annie that the little girl who knew she was not nearby at first glance.



"People don't need a bridge!"


Playfully grimaced at the kind-hearted aunt, Annie didn’t mind at all and continued to walk forward, because she didn’t want to detour at all, she just wanted to go straight through the huge one in the center from here. The city is divided into four major waterways, which go directly to the city on the other side.

She listened to the dwarf cat ear lady Mimi Palbaton, the deputy head of the "Iron Fang" under Anastasia Hexin's command, and said that the business in the city opposite is a little more developed, and there are more. There are so many good things on sale, but there are also more delicious ones, such as those restaurants, pubs and street foods with different styles and characteristics?


"When you regret it!"

Seeing that the little girl was unwilling to listen to the advice of her own native, she continued to walk stubbornly. The kind aunt didn’t want to say anything, she just shook her head, wiped her sweat, and kept busy. Carrying her things.


After a while, when the aunt finally finished moving her cargo, and when the boat slowly left the unloading dock in this small block under the drag of the water dragon, the aunt was finally free, and once again Look in the direction where a little girl left.


"Why haven't you come back..."

"Isn't it falling into the big water channel?"

After hesitating for a while, instinctively out of concern, the aunt who was a little confused and who lived in this neighborhood thought for a while, then looked at the work that was done on hand, and looked at those piled up here in the pier but was not in a hurry to move. When she went to the market to sell the fish catch, she sighed, put down the tools in her hand and walked up the steps, ready to look forward to see the situation.


However, when she walked along that street until she reached the side of the waterway that connected the main gate, she did not see the little girl.

"How, how come?!"


"Really fell down, right?"

Looking at this empty road, I’m pretty sure I didn’t see the little girl returning back the same way. The kind aunt could not help but support the guardrail along the road to the lower waterway, which was like a big river. Read it.

It's a pity that she didn't see anything except for the large and small water dragon boats that came and went in an orderly manner.


"I told her just now..."

"I should stop her..."

Once again, I looked at the river channel below, and then I looked around, and found that there was no place to hide people on either side, and no door or window of any house opened towards this side. After that, there was no way, the old lady had to shook her head and sighed. With a sigh of relief, she regretfully walked towards the small pier in her block where the goods were still piled up.





What the kind-hearted aunt didn’t know was that when she was sad and regretful for a little girl who might have fallen into the river and was ill-advised, the object she cared about, the little girl who was so bad-hearted. Shi was already in the city on the other side of the main gate, wandering around and eating unconsciously.


(● ̄() ̄●)

That's right, although that road is a dead end road, although the river channel connecting the main entrance is very wide and wide, maybe it is at least two or three hundred meters wide?

However, for the Arcane Archmage Annie, she didn't need any special means at all. It was just an ordinary thought, and it easily appeared here from the end of the road where the aunt was. This city on the side is integrated into the people coming and going, and there is no need for boring things like'bridges' at all.



"Tibbers, we are right not to go to the meeting!"


"What's so fun about having a meeting? Where can I go shopping and buy food to have a good time?"


As she continued to walk forward, Annie still did not forget to slander the guys who wanted to invite her to the city hall.

Why don't they think about it, is her Master Anne is the kind of stupid guy who doesn't do business all day and knows that meetings are wasting time and wasting his life?

Although there is something important, she is neither an official aristocrat of the kingdom, nor a candidate to participate in the election of the king, nor the lord of the city. Therefore, she does not want to care about anything wrong here, she just follows Emilia and the others are just tourists who come here to play together.

As a tourist, eating, drinking and having fun is what she should do, like now?

As for the boring things like fighting the enemy, protecting the city, and protecting the citizens, the officials, nobles, lords, and throne candidates should have their headaches. She will not waste the whole morning on those things. !


(● ̄() ̄●)

(Tibbers said that for the messy little master of his family, most of the time this morning was spent in dreams, and the remaining half was wasted when just wandering around. , Now it’s past noon, it doesn’t matter if the waves are not wasted.)



"There seems to be a lot of people over there. Has something interesting happened?"


At this time, while strolling around, Annie suddenly found that in the depths of the square in front, the steeple that stood out in the street was inlaid with magic crystals, on the top of the'Tower of Time' that resembled the clock tower. , There is a weird man with his head and body wrapped in bandages, wearing a dark red robe characteristic of the "Witch's Cult", a flat chain on his wrist, and a hook with claws on his upper body is facing the bottom loudly. The crowd said something.

Then, the other party soon succeeded in mobilizing the emotions of the onlookers, allowing more pedestrians to gather in the past, and the atmosphere on the scene gradually became warmer.



"Tibbers, what is that guy, that weird mummy woman in bandages? Why is she connecting everyone's emotions together?"


However, before he walked over, Annie could see at a glance, under the effect of some kind of magic or skill of that weirdo, those who heard the other party's words were all controlled and connected invisibly?

"It looks like it's so fun!"


This situation is already obvious, Annie can guess without thinking, that weird guy must want to do bad things!


() Hey!

In line with passing by anyway, in line with being idle anyway, in line with the principle of happiness energy conservation that others will be happy when others are not happy, Annie decided: she would secretly mess up and add some blockage to the other party, and at the same time Have some fun for yourself by the way!



