Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1801: o(*^?^*)┛Alusaria Tournament…

As of today, apart from a small part of the guests who came to the floating island to attend the conference about the future of the world, the rest were actually just for various reasons. came here.

Some because they are followers, some because they are curious, and some are simply malicious?

But no matter what, the huge floating island, the beautiful magical city in the sky, the palace like a towering mountain, the bustling streets, the market full of countless delicacies, and all kinds of strange things that come and go. The strange race, while making most of the guests here feast and linger, also confuses some of the visitors who come here for other reasons.

Is this not?

Beside the huge arena outside the city, in the bustling place like a market, three young girls are standing blankly among the people of all colors coming and going, looking around at a loss, not knowing what to do. Looking for someone or waiting for someone.


"It's so big here..."

"Mikoto, and Kuroko, tell me, where will Annie be?"

After looking around for a while, finally, one of the three girls had waist-length silver hair, green eyes and snow-white skin. The girl in the monastic uniform asked anxiously.

"I have no idea……"


"Index, don't ask me, I really don't know!"

Immediately afterwards, the one on the side was called 'Mikoto', with shoulder-length brown hair, brown pupils, unyielding eyes, and a pretty face that didn't require makeup, and was still wearing and surrounding. The girl in the school uniform in a short skirt, who didn't fit in with her, spoke out in annoyance.


"Look, there seem to be many powerful guys here..."

"And up, among those people here, it seems that many of them are those with great abilities?"


"Look at those few, at least they all have eve4-level power!"

She first looked around with fear, and then, after roughly sensing the strength of the pedestrians around her, she suddenly shouted with such excitement.

"I say!"

"Dear elder sister, you'd better leave those things alone."


"That guy Annie is too irresponsible!"

"I opened the portal directly, and said a few words that I didn't understand, and I didn't say anything. I didn't say anything about the situation. I just said if I wanted to come and play together, but she didn't say what I wanted to play!"

In the end, the one standing beside her 'sister elder sister' had brown hair, her hair was a double ponytail tied with a bow, and her hair was naturally curly. At the same time, the girl who was wearing a school uniform like her older sister was stuck at her waist, very dissatisfied. complained loudly.

That's right!

The three of them who were standing in the crowd and looking around were Index, Misaka Mikoto, and Shirai Kuroko.

Moreover, they were summoned by some nasty and irresponsible little girl. As for the reason for the summoning, what will they do after they come here, the specific situation here, and where they are going? Gathering and so on, the poor and irresponsible little girl didn't have time or forgot to say that the other party just opened a portal for them.

And this is the reason why the three of them have stood blankly among the crowds of various colors coming and going, and looked around at a loss, waiting and searching.


"Kuroko, and Mikoto..."

"What shall we do next?"

After waiting for a long time and searching in the crowd for a long time, apart from seeing many strange people and fantasy races, Index did not see a familiar figure in her impression at all. To help her, she could only look at Mikoto and Kuroko who seemed to be a little assertive.

"What else can I do?"

"Keep looking!"

Kuroko Shirai, with one hand on his waist and the other over his head, complained helplessly and frustratedly.

"Let's go!"

"Sister, it's been almost half an hour. Since there's none here, let's go to the city ahead and ask?"

"Hurry up~"

Saying that, Kuroko smiled and pushed her sister Mikoto forward, towards the beautiful magical city in the distance.

Kuroko is actually not opposed to being summoned to experience this exotic world, and she is even looking forward to it!

The only downside, though, is that...

Behind them, there was actually Index's extra light bulb, so she originally planned to live in the same room, sleep in the same bed and enjoy the otherworldly scenery tonight with her elder sister. 'The plan was in vain.

"I know!"

"Don't push it yet..."


"I'll go by myself!!"

Misaka Mikoto struggled for a while, but in the end she couldn't break free, and had to let Kuroko hold her arm with a smile.


Kuroko gave Mikoto a big smile, but she didn't want to let go.



Looking at Kuroko's smiling face, Mikoto and Index couldn't help but glance at each other, and then both of them sighed in unison.

Obviously, the two of them are unlikely to be as optimistic as Kuroko, and now, in this strange and seemingly dangerous world, they just want to quickly find some bad little girl and ask about the situation before they can decide to accept What to do down there.


Until now, near here, they haven't been able to find the figure of Annie, so they have to follow Kuroko towards the beautiful and luxurious magic city in front, and prepare to ask Kuroko to see , Can you find someone in the city to find out the whereabouts of that little guy?

Anyway, they have already asked a lot of people on the edge of the huge arena just now, but those people don't seem to know the bad little girl they are looking for, so they have no choice but to go to the city first. Settle down and try something else.


At the same time, in the Silvermoon City in the middle of this floating island, on the gorgeous wooden chair full of Quel'Thalas high elf style in a block park, on the huge, like It was under the big tree like red maple, and another group of little guys had just arrived here.

