Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1833: ?(*?)? The future of Alusaria


On the high point of the floating island, the princess of Karthus Kingdom, the descendant of Lance and Namu, Shirley, who has the status of a glorious descendant, is standing silently at the top of this high mountain by herself at this moment. Looking at the one in the distance, the City of Silvermoon was in a daze like daytime under the 'Sunwell' and the twinkling lights.

At this moment, the scenery is undoubtedly beautiful, but she is frowning tightly, looking preoccupied, and has no mood to appreciate it at all.

Because tomorrow is the finale...

Today, after the goddess Lucilles was bye-bye and successfully advanced to the finals, the heroic magician, the magical beautiful girl Ilya, and the other side also successfully defeated the Recart Empire Ice who had been through the trials all the way to the semi-finals. Imelda, the female general of the Dragon Army, successfully advanced to the final.

Therefore, tomorrow will be a battle of dragons and tigers. After all, both sides are mages, and they can summon powerful helpers to assist the battle, there is no doubt!


But Shirley knew that tomorrow's battle, for some reason, would be very unfavorable to them Karthus, or to which of their contestants, the goddess Lucilles, so much so that the great magician Jie Sika was already prepared for failure.

But Shirley is not reconciled!

So, after going to a bad little girl for help to no avail, she thought of another way, and that is the main reason why she is here at night now.


Shirley sat on the stone without saying a word, and there was no one to talk to, so she just let the night wind blow the surrounding trees and flowers and the short silver hair on her cheek, and waited silently.

She has a date here tonight, and it's a matter of tomorrow's game.

But she doesn't know if that person will come, but whether that person will come or not, she will wait here, until the night falls, until the morning light comes, until the game is completely over!

The waiting time was always boring and long, but Shirley did not show any signs of impatience, she still sat demurely on the stone, and let the moonlight and the 'sunshine' on the top of the huge palace in the distance shine. on her.


I don't know how long it took until Xue Li was about to indulge in this dreamy night. Finally, there was a light footstep behind her, which made her feel happy. Then turned around for the first time.


"It's really high here..."

The person who was exclaiming while walking was a little loli with silver hair and red eyes. If you look closely, who else is Ilya, who will be the contestant in tomorrow's final?


"Miss Shirley."

"Have you waited a long time?"


"Find me here tonight, what's the matter?"

After walking to Shirley's side and taking a deep breath of fresh air, Illya suddenly turned her head and asked curiously.

Because, she was invited here by Irena's message, and she is not very familiar with the Shirley in front of her. She has only met a few times in the palace and knows where the other party knows them. It's just a bad teacher Annie, so Illya is a little puzzled, and she doesn't know why the other party invites her here at this time.

But no matter what happened to the other party, Illya was not very worried, and arrived on time directly and generously.


Xue Li originally wanted to have a chat first, but when she was about to speak, she didn't know what to say.



"Is such that!"


"Can I ask you one thing?"

So, after struggling for a long time, Shirley suddenly made up her mind, suddenly trembling and pleading, and looked at Illya hopefully.


"whats the matter?"

Illya blinked her beautiful red eyes, but she didn't agree with her mouth full of recklessness, but planned to listen to it first!


"I beg you, tomorrow, can you make up for it and give up the game!?"

Saying that, perhaps knowing that her request was too much, Shirley suddenly stood up and knelt down towards Illya with a puff.



Seeing this, of course, Illya took two steps back in fright, looking a little overwhelmed.



"But why?"

"Sister Sydney, is your request too sudden?"

"And, what does that have to do with you?"

After a while, Illya, who had barely calmed down, finally regained her senses, and after looking at Shirley, who was kneeling in front of her in frustration and making such a very rude request, she thought for a while. asked with a frown.

It's obviously impossible for Ilia to agree. You know, she also wants to win, and she has a reason to win, and this Miss Shirley in front of her is just an acquaintance who has met her a few times, even They are not friends, but the other party suddenly made such a request, how could she agree to it casually?


"Is such that……"

"Tomorrow, your opponent, that little girl, she is actually our goddess of light!"

Shirley didn't look up, because she didn't want to see Illya's troubled and tangled face.

So, after organizing some language in her heart, it took a while before she directly confessed certain things.



"Just that Lucilles?"

