Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1808: (?ω?) Bet?

Misaka Mikoto from Academy City is still fighting fiercely with Egbert, the black dragon magister of the Rekaert Empire. Between the two sides, lightning and fireballs, magic and super power confrontation, let the audience It's fascinated to see it, and it's so addicting!

It can be said that the battle between the two was the most exciting and the longest in the first round of today's game, and at the same time made countless people remember their names and their respective strengths. place.

Of course, some spectators were not interested, for example, the group of tribal orcs and tauren who got together outside the arena and were communicating.


"Aren't they finished yet?"

"No, at least not yet!"

"Oh, may Mother Earth protect them..."

"let's go!"

"What's so good about two mages fighting?"


"Yes, let's go!"

"I almost forgot, you orcs, what happened to the results of those generals?"

"Naturally, all of them have been successfully promoted, and the tribe will win!"


"Yes, the opponent is too weak. This Elusaria mainland person is not an opponent at all. One axe cuts one, two axe cuts two, they have been cut over a lot!"

"I can't even remember."


"Not necessarily? You see, that old mage is very powerful. If it were me, I wouldn't be able to beat him anyway."

"That's just a few!"


"That's right!"

"All right…"

"perhaps you're right…"

They are all tribal warriors from the Kalimdor continent in the world of Azeroth, and this time, they came to this world to find a new, better and broader habitat for their tribe.

The Horde orcs, in particular, felt that it was much the same as when their various orc clans followed Orgrim through the Dark Portal into Azeroth from Draenor.

However, this time, the upper levels of the Azeroth Empire did not allow the orcs to directly use their favorite methods, such as direct force and occupation, but held this so-called conference?

In this regard, except for a few complaints in the tribe, most of the orcs happily agreed to this plan. After all, this kind of distribution of shares by means of duels and fists is also very appetizing to them. .

Of course, and brains...

The only fly in the ointment is that among those who participated in the competition, there are many strange and powerful guys, for example, the human girl and the bad old man who are playing in real time in the huge magic screen. Mage?

And like those individuals, no matter how strong they are, or how wonderful their fights are, they will definitely not be welcomed by their orcs.

That's why, after watching for a while, they became impatient and started shouting, leaving the conference venue in groups of three or five with their tauren friends or trolls. The sight of the city in the distance.

For the orcs, they always only want to see the warriors, chiefs or generals of their tribe cut down the enemy and win the scene. As for those guys who don't know, are irrelevant and come to compete with them maliciously, they hate all of them. It's too late, let alone wanting them to watch and applaud.

However, the fact that the orcs don't like watching it doesn't mean that other audiences don't like it...

When a small number of their orcs happily left the venue for various reasons to celebrate, the vast majority of the audience still watched with great interest the battles that were still going on here in the venue. , and cheer for the winners or regret the losers.

Is this not?

In the most luxurious VIP room, Azshara and a certain nasty little girl were still eating delicious snacks from the gourmet world, while watching Misaka Mikoto and Egbert in the magic screen. The battle between dragons and tigers.


"It's pathetic..."

Lying on his seat, looking at the situation in the battle scene, and seeing Misaka Mikoto being blown away by a fireball, Azshara suddenly smiled and sighed after a while.

"Annie, look, that friend of yours, she's been burned like that. Are you really not persuading her to give up?"

"She should be about to lose, right?"

Although, that little girl works hard and has a strong lightning ability, but...

From Azshara's point of view, the opponent's pure lightning ability is still too weak, and it is easy to be targeted.

At this time, the 'old' mage Egbert on the field did just that.

She saw that while the opponent was constantly putting on magic resistance shields to defend against the terrifying lightning that had begun to fill the audience, he also did not forget to use various attacks, such as fireballs, mental oppression, energy drying, confinement and shadows Harvest and other spells continued to counterattack and interfere with the little girl, so that at this time, the little girl's clothes, skirts and even skin were burned with **** or charred wounds, which made Azshara feel a little bit. Heartache.


Such a beautiful little girl, who was beaten into such a miserable state, but still stubbornly dodged and fought back. The temperament of not admitting defeat and not afraid of suffering and pain really made her treat her differently of.

But, no matter how you treat it differently, it's useless!

As a mage, Azshara knew that until now, the details of the little girl named Misaka Mikoto should have been figured out and adapted to by the old mage. The comings and goings are nothing more than lightning and electromagnetic abilities of many different applications.

