Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1802: ??Electric light jumping at the fingertips


"elder sister!"

"Sister! You wait!"

When the four little guys were walking weakly on the road and were about to walk out of this beautiful magical city, Sakura, who fell behind, suddenly grabbed the corner of her sister Tohsaka Rin, not sure. shouted in a low voice.

"what are you doing?"


"Let me tell you, I will never back you, so don't even think about it."

"Because I'm so hungry right now, I don't have the energy to care about you!"

Rin, who was in front, stopped, and turned back in that helpless and feeble tone.

There is still about half an hour away from the city, and they will continue to be hungry for a while. It is likely that they will have to wait until they sign up before they can eat?

So Rin couldn't help himself.

After she finished speaking, she planned to move on, otherwise, if they continued to waste time, they would get hungrier. At that time, maybe they would have to go to the house to fill their stomachs, as Aunt Luvia said before. .



"What's that over there?"

However, Sakura still pulled the corner of her sister Rin's skirt, and then pointed vigorously to somewhere on another street in the distance.

"What's so strange about that?"

"Isn't it just two middle school students?"

Luvia glanced back.

Then, seeing the target, she said disdainfully, not feeling that there was anything worth yelling at Sakura.

To be honest, if it wasn't for some nasty guy using some kind of strange magic on them, the four of them might be in middle school now, and she wouldn't be envious of those who can have long legs and a big **** the guys!

That's right, she's not envious, not at all! ! !

"I did not mean that!"

"Look, this is another world, right?"

"However, the two of them are wearing school uniforms..."

"Isn't that strange?"

Seeing that neither of them paid any attention to what she meant, Sakura hurriedly added in that anxious tone.




next second!

Tohsaka Rin, Illya, and Luvia glanced at each other subconsciously, then exclaimed in unison, and finally came to their senses, knowing why Sakura was yelling so much.

"Sure enough, I said, I just felt something was wrong!"

Luvia, who had reacted, said a little embarrassingly, and selectively forgot the fact that she had not seen anything wrong just now.


"Let's not rush out of the city first, let's go and ask them about the situation here?"

"What do you think?"

Then, she boldly proposed.


"totally agree!"

Almost at the same time, Illya and Tohsaka Rin raised their hands in support.



Then, with a wave of Luvia's small hand, the three of them tacitly used flash magic in unison and disappeared in place in an instant.

Now that the vote has been passed by a majority, Sakura's opinion has become irrelevant.


"Wait for me!"

Sakura's stomach was very hungry. She didn't eat much in the morning, and now it was almost noon. She became even more hungry, and she didn't want to use magic at all, so she had to trot out step by step.


On the street not far away, Kuroko Shirai was talking and laughing while holding Misaka Mikoto's arm, and from time to time pointed to the stairs and pavilions suspended in mid-air on both sides of the street and exclaimed the plan, as if they were really here. Traveling here is the same as sightseeing.


"Sister be careful!!"

"There are spatial fluctuations!!"

Suddenly, Kuroko grabbed her older sister, Mikoto, and took a step forward, reaching into her skirt and pulling out three darts from the belt tied at the base of her thigh. .

Immediately afterwards, she indiscriminately shot towards the three spatial fluctuations she found.

You must know that Kuroko Shirai is a level 4 'space movement' person, so she, who is very sensitive to space fluctuations, of course knows that someone is teleporting to them, and those who do it without authorization, even if they are not enemies, they must be safe. Kind!

So, she doesn't think there's anything wrong with her ongoing aggressive behavior.

Swish! Swish! Swish!

The three shining darts had just dropped out of hand before disappearing without a trace.

The next moment!

They appeared again in front of the three spatial fluctuations and distortions, and appeared in front of the three little figures who had just jumped out of space.


"Prism Light Barrier!!"

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Fortunately, at this moment, with Tohsaka Rin's coquettish scolding, a blue magic shield instantly appeared in front of the three of them, and nearly blocked the three darts back.



"Wait first!"

"They are..."

At this time, after seeing that the people who came were three little girls, and two of them were wearing some kind of elementary school uniforms that she was very familiar with, Misaka Mikoto was startled, and then she quickly reached out to hold Kuroko, wanting the other party to Don't be too excited.


"Big sister, you are so polite..."

Looking at the three shiny darts that bounced off the ground, Luvia was slightly angry.

You know, they just wanted to come over and ask some questions, but in the end, the other party wanted their lives?

Then, of course, without waiting for the other party to say anything, she took out three red, yellow, and blue gem cards, and then waved her hand, as if in response to Kuroko's behavior just now, towards the three people opposite them. past.


"elder sister!!"

Seeing the person fighting back, Kuroko didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly grabbed the arm of his elder sister and Index, and then, teleported directly in a space, and led the two of them to a distance of 100 meters.

boom! boom! boom!

The next moment!

The ground on the street where the three of them had just stood and the stone slabs with patterns were blown to pieces by the power of fire, frost, and arcane magic represented by the three gem cards and overturned into the air.


