Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1832: = ???? ('ヮ' = ????)…

When the match of the magical beautiful girl Illya in the half-plane field next door, and even the match of the other top eight players had ended and the winners were decided, the strongest electric shocker Misaka Mikoto and the stalker Wa Layla Sangunar's battle continues.

Of course, it may not be too accurate to say that it is a game?


Until now, even though it has been nearly half an hour, there is still no battle here!

The player who lurked in the shadows, that Valeira Sangunar, still had no intention of showing up and attacking.

Even, people don't know if the opponent is still in the field of play.

However, even if the other party didn't show up, Misaka Mikoto didn't mean to relax at all!

She was still standing in the middle of the field and was waiting, and at the same time, she was still gritting her teeth to maintain the step voltage electric field, so that the lightning snakes around her were still like the beginning, from time to time. Glittering around him.


What no one knew was that after a long time of persevering with a high charge, Mikoto could no longer hold on.

Is this not?

The sweat on her forehead was slipping from her cheeks and dripping onto the school uniform of Tokiwadai Middle School or on the slate floor, but she didn't dare to make any extra moves, and she didn't dare to wipe it off. While standing still and maintaining the electric field, he was holding that shiny, magnetized, heat-resistant gold coin that could be fired at any time.


That's right, Mikoto's "electricity" is really running out, and she herself doesn't know how long she can last, maybe five minutes, or ten minutes?


Up to now, apart from gritting her teeth and continuing to persist, she really has no other way, and it is even more impossible to think of other ways and intimidate the enemy.

So, now, it can be said that Mikoto is the most tormented moment, whether she is mentally or physically, she is about to reach a certain limit.



But she still can't move!

She didn't dare to do anything other than take a breath to relax and feel better, and then continue to maintain the electric field, while not forgetting to be alert to any disturbances around her.


about five minutes left...

Yes, that's five minutes!

Mikoto made an estimate in her heart. She felt that she could only maintain that electric field for five minutes at most.

And after five minutes, her power will be completely exhausted and she will no longer be able to use any lightning or electromagnetic attacks today, including the super electromagnetic gun she has been preparing for a long time!

At that time, she will absolutely not be able to do anything except raise her hand to surrender and admit defeat.


Judging from the current situation, that enemy, that stalker, and the other party still do not have the slightest clue to appear.

Obviously, the patience, will and persistence time of the other party are still unknown, and even, it is likely to be definitely longer than her?

So, gradually, with the passage of time, as her battery was getting lower and lower, Mikoto finally began to feel a little frustrated, and prepared herself to bravely face the helpless ending of admitting her failure.

The sun in the sky was a bit vicious, and Mikoto's face was sunburned.

At this moment, time, like beads of sweat, continued to drip down every second...




At this time, even the audience gradually became impatient.

After all, no one wants to sit in their seats for more than half an hour and watch the female players in the field discharge their electricity. That is really boring!

So, up to now, they have started to play, chat, point and jeer in the auditorium, and let the noisy sound gradually spread to the venue, and it began to affect a little bit. It has almost reached its limit. Mikoto.



After more than four minutes, for the first time, Mikoto lowered her head and sighed, ready to accept the failed ending that made her feel a little frustrated.

That is impossible, because her battery has bottomed out, so she has no choice.



Suddenly, Mikoto sensed a change.

What, what? !

Just when Mikoto lowered her head and sighed, she was about to put away the gold coins and the electric field in her hand and give up the game...

Suddenly, she noticed it!

Just behind her side, that is, at her five o'clock direction, at the edge of the electric field field, she actually discovered waves of weak electric fields and changes in current?

Moreover, that kind of change is still slowly moving towards him, about thirty meters away from him, which is the edge of her electric field?


"I finally found you!"


Immediately afterwards, Mikoto was ecstatic, and at the same time as she cheered, she turned around for the first time, and exploded her last strength, and the moment the electric field of one million volts soared to hundreds of millions of volts, she closed it directly. One eye, at the same time, the right arm is straight, the thumb is curved, and the gold coin wrapped in lightning and magnetic fields is turned and placed between her own thumb and index finger.


