Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1831: ?(⊙?⊙)?? Mikoto's stupid way



In the middle of the arena, Misaka Mikoto was still standing still.

So far, she has done nothing but turned around occasionally and glanced around, and she has no intention of leaving the center of the field.

However, what those spectators who held their breath and her opponents did not know that she was now using her own control of lightning to release a powerful voltage centered on herself on the ground of the surrounding arena. and current.

That's right!

Now Misaka Mikoto is using the principle of the step voltage when the high-voltage line falls to the ground to prevent, detect and even counterattack the enemy!

As we all know, when a live wire of the overhead high-voltage line with tens of millions of volts breaks and falls to the ground, in addition to the same potential as the live wire, the current will flow from the ground point of the wire to the surrounding of the earth. Therefore, a potential distribution area centered on the landing point of the wire will be formed on the ground. In that area, the farther away from the landing point, the more the current will be dispersed, and the ground potential difference (voltage) will be lower.

However, if people or livestock stand within 8 to 10 meters from where the power line falls, a life-threatening electric shock may occur, and within 20 to 30 meters, there will still be electric shocks. This kind of electric shock is called cross-connection. Step voltage electric shock!

In this voltage electric field, as long as someone approaches and enters, whether it is invisible or not, the other party will be affected by the step voltage, and the current will also follow the lower body of the person, from the feet through the legs, the crotch to the feet and the ground. A path of potential difference is formed.

In this way, even if the enemy's resistance is relatively high, the legs will not cramp due to the high step voltage, and even if the opponent will not fall to the ground due to paralysis, the body will not appear, but, As long as the opponent enters her own voltage electric field, through the slight change of the current, Mikoto can get an early warning and defend, and even counterattack!

If possible, Mikoto even wanted to use powerful lightning to spread the whole arena, and then use the step voltage to electrocute the enemy?

However, that kind of thinking is still too stupid, and it seems that it is difficult for her own ability to do it.

After all, when the step voltage field, that is, the charged body is grounded and a strong current enters the ground, and spreads around the ground at the same time, and generates a considerable electric field on the ground around the grounding point, the strength of that electric field can vary with distance. Increase and decrease, most of the voltage only acts within a range of about one meter from the grounding point, a small part of the voltage is distributed within 20 meters from the grounding point, and 20 meters away from the grounding point, There is basically no threat to the ground voltage.

But now, since the ground of the arena is relatively dry and all the rock floors, even if Mikoto maintains a voltage of nearly one million volts on her body, she can only barely guarantee the ground of about 30 meters. There is only a step voltage electric field at the place, as far as the place is, it is almost nothing.


Thirty meters is enough for her. As long as the enemy appears within 30 meters and approaches her, she can sense it instantly through the slight changes in the current and electric field, and at that time, the enemy's stealth methods will not be able to. Attack yourself!


But unfortunately, so far, the high-voltage electric snake is still lingering around her body, and Mikoto, who is still in a high-voltage state, has not been able to sense any changes in the surrounding current.

Obviously, the enemy did not approach her rashly.

It's just that I don't know if the other party knew the principle of step voltage, learned the relevant "magic" knowledge, or instinctively sensed the danger, so they didn't approach?

But no matter which one it was, it was very unfavorable to Mikoto.

After all, she can't always maintain this high-voltage situation and use a million-volt high voltage to maintain the step voltage electric field and wait for the other party to take the bait, even if she is a 'Level 5' superpower, even if she is in Academy City One of the best in existence, but her lightning ability is not unlimited, and she also has a fatal weakness!

And that weakness is: although her power is very strong, it is also limited!

It's like the battery will run out after a long time, and the electric four-wheeled vehicle that claims to have a five-hundred-mile battery life will lie down after driving for three hundred miles. The state, which is the state of 'out of power' that Misaka Mikoto once said, and at that time, the hidden enemy will no longer have to sneak up, and will be able to cut her if she comes up directly. brain?

By the time……

Presumably that guy, Kuroko, will be screaming sadly in the combat preparation room, and rolling on the floor with excitement, right?

However, even though she knew her Achilles' heel, Mikoto was still trying her best to maintain that electric field, and she still let millions of volts of electricity continue to bless her feet, in order to maintain the 30-meter step voltage electric field.

She is now betting again, betting that her 'electricity' will last longer than the other party's sneaking time!

Because she had already asked Annie last night, knowing that the stalker named Valera Sangunar could not stalk unrestrictedly and indefinitely, otherwise, the other party's body would be attacked by shadow energy, It was irreversible, the other party would never dare to do that, just like Mikoto herself couldn't maintain the step voltage electric field under her feet indefinitely all the time!


Where is it?

Mikoto pondered in her heart and was on guard.

While striving to maintain the step voltage electric field under her feet, she also carefully observed everything around her, and at the same time used her electromagnetic wave ability to actively search for the surrounding points with her as the center until the edge of the playing field. sector area.

She has the ability to control space through electromagnetic waves, and can actively or passively emit weak electromagnetic waves around her. As long as she has the heart, she can perceive the existence of the enemy by sensing the subtle changes in the reflected waves around her, and she can play a similar Also the role of radar.


To Mikoto's dismay, she still hasn't gotten anything so far.

She didn't understand what the stalker who escaped into the shadows was all about. She didn't know whether the other party was lying on the ground or sticking to the edge of the arena, or whether it would not reflect electromagnetic waves when sneaking?


She has been slowly turning around in place for several times, and her weak electromagnetic wave scan with no dead ends still can't find any trace of any enemy on the field, which makes her annoyed and annoyed.