Of course Ilya had heard of the 'Goddess of Light', and she couldn't help but exclaimed.

And then, she finally figured out why the black-haired little girl could directly summon those powerful angels to help her in the battle, so it turned out to be the case?


Shelly nodded.


"That's not right!"

The next second, Ilya exclaimed.

"If she's really that Lucilles goddess..."

"It shouldn't be me who came to beg you, why is it now that you have come to beg me?"

Because, as smart as she is, she quickly found a huge loophole in the other party's words, and loudly questioned the other party's language sickness that she thought was completely unreasonable.



"The state of the goddess is not good, and the magic power of Liana and Lana has been severely overdrawn, so I will come to beg you!"


"The goddess has decided that for the sake of this continent and for the creatures of this world to have more and broader living space, she has decided to sacrifice herself to gain the magic power of tomorrow's duel, so..."


After hesitating for a while, Xue Li whimpered, hesitantly and in a vague way, slowly said some things she knew, and also said that tomorrow the goddess will burn her divinity and try to defeat it in the shortest possible time. Elijah's plan.

"Burning Divinity?"

Although I don't know what divinity is, Illya is still a little scared.


"If she is really a goddess, she will definitely win no matter what?"

"As for burning divinity?"

After frowning and thinking about it, Illya still expressed some doubts about what Xue Li said. After all, the other party's request was too abrupt, and the reason was a bit far-fetched. She was reluctant to believe it, and she didn't want to believe it easily.


"The situation is like this..."

After hesitating for a while, she had no choice but to explain everything she knew, such as the current state of the Goddess of Light, and the fact that God's Domain was attacked by the Azeroth Empire, and the body of God was also captured, so that the magic power was seriously insufficient, and it was impossible to do so. Do not rely on Liana and Lana, the two witches of light to supplement and so on.

However, when the divine body is sealed, it is not enough to rely on the supplement of two witches of light, especially the magic power of Liana and Lana is not very strong, and there is still loss when transforming and absorbing , so that's what she just said.


"Can I go back and think about it first?"

"I can't decide this matter easily. I always have to discuss it with everyone and the teacher first."

Illya said with some embarrassment and confusion.

However, no matter whether what Shirley said in front of her is true or not, at this moment, Illya's face is not very happy at first, because they also want to win very much, and they don't have to do it when they win. Evil things don't have to be given to the other party.


"Feel sorry……"

"I'm giving you trouble..."

Looking at Illya's tangled and reluctant face, where did Shirley still not understand?

So she had to smile wryly and stood up a little frustrated and staggered.

She knew that the request she just made was indeed a bit presumptuous, and, besides, they were not very familiar with each other?

Before, she went to beg Annie, and Annie said that she needed to discuss this matter with Illya herself, but now, with Illya's reluctance, she really had nothing to do.

"I'm bothering you."

"I'm really sorry……."

After speaking, Shirley turned around and left in a lonely way.

In fact, just now, when she was alone here, she had already thought about this situation, but now, seeing that things are almost the same as what she thought, she was depressed, but she was a little bit depressed. Breathed a sigh of relief.

This is the end, since her efforts have no effect, then she has to accept the ending calmly.


Looking at the back of the other party with her arms crossed, Illya just sullen and frowned, and did not speak for a long time until Arturia, Jeanne, and Medusa walked out of the woods.

It turned out that Illya was prepared with both hands. She was afraid that some people would do some insidious things, such as the kind that Heizi once said. Therefore, before she came over, she summoned three people and Let them hide in the woods.


"The meaningless ideal will collapse in front of reality sooner or later, and the mystery will be eclipsed in the face of a higher mystery!"

With a sigh, while moving towards Illya, Artoria also began to add faintly:

"Even the gods who protect this world should be the same as me at this time. Although they have the responsibility and belief to defend the family and the country, when they find that their strength is not enough, they will feel that powerless, right?"


"Tomorrow's battle may be an unjust battle..."

"If that goes against my oath as a knight, and if that's the case, allow me to refuse to fight for you!"

Walking to the front and back of Illya, Artoria sternly stretched out her hand and pressed Illya's shoulder, and said seriously.

This is not the Holy Grail War, and the Command Spell in Illya's hand can't order her, so if she finds out that it is really like that tomorrow, then she will really refuse to fight, that's no joke!

