Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1581: ??(?ω?*)? Target: City Hall

The dark clouds in the sky were still low, and Emilia and Annie, and Ram and Rem, the twin sisters, were hurriedly rushing to the city hall.

At this moment, the entire Pratunam City is in chaos!

Whether it is in the confluence of large and small waterways, or in the various streets of the land, countless citizens are huddling together in a panic, wanting to run away in water trucks or underground carts, and want to go home or find a place as soon as possible. To escape, or do you want to just take the opportunity to escape from the city?

The horror of the Witch's Teaching, there is no one in the entire Lugnika Kingdom that I don't know!

But now, those who do whatever they can to achieve their goals often take the lives of innocent people. Every time they appear in a place, they will cause a large number of casualties. They are considered to be the most malicious organization, the Witch Cult. They came here.

Therefore, in order to survive, for the lives and property safety of themselves and their families, they have to run!


"It's so bad!"

Seeing that the originally peaceful and prosperous and beautiful Pratunam City Pulistra turned into the chaos it is now, it would be impossible for Emelia to say that she is not distressed or sad!

However, no matter how sad or sad she is, she has no ability to stop or comfort the chaotic people.

Even if she thinks, she knows that it must be useless, because she has no influence in this city at all. The citizens don’t know her, and even, on the contrary, it might be even bigger because of her appearance. fear?

You know, the silver-haired half-fairy, that is the appearance of the legendary jealous witch Satira, especially in this witch-teaching surprise city, the high-profile announcement of occupying the city hall and attacking the four water gate towers and certain urban areas At that time, if she ran into the crowd and shouted loudly to calm people down, she would really not think of any better results besides creating greater panic in turn.

So now, apart from taking the two sisters of Ramrem and a little guy who still looks reluctant, she hurried to the direction of the city hall, and tried to retake that important central place, and then released the city broadcast to appease the citizens and maintain order. In addition, there is really not much she can do.

‘Run! ’

‘The villain with the Witch’s Cult in front is killing people again...’

'quick! ’

‘Run! ! ! ’


‘Help, help! ! ’

‘Go away! ! ’

At this moment, a group of people rushed out of the street in front, and then, ah, someone almost knocked Emilia to the ground?

After hitting Emelia, the man not only kept apologizing, but also ran back and cursed fiercely, and then followed his companions, panicking and supporting each other towards the front and away. Run away embarrassedly in the direction of the city hall.

"not good!"

"The situation seems to be getting worse..."

Just now, when Amelia and Kursho, Filut, Priscilla, Anastasia and others were discussing countermeasures and actively preparing to arrange tasks in the Yuiyatei Inn, Mimi Palbaton and others People suddenly broke in and reported the large-scale emergence of Witch Cult.


Before they came back to their senses, the direction of the city hall suddenly sent out a city-wide broadcast.

There is a guy who claims to be the Royal Lugonika, and the other party claims to be the priest of the Witch’s Cult, Capella Amerada Lugonika, the priest of lust, and he is proud by declaring the fact that she has occupied the city hall. To claim that the Witch Cult has occupied the city of Pratunam?

As a result, Emilia and others no longer care about continuing to discuss countermeasures, and directly follow the already stated immature plan and move separately towards the major urban areas and the Pratunam Tower, intending to defend the important ones first. , The tower that can control the flow of water, and then talk about other things.

And Emilia naturally received the task of regaining the city hall and pacifying the people. This is why she is now rushing towards the city hall with Ram, Rem, and Annie.

Although I don't know the current situation of the city hall and the enemy's military strength, Emilia has no choice. She must do this whether she is out of duty or sympathy!

Of course, Flandreika was not taken by her, but left the other party in the Yui Ting Inn to guard the salute, the dragon cart, and their one that has not been discovered and attacked by the Witch Cult. 'Allied forces' base camp.


"It should be in this direction..."

"It should be there in ten minutes, let's go, we must hurry!"

Looking at the street map in her hand, and then at the landmark buildings next to her, Emilia quickly figured out the situation, and then she didn’t plan to waste time asking the flustered people who rushed past from time to time. A maid and a reluctant little girl moved quickly in the direction of the city hall.