In Azshara's own words, even if she only used the strength of that old mage, she would have at least a hundred or so ways to defeat that little girl and end this battle as soon as possible. Meaningful duel.



"No! Her trick hasn't been used yet, she can't possibly lose!"


She was stunned for a while, and then Annie retorted to Azshara who was beside her with a smile that didn't mind at all.

Burns, that kind of little thing, Annie didn't take it to heart.

Because she knows that the paladins and priests have a way to heal, and even if they can't, Mikoto and Kuroko should have it themselves. After the other party goes back, they will definitely be able to solve all the problems. It's just a little bit. Just a problem.

So, now she is more concerned about how the hot Miss Mikoto will win!

Just like...

How long does the opponent have to wait, or under what kind of suitable circumstances, will he use that ultimate move and then directly KO the opponent and that bad old man?


(● ̄? ̄●)

"The trick?"


"That kind of innate superpower, that kind of lightning, I think, like magic, there should be a certain amount of upper limit, right?"

"But I saw that she should have squandered nearly half of her electricity, and her momentum has reached its peak, and it's time to decline. What other tricks can she have?"

Staring at the screen for a while, Azshara finally couldn't help shaking when she saw that the little girl suddenly squandered lightning again and again, forcing the old mage to flash farther and farther. Shaking his head.

In her opinion, the best way to deal with a mage is undoubtedly to fight at close range and try to prevent the mage from releasing powerful spells, and then find an opportunity to completely solve the opponent?

But now it's better, that little girl has been fighting with the other party for so long, she should have seen the key to the problem, but now, the other party is taking the initiative to force the enemy back, that kind of unwise approach, Isa Ladu couldn't bear to watch it any longer.

Sending a mage, especially a powerful mage, to a longer distance is actually no different from suicide.

"I don't quite believe it..."

Azshara shook her head again.

If she were the old mage, at this time, she would definitely take the opportunity to teach that erring little girl a good lesson by using flames, acid etching, black holes, or shadow harvesting, etc.!

"Then let's bet!"




Anne suddenly turned around and asked expectantly.

Contrary to Azshara's disappointment, Annie now feels that Miss Mikoto has almost won. That old man shouldn't have given her so much room for maneuvering and manipulation. Now the final decisive moment is not far away. .


"Do not…"

"I don't want to bet you..."

"But, I still stand by my point of view."

Shaking his head, Azshara didn't want to do that kind of pointless thing.

After all, she knows that there are at least 10,000 ways for the little guy around her to secretly help the little girl win, and then she can't see it afterward. It's definitely not going to be easy.


(ˉ▽ ̄~)~~

"Don't bet on it!"


Seeing that the other party was not on the road, Annie felt a little unhappy.

You know, she was still thinking about it just now. After she wins, she will let Tibbs hold the opponent here, then lift the opponent's skirt, and in front of the elf maids and sisters around, she will ruthlessly spanking their Queen Azshara ass.

But how can you think, the other party is obviously not optimistic, but he still refuses? !


(● ̄? ̄●)

(Tibbers says he's not interested in spanking right now, and would rather bring his arena model, his dedicated 'food bowl', if he could, and let it sit in there nicely. How many times have you eaten next to this seemingly delicious elf queen?)


"I still don't like her..."



At this time, Azshara didn't finish his words, only to see in a little amazement:

In the picture, as the old mage Egbert was forced to step back and distance himself, the little girl suddenly snorted angrily.

Then, almost all the lightning power in her body poured out?

Then, under the dual action of lightning and magnetic field, the dust and iron sand around the huge arena were continuously suspended and filled in the air. Then, the dust and iron sand quickly rubbed and accumulated continuously. With the energy, and then soon, under the gathering and spinning of those foggy dust and iron sand, a thunder giant with a height of about a hundred meters, roared and appeared in the very center of the arena.


"I see, is this her trick?"


"It looks terrifying..."

Nodding, Azshara showed a hint of admiration and admiration on her face.

"However, believe me, Annie, you are also a mage, and you should know that. This kind of thing should be useless to deal with mage, isn't it?"

"It's a one-on-one duel right now, and creating that kind of giant is just a waste of energy."

After nodding in admiration, Azshara quickly concluded with a smile, thinking that Misaka Mikoto had almost lost.

The best way to defeat a mage is to be fast, accurate, and ruthless. The key is to use the least amount of magic or energy to cause effective damage, rather than wasting energy in vain to summon those flashy people who only create chaos. Partner.



Annie glanced sideways at Azshara beside her, but she didn't mean to explain, she just continued to eat snacks and look at the magic picture with relish.