After appearing in another place, Misaka Mikoto was shocked when she saw the terrifying explosion. She was about to say something, but was stopped by Kuroko beside her.


"Don't talk about it for now, if there is anything, let's ask them when they are cleaned up!"

Seeing that the other two little girls in the distance started to flash strange lights again, Kuroko hurriedly warned, and at the same time drew more darts and arrows from under his skirt.

"Watch out!"

"Mikoto, and Kuroko!"

"The magic power fluctuations on them are very strong, they are not ordinary little girls, you must pay attention!"

Index, who was on the side, didn't make a move, she just took a few steps back, and then she warned Kuroko and Mikoto who were standing in front.

Although she didn't know why the three suddenly teleported to her and others and intercepted them, she only knew that the three little girls were not easy to deal with?


Frowning, Mikoto stopped talking.

Of course, she also saw the movements of the three little guys 100 meters away, so although she hesitated, she still had to take out a coin from a pocket of her jacket, hold it in her palm and let the electric light flickering.


"They seem to be mages too..."

"How to do?"

At this time, looking at the electric light in Mikoto's hand in the distance and the Kuroko who just used the flash, Illya cautiously reminded Rin and Luvia next to her.


"Then wait for them to be taken down and then ask!"

Of course, Luvia also heard the conversation between Illya and the three guys on the opposite side, so she said it rudely, and at the same time, she took out another gem card.

"Then subdue them first!"

Anyway, the fight has started, and Tohsaka Rin has nothing to say, and they really need to ask each other about the specific situation here, especially when they hear the other party still speaking the same language as them. .

So, she also nodded, agreed with Luvia's statement, and with a wave of her hand, two tall water elements were summoned around her, ready to subdue the three first, and then explain.


"Do it!!"

In the distance, seeing the enemy adding helpers by unknown means, Kuroko got a little anxious, and with a flick of his hand, more darts and metal arrows flashed toward the three strange creatures from different directions and angles. Non-vital parts such as the arms and thighs of the little girl were shot.


At the same time, Misaka Mikoto, who was frowning, had to raise her hand, curl her thumb up, and perform her signature gesture.

Then, the electric light on her hands and body began to flicker sharply, and the coin between her fingers was electromagnetized by the lightning and floated slightly.

Super Electromagnetic Cannon! !

"not good!"

"Luvia, be careful!!"

"Twisted Path Jump!!"

With Kuroko's attack and the flash of lightning in Misaka Mikoto's hand, Tohsaka Rin dangerously used teleportation to send the three of them to another place at the moment when the dart arrow hit and the electromagnetic explosion stirred.

Rumble boom! ! !

The next moment, just like the place Luvia attacked just now, the place where the three of them stood was instantly blasted by the electromagnetic cannon.

Almost at the same time!

Without waiting for the diffused electric light and dust to dissipate, more spells blasted towards where Kuroko and Mikoto were from a different direction.

boom! boom! boom!

The explosion instantly ripped apart a beautiful red maple tree and several flower beds, turning it into shreds all over the sky!

But fortunately, Kuroko is a space capable person, so she teleported her sister and Index to another place at a critical time.

In this way, the two sides used magic and superpowers to fight each other on this spacious street in Silvermoon City, and they soon succeeded in attracting the attention of the guards in the city.

So, after a few minutes...

With the appearance of a large number of high elf lawbreaker guards, Misaka Mikoto, Shirai Kuroko, Tohsaka Rin, Illya, Luvia, and Index and Tohsaka Sakura who did not participate in the fight, all participated in the fight. got caught.

Moreover, even if they were caught, they were all trapped by the high elf lawbreakers with the blue forbidden magic rope and fell to the ground, struggling helplessly.


"let me go!!"

Kuroko struggled and shouted.

She thought about using the space teleportation ability to escape, but she didn't know why, her level 4 space movement ability couldn't be activated at this moment, so she could only stick her **** up aggrievedly, revealing the pink of the boss. And they were struggling and writhing on the muddy and dusty ground that had been beaten up by their fight just now.

Index on the side was better, because she didn't resist, so she just sat sideways on the ground with her hands tied.

As for Mikoto...

She is not much better than Kuroko, and because her discharge ability is particularly strong, her whole body is **** with blue magic ropes, and she is lying on the ground like a zongzi, so that the original chest line is blurred. His chest was actually drawn a rare arc by the rope?

And since Mikoto, Kuroko, and Index have all been caught, the other three initiators are of course no exception!

Is this not?

The three little girls, Tohsaka Rin, Illya, and Luvia, were also tied into a ball by the high elves. The co-criminal was also arrested. The pitiful, hungry, frightened and worried Sakura was surrounded by a group of high elf lawbreakers holding bright double-edged swords.

On the outer edge, a large group of onlookers from various ethnic groups watched and pointed at the seven of them, not knowing what they were saying.