"Master Emilia?"


"What's the matter, Rem?"

"Is such that……"

"Um, is the person who just broadcast and announced the occupation of this city in the city hall, is it really the royal family of the Lugonika royal family?"


"Feel sorry!"

"I don't know..."

Hearing Rem's sudden question, and knowing what Rem was worried about, Emilia, who was trying to identify the direction and rushing forward, couldn't help but sink her face, and began to explain roughly to the two twin sisters:

"However, when I was in the Water Cloak Pavilion, according to Kursho, the name'Emerald Lugonika' must have been a member of Lugonika Kingdom fifty years ago. The name of the princess is undoubtedly."

"However, the other party should have passed away from illness at a young age..."


"It is rumored that the princess 50 years ago was extremely cruel and cruel. She had an incalculable darkness to outsiders, so terrifying?"

"Because of that, fifty years ago, she was always regarded as a heresy in the Lugonika family. After her death, the kingdom not only did not lament her death, but even executed what was supposed to be. The state funeral was omitted, and there was no hype about that matter."

"It is said that the people do not expect or approve of such a princess emotionally?"

"As for the reason why there are the words'Emerald Lugnica' in the name of the priest of the crime of lust, the reason for this is currently unknown."

"However, before setting off, Kursho and Wilhelm speculated that the bloodline of Capella and Lugonica might really have something to do with it. After all, when the princess was declared dead. No one has seen her body..."


"This is indeed a very troublesome thing..."

As she spoke, Emilia couldn't help but laugh bitterly.

After thinking about it carefully, she now has five candidates for the throne, including Milia, Kursi, Priscilla, Anastasia, and Firut, and they have come to the city of Pratunam, but the result is ...

However, they encountered a princess who claimed to be the only surviving royal blood in the kingdom and was also a princess who was declared dead or missing fifty years ago. This is indeed embarrassing and difficult for them.



"It's really a bit troublesome..."

Although his identity is only a maid, but the two sisters Ram and Rem can also understand the embarrassing situation of Emilia and other candidates for the throne at this time.

"Then, Master Emilia!"

"After a while, what shall we do when we meet that Capella Emerald Lugonica?"

Therefore, the two sisters looked at each other and then hesitantly asked Emelia, wanting to ask each other's opinion first.

"What else can I do?"

"The most important thing now is to retake the City Hall first. You can't let the Witch Cult continue to cause panic and slaughter in the city, right?"

"As for that Capella Emerald Lugnica..."

Although Capella Emeralda Lugnica has claimed to be a witch’s clerk, and one of the witch’s sect priests, he even attacked the city hall and probably killed there. Officials and guards, but Emilia still feels that when confronting each other, she must not be able to directly kill the other party, otherwise, things will only become more troublesome?

Of course, you can't just let the opponent go!

Although Kursho and others have set out for their respective mission goals, Emilia knows that they must also be diligently watching every move here in the city hall, so she is trying to get back the city hall's every move. At the same time, they must also be given a satisfactory answer sheet.

"Let's talk about it later and see the situation!"


"Our primary goal is to retake the city hall and stabilize order. As for other things, we can only make a decision on the spot."

Shaking her head and smiling bitterly, Emelia was not good at making judgments when she was not sure about the true strength and specific circumstances of Capella Amelada Lugonica, and she did not dare to make judgments arbitrarily at this time. Speak out the idea of ​​going to capture the opponent alive.


Nodding, seeing Emilia's uncertain statement, Rem didn't have much to say, so he could only continue to follow behind and walk forward quickly.



"How far is it?"


"People are a little tired..."


"Also, it's almost time for lunch!"


Undoubtedly, this is Annie's most, most, most, most, most, most, most, and, most caring-for!

Although Annie does not usually eat lunch on time, since she wakes up early today, she must also want to be able to do certain things at a certain time, such as eating a delicious meal ?


"According to the street map, we might have to take a detour..."

Amelia, who continued to take the road in front and trot, glanced down at the map in her hand, and then said helplessly.

Originally they could take a water dragon boat to the city hall, it would be faster!

