Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1810: =????(???????) caught in…


"Sir, are you back?"


"are u there?"

After wandering around for a long time, finally, a brown curly-haired girl with double ponytails finally reached out and gently pushed the door open a small gap.

"I'm a black man!"

"I'm coming in~!"

In the gorgeous palace, Kuroko Shirai, who was stunned by electricity last night, was dragged back to the room by Index and threw onto the bed in the last convulsions, after getting up refreshed early in the morning, the second time. Ji found Mikoto's room, pushed the door open and took a peek inside.


"No, it's early in the morning, not in the room or in the restaurant. Where did she go?"


Seeing that the room was still empty, Heizi, who walked inside for a while, couldn't help but feel a little anxious.


"I've been looking all over..."

"It's not in the room at all, where did the elder sister go?"

After waiting in the room for a while, Kuroko, impatient, turned back angrily.

"Isn't it really abducted by some wild man?"

"Do not……"


"Absolutely impossible!!"

Then, after she came out, she began to stride in the corridor of this huge palace, and kept chanting some strange words in a loud complaining voice, so that the royal guards of the Fire Demon who were standing guard couldn't help but look at them. He cast a strange look at her.

However, now that Heizi doesn't care what the fire demons think of her, she still walks forward angrily, planning to go to the next place to find her.

For example, in the deepest part of this palace, that super gorgeous and super large luxury bedroom belonging to the owner here, that is, a certain little girl?

Kuroko never went to that place, and felt that her elder sister was probably there!

"If it's not there either..."

"I'm afraid that my elder sister was not really kidnapped by a wild man!"


"Damn! Damn!!"

While walking along the corridor angrily, Kuroko kept talking.

Early this morning, she went to her elder sister's room as soon as she woke up. Unfortunately, she photographed the door for a long time, but there was no response inside. Then, of course, she directly used her spatial mobility to flash. went in.

The result can be...

Different from the 100,000-volt morning massage she had expected, there was no one in it? Her elder sister, Mikoto, was not in the room, and the quilt was cold. It seemed that no one slept all night?

So, the more she thought about it, the more nervous she became, the more angry she became, the more she thought about it, the more she felt that it was possible that her elder sister was abducted by some wild man, so that she didn't return home at night, so she walked out angrily, I started looking for the figure of my elder sister everywhere.

She had been to the restaurant of the palace all the way, and went to Index to inquire about the situation, and even just returned to her sister's room for the second time, but she still didn't find it.

And this is the main reason why Heizi is so worried, so anxious and so angry now.

Although, in another two hours, her Shirai Kuroko's match will start, but at this time, my elder sister doesn't know who and where she is fooling around. When she thinks of that terrible thing, she only feels that her scalp is numb. It's about to explode!

So, if she doesn't quickly try to figure it out and find her Kuroko's older sister, how can she feel at ease and play with peace of mind?

You must know that the lightning flashes on the fingertips of Sister Mikoto and her elder sister are Kuroko's belief in the immortality of her life. Compared with her elder elder sister, those champions, competitions, and worlds are all things like that. has to become irrelevant.


"Don't do stupid things..."

"What's so good about being an animal like a man?"

"That guy..."

"Don't let me know who it is, or..."

"My sunspot must put him 10,000 meters underground on the planet!"

"I swear!"

"He's dead!!"

As he walked forward with a dark face, Kuroko continued to grit his teeth and swear and speculate, and began to think of 10,000 ways to deal with the 'wild man' who probably didn't exist at all.



"Miss Kuroko?"

At this time, suddenly, when Heizi was talking about passing a certain corridor, a fire demon royal guard standing guard next to him suddenly spoke up, and stretched out his hand as if trying to keep her.


"What are you doing?!"

Hei Zi, who was in a fit of anger, suddenly turned his head impatiently, opened his eyes viciously and asked angrily at the strong fire demon royal guard who was at least twice her height.




Looking at the vicious little girl in front of him, the fire demon guard was terrified. However, it finally resisted the urge to back up, and instead stretched out its hand timidly, pointing to the door of a room at the end of the corridor and whispering. reminded.

"Little one just heard..."

"You seem to be looking for that lady named Misaka Mikoto, right?"

First, he asked a question cautiously, and after getting the sure fierce look from Heizi, the fire demon went on to say:

"If i remember correctly……"

"Should she be there?"

"She went to the room of the witch named Hermione and the witch Irena last night, and I haven't seen it until now..."

In this regard, the Fire Demon Royal Guard, who had been standing guard here for a whole night, said so firmly.

Since it saw the other party go in last night, until now, the door has not been opened again, so if the other party wants to find that Miss Mikoto, it is definitely not wrong to go directly to the door.


Hearing Huo Yao's words, Hei Zi couldn't help but froze, and then he took a breath.


"It turns out that the elder sister was hooked up by those two wild women?"


"I will never forgive them!!"

Just now I thought that my elder sister was hooked up by some wild man, but Kuroko was getting angry.

But now it's better, I heard that the person who hooked up with my sister was not a man, nor any other male dog, but those two wild women, the kind of guys with **** and big **** who robbed his beloved sister, Mrs. Going, Heizi couldn't help but get even more angry.

So, she didn't even bother to thank the gunpowder royal guard, she just clenched her fists, and angrily ran towards the room instructed by the other party.

Boom! Boom! Boom!


"Open the door! Give me back my elder sister!"

Before and after walking, the ferocious Heizi suddenly stretched out his hand and knocked three times, completely ignoring whether the people inside were still sleeping or not in this early morning.

"Open the door!"

"Open the door!"

"If you don't open it, I'll kick the door!!"

After waiting for about ten seconds, it seemed that there was still no movement inside. Hei Zi got angry, he rolled up his cuffs and took two steps back, ready to kick the door and break in.

