Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1829: ???(?)???? Come and have fun

At almost the same time, when Elvin, Hein, Liana and other members of the glorious camp of Karthus Kingdom were struggling with something and thinking about it, when they were worrying about gains and losses, the huge tower in the middle of the floating island. And in the towering royal palace, in the deepest part of the palace, several pretty figures are also gathering in a lounge to discuss something intensely.



"that's it!"


In a corner of the lounge, four little guys, Tohsaka Rin, Tohsaka Sakura, Illya and Luvia, were sneaking together, not knowing what they were discussing, and even deliberately lowered their voices, And every now and then, she would quarrel with Misaka Mikoto and Shirai Kuroko looking in the direction.



"Be quiet, I'll tell you..."

And when they found out that Mikoto, Kuroko, and the others seemed to be studying something on their own and didn't care about them, they continued to discuss mysteriously.



At this time, Misaka Mikoto and Shirai Kuroko really didn't have time to eavesdrop, they were studying the blank sheet of paper with the list of tomorrow's duel.

On that piece of paper, they were both staring at the small print: The Final Four, Misaka Mikoto VS Valera Sangunar!

"What, what should I do?"

"This time, my elder sister's opponent, I'm afraid it will be difficult to deal with!"

"That's a sinister thief!"

"I heard from the people of Lordaeron that she seems to have assassinated a black dragon princess, and she almost succeeded. What should I do now?"

Staring at the list of the competition, strictly speaking, staring at the name of Mikoto's opponent for a long time, finally, Kuroko Shirai finally couldn't bear it anymore, sat cross-legged on the sofa and shouted loudly, just like a pair of Even more anxious and worried than Misaka Mikoto.

"Her opponents were all raided by her and then successfully assassinated!"

"My elder sister will definitely cut her neck with a sword!"


"My elder sister's blood spurted out, her head fell directly to the ground, her short brown hair was covered in blood and sand, her eyes were still round, and she didn't move..."

"Wow ah ah ah!!"

After talking and imagining the terrifying scene for a while, Kuroko Shirai screamed and started to roll around on the sofa and wailed.


I don't know why, listening to the tone of her screaming and screaming, it seems that she is a little more excited than worried?


Mikoto didn't speak, she just frowned and stared at the list, not knowing what she was thinking.

Obviously, they are also worrying about tomorrow's game.

Especially Kuroko on the side, when the other party saw the name of Mikoto's opponent, and saw that the other party was actually the high elf Valera Sangunar, the whole person was not good, and he became the kind of rolling and sloppy right now. Crazy imaginary.

Of course, Mikoto didn't have time to pay attention to what Kuroko turned into. Anyway, the other party was always weird and had a lot of bad taste. She was used to it, so she was more concerned about her upcoming meeting. The right opponent.

Just before, they had deliberately asked someone to inquire, and they knew that although that 'Valera Sangunar' was also a high elf, he was not from Quel'Thalas, but from the royal family of Stormwind Kingdom. Security advisors and escorts, and it is said that they are still the high-level officials of MI7 who are very good at advancing and assassinating?

But no matter what, Mikoto knew that the female stalker in the red armor was very, very difficult to deal with. So far, the opponent has used that kind of way to escape into the shadows during the game, and then suddenly burst out and attack the enemy at a certain moment. Killed countless opponents with a fatal blow.

Moreover, what is even more terrifying is that when the opponent solves the opponent, it is fatally cut or beheaded, which is the kind of terrifying scene that Kuroko is madly imagining.



"Can you be a little quieter?"

It didn't take long for Mikoto to be so arguing that she couldn't concentrate and think about how to face the invisible thief.

"can not!"

"My elder sister is going to lose. I can no longer be your elder sister's queen. How can I be quiet?"

"I can't go quiet!"

"Elder sister is going to be finished..."

"Wow ah ah ah!!!"

While shouting, Kuroko continued to roll on the luxurious sofa made of some kind of giant animal fur, refusing to stop.

"never mind!"

"Don't care about her!"

No way, Mikoto had no choice but to turn her head with a dark face. She didn't intend to deal with the Kuroko who was only messing around and looked a little hysterical. Instead, she looked at her friends Hermione and Irena to the side.


"And Irena, is there anything you can do about this?"

"That stalker..."

"I have no confidence at all!"

For that stalker, that thief, that Valera Sangunar who would sneak in and lose her track at the beginning of the game, Mikoto was of course 120,000 vigilant, so she planned to brainstorm and take a look at herself. Do my friends have any good way to deal with the kind of guy who will be invisible.

Although it is true that she has not seen such stealth or stealth-like abilities in Academy City, she is really the first time a stalker who can stealth and is so insidious, and who can launch such a terrifying attack. Encountered, so she must have no good way now, she can only plan to listen to other people's opinions first.