However, there were only four water dragon boats on standby at the inn at that time, and Kursho and Firut needed the first time to support the four water gates that were being attacked by the followers of the Witch Cult. That was the most important thing. Affairs are related to the survival of the tens of thousands of residents in the entire city, so Emelia took the initiative to give them all the boats and decided to walk to the city hall instead.

But now, she suddenly regretted it.

To be honest, even she did not expect that the city hall, which would be extremely quick and easy to walk by water, was changed to land by land, and it would become so circumstantial, even when there was a map, it made her feel a little bit Excessive?

No wonder...

It's no wonder that when Flandreka drove the dragon cart to the inn the day before yesterday, she would not arrive exhausted until dusk and round with them. It turned out to be such a thing?

"Do you want to go around?"


Annie felt a little immobile.

If there are delicious and fun things in the city hall, she is definitely more active than anyone else, and she can even use teleportation to ‘swish’ and fly over.

However, there is nothing fun in the city hall now, only a group of boring Witch Cultists occupies there, and not only there is no delicious and fun, but there will only be a lot of disgusting dead bodies or something, so she It's really lack of interest, and I'm not happy to run to that kind of boring place before I have lunch.

"It's coming soon!"


"It should be faster from here?"

Emilia, who led the way in front, stopped suddenly, and after looking at the map, she turned around and took the lead into a smaller and more remote alley with almost no pedestrians.


"Annie, why did you tell us today about the Witch's Cult?"

After running forward for a while, Emilia suddenly turned back and asked with some complaint.

Right now, under the surprise attack of the Witch’s Cult, the city is in chaos, and the city hall instantly fell into the enemy’s hands. Not to mention, even the four major water gates are being attacked by the enemy and may fall at any time. Therefore, Emilia couldn't help but feel a little upset. , I think it’s right for a certain little girl who was upset yesterday to tell them that thing right away. Then, maybe they will have enough time to react and prepare?

If there is one more night and one more morning, surely the current situation must be a different situation, right?

"Because you didn't ask either!"


"It's just a boring bandage weirdo, and it's not an important thing. Why do people say it?"

(ˉ▽ ̄~) Cut~~

Annie curled her lips in disdain.

The bandage weird thing is really not a big deal to her, anyway, the other party was just secretly broken and injured by her, maybe she is hiding somewhere, crying and licking the wound. , That kind of tricky thing about others, she can just stealthily and cheerfully, how can she take the initiative to spread it to others?


(● ̄? ̄●)


Hearing that Annie said that the Witch’s Education was not a big deal, Emilia was a little overwhelmed, and her running forward was staggered, and she almost didn’t fall into the trail next to the trail. In the small ditch.

However, in the end she did not choose to stop talking to Annie, because now is not the time to talk about that kind of thing, and at the same time she also knows whether it is wrong or justified, and whether it is reasonable or unreasonable, she must be talking about it herself. But that bad little girl.



The two twin maids, Ram and Rem, glanced at each other quietly, and finally exchanged glances indifferently, and then continued to run forward, without expressing any opinions or opinions.

They don't think there is anything wrong with their Master Anne!

Anyway, they only know that as long as Master Anne says and does things, then everything is right, wrong and right!

"It's almost here!"

"If we follow the map completely, we may need to take a long detour and pass two or three bridges, but now things are urgent. Let's take a short cut and jump over the not-to-wide water diversion road ahead!"

"It's marked on the top of the water channel, it's about fifty steps wide..."

"Ram! Rem!"

"You should have no problem, right?"

At this time, Emelia, who led the way in front, had heard the sound of rushing water and the roars and shouts of the water dragons and boatmen in the waterways.

It can be seen that she did not lead the wrong way, as long as she jumped over from the front, they would be able to save at least half of the journey.

"no problem!"

"Me and Rem can jump right over!"


As they were talking, two masked men with their entire bodies hidden in dark red robes jumped out of the buildings on both sides of the street. As soon as they reached out their hands, they used several flying swords to attack Ram, Rem, and ran ahead. Emilia launched a surprise attack.

"It's the enemy!"