And that group of little guys is not who, it is the two sisters Tohsaka Rin and Tohsaka Sakura who are wearing short skirt school uniforms, their distant relative aunt Luvia Celita Edelfelt and that Elias Fei El von Einzbern!

That's right, it was these four little magical girls who were sitting on the chair and looking helplessly at the people coming and going.

It's just that, unlike Kuroko Shirai, Mikoto Misaka, and Index who were notified of some basic information before they were summoned, the four of them just saw a teleporter appear out of nowhere, and then they were called Inexplicably sucked into it, and was not told anything at all.

Not at all!

And then……

When they reacted, they found that they had all appeared in this garden in this magical city.

So far, they have been here for more than half an hour.


"I said, why are we here?"

"This is not a dream, is it?"

After sitting for a long time, and having seen enough of the high elves, pandaren, and other chaotic races that came and went, Luvia Serinta Edelfelt, the little blue dress with a pair of amber The little girl with her eyes, golden curly hair, and her body exuding a golden arrogance, finally couldn't help it.

As soon as she said that, she turned around and gave Tohsaka Sakura's face a slap in the face.


"Very, very painful!"

"Aunt Luvia, what are you doing?"

Inexplicably, she was pinched so hard that Sakura, who was so painful that tears would burst out, was of course the first to cover her face and scolded her distant relatives aunt.

"Of course to see if we are dreaming?"


"Then why don't you pinch yourself?"

"Because pinching yourself will hurt!"


Sakura was a little anxious, the power of magic in her hand was brewing, and she seemed to plan to fight back.


"I didn't do it on purpose, didn't I do it to prove whether we were dreaming?"

Saying that, Luvia Serinta hurriedly jumped out of the chair and spoke with a serious face, ignoring Sakura, who was covering her face, with her righteous and somewhat fierce little eyes.


"How long are we going to wait here?!"

After suddenly jumping into the street angrily, Luvia Serinta turned around and asked Rin, Sakura, and Illya who were still sitting on the chair.


"do not know……"

Slowly putting down her hand, Sakura, who had a red pinch mark on her cheek, was stunned for a while, then she shook her head aggrievedly and blankly.

She didn't even know why they came here, how could she possibly know what to do next?

She just saw her sister Rin and Illya sitting here, and then she sat with her, where did she think about other things?

"More than that, I want to know, how did we all get here?"

"What impression do you have?"

Illya looked at Sakura, Rin, and Luvia Serinta standing in front of her, wondering what happened before she came here.

"I remember……"

"A portal sucked us in directly?"

Looking at his aunt Luvia standing in front of him, and then at his younger sisters Sakura and Illya, Tohsaka Rin thought about it before saying tentatively.

"Of course I know it's a portal!"


"Who made that portal?"

Illya was a little mad, and couldn't wait to ask her the most important point.


"is that you?!"

Then, just after Illya finished asking, Luvia, who was standing in front of the three, crossed her hips angrily, and asked Tohsaka Rin angrily as a junior elder.

They know it, this guy Rin has been studying that kind of arcane magic all these years, and he still talks about swimming in the sea of ​​arcane magic all day long, letting the energy of the world wash his body, and in the process of casting spells to pursue The original magic of the world's creation from nothing and the formation of all things? ) etc. messy vocabulary.

Therefore, she has very good reasons to suspect that the strange portal that made the four of them come here together is likely to be a good thing done by Tohsaka Rin?


"You are talking nonsense!"

"not me!"


Hearing Luvia's questioning and seeing the suspicious eyes cast by his sisters Sakura and Illya, Tohsaka Rin hurriedly jumped up and explained Gu Huan aloud.

"Yesterday and today, I haven't done any more magic experiments for two full days!"


"I've been practicing the magic of summoning elements recently, so I didn't study the portal!"


"You saw the sun just now, and the red moon that also came out during the day. This is not the earth at all. How could I have created that kind of portal that crosses the stars?"

After refuting, Tohsaka Rin sat back on the chair again, and stared angrily at the little aunt Luvia who had wrongly wronged him.

If it weren't for the current situation, she might have to have a good fight with the other party based on the other party's words!

"Who did that?"

"If I found out, I wouldn't be able to spare him and her)!"

Seeing that Rin, the most suspect, had already proved her innocence, and the honest Sakura and the eccentric Illya were basically incapable of creating that kind of portal, Luvia had to grit her teeth angrily.

"I have no idea!"

"Don't ask me!"

Rin also folded her arms and turned her face away.

Anyway, they only know that this is the City of Silvermoon, it is on a floating island, and this world is called the world of Alusaria, and now a grand event related to world peace is being held here, all the people , whether it is a mage or a samurai can participate, other than that, there is really no other more useful information.

And as to who brought them here, what they plan to do, and whether they can go back, they all don't know!


Suddenly, when the four of them were thinking about things in silence, they didn't know what was making a 'gugu' cry.


