Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1830: (???) Hunting moment

Time soon came to the afternoon of the second day.

In the hustle and bustle of the arena subplane, one of the top eight players, Illya, was with Vereesa Windrunner, who was also one of the top eight players, and the high elf from Quel'Thalas. The ranger generals fought fiercely.




Whoosh~! Whoosh~!

In the distance, arrows with a faint blue light shot towards the vital part of Illya's body. The hard and thick slate floor of the arena blasted deep pits one by one.

Illya knew that it was an arrow with arcane energy. As long as she was hit by an arrow, she would definitely be eliminated!

Arcane magic is the energy that the high elves living in Quel'Thalas have been exposed to since birth. It is said that, like this floating island, it is enveloped by the energy of another sun well, so, Even if the opponent is a ranger instead of a mage, he can still use the power of arcane magic to a certain extent and bless it on the bow and arrow, which is very difficult.

But fortunately, last night, Illya had already practiced with a lot of powerful archers and rangers in a targeted manner, so now she can handle it with ease, and she is not too embarrassed.


Whoosh~! Whoosh~! Whoosh~!

At the moment when Illya had just successfully evaded the previous arcane shot, three consecutive multiple arrows shot towards her from a distance. At the same time, it also blocked her evasive route to the left and right.


Unfortunately, Illya is not an ordinary person. When avoiding arrows, she doesn't need to dodge left and right like others, but a simple flash magic that makes her disappear in place and appear in another place.


Poems of Angels!

sword! !

At the moment when the opponent's multiple shots failed, Illya was not idle either.

Instead, with a wave of her hand, she used the alchemy she inherited from her mother, which is also the traditional gold needle crafting magic of the Einzbern family, to instantly transform the large group of 'white stork knights' into a handle. Flying sword and fiercely counterattacked towards the ranger general Vereesa who was holding a bow and arrow in the distance.


As soon as the other party was short, they tumbled and dexterously avoided it, so that those silver long swords could only be nailed into the slate ground in vain, and slid into a slanted row.





At the moment when the opponent tumbled and jumped into the air and volleyed a fierce arcane shooting arrow towards her, Irena flashed back again and appeared in the place before her.

Then, she once again drove the floating cannon-like silver birds 'white stork knights' around her, and let them launch a large number of light bombs, and directly covered the area where Vereesa was about to land. .

boom! boom! boom!

boom! boom!

The dust and flying stones set off by the violent explosion completely drowned Vereesa's figure in an instant, causing Illya to lose the opponent's figure directly.


Seeing this, Illya frowned slightly, but she did not pursue her victory, nor did she try to approach the explosion range, but released an energy rune under her feet vigilantly.

Power Rune: Place a power rune on the ground that increases your spell damage by 40% while standing within eight yards of the power rune.

Then, Illya let the magic power brew between her hands, and soon, a transparent, blue glass-like prismatic barrier instantly protected her.

"Come out!"

"I see you!"

Then, while preparing to cast spells, and at the same time letting more silver birds 'white stork knights' emerge and be on guard beside her, Irena moved towards the far away spot that was just blown up by her own attack. the place angered.

Illya knew that the other party, that Vereesa must not have been defeated by her intensive attack just now, because the large group of powerful soul beasts summoned by the other party were still in the distance with the Artoria, Joan of Arc and Medusa were fighting fiercely, and since the soul beasts did not disappear, it proves that their masters must be fine!


"Can't you come out?"


While snorting coldly, Illya was not in a hurry, and just kept on guard from a distance while waiting for the smoke and dust to dissipate.

Now that the distance between the two sides is very far away, when she is on guard and has released the Prismatic Light Barrier, she doesn't have to worry about the opponent's surprise attack.

At that time……

When Illya used the Command Spell to directly summon three powerful heroic spirits and was about to besiege each other, the ranger general of the high elf did not hesitate. Translucent or opaque soul beasts, they have griffins, raptors, foxes, leopards, stags, bears and wolves and so on.

Anyway, there are a lot of them!

Moreover, now Illya can see that they are still fighting in groups with Artoria sister, Joan of Arc and Medusa whom she summoned, so that the three of them are not at all. A way to help her, so that she has to fight a 'fair' one-on-one duel with the powerful and cunning ranger.