Seeing this, Emilia did not waste time, nor did she waste her own magic power, but directly took advantage of the daytime opportunity to call her wizard helper.

"Do not worry!"

"Emilia, there will be no problem with me!"

clang! clang!

In an instant, those flying swords were all blocked by the magic of the big wizard Parker and bounced out.

At the same time, Parker's ice crystal magic began to fight back.

Whoosh~! Whoosh~! Whoosh~!

Almost instantly, they rushed out of the two broken windows in the house, with conspicuous blood stains on their bodies and hadn't had time to land, and the witches cult villains rushed forward, piercing them and nailing them all. On the wall.



"We jump from here!"

Continuing to approach the waterway, Emelia could already see the chaos of the boats in the waterway that were manipulating the water dragon and crowded together in horror.

However, she didn't have the mind to care so much. Taking advantage of the opportunity of no more enemies appearing, a wind-attribute magic directly wrapped her slender body, making her and Parker on her shoulders as direct as a clever swallow. Leaped across the river.

"elder sister!"


The distance of only fifty steps is not a big problem for the ghost twin sisters Ram and Rem.

Therefore, they didn't even use magic, directly relying on the power of their bodies, and they easily jumped over.

Fortunately, at this time, the boatmen in the river are just fighting each other and driving the same flustered water dragon, and no one has the time to notice the sky. If it’s not hot, they will surely be able to see several beautiful scenery lines. ?

"We continue to this..."


"and many more!!"

Seeing Ram and Rem landing steadily, not to care about the mess around the neighborhood near the city hall, and not to care about the many dead bodies lying down on the road, Emelia was about to continue to lead the way. Suddenly found:

A certain little girl who was still reluctant, but still behind them, suddenly disappeared at this time? !

"its not right!"

"Rem, Ram! Where's Annie?!!!"

Looking at the left and right and across the waterway, Emelia, who didn't find the tiny figure, finally couldn't help but cried out in exclamation.

She didn't look at the river channel. After all, they all knew that Annie was a powerful arcane archmage, and it was absolutely impossible for the other party to fall into the water channel.


"Really missing!"

"Ha ha!"

"Emilia, you may not believe it if you say it, it seems, even I don't know when she disappeared..."

Parker, who was standing on Emilia's shoulder, looked around and couldn't help scratching his head.

It can be said to be the most leisurely one. You only need to stand on Emilia's shoulders when you are on the way. But now, there is a big living person missing from the team out of thin air, and it can't even be found in time. It is indeed a little scared.



"elder sister!"

"You and Emilia-sama go to the city hall first, I will look for it now!"

"Whether I can find the owner or not, I will go to the city hall to meet you in half an hour. You must pay attention to your safety!"

Having said that, Rem hesitated for a moment and turned around and jumped back to the other side of the waterway, and rushed to the alley where they had just passed and encountered the attack.

Soon, there was a fighting sound across the waterway, and it was clear that Rem and the people of the Witch Cult had fought again.

"Time is urgent!"

"Master Emilia, shall we go first?"

Seeing his sister leave, Ram didn't say anything to stop him, but began to urge Emilia to come.

However, as she spoke, she quietly reached out into the backpack behind her. After touching a hard, smooth and cold object, her frowning brows relaxed slightly, and her heart was full. So a little bit of confidence.


"All right……"

"This can only be done first!"

Tangled for a, although she was very worried, anxious and unhappy, but in the end, Emilia couldn't think of a better way, so she had to bite the bullet, gritted her teeth, and turned around. Just follow Ram, rushing in the direction of the city hall.

It’s all right now. They are about to arrive at their destination, but the most important power they thought they relied on, but somehow disappeared. It also caused Rem’s great power to be temporarily absent to find it. Right now She is left with Ram and Parker, and she doesn't know if she can solve the big trouble in the city hall?

Thinking about it, Emilia, who was full of confidence just now, suddenly became anxious.

However, no matter how anxious it is, now that it has happened, she has to continue to move forward with Ram, go to the city hall that has appeared in sight, and is said to have been occupied by the enemy, and try to take it back. At the same time She also hoped that Rem could find some crappy, unreliable little guy sooner, what else could she do?


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