Mikoto is going to launch her ultimate move, using her railgun!

Up to now, apart from the protection under her feet and the step-by-step voltage and electric fields for searching and trapping enemies, the remaining power she has is only enough to maintain the last railgun!

Therefore, this will be her final blow to decide the outcome, and at the same time, it will be the first attack in this match today.


Seeing Mikoto aiming at her, hearing Mikoto's cheers, in the next instant, Valera Sangunar who had been sneaking for nearly half an hour finally suddenly appeared.

Shadow Cloak!

Then, instead of retreating, she moved forward, but jumped up quickly, and even resisted the paralyzing effect of the lightning from the electric field under her feet on her feet and body, and charged straight towards Mikoto.

"Good come!"

However, after discovering the other party's intentions, Mikoto not only did not worry, but breathed a sigh of relief.

Because ah, now she still maintains the electric field of the step voltage, the faster the other party rushes, the closer the step is, the bigger the footsteps, the amplitude of the voltage the other party will receive will soon increase to a very exaggerated At that time, let alone the other party approaching him and launching an attack, maybe he will be paralyzed by his own electric field and even fall directly to death?

So, Mikoto knew that she was going to win this time!

The other party should not appear at this time, but should persist for a while, just for a while, maybe only half a minute?

In that case, she might give up first.



Between the electric light and flint, Mikoto felt a little surprised and surprised that the other party was not brought down by her own stepping voltage electric field as she had imagined. An extremely fast speed rushed to the front of him, and also raised the green sharp blade?

However, it was too late for Mikoto to think about it...


Super Electromagnetic Cannon!

Almost at the same time that the opponent rushed to the front and swung the knife, an orange light beam, like a laser, suddenly flashed forward from between Mikoto's fingers!

Its power instantly shattered Valera Sangunar's body, leaving only the broken feet, arms, head and other parts. The strong wind generated by the aftermath was also like a shock wave, oscillating towards the surroundings of the arena.

boom! !

Immediately afterwards, there was an exaggerated movement of the obliquely upper arena roof in the distance being smashed by the railgun and breaking a huge hole, and then the railgun didn't know where it flew.


And then, it was Valera Sangunar's round eyes, without any internal organs, only the arm, a few broken ribs, and the upper body fragment of the head slumped to the ground, and then landed next to Mikoto. Muffled sound.

After struggling for a while, Valera turned her head and glanced at Mikoto who was still standing, then slowly closed her eyes and didn't move with a weird grin.


'Wow ah ah ah! ’

‘Huh! ! ’

'Long live the electromagnetic gun! ! ’

'Victory! ’

‘wahhhhh! ’

'Yeah! ! ’

‘waaagh! ! ’

'Mikoto! ’

'Mikoto! ’

'Mikoto! ! ’

Although this battle is not exciting, and it can even be said to be somewhat boring?

However, after seeing that the game finally ended, and seeing Misaka Mikoto use that heroic and arrogant railgun to instantly smash her opponent with the flashing electric light of her fingertips, the audience held back the audience for more than half an hour. They finally couldn't help standing up one after another and cheered and roared loudly, as if to vent their dissatisfaction?



At this moment, while the audience cheered and celebrated, Mikoto remained motionless in her stance of firing railguns, and the electric snake on her body gradually disappeared.

And then…

When the audience gradually stopped and became somewhat inexplicable, they finally discovered in horror:

As Mikoto's body swayed, a slanted blood line gradually appeared on her neck, and then, the head where her slightly round eyes were located, was quietly shot in the scarlet blaze. slid to the ground.




This time, the game scene instantly became silent.

And those spectators who were still cheering just now, as if they were strangled by their necks at the same time, rounded their eyes and stretched their necks, looking at the headless corpse in the field, and waited until 'it' again He couldn't hold on until he fell softly to the ground.

After half a day...


call! call!