"Sister, I'm hungry..."

When everyone was curiously looking for the place where the voice came from, Sakura raised her hand timidly and said pitifully to her sister Rin.



"I'm hungry too..."

Rin didn't bring food on her body. After all, they didn't know they would be transported to such a strange place without any preparation, so it's impossible for them to carry some messy things on their bodies.

So, as a last resort, she had to look at their aunt Luvia with a look of help.

"Look at what?"


"It's like I'm not hungry!"

Luvia herself must have no food to eat, so she followed the two sisters and looked at Illya.

"I'm hungry too..."


"We don't seem to have money to buy things, do any of you bring any money?"

Illya didn't talk nonsense, and asked directly.

"I have got!"

"But they don't accept paper money, just gold, silver and copper coins..."

"I don't seem to want coins either..."

Tohsaka Sakura pulled out a few banknotes in frustration, as well as a few shiny coins that appeared to be nickel-plated steel cores.

"Then what?"

Elijah is helpless.

Rin still had some pocket money on her body, but she didn't bring anything, her purse was also in the room, and she didn't have anything except the clothes on her.

"I have no idea……"

Shaking his head, looking at the coins and the coins, Rin couldn't do anything but sigh.


"Are we going to starve to death here?"

Sakura was extremely depressed, and the tears in her eyes gradually began to brew.


"We are powerful magical girls, even if we rob, we have to grab food and coins!"

At this moment, Luvia said angrily, and then she raised her white and tender little fist, and at the same time, the shimmer of magic began to flash on it.



"Luvia, the guards here look very good, are you really going to mess around?"

Looking at the strong pandaren in the distance and patrolling the city from time to time past the high elf lawbreakers, Rin Tohsaka hurriedly reminded her aunt in a low voice.


The next second, Luvia's vicious movements suddenly froze.

Because, she also remembered at this time, here, it seems that it is not the earth where they can do whatever they want, but a magical world full of magic and various fantasy races?

Although she is confident that her strength is still very strong, it is not guaranteed that she can do whatever she wants.


"Then what do you say?!"

Helpless, after thinking about it, Luvia had to put down her fists, restrain her magic power, and sat back on the chair in frustration.

"do not know……"

Illya sighed and said feebly, and leaned on her knees with both hands to support her shoulders, staring blankly at a mana floating dragon floating in front of her, her eyes still following it. Moving little by little.


"Sister, will we starve to death here?"

The tearful Sakura looked helplessly and pitifully at her sister again.



"Or, let's go to the competition!?"

Looking at his sister's appearance, and then looking at the other two companions, in the end, Tohsaka Rin seemed to have thought of something, and stood up resolutely.

"I'm going to starve to death. Who is free to participate in the competition?"

Luvia turned her head away in disdain.

In her opinion, the top priority now is to fill the stomach first!


Illya didn't speak. After the mana floating dragon floated away, she aimed her eyes at the pandaren pastry shop not far away.

She was considering whether to run over and pretend to be pitiful and then sell her cuteness to see if the Pandaren shopkeeper with dark circles, not sure if it was male or female, would give her a savory toast or two or something. ?


"I mean, the game or something, it should be a meal, right?"

"Did you say so?"

Seeing that these guys didn't understand what he meant, Tohsaka Rin once again said loudly.


"Bao, Bao rice?"

Luvia widened her eyes, sat up straight, and instantly regained her energy.

"Do you really pack rice?"

"you sure?"

"elder sister?"

Then, Luvia, Illya, and Sakura all stood up together, and then looked at Rin, trying to make sure that it was true.


"I do not know either!"


"Is it a meal, let's go ask and see if we can find out?"

There was no other way anyway, so Rin had to pretend to be excited.


"Go and see?"

Luvia was a little eager to try, after all, it was better to go to the competition and get lodging and food than to go to the house.

As for the content of the game and the purpose of the game, that kind of thing, they can't care about it now, because if they wait any longer, I'm afraid they will starve to death.


"Are they going to let kids like us participate?"

Before everyone could act, Sakura, who was on the side, expressed her concerns again.

"do not care!"

"Whoever doesn't let us we'll beat whoever!"

Seeing that she finally came up with a solution to the current predicament of everyone, Illya gritted her teeth and raised her fist.

"That's right!"

"We are a magical girl group. When the time comes, if we show a little bit of strength, they will definitely agree to our participation!"

Tohsaka Rin also said murderously.

"Then it's decided!"

"Set off!"

"Before starving to death?!"

In the end, Luvia made a decision on this matter, and then, ignoring the strange eyes of the pedestrians on the surrounding streets, she took the lead in shouting and walked out of the city first.

In this way, the four oldest children who are estimated to be less than eight years old, these four magical girls from another world, marched murderously with their short white and tender legs, waving their fists, serious. The ground shouted and walked towards the giant arena located in the valley outside the city.


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