"There is a way, but you are not a mage, Mikoto, you can't use my way..."

As a mage, Hermione must have a series of countermeasures, but unfortunately, Mikoto is not a mage, just a guy who can manipulate lightning.

"Even if you are a mage, that guy already has several mage records in his hands."

"You have also asked someone to ask, that is a ruthless character who even dares to assassinate a giant dragon. If I am not eliminated, I will be a little embarrassed if I replace it myself."

"So, I'm afraid I'm helpless too?"

Hermione, who was drooping and eating the special desert fruit that Irena brought back from somewhere, gave Mikoto a regretful look, and then turned to look at Irena beside her.

"Dont look at me!"

"I've never fought a stalker like that!"

"Why don't you ask the teacher to find some powerful stalkers to practice your hands first? Apart from that 'Valera', there should be a lot of powerful stalkers here on this floating island, right?"


"Are you going to borrow that magical arena model from Tibbers again? Go play with it a few times, and it will definitely be happy to lend it to you."

Unlike Hermione, geniuses such as Irena quickly came up with a good method that is well-established and, moreover, very reliable.

In her opinion, that kind of stalker is nothing more than hiding his figure, and then launching a vicious assassination at close range at a critical time when he is not prepared. The opponent's close-range fighting ability is very powerful, but as long as targeted training is performed, It shouldn't be a big problem, especially if they have ready-made conditions to practice?


"That's a way!"

Mikoto nodded, indicating that Irena's method was somewhat reliable.

So, she decided that tomorrow morning, before the game in the afternoon, she would take the opportunity to train and try to get used to how to deal with the terrible blow that came and went without a trace.



"I also thought of a good way!"

Suddenly, the moment Irena finished speaking, Kuroko suddenly jumped up from the sofa, then leaned over beside Mikoto and said urgently.



"any solution?"

Although Mikoto had some doubts in her heart, she still looked at the other party, wanting to hear what Kuroko was doing.

"I'll go find her tonight, find that Valera!"


"I use my ability to secretly throw laxatives into her food!"


"Directly attack her with various small animals, throw mice and snakes into her bed with space ability, and disturb her sleep, making her restless all night..."


"It's just trying every means to keep her from resting. That way, tomorrow, when she stares at the dark circles under her eyes and goes to compete with my elder sister, she'll already lose half of it!"


Kuroko smiled solemnly and raised his fist, revealing a very sinister and wretched expression.

That kind of thing, if ordinary people go, it may not work, and it is easy to be found, but who is she, Heizi, she is a superpower who moves in space, she can easily put those things she just said to each other from a distance In the room, and also guaranteed not to be noticed by the other party!


Mikoto didn't speak, but her cheeks twitched slightly.


"I knew I shouldn't have expectations..."

"Irena, let's talk about the way you just did!"

Then, first with a sigh, she turned her head quickly, ready to continue discussing the solution with Irena and Hermione, instead of listening to Kuroko about those shameless and despicable methods.



"I'm serious, Heizi!"

"You listen to me..."

Click! !



The word 'said' had just blurted out when a flash of lightning flashed on Mikoto's forehead. Then, the lightning quickly impelled Kuroko, who was sitting beside him, and made him roll his eyes beautifully and spit black. He twitched angrily and lay down on the sofa motionless, but finally stopped temporarily.

"Just right!"

"I'm serious too!"

Mikoto said angrily.

Of course, she knew that it was possible for Kuroko to do such despicable things for her, so now she could only take action in advance and stop the other party from continuing to think wildly.


"Mikoto, the shock just now was good!"

"I think, when the time comes, you should always be vigilant and try to set all kinds of lightning traps around yourself?"

Seeing that Kuroko was electrocuted the moment she stood on Mikoto, Irena suddenly had a bold idea and said it with a smile.

When she thought about it, the guy they discussed just now was the stalker Valera. Every time the opponent solved the opponent, he relied on close-range fighting and assassination. So, can they prevent it in advance?

If they can guarantee not to let the other party approach, then they are estimated to win half.

"Good way!"

"But I haven't tried the lightning trap, I'll try it tonight!"

Mikoto nodded again, and then took that method to heart.

Anyway, now she really has no bottom, as long as it's not the kind of messed up or spoofed idea like Heizi just said, she will accept it humbly.


"What happened to Illya, have they figured out a way?"

At this time, when Mikoto turned her head, she saw that the four little guys had disappeared and left quietly at some point. She couldn't help feeling a little curious and concerned about this.

Now their relationship is not as stiff as before, but since they are still rivals, and I don't know if they will meet again, those four guys will still subconsciously engage in certain things. Watch out for her.

"You can rest assured about this!"

"Illya has three Heroic Spirits now, she won't have a problem!"

