Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1799: (??□′)?

Contrary to everyone's expectations, something happened that shocked and terrified the local "official" forces in the Alusaria continent, such as the Rekaert Empire and Karthus Kingdom, who were preparing to watch the fun.

The war, which took place near the Yanfeng Valley Mountains, with hundreds of thousands of demons against the foreign forces of the Azeroth Empire on the floating island, actually won the floating island side before dawn. And it came to an end in a hurry.

Yes, that's right, a big win!

And this time...

In the darkness, on the hill, holding a magic sword, he has successfully launched two orbital bombings on the floating island in more than two hours, and the dark prince Pozanlu, who has all been accurately hit, is being attacked from Luoyang. The paladins of Danron's Knights of the Silver Hand are stuck in the final camp.


"You can't be this strong!"

"Do not!"

"That floating island, it cannot withstand the bombardment of the orbital magic cannon, that is the ultimate weapon!"

"That's impossible!"

Watching the paladins in heavy silver plate armor, fully armed, and shining with dazzling holy light, threatening him step by step, Pozanlu shouted hysterically and wielded his magic sword. The Silver Hands, who were slowly surrounding them, roared.




However, those paladins didn't speak, and they didn't have the problem of going back to the enemy chiefs. They just slashed over the demon guards who were blocking the way with their weapons, and looked at Pozanlu in a very bad way. The target slowly surrounded him.

"Do not!"

"no way!"

"I must destroy it!"

"Destroy it!!"

Looking at the powerful Paladins who were getting closer and the guards becoming less and less, Pozanlu not only didn't think about teleporting to escape, but unexpectedly raised the magic sword in his hand again. Alu Hassato.


Rumble boom!

Of course, the third white light shot from the blue moon in the sky and cut through the night sky, and instantly blasted towards the floating island 10,000 meters high.

Then, huge explosions, firelight, magic turbulence, and expanding air, sound waves and shock waves quickly swept across the hill that was not very far away, making those paladins and Pozanlu have to subconsciously Covering his head, he lowered his body and squatted on the ground.

A few minutes later…

"Ha ha!"

"Successful, successful?"

Pozanlu didn't bother to look at the surrounding demon guards who had almost been slaughtered. He just opened his eyes to a certain area in the sky with his anxious and anticipating eyes. go.


What made him despair was that the floating island, it was still floating there, it was still wearing the thin shield with light blue light, and there was no change in the slightest, and it did not collapse and fall. meaning to fall.



"This is impossible…"

As the group of paladins finally cut down the last demon guard and quickly walked to their side, the dark prince Pozanlu held a demon sword and carried out a full three-orbit bombardment on the floating island in three hours. He finally fell to the ground in despair and collapse, and muttered something to himself.

"whispering sound!"

"Another crazy one!"

Looking at the dark prince of the demon race who seemed a little reluctant to accept the reality in front of him, that is, the ultimate goal of their group of paladins, old Fording pouted a little boringly.


"All right."

"You take him away!"

Then, he directly slapped the opponent's head with the 'Ashbringer' in his hand, knocking him unconscious. The surrounding paladins commanded.

"What a pity!"

"It took me more than three hours to hit three times..."

"He must not know? Those goblin and gnome engineers have said that that shield can withstand at least a hundred hits!"

"that is!"

"This guy shouldn't know? It has three layers of shields!"

"Definitely don't know..."

Before Pozenlu passed out completely and was dragged away by the Paladins, he seemed to have vaguely heard the above few brief conversations...

"its not right!"

"What about the holy sword?"

"Who saw the holy sword?"

"Go find it!"

However, Tirion Fordring, who led the team and was the first to attack here, doesn't care what 'Pozanlu' or 'Zambolu' thinks, he only knows that although he has already defeated the enemy chief The base camp where he is located also got the magic sword, but another similar holy sword has not yet been found, so he must move quickly, otherwise, someone else will pick it up later. .

And when Old Fordring captured the hill and captured Pozanlu, and at the same time got the magic sword, on the other side of the battlefield that was gradually coming to an end, on the other side of the battlefield where a huge evil summoning circle was painted on the cone On top of the mound, the Demon General Jiaelu was leading the last Demon Race elite guards to resist stubbornly by relying on the steps of the cone-shaped mound that was almost 100 meters high.


