Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1807: o(*'??)o? Electric flashing?


In the arena, Misaka Mikoto was frowning her delicate brows slightly, holding a coin in her hand. At the same time, a pair of electric snakes flashed on the back of her hand from time to time, standing motionless.

She just confronted the old mage wearing a red mage robe and a top hat of the same color in front of her, waiting for the start of the game.

When registering and grouping, because she could flash lightning, she was naturally assigned to the mage group. Although she has repeatedly emphasized and protested, she is not a mage, but comes from Academy City Noble Girls' School A third-year student of Tokiwadai Middle School, is a 'Level 5' superpower electric shocker, code-named 'Super Electromagnetic Cannon'?

But unfortunately, after the assessor saw her burning a target into coke with a billion volts of high-voltage current, he waved his hand without hesitation and drew her into the ranks of the 'Mage'.

So, in her first match today, she was against the old mage who seemed to be very powerful.


At this time, the old mage on the opposite side was also silently observing Misaka Mikoto, and also saw the little electric snake that flashed and danced around Mikoto's back from time to time.


"Little girl."

"I can see that there doesn't seem to be any magic in your body?"

"Not like this!"

"I don't want to bully you either. If you surrender now and admit defeat, I won't embarrass you, how?"

Then, Egbert suddenly opened his mouth to persuade him to surrender.

He didn't think there was any glory in winning a young girl, and he didn't want to waste time here with a little girl. Although the other party seemed to have some kind of lightning power, if it was only by virtue of that small If there is an electric snake, it will definitely not be able to help him.

So, thinking that the girl in front was just like the opponents Leon, Vargas, Imelda and others had encountered, and he was a dud, he took advantage of the fact that the game had not officially started. With the opportunity still counting down, he slowly opened his mouth and exhorted.

"The head of the Black Dragon Mage Corps?"

"Feel sorry!"

"do not know!"

"You can come and embarrass me."

Mikoto frowned, and then she pursed her lips and said stubbornly.

She didn't know any empire or black dragon mages, she only knew that she was here to compete today, and, she had heard, the three so-called beautiful girl mages, the Tohsaka Rin, Yili Both Ya and Luvia made the cut successfully and completed today's game directly.

Therefore, she who is secretly fighting and agreeing that she will compete again in this arena, no matter what, she can't give up and be laughed at by those three hateful little guys.

"Are you thinking about it again?"

"Although this game won't kill people, but..."

"I heard it, it should still be very painful!"

"I guess……"

"You don't want to be burned into coke by me, do you?"

"You thin skin and tender flesh, I can't guarantee that you will leave some scars or wounds later..."

Egbert said quietly, still wanting to know his interests and persuade Misaka Mikoto, who was on the opposite side, to give up his naive idea of ​​competing with him, the strongest black dragon magister in the Rekaert Empire.



"I said, you are so old, so please don't come out and cause trouble to others!"

"Compared to this convention, why don't you watch TV at home, or just play chess and count ants in the nursing home?"

Some angry Misaka Mikoto didn't pay attention to the other party's persuasion. Instead, she crossed her hips rudely, retorted directly and loudly, and directly held the other party's age and old body without opening the pot Talk about something.

In school, she is a good person who is gentle, approachable, and not like a young lady, but she is never a bad person, nor is she an introvert who won't get angry!

Now everyone is obviously competing, but the other party is better. As soon as they come up, they rely on the old and sell the old. They also want to persuade her level five superpower to surrender. Who does he think of her Misaka Mikoto?


"Look at you, you are already old. Thinking about it carefully, it is estimated that there are not many days to live. Why come to join in the fun with young people like us?"

Before, before it was her turn to play, she had watched several matches, and she had already been aroused enough by this fierce competition. Therefore, she had absolute confidence in her own abilities, But he made an appointment with Heizi to enter the finals together, but now, the other party wants to persuade her to surrender, just because the other party is some kind of black dragon magister from what empire, why?

"Wait, if you accidentally break your bones, don't come and deceive me!"

"I have no money to pay you!"

"Otherwise, you should surrender directly, and I won't hit you, how about it?"

So, Mikoto complained without any virtuous words, and persuaded in turn.

It was as if the black dragon magister from the Rekaert Empire who was standing tens of meters away from her had really hindered others and caused trouble for a young man like her, which was very unpleasant and annoying. like troublemakers.


Eyelids jumped, and Egbert, who was disgraced, had to withdraw his words that he wanted to continue to persuade, and then he silently took out his short wand from his sleeve.

"In that case..."

"Little girl, Egbert, the head of the Black Dragon Mage Corps, accepts your challenge!"

"You have to be careful."

Eggbert didn't intend to stop talking nonsense.

To be honest, he is not as old as he looks on the surface, but because of some other reasons, he has caused such a result, and those old partners of his all know it.

But, no matter what, being run on by such a young girl unceremoniously in public and speaking so nasty would always make him angry.


"Academy City Tokiwadai High School's ace, the most invincible electric shocker Misaka Mikoto is here, you should be careful!"

"I won't be merciful, so don't cry later!"

Saying that, Misaka Mikoto tossed the coin in her hand, pointed her slender finger at the opponent, and made a confident POSS.

She is such a LV5 superpower to fight an old man. Under normal circumstances, she may not be able to take that hand. However, it is different now. Now it is a duel scene, and she has already seen this competition. The field is very magical. No matter how you fight, you won't die, or even get injured, and even if you die, you can still be weak and resurrected. Therefore, she is not worried that she has done too much and will lead to some terrible results.






'Game start! ! ’


"Lightning Gun!!"

At the start of the match, Misaka Mikoto moved when the opponent raised her hand and made the short wand start to glow.