Fortunately, last night, she had already undergone targeted training and had long been familiar with the hunter's moves. Otherwise, it would be hard to predict what would happen now.

Although, the beasts summoned by the opponent are more and more powerful than ordinary hunters, and even more than those summoned by the opponent in the top sixteen, which made her a little caught off guard at the beginning, but she still relies on her own excellent magic. The skills have lasted until now, barely maintaining an undefeated situation.



what's the situation? !

Soon, when a gust of wind blew away the smoke and dust that permeated the field, Illya was surprised to find that the enemy had disappeared?

That's right, it just disappeared, and it's not in the area she just bombed, and it's not anywhere around.


So, while Illya's heart froze, she quickly raised her vigilance and began to scan the surroundings with sharp eyes, making sure that she was within the protection range of the prismatic barrier.

She has never encountered such a situation, and the hunters who were brought to spar with her last night did not show it, because they did not have time to react too much each time, and they were killed by her and Artoria. My sister and the others were beaten together and KO'd.

"Is it stealth?"

Looking around, Illya couldn't find each other.

She didn't dare to attack rashly, and after thinking about it, she continued to stand on the rune, and continued to be vigilant and alert.


Suddenly, Illya only felt a burst of hair on her back, and then, without thinking about it, she directly abandoned the rune and the prismatic barrier, and flashed farther away!



Whoosh~! Whoosh~!

Benedict! Benedict!

boom! boom! boom! !

next second!

Arrows slammed into the prismatic barrier from the back of the place where she was before, like indiscriminate bombardment, and quickly broke through the barrier's upper limit of protection.

Immediately afterwards, those fierce arcane shooting arrows blew up the opponent that Illya had just stood on, including the runes on the ground, and blew up deep pits the size of baskets!

Fortunately, just now, Ilya sensed the danger and avoided it in advance, otherwise, she might have been in danger now.

"White Stork Knight!"


However, seeing the other party finally appearing, Illya didn't care about thinking too much or was afraid, but made a decisive decision. As soon as she gritted her teeth, the silver birds around her like floating cannons turned into long swords. Or directly launch one after another of light bullets towards the cunning and abominable ranger.

boom! boom!




Benedict! Benedict!

In this way, the two sides once again started to attack, defend, evade and counterattack in the arena.

At the same time when those arcane arrows shot towards Illya, Illya did not forget to take every opportunity to throw a silver long sword towards the opponent during the flash or the spare time of defense. Or Hida, which makes the scene suddenly become more intense and makes the audience enjoy watching.

After a few minutes……


"Hoo! Hoo!"

After fighting fiercely with the ranger general Vereesa for a while, the panting Illya gradually felt a little overwhelmed.

After all, she is just a little girl, and she is more used to using magic to fight enemies instead of evading and running while rapidly consuming magic.

Therefore, at this moment, whether it is physical strength or stamina, she is gradually overdrawn, and she is definitely not as good as the high elf who has grown up, and has also experienced hundreds of battles and has been trained by extremely strict far-walkers. Veresa's.


"Sister Arturia, are you guys okay?"

So, while continuing to entangle and distance herself from the enemy, she did not forget to urge Arturia, Joan of Arc, and Medusa to shout loudly.

Benedict! Benedict!


The two arrows were thrown by the enemy at some point, and shot diagonally at Illya's head from the sky, and she narrowly avoided it.


"These soul beasts are not ordinary beasts, some of them are demigods!"

"It's an animal demigod!"

After blocking the fierce blow of the largest and most sturdy soul bear with a sword and successfully pushing the opponent away, Arturia barely found the opportunity to speak loudly while continuing to pounce with the sword and launch a fierce attack. Responded to Elijah.

"Demi god!?"

Ilya was stunned and seemed a little unbelievable.

She never imagined that those transparent, translucent or opaque soul beasts, those griffins, raptors, foxes, leopards, stags, bears and wolves, etc., would be animal demigods?


"Are there so many demigods in the world of Azeroth?"

Immediately afterwards, Illya exclaimed after dodging another arcane shot from Vereesa.


What Ilya didn't know was that some of those soul beasts were indeed animal demigods!