"Be sure to stop them!"


"Kill it back!"

The Demon General Jiaairu hurriedly retreated while roaring hard, directing the demons around him to rush down the steps, trying to resist the terrifying fire elements and the elf mage troops. Violent attack.

At this moment, he was too busy to take care of himself, completely unaware of the fact that the main force of the Prince of Darkness had been defeated and the prince himself had been captured.


"You go up!"

Seeing that the group of elite demons who just went up was cleared by the enemy in a few moments, Jiaairu panicked, and had to force the equally frightened demons behind him to rush down against the enemy's magic.

"Kill that mage first!"


"Block me!"

"Must stop!!"

Although he commanded and shouted with all his might, the Demon General Jiaairu gradually discovered sadly that even if he had the advantage of the terrain, even if he was condescending, in the face of those enemies, especially those terrifying mages, their Demon Race The charge is still useless, and the enemy is about to be rushed to the summoning circle on the top of the mound.

"Sir Gael!"

"The ceremony is complete!"

Fortunately, when Jiaairu was almost desperate, a succubus ran down from the giant mound and shouted loudly behind him.





"Let's withdraw!"

"The God of Chaos has come!"

Hearing the report of the succubus, the desperate demon general Jiaairu was overjoyed, and then, he couldn't wait to take the last of his last descendants to take the lead in the direction of the summoning circle, towards the mound, and ran away. Not even the guards who were still fighting the enemy.




When he led the people to the front of the summoning circle on the high platform, he was even more desperate to discover that the last relied on which they thought they could turn defeat into victory was the legendary Chaos God Chaos. A group of elf mages with pointed ears were bound to the middle of the summoning formation with some kind of magic, and could only roar helplessly?


"Are you up?"

Seeing that the generals of the demon race ran up at this time, Queen Azshara was a little surprised, and turned around with a smile, adding to the astonished Jiaelu.

"I'm so sorry!"


"We could have wiped out you long ago, so we don't need to waste so much time?"


"In order to wait for you to summon this God of Chaos, we spent a lot of effort to suppress the intensity of the attack and pretend to be resisted by you?"

"What, are you surprised?"

Pointing to the one in the middle of the summoning circle who was being trapped by her upper elves with the magic of the Prison God, wearing a red cloak, with horns on his head, and an evil eye in the middle of the skull. God Chaos, Queen Azshara laughed so much that her golden eyes were almost bent.

"Speaking of..."

"This formation, we originally planned to use it to deal with the guy named Sargeras."

"But there is no way, that guy, and I don't know why, will never come to our world of Azeroth again, so..."

"We have to deal with your Chaos God, I think, you shouldn't mind, right?"

Saying that, Azshara moved forward step by step with her graceful footsteps, and in the most tender voice said the terrifying truth that made Jiaelu feel the chills to the bones.



Looking at the female elf who walked over step by step, the demon general Jiaairu's heart defense was quickly broken, and at the same time, the long sword in his hand also fell to the ground in disappointment, and made a crisp sound.

The God of Chaos with high hopes, the existence in the faith, was just summoned and captured by the enemy?

You know, that is the God of Chaos, but an existence on the same level as Lucilles, the Goddess of Light, so he was captured alive by the other party?

"How, how could this be..."

So, facing the beautiful and terrifying female elf who walked over step by step with a smile, and facing the chasing soldiers who came up step by step, at this moment, Jiaairu could no longer resist.


"give up?"


"How boring!"

Seeing that the enemy general threw away his weapon and slumped on the ground before he could do it himself, Azshara frowned and stopped a few steps away from the opponent, and complained somewhat dissatisfiedly.

Tonight, she originally planned to deal with the demon **** Chaos, but in the end, before she could make a move, the members of the royal mages of the high elves under her had already captured the enemy's 'god' She got up, and now it's better, even the last remaining enemy general who seems to be able to play has also disarmed. This situation makes her very dissatisfied.

