Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1809: (???) Mikoto's decision

In the dimly lit small room, there was only the faint and even breathing sound, and it was not difficult to judge from the luxurious decorations in the style of high elves. There was no doubt that it was the one that Anne had on the floating island. palace!

At this time, on the single bed in the room, a small figure was lying motionless there, not knowing what was going on.

"Uh um..."


The person on the bed murmured like a dream.

"Ah ah!!"

Then, the other party suddenly opened his eyes and suddenly exclaimed and sat down, letting the soft sheet that was originally covering her slip slowly from her neck, revealing her white, delicate and smooth slender body.


And after she made that exclamation, then, at this moment, a girl with brown hair and a bow tie, who was lying on the edge of the bed and was sleeping, finally lifted up dazedly. head over.

Take a closer look, who is the person lying on the edge of the bed, who is not Heizi?

At this time, she was a little confused, sitting on the bed, holding the quilt with both hands nervously and looking around, it was the same Misaka Mikoto who passed out during the battle during the day.




"You finally woke up!"


"Great! Really great!!"

Then, at this time, when he saw that it was his elder sister who finally woke up, Kuroko cheered loudly, then jumped up directly, and opened his eyes towards the bed. Mikoto swooped over, burying her head in the other's chest and sobbing loudly.




"I am..."

After seeing clearly that the person who threw herself into her arms was Kuroko, Misaka Mikoto gradually relaxed, and looked at her hands, and then at her smooth body, she began to frown and think, as if she wanted to. Find out why she's lying here herself and what's going on in the meantime.

"Of course it's fixed!"

(? ̄?? ̄??)?

"Azhara and the others almost screwed up, and then they gave them a big ball of light and asked them to use it for resurrection and restoration, and they managed to rescue you, this guy."


At this time, Annie, who was also in this room and was lying on the sofa not far away, didn't know what she was looking at, so she said loudly without looking back.

Before, Annie originally planned to remodel the giant arena, but Azshara refused to let it, and said that the soldiers should be in awe of death, but as a result, those idiots still screwed up, and then they had to let It's so useless that she came to help clean up the mess!




Hearing Annie's words, Misaka Mikoto seemed to remember something, and then nodded her head.

"That's it..."



"You go away!"

Knowing what was going on, and seeing what seemed to be her own room, Mikoto decisively reached out and pushed away the hateful Kuroko that had been rubbing against her chest, pulling up the quilt to cover it completely. Lived her beautiful young body, revealing only smooth shoulders and white arms.


"Sister, I need to look again to see if there are any other wounds on your body!"

"Okay, let me check?"

Kuroko, who was pushed away, was a little unwilling, so she threw herself on Mikoto again.

Immediately after that, she dared to take advantage of Mikoto's unpreparedness, and stretched out from the edge of the quilt that exposed her smooth shoulders to the inside, and began to **** wildly and dig it out solemnly.




"You die!!!"


At first, there were flashes of lightning, and then, when Heizi took out a certain object and was electrocuted until his hair stood on his own and his eyes widened, a naked white thigh stretched out from the quilt and smashed it with one foot. He kicked her chest, who was being paralyzed by the electricity.



Bang! !

After a miserable cry, Kuroko was kicked under the bed by Mikoto, lying on the floor with a sluggish expression, trembling and twitching so indecently that even the tempting lace's fat was exposed. coming.


Mikoto didn't pay attention to the other party, because she had experienced similar situations many times, but she was very measured in her actions, and the other party was also quite immune, and she would definitely be able to get up again in a few minutes.

So, taking advantage of the chance that the other party was knocked to the ground by her electric shock, she hurriedly lifted the quilt, got up from the bed cleanly, and stood barefoot on the cold floor, ready to change clothes first.



Soon, however, Mikoto exclaimed in annoyance,



"what happened again?"


Annie turned her head and asked inexplicably towards Miss Mikoto, who was standing on the floor without any clothes on.


"I don't seem to remember to bring my luggage here..."


"The clothes should have all been destroyed in the previous battle, right?"

Mikoto just subconsciously covered the key parts of her chest with her hands, not caring about her being still red, and complained a little helplessly.

Because, she found that there was no clothes that she liked to wear in this room, no school uniforms, no regular clothes, just a few sets of nightdresses.

The point is, she doesn't like high elf-style nightdresses at all!

Especially now that there are no safety pants and no small clothes that follow the rules, if she directly wears that high elf-style skirt with a low collar and slits, she will be too embarrassed to go out, then Not to mention going to the game.

"Oh okay?"



