Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1798: (???) Demon's Ambition


It was late at night, and a blue moon hung high above the sky of the mainland of Alusaria, and gradually approached the highest point in the night sky.

However, tonight, this continent is destined to not be too peaceful.


"Ha ha ha ha……"

"Hum hum……"

The Yanfenggu Mountains, on a hill not far from the big lake that was gradually formed by some unhappy little girl uprooted the mountains, that for hundreds of years in order to resurrect Chaos God Chaos in the world. The agent of the evil **** who has been destroyed and resurrected several times, and the dark prince Pozanlu who has caused chaos and disputes in the world is standing there. He is staring at the sky, staring at the floating island faintly visible in the moonlight. After a long time, he suddenly laughed awkwardly.

"Lord Pozanlu!"

"Everything is ready!"

"Please order!"

Soon, after Pozanlu stopped laughing, a coquettish succubus suddenly flew behind him and reported with a coquettish smile.

"very good!"

"Everyone, please remember today!"

Hearing that his subordinates came to inform that all the preparations were in place, Pozanlu finally made a sneer on his face.

"Countless years..."

"Today will be a historic day for our Demon Race!"

"In a short time, this world, as well as those countless races, will soon surrender to the feet of our great Demon Race!"


"Chaos is coming!"

"Then, our demons will also rule the whole world!!!"

Facing the various high-level demons near this hill no longer need to hide, but openly appear, such as those lava giants, scorpions, hellhounds, gargoyles, little demons, vampire bats, undead skeletons and A group of high-ranking generals of the demon race of all shapes and sizes, proudly Pozanlu suddenly stretched out his hand from his black cloak and raised the magic sword in his hand that was exuding huge shadow magic power all around. Alu Hassato.

‘waggggh! ! ’

‘aahhhhhh! ! ! ’

'Roar! ! ! ’

'Oh! ! ! ! ’

‘waggggh! ! ! ’

Hearing Pozanlu's speech and seeing the demon sword that had been unsealed in his hand, of course, the demons roared and cheered, causing the entire valley to vibrate, as if they were real It will soon be possible to achieve final victory and rule the world.


Pozanlu once again showed a satisfied grim smile.

Countless years...

This time, his actions were smoother than countless actions in the past few hundred years!

Because, this time, humans not only watched him gather and summon a large number of demons, but also directly 'send' both the demon sword and the holy sword into his hands, especially the demon sword Aluhasa he is holding now. Toh, this will be the key for their demons to defeat the enemy and rule the world!


"Jairu, how are the preparations of the air force?"

Ignoring the demon army with high morale and still cheering, Pozanlu turned around slowly, looked at the demon general behind him and asked coldly.

"Your Highness!"

"Everything is ready and ready to attack!"

The demon general, Jiaairu, did not dare to neglect, and reported directly and honestly.

"very good!"


"How is the ceremony of summoning the King of Chaos going?"

"Your Highness!"

"The ceremony is underway, but I'm afraid it will take a continuous period of time and more power of darkness and destruction!"


"Soon, the power of darkness and destruction will continue to appear, you just need to collect it,"

"But you have to remember to speed up the progress!"


"My subordinate understands!"

"very good!"

"I ask you, is there any movement from the Imperial Army?"

After asking a few questions and asking the other party to speed up the process of summoning the God of Chaos, Pozanlu finally remembered something else, and opened his mouth to ask about the empire and the imperial army that made him a little apprehensive.

After all, on this continent, there is still a little threat to their demons. I am afraid that only the Rekaert Empire and the other army are left. As for Karthus and the so-called Radiance Legion in Karthus City , is completely vulnerable!

The previous attack on Karthus City was enough to illustrate some problems. This time the Radiance Legion was the weakest in hundreds of years, and he had to seize the opportunity.


"They're still standing still!"

"Subordinates guess, they should be dispatched only when they want to see our demons and the floating city lose both?"

Looking up at the huge floating island that was floating at an altitude of 10,000 meters and still seemed to have no movement until now, the corners of the Demon General Jiaairu's mouth could not help but bend a sinister arc.