Mikoto abruptly sat up from the bed, and while breathing heavily, she didn't forget to reach out and touch her neck for the first time.

Obviously, her memory is still stuck in a certain terrible moment.

She remembered that her head seemed to be chopped off, and then... and what happened next, she didn't seem to have much impression.

"here is…"


Then, when Mikoto found that her neck was intact at this time, and there was no pain, she also found that her friends were all beside her, and this seemed to be her own room, and she was also wearing pajamas after a long time. , she gradually relaxed.

Mikoto remembered that at that time, the moment her railgun hit the enemy, the sharp blade of Valera Sangunar also seemed to have slashed her delicate neck at the same time, so the two of them, Should it be the end of it?

And now, she herself must have been resurrected!

Then, she was sent back to her room, just like the last time, after she fought with the old mage named Egbert?

"it's me!"



"You must be thirsty, why don't you drink water first?"

Seeing that Mikoto finally woke up without too many violent reactions, Index was relieved and brought a cup of hot water to Mikoto with a smile, and put it in Mikoto's hand thoughtfully.



Gollum! Gollum!


Mikoto didn't reject Index's kindness, she picked up the cup and took two big sips with her head raised. Then, after exhaling a turbid breath, she gradually felt the warmth that filled her whole body. .

She's still alive, breathing, and drinking, nothing better!


"I'm losing, right?"

After taking two more sips, Mikoto looked at Index who was beside her and Annie who was sitting on the sofa opposite the bed and asked.

She didn't know what happened to the enemy, anyway, she only remembered that the moment she fired the railgun, the enemy's sharp blade slashed her neck, and then she felt nothing but a bone-chilling coldness. Can't see.

So, after looking at Index in her room, Kuroko who was hiding and not knowing what she was doing, and Annie who was sitting quietly eating snacks not far away, she asked with a wry smile and an uneasy question.



"You are a draw!"


"However, both of you were also removed from the list. The black-haired lady went straight to the finals by bye, so you don't have to prepare for the competition tomorrow."


Without waiting for Index to speak, Annie told her what she knew and that Mikoto was eliminated together with her opponent.

Moreover, she would not tell Mikoto that the referees originally planned to conduct a rematch and asked her for her opinion, but in the end, she directly refuted that statement and directly let the two be eliminated together.


"A tie?"


Hearing Annie's words, Mikoto blinked, then lowered her head, stared at the cup she was holding in her hands and the hot water inside for a while, and finally nodded in relief.

Although he was eliminated, he didn't lose, or was that a comfort?

However, Mikoto can be considered to understand the horror of the kind of stalker who can escape into the shadows. She played so embarrassed in the game, and if she was targeted by such a killer elsewhere, she would only I'm afraid she doesn't even know how she will die in the end, right?

Fortunately, there is no such guy in Academy City, so as long as she leaves here, she doesn't need to worry about that terrible thing.


"My elder sister's head flew up..."


"Sister's head..."


"Sister's head..."

At this time, without waiting for Mikoto to say anything, in the room, the Kuroko who was curled up on the side, said something in a daze, and sometimes laughed slyly, sometimes excitedly, sometimes sadly, or not. Know what happened to her.


"You guy..."

Mikoto had clearly heard Kuroko's rambling words and saw the other party's reaction.

However, she was a little weak right now. After she opened her mouth and hesitated for a long time, she reluctantly gave up her plan to give the other party a million-volt electric shock therapy.

Because she has just woken up now, and the battery in her body is not very much, so she decided not to punish the abominable Kuroko for the time being, who is pondering some evil things.

Of course, that's only for now. When she recovers completely tomorrow, if Heizi is still in this state, the result will be uncertain.



"Don't be sad. Although you were eliminated, at least you didn't lose. That's good news, isn't it?"

Seeing Mikoto's expression, Index, who thought it was the other party's sadness, hurriedly sat down on the edge of the bed and comforted her carefully.

When she came here this time, she didn't do anything to help her, she just watched the fun, so if she could do something to make Mikoto feel better, she would definitely try to do it.