After making the decision, Annie smiled, carrying her little bear Tibbs in one hand, and the bag she just bought in the other. The hot and delicious barbecue grill followed the sound and ran over there, and soon Smoothly squeezed into the crowd.


'Uh-huh! ’


"It's so embarrassing..."

'Hey! ’

‘Don’t cry, don’t cry, kid, you are a boy, how can you cry? ’

‘A man can only cry three times in his life, you are breaking the rules now...’


‘Don’t cry, don’t cry, remember, you are the best! ’

When she got closer, Annie found out: That weird woman with her head and body covered in bandages seems to be comforting a crying kid on the tower?

What's interesting is that while the other party comforts the little kid, they also constantly control and mobilize the emotions of the surrounding bystanders, so that their lives and emotions follow the other party and the little kid who is being comforted by the other party. Connected together and gradually strengthened the resonance.



Looking at the people around the clock tower who are inexplicably excited and enthusiastic, and then look at the weird person who is talking and constantly making small movements, Annie has become more determined and knows what the other party wants to do.

However, she still didn't mean to stop it.


( ̄~ ̄) Chew!

She just continued to chew on her food, watching the other party continue to perform it hard.

‘Ah~! Ah~! ’

'thanks, thanks! ’

"Really awesome..."

‘Now everyone must understand, this little boy, Russell’s behavior has "love". Now, let us all continue to understand and merge into one? ’


‘This trembling anger is passion! ’

‘If this sin that makes people commit a fault is the retribution of a past life that can’t be separated anyway, then fill people’s hearts with great joy! ’

'now! ’

‘Let this great moment, let your hearts merge together! ’

‘Hug this tender world together! ! ’

For a long time, after the bandage weird tossed for a long time, when Annie started to be a little incomprehensible for the other party’s chaotic language logic and peculiar brain circuit, when other people around began to scream frantically, Gao The bandage weird on the tower suddenly lifted the little kid who was finally comforted by her and stopped crying and threw it high into the sky.





Use sound to connect the emotions of the crowds who are watching and eating melons, control the hearts of all people, interfere with normal thinking, and then connect the souls and share the harm, and finally throw the starting point of the connection from the sky, so and so, see the other person Sure enough, what she had to do was similar to what she had just guessed, and Annie curled her lips in disdain.



However, she still did not make a move.

She did not help the little kid, nor did she stop or attack the weird person, she just continued to stand aside and eat her own food, and watched the little body free fall with everyone and fell heavily. On the floor of the square.


A muffled sound!

Under everyone's gaze, that little body slammed into the steps of the ground.

But soon, what made a certain bandage weird and everyone feel incredible is that that small body, as if nothing at all, slowly supported the body and climbed up, and looked around blankly at the surroundings silently. The people behind him.


On the tower, the bandage weird also felt a little unbelievable.

She saw that not only the little guy she had just tossed down was not finished, but at the same time, the poignant scene where everyone's bodies were instantly fragmented due to harm and sharing did not happen?



The bandage weirdo perceives the danger...


At that moment, the bandage weird was as if hit by a train. The whole body suddenly stiffened and assumed an exaggerated straight posture. At the same time as a mouthful of old blood spurted far away, the whole person lost his strength. , And then fell from the tower.


"Uh ah ah ah~!"

But it's a pity that I don't know if she is exceptionally talented or has a lot of blood?

Anyway, after suffering the huge backlash injury, she quickly survived, and when she saw that she was about to fall to the ground, the chain hook on her hand hooked a column of the clock tower, and then borrowed the time she fell. With a tumbling and accelerating sway of the huge power, he flicked towards the distance in an extremely embarrassing manner, like a Spider-Man, after a few strokes, he swung far away and ran away.




And after the bandage weird escaped, soon, the onlookers in this square finally recovered due to the disconnection of the connection, and began to be a little at a loss. You look at me, I look at you. , I don’t know what happened just now.



"Tibbers, that weird guy is really funny, the damage from so many people is superimposed together, and they haven't died yet?"


That's right, it was Annie who secretly made a bad thing just now, so that the damage of everyone who was originally connected and then backed up at the same time converged on the initiator, converged on the bandage weird!

But it’s a pity that even Annie didn’t expect that the bandage weird would be so stubborn, and after receiving so many people’s backlash, he was still alive. This was indeed something she hadn’t expected. .

"Let's go!"


"Tibbers, let's continue shopping!"


If you didn't die, you didn't die. Annie wanted to wait for an opportunity to make trouble. She wouldn't care if the other party died or suffered multiple injuries!

So, after taking a look at the onlookers who are only now beginning to react and discussing loudly, she didn't want to explain that she saved them, let alone waited for their fools to thank her, so she turned and walked out of the crowd. , Bouncing arbitrarily towards the block of another place. UU reading


Now Annie finally knows why Emilia and the others were invited to Plistra in Watergate. It turns out that there are indeed people with the Witch Cult who are doing activities and troubles, such as the bandage weird just now?


That kind of thing is not important to her, anyway, it is far worse than eating, drinking, and having fun. Her Master Anne would not take such small things to heart all day long!

At most, when I go back at night, if she still remembers, go back and talk to Emilia and the others?

Of course, the probability of being unremembered may be even greater...


(● ̄() ̄●)


(*∩_∩*)~ ask for monthly pass


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