Those stupid human beings are still thinking of taking advantage of the fisherman, but they don't know that when the floating city is shot down and the God of Chaos is summoned, the other party will no longer have the slightest chance.


"Then let them stay there, I believe it won't be long before we turn around and clean them up..."


"Let's start by shooting down that floating city and announce the return of our demons to the whole world!"

"Hum hum……"

With a sneer, surrounded and surrounded by countless demons, Pozanlu, who stood on the top of the hill with confidence, finally raised the magic sword in his hand high again, and then began to concentrate on activating the magic sword. And use your mind to connect with the blue moon in the night sky.

That's the Blue Moon Peria, and what mortals don't know is that it's not actually a moon, but an artificial celestial body in a satellite orbit!

More importantly, a huge and terrifyingly powerful magic railgun is installed on it, and at this time, the magic sword Aluhasato in his hand, that is, the 'Sword of Destruction of Evil', its main function It is to collect the power of Mana (magic) in the atmosphere and send it to Pelia to charge the magic cannon!

At the same time, the magic sword is also the key to control and activate the magic cannon!

And now, Pozanlu is about to start, and is ready to use the orbital magic cannon above Blue Moon Peria to bombard the floating island and the stupid outsiders above that lied to make peace with the world. Try to shoot it down in the shortest time possible!


"Your Highness!"

"Then I will continue to preside over the ceremony. I wish you all the best?"

First, he took a deep look at the magic sword held in the opponent's hand, and then, without waiting for Pozanlu's reply, the demon general Jiaelu bowed and saluted, then turned and left with a gloomy expression.


Pozanlu didn't pay attention to the other party, because it was a meticulous job to guide Lanyue Peria to conduct orbital bombing. It is said that the orbital gun can only fire one shot in one or two hours. Therefore, he must provide the coordinates accurately, and at the same time, he needs to use the Use your powerful mental power to firmly lock and guide the target's position, otherwise, if you accidentally hit it wrong, it will really be a waste of time.


When Pozanlu was busy launching the magic sword to guide Peria for orbital bombardment, in the north, in the Inscano fortress in the actual control area of ​​the empire, Emperor Barnhardt of the Rekaert Empire and his The commanders of the four major legions under their command are now gathering in a place like an observatory in the heights of the fortress, and they are looking at the floating island in full array.

"What time is it?"

"Egbert, haven't you started yet?"


"Blue Moon has risen to the top, that Pozanlu, how long does he want to wait?!"

Looking at the blue moon in the sky and the earth, and then at the end of the line of sight in the distance, looking at the floating island where a little dark shadow could be glimpsed under the moonlight, Emperor Barnhardt became impatient at first.

So, he asked again loudly towards Egbert, who was observing with the telescope of the observatory.

"His Majesty……"

"Please don't be impatient..."


"No! There seems to be some movement above Pelia?!"

Eggbert was about to say something comforting, but suddenly, he exclaimed.

Because, he saw through the telescope that the mages used to observe the stars: on the artificial celestial body Blue Moon Peria, it seems that there is some kind of magical light flickering faintly?

"It's not like!"

"It's really moving!"


"There's a spot on it that's getting brighter!"

At this moment, Imelda, the only female general of the empire and also the commander of the Ice Dragon Army, blurted out in amazement.

"It really is!"

"Is it the same move as the big explosion that day?"

Following Imelda's instructions, Vargas and Leon exclaimed in unison.

At this moment, they didn't need to use the equipment that Egbert was fiddling with. Just with the naked eye, they could clearly see a bright spot on the blue moon Peria, and saw the unusual movement.


Without waiting for the high-level officials of the empire to say anything, it was very abrupt that after Imelda's words had just fallen, the high-level officials of the empire who were here waiting to observe the battle situation were shocked to see: Above the night sky, an unusually bright white The beam of light was suddenly shot out from the blue moon, and almost instantly, it slanted and slammed onto something in the distant sky.

