"Shadow Bear Tibbers' Plane Journey Novel ( Find the latest chapter!

Today, it is the afternoon of the third day that Annie, Emelia and others have arrived in Pratunam City.

At this time, the weather outside does not look very good. The dark clouds in the sky are shrouded in the big lake and the city of the "bathtub" in the center of the lake. The throne candidates who are sitting on their knees in this big room in the Mizuno Yuatei Inn and discussing countermeasures are in the same mood?



Naturally, the mood of a certain little girl is actually similar to the weather outside?








??(?? ̄? ̄)????

Isn't this?

Unlike the surrounding guys who are sitting tightly and with cold expression and concentration, at this time, Annie is lying down on her position somewhat listlessly, lying on the cushion, dozing off constantly, rolling a little from time to time.

It is not difficult to guess at her impatient expression and frantic movements. Her mood at this moment must be uneasy.

Because, these boring guys in front of me just finished their meeting in that city hall yesterday, and now it's just a night, they are going to have a meeting again, and they just opened up here in this inn?

Then, Anne, who was caught off guard, just got up not long before she had time to think about what to do today, she was dragged here by Emilia and this group of guys to take part in this rookie. Important meeting.


"This is the basic situation now?"

"Yesterday, probably shortly after noon, when we were still in the city hall meeting to discuss countermeasures, there was a member of the Witch's Educator who launched a terrorist attack on this bell tower square in this city!"

Pointing to the topographic map of the Pratunam city of Prisstra and to the area in the southeast that was divided into four districts by four huge waterways above, Emelia began to introduce the situation eloquently.

"No one knows her specific identity and purpose!"

"According to the investigation, all the people who were attacked at the time were ordinary urban residents, and there were no distinguished or special guys. Therefore, we do not yet know the specific motive of the attacker."


"According to the situation that Annie was in contact with and observed at the time, just because the other party can share people's emotions and injuries within a certain range, and wants to harm a large group of innocent citizens, it is enough to prove that that guy is not an ordinary witch's teaching. Christians!"

"Let's make a bold assumption..."

"The weird guy with his whole body covered in bandages, wearing a black robe, long and twisted golden chains wrapped around his thin hands, and only revealing his left eye and lips, is it possible or is it someone from the Witch Cult? A great sin secretary?"

"As for who she is, it is temporarily impossible to know."


"All kinds of intelligence have shown that the situation is getting worse!"

"Now that the Witch Cultists have successfully sneaked into the Watergate city of Presterra, this is already an established fact! And the plan that was held to discuss yesterday, I am afraid it is no longer suitable for implementation..."

"We must all change our plans in time or make plans early?"

After giving a little summary of what Annie told herself this morning, and at the same time analyzing the general situation at the time and the special abilities of the "bandage cultist", Emelia stopped and watched The competitors and collaborators present who are listening carefully to her speech.

As in the meeting held in the city hall yesterday, Firut, Priscilla Vallier, Kurtseul Karsten, and the host Anastasia Hesin and their attendants, such as Yurius Ukuleus, Wilhelm, Felix, Aldi Baran, and a certain sword-sage Reinharut who still looks a little bit swollen after a day or two nights are all here.




However, after listening to Emilia's statement, the people present did not rush to speak, but silently thought and weighed, and the atmosphere gradually became depressed.


Emilia didn't rush to speak any more, she knew the seriousness of the matter, so she also planned to give the people present more time to think, and then she went to discuss new countermeasures.



At this time, Annie sighed boredly again.

She doesn’t care about the things Emilia and the others are talking about, and she doesn’t want to listen to the things they are going to discuss. Therefore, she suddenly can’t figure out how to deal with it. It seems that things are with her. It doesn't matter much, why do they insist on bringing her here as an attendee?



Anyway, in Annie’s opinion, it’s not too simple to deal with the witch’s teaching or something, just don’t do anything, wait for the other party to jump out and launch an attack, and then deal with it all together. Why should you waste time? Toss around here?


(● ̄(?) ̄●)


"Interfering with hundreds of people at a time can also interfere with the mind and harm sharing. That's right, the bandaged woman must be a certain sin teacher of the Witch Cult!"

"Only a great sin secretary with ‘power’ can do it!"


"We must pay attention to this information!"

"Yeah! Your Excellency Kurxiu is right!"