It's just that demigods, especially animal demigods, are not too rare in the world of Azeroth, and, more importantly: in order to win, the High Elf Kingdom of Quel'Thalas simply shameless Now, they secretly dispatched a large army of elves, going up the mountain and into the sea, and even used the portal to go to Northrend and other places. In the end, they caught a lot of soul beasts in a very short period of time. And sent it to Vereesa for the first time.

And that is why the three heroic spirits, Arturia, Joan of Arc, and Medusa, are entangled by those soul beasts that fly in the sky, crawling on the ground, and sneakily invisible, and cannot escape in a short time. main reason.


"You deal with it carefully for a while, and when we find their weakness, we will help you!"

"hold onto!"

Although Joan of Arc wanted to help, she was being stalked by an electric wolf and a hateful owl, so she could only reluctantly defend while guaranteeing.

"how long?"

Illya asked anxiously again.


Medusa smashed the wicked soul beast that looked like a crab and wanted to use its crab claws to attack her bottom road with a sickle.

However, before she could breathe a sigh of relief, another translucent tiger pounced on her again, forcing her to evade the opponent's clippers in embarrassment.


"How soon?"

After temporarily pushing the Vereesa back with the arcane barrage, Illya pulled the distance again, and continued to ask loudly while gasping for breath.

"do not know!"

"If you can't even deal with an archer, you better hurry up and admit defeat!"

Medusa is a little impatient, because she is also fighting hard now, and those beasts are not easy to deal with, especially since there are so many opponents, they don't have the energy to talk too much.


"She's no archer!"

"She's a Ranger General!"

"It's a hero-level powerhouse!"

Illya retorted stubbornly, and was almost hit by three arrows due to distraction.

"you shut up!"

"Give us a few minutes!"

"No, just admit defeat!"

"you idiot!!"

Medusa got angry and scolded directly and loudly.

Then, she suddenly burst into strength and resolutely rushed forward, as if she wanted to join Joan of Arc and Arturia, and as for what she wanted to do after the meeting, then temporarily Unknown.


As a last resort, Illya stopped talking.

At this point, she was already sweating, her face was flushed with sweat, and even her hair was wet, except for gritting her teeth, she continued to use various magics and techniques to entangle with the experienced 'archer' Vereesa. I hope that Medusa and the others will deal with those animals as soon as possible and come over to help, there is really nothing to do.


At this time, in another arena subplane, Tohsaka Rin was standing alone in the middle of the arena.

At this time, she did not win, but...

Her opponent is gone!

That's right, it just disappeared without a trace!

Because the other party is a hateful stalker, that is, that Valera Sangunar!



Mikoto didn't know where her opponent was right now, so she just watched carefully and squinted at every move around her.


At the same time, she was also surrounded by electric snakes that were visible to the naked eye, and she seemed to be ready to fight back at any time.


It has been more than ten minutes since the When Illya in the next half plane was fighting hard with Vereesa, she was calm here, and there was no real relationship between the two sides at all. Contact even once!


Mikoto knew that this was a duel of patience and will, and whoever showed the flaws first would lose.

So, she remained motionless and breathing, and waited patiently.

And the opponent seems to be waiting just like she thought. Should she want to wait until the moment when she relaxes, and then launch that lore fatal blow?

It's hunting time!

She, Misaka Mikoto, is a hunter and a prey at the same time. The reason why she is standing still now is to use her body as bait and wait for the opponent to take the bait.

And the other party must be the same?

I believe that the other party must be hiding in the shadows at this time, and staring at the back of her prey, just like hiding a crocodile lurking in the turbid pool water, while concealing his figure, Still not forgetting to secretly observe the animals drinking water, and be ready to riot at any time, opening that monstrous fangs to those slack prey?


Another two minutes passed.

The playing field was still silent, and even the spectators were rolling their eyes and searching every place on the field, not a single floor.

Unfortunately, they also found nothing in the end...

However, they knew that the stalker was definitely still there.

The opponent is lurking carefully somewhere in the huge arena, and is ready to attack at any time, just like the opponent's countless games before, it doesn't matter if he doesn't show up, and once he shows up, then It is the most exciting decisive moment!


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