Although, she could have been teleported in directly, but that approach would definitely be more imposing without kicking the door directly to catch the rape, so she didn't plan to do that!

"Not open, right?"



"You two..."

So, under the gazes of several Fire Demon Royal Guards looking at each other, the furious Heizi roared like a madman, and even raised his legs, intending to kick the two gorgeous fans. Wooden door.




Surprisingly, just when Heizi was about to kick, the door was opened from the inside.


"Don't make trouble..."

Immediately afterwards, something that made Heizi a little stunned and split canthus really happened:

Her elder sister, her elder sister Mikoto, at this time, her face was haggard, as if her body had been hollowed out, she was still leaning against the wall, and slowly and carefully moved out from the inside, and used that kind of weak, Talk to her with a completely different expression and tone than usual?


"Sister, elder, elder elder sister!"

"She she she she... what did they do to you?!!!!"

Then, at first, he stared at his elder sister with round eyes in disbelief, looking at the other's haggard face with flushing, and walking staggeringly, and then took the initiative in his own mind. After brainstorming some indescribable terrifying scenes and scenes in 18X, 19X, 20X and other games, Kuroko slowly fell to the ground in shock, and while sitting directly on the icy floor, he was still confused. He stammered and asked in a trembling voice as if the real one was going to be completely petrified or broken.


"What's wrong with you, Heizi?"


"No one is doing anything to me..."

Seeing Kuroko's reaction, Mikoto was a little puzzled.

However, she was exhausted physically and mentally, and she didn't have time to think too much, and she didn't even want to continue to explain. She just forced a flushed smile to Kuroko, and stumbled out with her legs raised on the door frame. .



"You, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing Mikoto's appearance, Kuroko's eyes widened even more, and tears began to fill in between.

However, there seemed to be some kind of hope in her heart. She tried her best to deny the kind of unsuitable pictures in her mind, so she asked another question in a trembling voice.

"What's up?"

"I'm fine..."


"Not to mention, I was eaten too many times last night, and my feet are still weak. I have to go back to rest for a long time. I'm afraid I won't be able to cheer you on for your game today."

"Let's do it first..."

After speaking, Mikoto, who had a tired face, leaned against the wall. After reluctantly explaining such a few words, she staggered away, as if she wanted to go back to sleep impatiently?





However, what Mikoto didn't know was that what she just said, the so-called 'being eaten', 'too many times', 'feet weak' and other key words, like a muffled thunder, kept exploding in Kuroko's mind write!

It made the pictures of 18X, 19X, 20X and other games that Kuroko didn't quite want to believe become more and more real, vivid and vivid, as if she saw her elder sister being killed by those two evil witches with her own eyes. And the witch used all means to bully and ravage the whole night.

The matter is obvious now. From the actions and words of the elder sister and the strong smell of sweat on her body, it is not difficult to guess. Last night, the other party was in the room of the two wild women, in the room in front of him. What a horrible thing happened!

Her elder sister, her elder sister Mikoto, doesn't belong to her anymore...

Her elder sister, Heizi, was seduced by two wild women who had only met for a few days and took away the most purest thing...


At this moment, Kuroko almost collapsed.

She just sat on the ground dumbfoundedly, supporting the floor with her hands, letting the big drops of tears slide down, until the backs of her hands were splashed with wetness, and then she gradually recovered.


At this time, when Kuroko raised her head, she realized that her older sister, Misaka Mikoto, had long since disappeared at the end of the corridor.

Heizi knew, presumably, now, my elder sister, with all the fatigue, sweat, and the traces of being torn, returned to the dim bedroom and silently licked the wound, and just now, the other party smiled at her. Well, presumably, you must not want her to worry, right?



"I can't spare them ah ah ah ah!!"

After thinking about it for a long time, after thinking and thinking, finally, Heizi, who was lying on the ground softly, suddenly jumped up.

Then, with anger rising from her heart, she resolutely pushed open the two concealed doors and rushed in. At the same time, she brazenly pulled out a few of the holsters stuck in the holster at the base of her thigh. Metal arrows and shiny darts, ready to die with the two wild women inside.

Bang! !

Soon, at the same time that Heizi rushed in, the doors of the two rooms were also slammed shut by her.



"You said..."

"That man, what happened to her?"

As Heizi entered, the Fire Demon Royal Guard, who had been watching the situation here, couldn't help but whispered to the other guard next to it in a strange way.

After all, the girl's behavior has always been a little strange. It has no idea why she suddenly collapsed after finding someone, and then rushed into the room of the two guests in a frenzy?

"do not know……"



"There doesn't seem to be that kind of loud fighting in there. I think it should be fine, right?"

After waiting for a while, the other Fire Demon Royal Guard who didn't hear any more movement in that room thought for a while, then slumped his shoulders, and then said so comfortingly, as he didn't want to be too busy.


"hope so……"

"Forget it!"

"Regardless of those strange humans, let's continue to stand guard!"

I also waited for a while, and the fire monster who didn't find more talk didn't plan to tangle more, but took advantage of the fact that the commander didn't come to inspect, he hurriedly twisted his body and stretched, and then continued The old **** was standing there, guarding like a statue.

Anyway, as long as nothing terrible happens, as long as the individual girls inside don't fight, and don't demolish the palace or the room, they won't be meddling.

After all, those are the friends or apprentices of Her Lady Queen Anne, and these fire demons are not qualified to be so lenient.

Besides, they will have to change shifts in less than a while. At that time, if there are problems, they will naturally be handed over to Bie Yao to deal with headaches and deal with them. They have been working all night and are really tired and hungry. Go back for a thousand-degree lava feast.


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