ε=('ο'*))) alas

"for you!"


Hearing that was the case, Annie, who sighed, waved her hand. Then, several sets of neatly folded Tokiwa Taichung school uniforms, underwear and safety pants appeared on the other side's bed.


"Is it Annie's school uniform?"

"I shouldn't be able to wear it, right?"

Seeing those clothes, Mikoto subconsciously thought that they must be the ones from when Annie was in Academy City, so she looked at Annie's height and then at her own, although Mikoto felt that the two of them were in certain places. They all have something in common, but in terms of height, she still has an absolute advantage.

So, if it's Annie's small size, then she will definitely not be able to wear it, so it's better to wear Heizi's! After all, although Kuroko was a little shorter than her, they could still wear each other's clothes as they were about the same stature.

"That's yours!"


"It was just taken from your room in Academy City!"

??(?? ̄? ̄)????

Annie turned her head away and explained impatiently.


"Looks like it really is!"

"Thank you so much, it seems that magic is more convenient!"

After hesitating, she picked up a set and looked at it, and found that it was indeed her own, even the way she folded her clothes was exactly the same. road.

"Then why don't you study?"


"You should be able to learn magic too, right?"


Annie just stared at each other's clothes and asked strangely.

As she remembered, she seemed to have left something extraordinary in Academy City. If the other party wanted to learn magic, it would definitely not be too difficult.

Moreover, the other party still has Index's mobile library, and with the help of that guy, learning magic will definitely be more effective with less effort.

Talking, Annie remembered that there seemed to be another person here, and then turned to look at the other sofa.



Soon, Annie saw: at this moment, the guy in the super luxurious monk uniform with pure white silk and gold thread embroidery, that Index, was still lying there and soundly asleep, and there was even a crystal line flowing from the corner of his mouth. It seems that the exclamation and playfulness of Mikoto and Kuroko just now didn't affect her at all?


"Why learn magic, how troublesome is that?"

"Say more!"

"Didn't I just defeat a great magician?"

Mikoto, who had already put on her safety pants, who was wearing that kind of childish underwear at this moment, retorted rudely.

"That old man, he is at least a few decades old, right?"

"A ten-year-old old mage can't beat me, a fourteen...five-year-old middle school student, so why should I learn them?"

Annie did leave a good thing for them, but, that light ball, they prefer it to exchange for snacks, clothes, comics, movie tickets and other small items for daily needs, as for strengthening or something, now they think that Mikoto, who has become very strong, doesn't need it.

Anyway, as Mikoto knows, Kuroko is like her. After raising her ability to LV5, she knows how to use those few points to exchange **** underwear, cosmetics, skin care products, hairdressing suits and other messy things all day long. On weekdays, he is still laughing and laughing, and he always likes to disguise himself as LV4 so that his classmates and teachers will not find out.



In fact, Annie wanted to say that the bad old mage who was defeated before, the guy from Egbeth who is not a few decades old, is just an idiot who has aged before his age because of using some kind of secret method!


Even so, the other party is indeed quite old, and his strength is indeed an archmage, but the other party can't even beat a young lady like Mikoto.



"That old man, he..."

"He's not dead, is he?"

Then, Mikoto, who was already wearing her school uniform and skirt, suddenly remembered that important thing, and hurriedly asked while raising her skirt.

She remembered that before she fainted, she saw that the old mage's chest was directly hit by the last blow with all her strength, and her 'super-electromagnetic gun' had pierced through the chest. That kind of terrifying injury, only Afraid that it has surpassed some kind of protection of the arena, so she is very worried.


??(?? ̄? ̄)????

Annie spoke in a sullen voice, her tone very affirmative.


"What, what?!"

Mikoto was stunned, her hand holding up her school uniform froze in mid-air, she forgot to put it on her body, she just stayed there stupidly, her face turned pale, and she didn't know what to do. Are you scared.

Think about it too!

During the competition, killing an old mage by mistake against an opponent who had no grudge against him, that kind of thing really had a bigger impact on Mikoto.

"But it was rescued again."


Seeing that the other party was about to petrify, Annie didn't take it personally, and hurriedly added another sentence.


"That's great!"

"Really, Anne, can't you just finish it in one breath?"

Mikoto, whose pale face instantly turned rosy again, spit out angrily and indignantly.

Then, a little angry, she quickly put on a white short-sleeved shirt, tucked the hem into the skirt a few times, and then picked up the summer thin sweater school uniform vest and put it on.

It didn't take long for Misaka Mikoto, who looked young, beautiful, energetic, and energetic in the summer uniform of Tokiwadai Middle School to stand in this room again gorgeously.