"What is the scope of the opponent's magic or power? Can it directly cover and control the entire Pratunam City?"


"That's impossible, isn't it? This city is not small, at least it has a population of hundreds of thousands. Can she wipe out so many people at once?"


"Although thinking about it, I don't think it should be, but we can't rule out that possibility!"


"Even if the other party can't cover the entire city, if they can cover a quarter of the city, according to what Emilia just said, the other party's power of'emotional connection and harm sharing' can also cause huge damage and panic."

"The consequences are very serious!"


"The only good news now is: That guy, she was injured by Master Anne's counter-spell. I guess she should not come out again in a short time?"

"Huh! That's not necessarily!"


"Priscilla, just talk about what you have. Now everyone is in a meeting to discuss. No matter what you say is right or wrong, there is no need to ridicule or target anyone."


"The concubine body doesn't know how much damage the'bandage weirdo' can cause, but the concubine body only knows that the weird person is not dead, and as long as it is not dead, the other party has a threat!"

"Also, can you guarantee that in the city, there are no other priests and followers of the Witch Cult and the Great Sins?"

"Now they are in the dark, we are in the light, except for the bandaged woman, everything is unknown, this battle that is about to begin soon does not look good!"

Priscilla Vallier's "Blood Bride" simply ignored Kurt's glaring, and just sneered while stating his own point of view, while turning his head away.


"Then the situation is clear."

"The current situation is not complicated. At present, we only know the existence of a guy who is suspected of being a serious crime clerk. We have no understanding of their witches and other people and arrangements. The city officials and the army have not yet fully understood. Willing to trust us and be willing to accept our command, which is very detrimental to us!"


"But, what should we do to find that bandage weird?"




"We are running out of time, and they may at any time launch an offensive or small-scale destruction in the city like the bandaged weird man yesterday!"

"Of course, what I am more worried about is their large-scale offensive! Presumably everyone knows the special features of Watergate City. Once certain places, such as Watergate or City Hall, are controlled by the witches..."

"By then, I am afraid that the situation will be very tragic?"

At this time, after everyone discussed for a while, Kurseuk Karsten, who was sitting tightly straight, once again straightened her waist and spoke out loudly about some of the things she was worried about that might happen.


"Your Excellency Kursho, do you have any suggestions?"

Finally, Anastasia spoke.

After all, it was because her chamber of commerce got some information that she tried to invite these king-choosers who had great power in the kingdom to come here, so now she naturally needs to rely on the strength of all those present.


"Now that a Witch Cult's Great Sin Secretary has been exposed, then we can use her as an entry point!"

"I recommend!"

"Should we divide the work and cooperate, and one family is responsible for the investigation and guarding of an urban area?"

"For example, our Karlstens family is responsible for the southeastern district of Pristerra, Pratunam, the southwest district is handled by Priscilla, the northeast district is handled by Firut, and the northwest district is handled by Your Excellency Anastasia!"


"Since the Hexin Chamber of Commerce has the greatest power here in Pratunam City, Your Excellency Anastasia also needs to dispatch enough staff to provide us all with communications, logistics and intelligence support?"

"As for the Lord Emilia..."

"I suggest that she should act in the center, guard the city hall in Prisstra, and provide support to us all at any time?"

"Of course, this is just a suggestion of mine, and we need to take your time to learn more about how to do it."

After speaking in a deep voice, Kurt Xiu Karsten sat back slowly, and waited for everyone present to digest the one that seemed feasible and fairer than she just said.


"The concubine understands what you mean."

"Kurxiu, I guess, you want to take this crisis in Watergate City as an assessment of Wang Xuan, am I right?"

After being silent for a while, Priscilla Balyer suddenly smiled and opened her folding fan and blocked her own mouth. Then, he looked thoughtfully at the mockery and some inexplicable eyes. Kursiu, who was wearing men's clothing, looked over and asked with a chuckle.


"Huh? Examination, assessment?!"

Hearing that she was involved in Wang Xuan, she grew up in a slum, and the blonde and red-eyed girl Firut who knows nothing but stealing was startled. Then, she let out a cry of exclamation. Look at Kurxiu.


Anastasia did not express her own opinion, but just followed the others and watched Kurxiu, indicating that the other party could continue talking.

"Is such that."