Immediately after....


Rumble boom! ! !

Brighter light and a huge orange-red fireball exploded in the distant sky.

And what followed was a wave of violent noises rolling in.

A few minutes after everyone saw the white light and the explosion, they rushed towards them with the strong wind, and the movement was like a dull thunder in summer, and the whole world was shaking. , very appalling.


"What's the situation, has that floating island been shot down?"

Seeing this, without being surprised, the emperor of the empire, Barnhardt, immediately asked Egbert, who was standing in front of the observation equipment, loudly.

Seeing that the magic sword actually had that kind of terrifying power, Barnhardt was a little jealous, and at the same time a little scared, because if the floating island was really shot down, then their empire would take over I'm afraid I'll have to face that terrifying weapon by myself.

"I have no idea!"

"Your Majesty, please wait..."

In fact, without the urging of Emperor Barnhardt at all, Egbert had already turned the astronomical telescope and pointed it firmly at the one that was being hit and exploded just before the sound of the explosion. Fired floating island.



"The light is so bright that I can't see clearly..."


"Wait a second..."

After watching it for a while, Egbert had to give up helplessly.

After all, now just with the naked eye, you can know the direction of the floating island in the distance, which has been flooded and permeated by firelight and chaotic magic, and even clouds and wind and waves are wrapping that place. In a short period of time, in their At this distance, I am afraid that there is no way to observe it anymore.


The naked eye and astronomical instruments can't observe, so Egbert is not at all helpless, so after letting go of the optical instrument, he frowned and looked at Imelda, who was beside him, and gestured towards him with his eyes. .

"rest assured!"

"Look at me!"

"It's really exciting..."


Smiling coquettishly, Imelda, who didn't know what she was in, actually twisted her waist and walked to the side.

Then, she tore off a piece of silk cloth on a table in front of everyone, and then a crystal ball as big as an adult head appeared on the table, and she did not wait for Egbert to explain, He stood in front and started to cast spells.


As Imelda cast the spell, her hands and eyes began to glow red, as did the crystal ball.

She is a powerful witch. Although her strength and knowledge may not be comparable to the old guy who was instructed by the legendary great magician, Egbert, but using the crystal ball to observe the target within the visible range, she can Still can't beat her, it's nothing more than an eagle eye technique and prying magic.

"that is……"



"That level of bombing, it's actually intact?!"

"No way?"


Soon, after Imelda's spell casting ended, when they saw the complete floating island in the crystal ball, which was completely protected by a layer of light blue shield, the high-level empires present couldn't help but one after another. exclaimed.


"There's a lot of light on it!"

"what is that?"

At this moment, the sharp-eyed Leon exclaimed again, pointing to the floating island in the crystal ball that was surrounded by fire and smoke.


"That's the magic reaction when many large portals are opened at the same time!"

"It seems..."

"The war has begun!"

Egbert replied coldly, he could see at a glance what that light represented, and at the same time, his face was also terrifyingly gloomy.

"It's amazing..."

"Not only can it withstand orbital bombardment, but it can also carry out large-scale legion-level teleportation at the same time, and can even carry out multi-point teleportation at the same time?"

It is the so-called layman watching the lively and the expert watching the doorway.

"That kind of terrifying war-delivery ability, I'm afraid that it may not be possible for our empire to do it for 20 years, right?"

Without waiting for Egbert to explain, Imelda, who was also a mage at the side, instantly understood what kind of magic power and magic technology support was needed to achieve that level, so she was stunned and amazed. , and frowned and asked that Egbert.

"Not twenty years..."

"It can't reach that level in a hundred years!!"

Although the facts are cruel and shocking, Egbert, who has never liked to deceive himself and cover up, still said the terrible truth with a stern face.


"Let people investigate immediately!"

"I want to know the latest battle situation between that floating island and the Demon Race as soon as possible!"

At this time, Emperor Barnhardt, who was standing behind the crowd, suddenly spoke up, and was about to let the heralds convey his order.