Irena is not worried. After all, the three heroic spirits are not easy to bully. The knight king Arturia, Joan of Arc and Gorgon Medusa, the three of them come out at random, she Irena herself Probably won't be able to beat it.


"Her opponent is that Vereesa, that General Windrunner..."

Unlike Irena, Mikoto, who had followed the top eight players, was still a little worried.

"I heard that the other party will summon a lot of powerful soul beasts, and the number will only be more than her heroic spirit, not less?"

"What is she going to do?"

In addition to being a nobleman, that General Windrunner is also a powerful hunter. Although the opponent is forbidden to carry living pets in the competition, the opponent has really caught a lot of things called soul beasts, and they have followed suit. Ilya, the girl who could summon angels, and the Soranlian played the summoning trick together, which made Mikoto feel a little numb just thinking about it.

All she knew was that Annie was the one who took the lead. Ever since the other party helped the three guys and let them successfully summon Heroic Spirits without fouling, the players, especially those who knew magic, began to Gone are the days of battling who can summon more helpers in a race.

"Who knows?"

"Anyway, they should have a way!"

Irena pouted, grabbed a fruit and threw it into her mouth and chewed it. She said indifferently as she tasted the kind of special product produced in the desert, with very little moisture, like dried fruit, but it was very sweet. .

After all, whoever wins or loses in the end has nothing to do with her.

She, Irena, just wants to continue traveling in this new world for a while. She is just a witch who likes to travel, not a fighting witch. She doesn't give too much to those things. on the heart.

"That's true!"


"I saw them coming out of Annie's room. I thought, they must have approached Professor Annie, and they must have gotten some way to deal with it?"

At this moment, Hermione suddenly said what she had seen before, and began to remind Mikoto vaguely, indicating that the other party could also try it.

"Is that so?"

Mikoto was speechless, but she could hear what Hermione meant.


"Those people, one by one, are more than the summoned helpers. I don't even know what to do when I encounter them!"

Mikoto suddenly felt sad, she thought, she probably won't make it to the final...because, even if she wins tomorrow's game, in the next game, she will have to face those guys who will summon a lot of helpers. In such an extreme situation, she was alone, and there was absolutely no way to deal with it.

"never mind."

"I'll go and see Annie first!"

Mikoto sighed and stood up straight.

She knew that Annie might have a way to deal with that kind of stalker, and she really needed to find Tibbers and borrow something, and at the same time she needed to ask Annie to see if she could find a few for her tomorrow. Stalkers come to practice their hands or something.


"Then you can wait and go!"

"No hurry now, anyway, that guy, teacher, will definitely not go to bed too early."

Seeing that Mikoto was about to leave, Irena hurriedly stopped and said.



Mikoto was a little puzzled, wondering what the difference was between going now and going later.

"I saw it when I came here. The princess of Karthus, the guy named Shirley seems to have also gone to the teacher."

"You don't know, do you?"

"I don't know what it is for. I seem to hear the two quarreling."


"Mikoto, you'd better wait a moment?"

Irina said noncommittally, her shoulders limp.

She was very familiar with her little teacher who was lazy and greedy for fun, so she didn't want Mikoto to get in trouble when the other party might get angry.


"You'll be better off in the name of sending these fruits?"

Saying that, Irena hurriedly took out another small basket, and then placed the large fruit that seemed to be carefully selected directly in front of Mikoto.


"Is it really possible?"


"Would it be a little bad for me to take your things to deliver?"

Looking at the fruit in the basket and then looking at Irena, Mikoto felt a little embarrassed.

After all, Irena just gave her a lot of constructive and she didn't even eat it, she had to take it as a gift and take the opportunity to ask for help. That kind of thing, in Mikoto seemed to be a little too shy.

"What's wrong?"


"Just don't say I brought it back!"

"I wouldn't go out of my way to flatter her!"


While waving her hand, Irena still snorted arrogantly.

Obviously, due to various things and reasons, she still seems to be angry with her little teacher Annie now and then, so that she doesn't want to go out in person to deliver things, and she doesn't allow her to use her own name.


"okay then……"

Blinking, seeing Irena's persistent and arrogant appearance, after thinking about it, Mikoto nodded reluctantly, and threw a grateful smile at Irena.

Mikoto knew that it was Irena to help her, so she accepted this favor. In the future, if the other party needs her help, she will definitely help!


At this time, Kuroko, who was lying on the sofa beside him, finally woke up leisurely.



"Sir, did you leave these fruits to Heizi on purpose?"

Then, after Kuroko, who was already very resistant to electric shocks, saw the fruit in the small basket Mikoto was carrying, she immediately felt that she wanted to jump up and taste the fruit of love that her elder sister had specially prepared for her.





Unfortunately, Heizi guessed wrong.

So, after another 100,000-volt blue flash, she twitched gorgeously and fell to the side again.


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