"Presumably everyone knows, for some reason, the current Wang Xuan has become less and less suspenseful..."

After looking around at the people around him who looked at him, he finally put his eyes on a little girl who was lying on the cushion and napping for a while, then Kurxiu continued to say:

"So I've been thinking, let's just take this witch's teaching crisis as an opportunity for the last time, and everyone will give a fair trial!"

"Who can do the best in this situation?"

"Although His Excellency Anastasia did not say more, since so many of us have been invited here, and judging from the information currently available, it must be clear to everyone. It will definitely be a huge crisis for everyone, even endangering tens of thousands of people in this city and the entire kingdom!"

"If, in the end, who can turn the tide and save this city, I think everyone will be convinced?"

After speaking, Kurxiu cast his gaze on the silent Emilia.

The night before yesterday, Reinharut Van Astraea, known as the strongest swordsman, knight among knights, the strongest on the ground, and the most powerful in the world, was beaten with a wooden stick by a little girl archmage. All of them still remember the scene of the meal.

Coupled with the horrible record of the little girl before, most of them actually know that under absolute force, the selection of the throne is not a big suspense for them.

However, if they give up without doing anything, they will be unwilling. Therefore, take advantage of this witch’s teaching incident as an opportunity to let all of them perform and compete to see who is the winner and who is the best. The most suitable person, maybe, that is the best?

And just now, Kurxiu suggested that Emilia’s power, in fact, is a little girl who is so powerful that it should be placed in the center of the city hall, instead of directly participating in the battle of wits against the Witch’s Cult. It is not to exclude the other party, but also in a certain assessment mind.

This time, their five candidates for the throne are all involved, using the hidden witches in Watergate and the city as pawns. Everyone will play a big game here!

And if anyone can better solve the crisis this time, then who is the new king of the future dragon kingdom Lugnica!


"I have no opinion!"


"The concubine body too!"

Soon, the little girl with blonde hair and red eyes, Firut and Priscilla, the "Blood Bride", first expressed their views and agreed with Kurt Xiu's proposal.

"Amelia, what do you think?"

Anastasia thought for a while, and felt that there seemed to be something unfair to Emilia, so she looked at Emilia apologetically and hesitantly and asked.

But to be honest, Anastasia herself is a bit unwilling to give up the throne, and if you can compare it fairly now, maybe that would be a good idea?


Silently looked at the expectant and perturbed gazes of everyone, and then looked at a little girl next to me who was upset and still did not pay attention to the meeting. Finally, Emilia gritted her teeth and made up her mind.


"I have no opinion either!"

Emilia stood up.

Of course she knows that this decision may not be friendly to herself, but who allows her to occupy the best resources, the most prestige, and the help of Annie?

Everyone knows that Annie is her supporter, and everyone knows that Annie has done great feats, her advantage of loving Milia is indeed too obvious.

Therefore, she is not prepared to oppose this matter. Otherwise, even if one day she really obtains the throne of Lugonika, it might not be too easy to control the entire Lugonika kingdom.

However, if it is respected and supported by everyone present, it is a different situation.

So, no matter what, she must go to work hard, let the kings who represent all the powers of the kingdom present, and let these difficult competitors turn into her Emilia to rule. The biggest boost of the kingdom!

This is a god-given opportunity, she will not let it go anyway, and she must go all out!



At this time, Annie seemed to have noticed something, so she took the lead to look at the wooden door of the conference room.

Bang! !

Sure enough, soon, when everyone was about to continue to say something, continue to make more detailed arrangements and arrange some preventive measures, the deputy commander of the "Iron Fang" of the orc mercenary group came from the Anastasia camp and belonged to the United States. Mimi Palbaton of the Xin Chamber of Commerce slammed the door and rushed in.


"The big thing is bad!!!"

"Something happened!!"

He rushed in at a pace that barely made a sound~www.wuxiaspot.com~Mimi Palbaton could not take a breath, and directly excitedly confronted the leaders of the parties who were planning to continue the meeting. The leaders were shocked. Exclaimed.

"Very good!"


Then, of course, Annie was the first to jump up in cheers.

But she didn't mean anything else, she just felt that, regardless of what happened, now, she finally didn't have to stay here to continue the boring meetings.


(● ̄(?) ̄●)


(?ω?) Monthly pass

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