I saw her eyes staring naively, and then, the bangs in front of her forehead instantly released a blue-white light gun formed by a powerful current of one billion volts, and then the light gun instantly traveled at the speed of light and a straight trajectory. , slammed into the so-called black dragon magister in front of him.



In the next instant, the blue-white light gun struck at the speed of light, and with the speed of lightning, it slammed into the body of the bad old magus, Egbert.

You must know that the so-called 'electricity' is 'voltage × current', so even if the voltage of her trick is high, as long as the current is low enough, it will not electrocute people, but the extremely high voltage is also enough to kill the other party's The old bones were beaten down, and it was the same principle as the electric baton.


Therefore, Misaka Mikoto rushed out the moment she made a move and hit it, and at the same time thought about the combo she was going to prepare next, so as to completely knock the opponent down without leaving room for it!

puff! !


Surprisingly, when Mikoto was about to rush up, she was stunned to find that before her 'lightning spear' touched the body of the lousy old man, it had touched a certain fleeting blue light. on the color transparent object, and then, it quickly annihilated and disappeared without a trace?


shield? !

Mikoto, who had fought with mages a long time ago, recognized that kind of trouble at a glance, so...


Seeing that the opponent had prepared the shield in such a short period of time, Mikoto, who knew that it would not be easy to deal with, put away her heart to underestimate the enemy.

"Sword of iron sand!!"

However, she had no intention of retreating or stopping to observe. While still dashing forward, she manipulated the electromagnetic force to instantly collect iron sand from the soil and the arena floor within a 200-meter radius. Using its own magnetic force, the iron sand gathers with its own thoughts to form a long, whip-like thing that can extend dozens of meters in the air.

Then, she used the electromagnetic ability to control the iron sand and make it vibrate frantically, making it make a terrifying 'humming' sound like amplifying the flapping sound of a bee hundreds of times, like a super high-speed sound. A rotating electric chainsaw.

"watch out!"

"Wake up!!!"

Then, of course, while the other party was still singing or preparing to use some unknown magic, her second move was quickly used, and she smashed the other party **** the head.

boom! ! !

A loud bang!

After the electric light lingered and the dust flew up, the line of sight within a radius of tens of meters in the middle of the entire arena was completely blocked, so that the audience could no longer see the two of them.

In the same way, Misaka Mikoto and Egbert, who are in it, also seem to be unable to see each other's existence.



In a battle preparation lounge outside the field, seeing the situation in the magic screen, he has completed his game today. Seeing this, Kuroko Shirai, who was resting at this time, immediately exclaimed and stood up.

"Ha ha!"


"She seems to have met a super powerful guy. Now, it is estimated that it will be over soon!"


"I can see that, that is a powerful mage!"

"People guess..."

"She will be burnt to the bone after a while, and then sent here miserably?"

"Maybe it's the kind of broken hands and feet?"



"My head is about to fall off!"


"It's scary!"

Similarly, I don't know which bad guy arranged it intentionally or unintentionally. At this time, the three beautiful girl magicians Tohsaka Rin, Illya, and Luvia, who were also in the battle preparation room, took advantage of the smoke on the screen. In the time that can't be seen, you say every word you say to me, and you are sternly yelling and cursing on the side.



Then, of course, Kuroko Shirai couldn't help it.

"Do you want to die?!"

She suddenly pulled out several darts from the belt tied at the base of her thigh, and then fiercely threatened the three 'opponents' beside her.

"You want to fight?"

"During the competition, if the players fight privately outside the field, they will be disqualified!"

"you sure?"

In the face of Kuroko's threat and darts, Ilya among the three didn't take it to heart at all, she just grinned and folded her arms.

"Heizi, don't..."

"You're really going to be disqualified!"

"If Mikoto knew about it, she would definitely be angry!"

"Come here soon~!"

At this time, Index, who was also here, hurried over, hugged Kuroko's arm and dragged it back to prevent the two sides from really fighting.


Kuroko didn't speak, but didn't resist, just went up the steps and let Index drag herself aside.

Obviously, the punishment of disqualification is not something she can afford, especially when she is still dreaming about that queen?

"Sister, and auntie..."


"Don't do this again!"


"Mikoto-san is actually a very nice person..."


At this time, Tohsaka Sakura, who was also here, just wanted to persuade her sister and aunts to say something, but before she finished, she was violently punched by her distant relative aunt. Hammered in the head.

"To shut up!"

"Which side are you, fellow?"

Luvita rolled up her sleeves, directly revealing her tender white arm and threatening.

It's true that the players can't fight outside the court, but there is no rule that the players can't fight the audience, and it just so happens that Sakura didn't sign up for the competition, so if a guy who eats inside and out goes to help outsiders talk, then she's this' Elders' you are welcome.

"that is!"

"It's only been two days, and you're facing outsiders?!"

Illya also scolded angrily, so she also wanted to stretch her fist to teach her a lesson.


"They're out!"

Fortunately, at this time, Tohsaka Rin exclaimed.



"What just happened?"

When Luvia, Ilya and the others came to the screen again, they all found out:

In the picture that was covered by the pervading smoke, there was an explosion and fire, and then, Misaka Mikoto jumped out in embarrassment, and there was a little spark of embers on the corner of her skirt.

On the other side, the old mage Egbert also flashed out of the smoke, and he was also carrying an electric snake.

Obviously, in the smoke, while he was attacking Misaka Mikoto with some kind of fire magic, he was also attacked by Mikoto's lightning.



At this time, Kuroko Shirai and Index, who had just wanted to fight and were trying to persuade them, also gathered in front of the magic screen, and after exclaiming, they began to watch nervously.


(.^▽^) Is there a monthly pass?

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