"I'm not sad!"


"It's just a little unwilling, I thought I could win..."

After speaking, Mikoto stopped and did not continue to speak, and in the end, she just gave Index a grateful and bitter smile.


(ˉ▽ ̄~)~~

"It's not because you're too careless, you idiot?"


"That's a high elves. They grew up soaked in the magic of the Sunwell since they were young, and they are very resistant to all kinds of magic!"


"Your electric field, if it was an ordinary person or a guy like Kuroko, would have been electrocuted to the ground long ago, but for a high elves like them, it is still within the acceptable range!"


Annie said angrily.

In her opinion, Mikoto clearly had a chance to win. At that time, that Valera had reached her limit, and the opponent could not continue to sneak. At that time, as long as Mikoto didn't care so much, she avoided it and tried again. Counterattack, it is estimated that you will win!

But in the end, a certain stupid guy didn't move, and stayed in place and followed the opponent directly?

"You deserve to be beheaded!"

ε=(?ˇεˇ??))) Bah!

After speaking, Annie directly and resentfully spurned it regardless of the other party's mood.


"what are you saying?"

"Sister elder sister's head belongs to Heizi, you can't take it away!"

At this time, Heizi, who heard Annie mention her name and her head, and didn't know what she was thinking, suddenly reacted, and hurriedly stood up and shouted and emphasized.



"You guy..."

However, upon hearing Kuroko's words, Mikoto, who was just about to say something to Annie and express her apology, suddenly sullen her face. At the same time, the small amount of battery left in her body began to go crazy at the bangs in front of her forehead. flickering.

next second!



"Wow ah ah ah!!"

Shirai Kuroko, who still had the 'big sister's head' in his mind, suddenly let out a miserable cry, then rolled his eyes instantly, turned his face to the ground and twitched, and threw himself forward in a very indecent posture in the room. on luxurious carpets.

"I am sorry!"


"At the time, I thought she was electrocuted, and she must have lost her ability to attack, so..."

After finishing cleaning up Kuroko, Mikoto hurriedly turned her head and apologized to Annie.

Because ah, before the game, Annie had already told her about a similar situation, but she forgot about it at that time, and she was so excited that after seeing the enemy, she just went to attack, there was no such thing at all. I thought about the idea of ​​avoiding it first and then counteracting it.


"I'll definitely pay attention next time!"

Saying that, Mikoto, who felt that her body was no longer in serious trouble, stretched her waist, then stood up abruptly, jumped on the floor with her bare feet, and took off her pajamas directly, revealing her healthy complexion. With a delicate body, she changed her clothes in front of Index and Annie.

"You don't have a next time!"


"Forget it! Let's go see Illya!"

ε=('ο'*))) alas

With that said, Annie followed and left the sofa, picked up her little bear and walked towards the door.

The day after tomorrow will be the final final, and she is Queen Anne's friend or apprentice, and now only Illya's seedling is left, so she must go to the other party's fulcrum, at least let the other party be able to fight smoothly. until the finals.


(● ̄? ̄●)


"You go, I'm all right, you don't have to worry about me."

Waving her hand, Mikoto, who had already put on her skirt, didn't mind her bare upper body at all, she just smiled at Annie.


"Since the game is over, let's go shopping later, shall we?"

"We are rich now, I only use one of those gold coins of Annie!"

"Speaking of which, during this period of time, we have not had the opportunity to visit this Silvermoon City properly!"

Then, when she saw Annie leaving, Mikoto suddenly smiled at Index who was beside her, and looked a little impatient.

"Of course it's good!"


"What about Heizi?"

After happily answering, Index looked worriedly to the side and fell on the ground with her head on her head, and her **** was still up, revealing the lace black spot in the middle.

"Don't worry about her!"

"Just let her stay here!"

Saying that, Mikoto, who had put on her childish underwear, pulled off her shirt and hurriedly put it on.

Of course she was still angry about Kuroko who was going to **** her Misaka Mikoto's head, so she decided that she would go shopping with Index today before coming back at night!


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