Obviously, compared to the things that Egbert and Imelda marveled at, he is obviously more concerned about the battle between the Demon Race and the floating island, that is, the battle and the process of the battle with the Azeroth Empire. , that is the most important purpose they should care about and why they are here!


"News from the Imperial Observation Post!"

"The floating island has opened at least thirteen legion-level portals on the ground, and a large number of paladins and flame monsters have completed the siege of the demon army from more than ten different directions and launched a surprise attack!"


"Imperial Griffin Knight reconnaissance team announcement!"

"On the floating island, a large number of flame flying monsters and some strange mechanical flying beasts were dispatched, and the air force of the demons was suppressed!"


"His Majesty!"

"The area where Yanfenggu is located, the area with the most demons has been bombarded with terrifying magic!"

"The power is terrifying!!"


"Near the intersection, the main force of the demons was bombarded by legion-level magic, and the casualties are unknown!!"


"Oh no!"

"His Majesty!"

"A large number of demons in the periphery are collapsing towards our front, and the frontline commander is asking for instructions?!"

However, before the heralds set off and conveyed Barnhardt's order, the imperial sentries who had arranged observation posts and aerial reconnaissance teams in various places and locations, sent back the orders as soon as possible. Everyone was shocked and horrified by the battles.




At this time, the emperor Barnhardt of the empire and his four confidants were waiting for the high-level officers, and they ignored the soldiers who rushed to report them, and just walked slowly to this stargazing star. In front of the guardrail of the high platform, propped up against the guardrail, he stared at the floating island in the distance, which was surrounded by countless light spots, magic rays and dense flying units, and was emitting a faint blue light.

More than ten minutes have passed, and after the aftermath of the orbital bombardment, it has reappeared in everyone's sight, and it has become brighter and clearer.

Under the floating island, there are various lights flashing after the magic explosion and the continuous 'bang rumbling'-like booming sound.

In this way, with that signal, as the dark prince Pozanlu used the final weapon and used the blue moon Peria to carry out a precise orbital bombing on the floating island, a battle between the aliens and the red moon demons. The great battle started in the air and on the ground near the rock peaks and valleys in the middle of the night.


"You said..."

"Which side will they win?!"

At this time, Vargas, the bald brother of the empire, one of the four generals of Emperor Barnhardt and the commander of the Yanlong Corps, suddenly asked.

"do not know……"

"But no matter which side wins, it's not good news for our empire..."

Looking at the night sky and the battle situation in the mountains in the distance for a while, Leon of the Blue Dragon Knights slowly shook his head with an ugly face and said Because, from the first-hand news reported by the signal soldiers just now Judging from the fact that the floating island, that is, the Azeroth Empire, the terrifying force projection, interspersed and coping methods shown by the other party have far exceeded the limit they could imagine.

Of course, the power of the magic sword in the hands of the demons is also very terrifying!

If a weapon of that level is not in the hands of one's own people, then it would be best to destroy it, or seal it up again?


The Emperor Barnhardt did not speak, but stared at the exaggerated night sky in the distance with an ugly face.



Neither Egbert nor Imelda spoke.

There is no doubt that the kind of terrifying battle that can instantly illuminate the night sky is something that the senior leaders of the empire have never seen or heard of!

So, subconsciously, the two of them couldn't help but start to put themselves in their shoes and think, if their empire was replaced by demons, the army of demons was replaced by the army of the empire, and the one holding the demon sword was replaced by the words of their emperor Barnhardt. , in the face of the counterattack of the floating island, what can they do, and what should they do?

Thinking about it...

Egbert and Imelda didn't know if they both thought of some terrible result at the same time, and then, the two people with ugly faces first glanced at each other subconsciously, and also used some kind of method. After exchanging views with each other, they continued to turn back stiffly and resentfully, and continued to follow everyone, watching the mighty terrifying night battle on the horizon.


|??ω?`) Where is the monthly pass?

?°(°ˉ??ˉ?°)°? I want a monthly pass...

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