"Is that the seven little human girls?"

"Did they do it?"

When the seven people were apprehensive, finally, a group of fire demon guards came over from the street in the distance, and soon, the leader of the fire demon broke the law with the group of high elves. The captain of the host took the call.


"Look, their ability is really not small, and it didn't take long for this block to be destroyed like this..."


"We arrived in time and subdued them, you take them to the prison and lock them up first!"

"Wait a while, after cleaning up the place and counting the losses, let's go and find out who their family members are?"

Pointing to the ruined green belt and the shops facing the street, the high elf lawbreaker captain said with some annoyance.

Don't look at these little human girls, but they are very powerful, and if the opponents are all mages, they are restrained by these magic breakers, then they want to subdue them in such a short period of time. , don't even think about it!



Tohsaka Rin struggled to turn around and just wanted to say something, but when she saw the half-human creature that was flushed red and exuded amazing heat, her lower body was like a snake, she was stunned.


"I know you guys!"


"I know your Fire Demon Royal Commander, he has been to Fuyuki City!"

"You are fire demons!"


"You can't catch us!!"

Then soon, as if she had caught a life-saving straw, she shouted loudly and clambered hard for friendship.


"Little girl, there are many royal commanders of our Fire Demon..."

"We don't know you!"

Those fire demons were inexplicable. After thinking about it, I didn’t know who the little human girl was talking about, so they stopped the conversation with the captain of the high elf spellbreaker and approached Rin. said in a tone.



"That's it, your master is a little girl named Annie. She seems to be your queen, right?"

"We know her very well and are friends!"

"Very good friends!!"

At this time, Luvia, who was also trapped on the side, hurriedly added and shouted loudly, and directly said the key point.

"There's still more!"

"The two of them are your Queen Anne's apprentices!"


"We're both pretty much the same?"

Luvia continued to shout, and gestured desperately to the other party, trying to prove that she and Illya were also very, very good to the queen of the fire demons and that little girl.



Sure enough, Luvia's words are obviously much better than knowing the fire demon commander. No, those fire demons really stopped together, and you look at me, I look at you, and the high elves They exchanged glances, seeming to be really undecided.



At this time, on the other side, Misaka Mikoto, Shirai Kuroko, and Index were all startled, and then, realizing something, they quickly shouted:

"Let us go!"

"We know Annie too!"

"That's right!"

"She called us, and we are looking for her!"


"We have a good relationship with her too!"

"Yes, it is!"

"We are friends and classmates with her, and we live in the same dormitory and sleep on the same bed. You can't treat us like this!"

"Let go!!"

"If you don't believe me, go ask her, my name is Kuroko Shirai, my sister is Mikoto Misaka, and that stupid guy is Index!!"

"We are very good friends with her, really!!"


While Kuroko Shirai was struggling on the ground and shouting loudly, Mikoto and Index hurriedly responded.

They had to do it, otherwise, if the real one was sent to prison, God knows what terrible things would be waiting for them.



Hearing these little girls who were tied on the ground say something serious, the fire demons were collectively dumbfounded, and then the hands of the fire element energy rope they had just taken out couldn't help but put away angrily, and looked at each other in dismay. Qi Qi looked at the leader of their fire demon.


"Then take them all to the palace first!"

After pondering for a while, in the end, the fire demon leader who did not dare to decide without authorization could only wave his hand and say like this.


"Our queen doesn't seem to be in the palace. I heard that she ran out again yesterday, and I don't know if she will come back today..."

Without waiting for the fire demons to act, a small fire demon leader hurriedly moved to their leader's side and whispered.

"Not like this!"

"Let them be handed over to the chief executive to deal with?"

Shan Knox is the chief executive of the Flame Kingdom. For this kind of matter related to the Queen, this fire demon leader feels that it is just right to hand it over to the other party. Anyway, they don't have to worry about it if something goes wrong.


"Just do it!"

Soon, after the two fire demon leaders had made up their minds, they walked to the seven girls, big and small, who were being bound by magic ropes, and quickly untied those ropes.

"Cough cough!"

"Dear little guests..."

"It's like this, we don't know your true identity, so..."


"We'll take you to see our chief steward, and then let the chief steward arrange a time for you to meet with our Queen. You should be okay with that, right?"

After saying without waiting for the seven people to have any comments, it waved its hand and let the fire demons wrap a few little girls in the direction of the palace.

"Disperse, disperse!"

"What catches your eyes?"

"Get out of the way!!"

At the same time, several fire demons rushed out in front, and they brutally drove away the guests who came to watch as well as the pandaren, elves, orcs and other guys who had nothing to do.


"Go and go, don't be afraid of them!"

After finally standing up and tidying up a pair, Shirai Kuroko wiped the dirt on his face, and then glared at Tohsaka Rin, Luvia, and Illya who had just made them so embarrassed.


"I'll take care of you when I have time!!"

And Luvia, of course not to be outdone, glared at the other party viciously and slapped her.


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