It was only then that Shirai Kuroko finally woke up with a faint convulsion and slowly opened his eyes.


Then, of course, Kuroko peeked under the skirt of the elder sister standing next to her for the first time.


"It's boxer pants again..."

"I knew it……"

After discovering that it wasn't a vacuum or a **** lace chubby, it was the kind of boring safety pants that bad guys dream of. Peeping for a second glance.


"Heizi! What are you talking about?"

Hearing Kuroko's words, Mikoto's anger suddenly rose.


"Where are your eyes looking?"

Then, she stepped forward angrily, bare feet, and stomped on the side of Kuroko's cheek, who was still lying on the floor and seemed to have lost confidence in life, and scolded angrily.




"Sister, elder sister..."

"Please... please ravage Kuroko to your heart's content..."

"Hey hey hey..."

Because Mikoto didn't have time to put on shoes and socks, she was still barefoot at this time. Although she was stepping on Kuroko's face so hard that the other's face was deformed, but unfortunately, it was not only It didn't have the effect of teaching any lessons, but instead made the other party show a satisfied smile like an idiot, and also made a strange laughter that made Mikoto goosebumps.





Mikoto felt annoyed when she found out that the other party did not change after repeated teachings and dared to say such words, and then another flash of lightning flashed away!



Heozi, who was extremely happy and sad, opened his mouth and spit out a burst of overloaded steam, and was stunned by electrotherapy again gorgeously.


Until then, until Mikoto roared again and gave out an electric shock, she seemed to be affected a little, or Index, who had sensed danger, was finally awakened.

"what? What!"

"Did something happen?"

Then, she sat up from the sofa for the first time, and was scrambling around, not knowing what she wanted to do.


"Mikoto, are you alright?"


Immediately afterwards, when she saw the bedside not far away, when she saw that Mikoto was standing there, and when she saw that the other party seemed to be all right, Index, who was at least a few beats behind her reaction, sat up on her knees. Excitedly cheered.


"Heizi she..."

"You are..."

However, before Index stood up, she saw that Kuroko was lying on the ground and twitching, while Mikoto had one foot on Kuroko's cheek, and she didn't know who the two were. She asked strangely when she was playing some strange game.



"Index, I'm fine now, so you'd better go back to your room and sleep. Sleeping on the sofa is not good for your health!"


"Help me take Kuroko away too!"

As she said that, Mikoto put her feet away and went to the side to pick up the socks and boots that Annie had sent over to put them on, and at the same time she didn't forget to turn her head and instructed Index.


Scratching her head, she looked at Mikoto, then at Kuroko who seemed to be lying on the ground badly repaired, then at Annie who was still lying on the sofa turning over a book, and Index, who had no idea what was going on. He had no choice but to nod and respond.

"Then they're back too!"


Annie stood up without waiting for Index to act, and after leaving the boring book, she planned to go out.



"Aren't you sleeping?"


However, when she reached the door, Annie suddenly turned around and asked Mikoto who was tying her shoelaces in a strange way.

"It's night now, isn't it?"

"I've been lethargic for a day, how can I still sleep?"

"I'm going to find Sister Hermione and the others!"

After quickly tying the laces of one shoe, Mikoto turned to tie the other without looking up.



"What do you want them to do?"


"I heard!"

"They have a good thing that can quickly improve their combat experience and strength, so I plan to check them out!"

Mikoto didn't hide it, she stood up after tying her shoelaces, and then planned to go out to the rooms of Hermione and Irena.

"It's like this..."


"Then go, remember to have fun with Tibbers!"

ヾ(⌒?⌒*) Goodbye~?

After knowing what was going on, Annie didn't ask any more, just greeted the other party with a smile, pushed the door open and walked away.

It's getting late now. After watching the game all day, she is indeed a little tired now, so she doesn't plan to join in the fun, but go back to her queen's bedroom to sleep first, and she will talk about what she has to do tomorrow.

Naturally, what tomorrow means, it must mean tomorrow afternoon.



"I'm obviously looking for Hermione and the others, what's the matter with Tibbers?"

Scratching her head, Mikoto, who didn't know what Annie's words meant, couldn't help but feel a little baffled, but she didn't think too much about it, but she finally waved her hand towards Index, who was still standing behind and looked a little silly. , and also followed behind Annie and walked out.



"Did I miss something?"

When Annie and Mikoto had already left, and when there was only herself and Kuroko lying on the ground, Index scratched her face strangely, but couldn't react for a long time.


(???) Remember to vote monthly!

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