After half a day...

In the palace of the Queen of Flames on the floating island, in a super gorgeous bedroom inside, when the slanting rays of sunlight shone through the window again, a certain poor little girl finally slowly shrugged in her soft I opened my eyes on the comfortable bed.







She stretched her waist and rubbed her eyes. Then, Annie didn't speak or did any other actions, she just sat on the bed in a daze, not knowing what she was thinking.



Finally, after a while, she came to her senses and remembered something important.

"People almost forgot!"


"Going to fight!"


As she said that, she jumped under the bed, quickly put on her shoes, put on a skirt, and planned to run out of the bedroom.


"Actually, you don't have to go!"

Suddenly, unexpectedly, just when Annie was about to find her little bear and see where she had left him, a very familiar voice suddenly rang in the big room.


!? ?''???

"It's Irena, but why are you stupid here?"


"How long have you been here?"


Annie, who was startled, of course looked in the direction of the sound for the first time, and successfully saw a nasty guy sitting by her small round stool and small round table with his chin propped up, reading a book. Book.


"Make it clear that I'm not an idiot!"


"A talented girl appeared in Lobeta of the Peaceful Country. She passed the magic test at the age of 14 and became the youngest trainee witch in history. Yes, that's me!"


"I've been reading a book here for an hour. I came here at noon. Tibbers found the book for me. Although, I don't know why you have so many books in your possession..."


"Reminder, the battle is over, while you were sleeping, about two hours ago?"

Irena touched her lips with a finger, and then teased.

In fact, what she said was the complete end, based on the time it took for the troops who cleaned the battlefield to return to the floating island. Strictly speaking, the end of the battle should have been in the early hours of last night, and it should have been more than ten hours from now?

Anyway, no matter if it was the early morning or more than two hours ago, it was not something that a bad little girl teacher could catch up with, because the other party was always sleeping late, and it was the kind of person who didn't want to get up when someone came to report!



"It's over, so fast?!"


Annie exclaimed, her face full of unbelievable little expressions.

"no way!"

"Who makes someone sleep until the afternoon?"

"The battle starts in the middle of the night, and someone can sleep until the afternoon of the next day, how heartless..."

That last sentence, Irena muttered in a low voice after covering her mouth with the magic book, and she couldn't guarantee whether the "someone" in her mouth heard it.


"Mr. Anne, I found that you are still as bad and lazy as ever!"

"However, fortunately, everyone didn't count on you. Otherwise, I'm afraid that the enemy will hit the gate of the palace, and you are still sleeping soundly, right?"

Irena pretended to sigh, and looked at her teacher Annie with those 'indignant' eyes.



"Irena! People are going to be angry!"


Originally, it was already a little uncomfortable to miss the battle with Annie when I woke up late, but this abominable idiot apprentice in front of me came to tease her as a teacher again. That kind of thing is really something that my aunt can't bear!

"Yes Yes Yes!"

"Then I won't say it!"

"I just waited for you to get up and let you know about it."

After speaking, Irena, who didn't dare to go too far, clapped her hands and stood up.


"I borrowed these books to read first, the ones that don't need to be returned!"

Saying that, Irena took out her short wand and waved it, and the pile of magic books floated by herself, floating in the air above her head, and slowly drifted out following her footsteps.



Seeing that the other party was still in a hot attitude, Annie got a little angry and glared at the other party angrily.


"Dear Mrs. Annie, you should hurry up and wash up!"

"And then..."

"It seems that you can save two meals today. Think about it carefully, you are really easy to raise!"


Before pushing open the ornate wooden door of the palace and preparing to go out, Irena turned her head back and poked fun at these two words, then turned around and walked away.




However, the strange thing is that the next second after she closed the door, all of a sudden, the thick books that she had suspended on her head with magic suddenly lost control for some unknown reason, and then smashed into her head. , shoulders and back, causing her to fall to the ground in pain and scream in an instant.



Annie said she did it on purpose!

Then, without waiting for the other party to open the door and rush in to find her own accounts or theories, she hurriedly flashed and disappeared into her bedroom in an instant.


● ̄? ̄●


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