At this time, in the arena, Egbert, who was forced to use his skills to the bottom of the box by his opponent, finally showed a slight sneer after seeing the giant.

Immediately afterwards, while he had just been forced back and distanced by the other party, and before the giant had found his chance, he quickly chanted and completed a magic that he had been preparing for a long time.


Seeing that the superficial thunder giant roared, and wanted to throw a fist at him, Egber was sullen, and Te didn't mean to avoid it at all, just sneered and looked at the more and more With a huge fist close, he guided his last spell with precision and accuracy.

In the next instant, a meteorite phantom dragging flames appeared abruptly from the void, and smashed down towards the huge thunder giant.

rumbling rumbling...

In the violent vibration and explosion, the huge energy exploded instantly!

The violent flames and the blasting shock wave swept straight out towards the surroundings, and the huge thunder giant was torn to pieces in an instant, and countless dust, iron sand and lightning began to be blown to pieces, and soon , the entire giant collapsed, and the dust and iron sand once again permeated the entire playing field.

After the explosion, for half a minute, apart from the diffuse dust and a small amount of lightning, there was no sound in the field.



Then, on the sidelines, without waiting for the dust and iron sand to disperse, Eggbert waved his hand, and a strong wind blew away the dust surrounding his body, revealing his slightly embarrassed figure. And continue to blow towards the front.

He knew that although the thunder giant was used as a buffer, the girl must have been seriously injured and might even be dead. Therefore, he felt that he was obliged to provide a good line of sight for the rescue of the paladins and priests.



While the wind was blowing slowly towards the front and blowing away the dust and the three o'clock, unexpectedly, Eggbert saw another beating...



"Super Electromagnetic Cannon!"

In the lightning, when the wind just blew past and revealed an arm held flat with a gesture in the floating dust, a coquettish sound rang out.


Immediately afterwards, the orange light beam disappeared in a flash like a laser.



In the next moment, Egbert's magic resistance shield was instantly broken, and then, at this time, he was stunned to see that after the hit, the aftermath of the attack on the compressed air arrogantly opened up the shooting track. The arena slate floor?

At the same time, the strong wind generated by the aftermath turned out to be even stronger than the wind magic he had just used, and it quickly blew away the dust and iron sand that pervaded the surrounding area, allowing him to see the opponent who delivered the final blow. .


"Hoo! Hoo!"

At this time, Misaka Mikoto was still maintaining the position where she just stretched out her hand to aim and fire, and on her slightly trembling arm covered in dirt and blood, small electric snakes were also jumping from time to time.

At this moment, her top, her school uniform vest and shirt were basically all burnt, revealing a thin body and a strip of cloth wrapped around her chest, all kinds of wounds and scorch marks and bloodstains on her body. At that time, it was even more tattered, and the boxer safety pants that were also full of holes had been exposed. There were also many burn marks on his face, and even one eye was swollen to the point that he couldn't open it.

But even then, she still stood stubbornly, and successfully saw the miserable appearance of the enemy after being attacked by her.



Seeing the other party's stubbornness and unwillingness to fall, Egbert first froze, and then slowly lowered his head.

Finally, he saw that after his anti-magic shield was broken, something seemed to pass straight through his chest, so that he only felt pain now?

More importantly, his body, his chest was gone. At this time, there was only a bloody, bloody, plate-sized...

Ferocious hole? !



"Losing, losing..."

Before he could say the word 'la', Egbert smiled miserably and fell straight to the back.


"Hoo! Hoo!"

Misaka Mikoto still didn't speak, and she was just panting sharply at this moment, who was throwing her power heavily.


Then, after seeing the opponent fall, her thin body finally swayed, and then her vision gradually became blurred, and the shadows of the high wall of the arena in the distance also overlapped, and then she followed suit. fell to the front.


She fell directly face down into the mound full of iron sand, dust and lightning, and then she didn't move.


"Misaka Mikoto wins!"


"Paladin, priest, treat the wounded!"

"not good!"

"Let the soul healer come over!"

"Activate the emergency rescue mechanism immediately!"

Before she fell into a coma, Misaka Mikoto faintly heard the amazed and anxious voice of the pandaren referee.

It seems...

That old mage, that black dragon magister of what empire was badly injured by her?

I just hope that the other party doesn't really die...


In the end, after thinking a lot and praying with some trepidation, Misaka Mikoto didn't know anything.


(o°ω°o) Remember the monthly pass!

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