After all, Artoria already knew very well about that competition, and at the same time she knew even more that Illya had no reason to win.


Illya was about to say something, but Joan, who came forward, pressed her other shoulder with her silver-clad hand.

"Nothing but!"


"Before, the reason why I chose to become a heroic spirit was simply because I believed that there are still people in this world who are worthy of saving and who are willing to trust us. The reason why I waved this flag was to respond to the multitude of creatures and trust.”

"And if..."

"That goddess is really willing to sacrifice herself to save the common people, that is an existence worthy of my admiration, even if he is a pagan god, even if he is an incompatible existence, even if he is a **** of different worlds that have no intersection? "

"Faced with such an existence, please allow me to refuse to wave this flag?"

After interrupting what Ilya wanted to say and finishing what she wanted to say, Jeanne showed a kind and encouraging smile.


"Why do you think so much?"

"Let's see tomorrow, if you want to call me, just tell me!"

"I don't mind anyway!"

Unlike Joan of Arc and Arturia, Medusa said it directly, and said that she didn't care who the other party was or what the other party's purpose was, as long as Illya decided to fight, she Medusa They will rush up and chop off the opponent's head as a kick!

After all, the goddess of another world or something, she has never cut it. If she can, she can even petrify the other party, and then cut it down and save it well?


"never mind!"

"Let's go back first and talk about it!"

Illya didn't know if she should discuss the matter just now, but she knew that Luvia and Rin probably wouldn't agree?


"It's really nerve-racking!"

"I knew it would not come."

Before she came, Illya was confidently preparing for tomorrow's game, but now that she's done, she's in a mess. She doesn't know if she's going to win the game tomorrow, or just give up?

However, that kind of thing is not something that can be decided in an instant. After thinking about it, she plans to go back and talk to Rin and the others first, and then think about it carefully at night.

The next day...

In the arena, under the attention and cheers of the audience, the moment the referee announced the official start of the game, something unexpected happened to everyone:

I don't know what's going on, but in front of everyone's eyes, the contestant Ilia first lifted her skirt gracefully towards her opponent, towards the little black-haired girl who was floating in mid-air casting magic and the surrounding audience. After they performed a standard lady's ceremony, they announced on the spot that they conceded defeat and withdrew from the game.


That conference, which was related to the future destiny of the world of Alusaria, ended with the victory of the little girl from the Radiant Legion of Karthus Kingdom amid the uproar, abuse, and doubts of countless people.

Immediately after, from the second day after the convention ended, in the victor, in that little girl, in that little girl who lost the goddess' body and divine power, and now is only the little girl named 'Light of Birth' Lucilles. With persistence and supervision, the peaceful fusion and transformation of the Azeroth Empire for the world of Alusaria has just begun.

Also from which day, all the empires, kingdoms, and lords in the world of Alusaria will join the Azeroth Empire while continuing to maintain their respective territories and certain autonomy. The great fusion of races, including the acceptance of the Demon Race on the Red Moon, has officially started!

And a half-magic girl who accidentally said a word that caused the world to change that half-magic Sonia, the new world she hoped that all races could live in peace and equality, It's finally coming.


On the second day of the game, some unexpected episodes also occurred.

For example: A certain scar-headed little four-eyed teamed up with his friend Hermione. The two attacked their friend together, and brazenly killed their friend Ron in public?

Of course, that's just what people see.

After the two succeeded, they quickly transported the other's body, and then quickly summoned a soul healer to repair the other's soul.

Then, of course, the three fell out on the spot!

Then, that Ron returned to his magic world angrily, while Hermione stayed for some reason. Working part-time at the Stormstout Gourmet Restaurant to pay off debts.

Of course, none of the above is important. The most important things are:

At almost the same time, that is, on the second day after the end of the game, a certain little girl who was the initiator of the bad situation disappeared without a trace!

No one knows where she went, not even her students like Hermione, Irena, Tohsaka Rin, Tohsaka Sakura, Illya and Luvia, or her friends Misaka Mikoto and Intik Si and the others did not know about it, and no one received any letters or messages.

However, that did not prevent the peaceful transformation of this world and the smooth progress of the great integration process, so it was no longer important whether she was here or not.


(?ω?) The next chapter, New World, ask for a monthly pass

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