But it's no use worrying!

Now is the time to compete for endurance, patience, and will. She can't act rashly just because the opponent is well hidden and doesn't show up, otherwise, it will be her who will lose later.


Therefore, while lightning is still spreading on her body, and maintaining the step voltage electric field with millions of volts and a decent current, she does not forget to use electromagnetic waves and eyes to constantly search around to ensure that the visible and invisible Three hundred and sixty degrees on the plane and the sky and the ground are guarded without dead ends.

This will be a silent and invisible battlefield, the most test is people's patience and endurance, and Mikoto has made up her mind, she must grit her teeth and spend it with the opponent, and see, who will have the last laugh?


At this time, on another battlefield, the battle had come to an end, and Ilya, who was able to fight the enemy vigorously at the beginning, was already forced by Vereesa to the point of losing.

Because, Illya is just a little girl, her physical strength, stamina, and magic power are definitely not comparable to the Ranger General of Quel'Thalas.


Almost at the same time, Joan of Arc, who was entangled with those difficult soul beasts not far away, also discovered Illya's abnormality.


"It can't go on like this!"


"And Xiaosha!"

"I'm going to use the Noble Phantasm. Come on together and destroy her in the shortest possible time!!"


Seeing that the physical strength and magic power of Illya began to decline sharply, and seeing that the three of them could not maintain their summoning state, Joan of Arc finally became anxious.


Then, after shouting to Arturia and Medusa again, she stood up resolutely, then ignored the two soul beasts that rushed up in front, and directly shot the sacred golden iris flag gun in her hand. slammed into the rocky floor of the arena.

It is a Noble Phantasm that was transformed by the holy flag that Joan of Arc waved during her lifetime. Through the blessing of an angel, it protects friendly units within a certain distance from the flag, and it can directly convert out-of-spec (EX) anti-magic power. It is physical defense and blocks any attack from the opponent, which means 'invincible'.

However, while the holy flag is raised and the Noble Phantasm is fully activated, Joan of Arc will not be able to carry out all attacks, and the flag itself will continue to accumulate enemy attacks and cause irreparable damage to the flag, so if it is abused, it will It may lead to no longer being able to use it or even losing it completely.

However, seeing that Illya is about to be defeated, and although Artoria and Medusa have Noble Phantasms, they have no way or opportunity to use them, and there is no way to immediately rush to Illya's side, so, Jeanne could only risk it.

The only thing that makes her a little fortunate now is that although this arena is huge, it is still within the scope of her Noble Phantasm after all?


"My lord is here!"

Jeanne snorted angrily and let go of all the suppression of the Noble Phantasm.

The next moment!

A golden light instantly swept across the arena with a more violent might than the last time he faced the powerful orc.

And then!

Arturia, Medusa, Illya, who was already showing signs of weakness in the distance, and Joan of Arc herself, who was flying the flag, were all given an 'invincible' state by the sacred golden iris flag, causing the whole body to flash. A faint golden light.


At this moment, an arcane shot has quietly come to Illya's eyes with a fierce offensive, and she has no time to defend, evade, or cast a flash.



clang! !

However, what is surprising is that the layer of faint golden light that looks so thin that it almost collapses when touched, but firmly blocks the long arrow wrapped in arcane energy, and makes the arrow smash into pieces and emit a crisp impact. It popped out in an instant.


"This is impossible!"

In the distance, Vereesa, who thought she had the chance to win, couldn't help but exclaimed when she missed the sure-win blow.


Her exclamations came to an abrupt end, and she had to turn around in embarrassment and evade it urgently.

Because, she saw that after obtaining that layer of golden light, the female knight in the distance and the strange little girl with a sickle in the distance ignored the soul beasts that were grabbing and biting them. Ignoring the chance of damage and getting rid of them, and then rushing towards her left and right?



Multishot! !

So, Veresa, who didn't want her to be cornered by the two of them, didn't even want to think about it. He also took the opportunity to set up a small freezing trap on the way of the two of them in an instant, in order to obtain sufficient time to move and breathe.


clang! clang! clang!

Three bangs in a row!

The multiple shots didn't get any just shot the two of them in vain and were easily bounced off by the layer of golden light.


And then, the freezing trap exploded.

However, it can only spread a layer of hoarfrost on the ground, and it can't freeze the feet of the two people who are protected by the strange golden light as usual.


bad, bad...

Immediately afterwards, Veresa, who was forced to the side of the arena's parapet, had no time to draw the bow again, and had no room to turn around, so she could only subconsciously raise her hand and use the bow in her left hand to block the strange little **** the left. At the same time as the sickle slashed, he did not forget to draw out the high elf short knife around his waist with his right hand, and gritted his teeth to block the long sword of the female knight who was holding the golden light and already showing the shape of a sword.

"Blade of slaughtering undead!!"

puff! !

Following a coquettish sound, there was the crisp sound of the wooden bow being cut off by the sickle.


click! !

At the same time, the female knight holding the long sword also chopped down, and the short knife that Vereesa hastily pulled out was instantly chopped off by the golden long sword.


The severe pain struck, and Vereesa's eyes instantly widened.



"I beat her first!"



"I just wanted to release Invincible, who made you troublesome?"

Before her eyes were red with blood, and before she fell on her back and saw her spirit beasts gradually disappear, Vereesa faintly heard the strange girl standing in front of her and pulling a scythe from her so arrogantly. write.

And then……

As soon as her eyes darkened, she didn't know anything.


(?′?`?)*??* ask for monthly pass

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