For the whole night, until the next day dawn, I don't know if it was a guilty conscience or something else, or was it afraid that Annie would really encourage Tibbers to carry out some terrible punishment, such as spanking or spanking or something?

In short, the wicked witch, Melina, who tricked Annie into that boring round table hall, never appeared again!

Similarly, the man with the iron mask doesn't look like a good person, and he has a very short temper, but his cooking skills are quite good, and the strange uncle who is very good at cooking prawns never dared to come back.

So, Annie slept comfortably in that hut for a night, until about noon the next day, she woke up slowly, and left the pot to eat the remaining prawns and some half The giant shrimp queen, who was burnt to charcoal, wandered around again in the lake and swamp areas of the Lienia region.


"Little girl, can you come over?"

"I've been waiting for you here for a long time..."

Suddenly, after Annie wandered around for a long time, in front of a dilapidated church, Annie, who was about to find her way to the front town and found the main entrance of the Magic Academy, suddenly heard someone call her.



"It's him..."


But when she looked at the reputation, she soon found that the other party seemed to be the strange guy who had seen it in Stonewell, that is, in the Nimgford Wilderness, and who wanted to lie to her that there were powerful monsters down the mountain?

"come on!"

"I think we can chat?"

Seeing Annie's reaction, seeing Annie sitting on the shoulders of the giant bear indifferently, the strange guy with the white mask waved to her again.



"All right!"


Anyway, she is idle now. Anyway, Annie is planning to go north to the Rhea Lucaria Magic Academy, and it is on the way anyway, so she patted Tibbers on the head and walked towards him. , I wanted to see what the strange **** who seemed to be waiting for her here said something to deceive her.



"What mask are you wearing..."


Before and after Tibbs carried herself in, Annie frowned and remembered, but she really couldn't remember the specific name of the other party.

"White Mask Fan Lei!"

Seeing Annie's embarrassment, the other party was very attentive and took the initiative to say his own name.



"Yes! It's that one, people also remembered it!"


Yes, Annie remembered immediately after the other party said it, and if the other party didn't say it, she would definitely not be able to remember it. After all, the other party was just an insignificant stranger, so she wouldn't waste her own money. Mind to remember each other.


(● ̄? ̄●)





"Is there anything you need?"


Looking at this sneaky person in front of her, there was always fresh blood on her clothes, and she didn't look like a good guy, Annie couldn't help but asked hesitantly, wondering if the other party took the initiative to find her twice and talk to her again. to do something.


"Nothing, just..."

"I heard about it……"

"Not only did you defeat the 'Limb' Greck, you won a big rune, but you were also successfully led to the Round Table Hall. Presumably, you must have met with Two Fingers, right?"

"So, what do you think about this?"

The guy who claimed to be Fan Lei with a white mask was quite straightforward, he didn't hold anything, he just smiled and asked casually in that weird tone.



Annie didn't know why the other party suddenly asked this, but she was a little puzzled.

At the same time, she also began to be a little vigilant in her heart.

"People don't have any ideas!"


Because, Annie didn't know why the guy in front of him, who was wearing a mask, covered in blood, looked dirty, and smelled stinky, knew so quickly that she had been to the Round Table Hall.

Is the other party with that liar witch Miss Melina, or is there some eyeliner in the round table hall?

Furthermore, Annie also knows from the other party's words that the timeliness of the other party's information does not seem to be very good, and she still doesn't know what she has done in the round table hall, at least it seems that she doesn't know for the time being?

"no idea?"


This answer surprised the other party, so that the other party's original aura of the presence of the old **** suddenly became confused.

"You don't have any other ideas, like..."

"I feel something is wrong with those two fingers, or..."

"Impressed or something?"

"After all, those were two fingers, and you were able to meet him so quickly..."

Although there were indeed some surprises, the other party still did not show it too much, just paused, and then guided him again tentatively.



Holding her arms, Annie didn't give any face, and directly refuted the other party's boring statement.

"People didn't feel that something was wrong, and they weren't moved!"


And the truth is exactly as she said, she really had no idea when she went to the round table hall, it was just a tattered projection half plane with a group of weirdos gathered, and a shabby place like that, and How could it possibly impress her?

On the contrary, not only was she not moved, she was also very angry!

Fortunately, the liar Miss Melina ran fast last night, otherwise, she would have to let Tibbs grab him, then get down on the film witch's pants and slap him hard, Slap each other's **** to bloom and scream!


(● ̄? ̄●)



"Why, why?!"

The white mask Fan Lei was extremely embarrassed, and at first he was a little overwhelmed, and he didn't know where to put his hands, and he could no longer pretend that the old **** was calm.



"They didn't go to see that pair of fingers at all. How about it, aren't you surprised?"


Saying that, after making a big face at the other party, Annie laughed heartlessly.

At that time, Sir Baizhi really wanted to invite her Lady Queen Anne to see that pair of fingers, but who was her Lady Queen Anne, and how could she have the right to ask her to see her Lady Queen Anne's pair of fingers?

So, she refused decisively at that time, and teleported back to the Lienia area without waiting for the other party to say anything.


"That's how it is..."

"I see."

Hearing such a thing, White Mask Fan Lei couldn't help being a little surprised and surprised, but after waiting for a while, after digesting the news, he smiled embarrassingly.

"It's better not to see it."


"It's not credible to say two fingers, and the old woman is also..."

"That's just an old man talking empty words and nonsense, but it can't be true!"

"And it is said that those fingers have long been disconnected from the Supreme Will?"


"I'm still thinking, when Eldon's ring was broken, were the **** and his guide also destroyed at the same time?"

"We all know that this world has long been unable to feel the love of two fingers..."

"About the blessing, that's a lie!"


I don't know if it was intentional or not, the white mask Fan Lei just started to speak badly about the two-fingered and two-fingered witch girl 'explaining' Enya in front of Annie, and vaguely moved the topic in a certain direction. guided.



However, without waiting for the other party to continue speaking, Annie immediately reached out her hand impatiently and interrupted the other party.

"Shi Mi..."


"Maybe you're right, but you don't seem to be a good person, do you?"


"Why should people listen to you?"

Gu Xuan


Sitting on Tibbers' shoulders with her arms crossed, Annie blinked inexplicably.

She didn't know why the other party came here to wait for her and tell her these things. Anyway, she could see at a glance that the other party had some kind of purpose or conspiracy, but no matter what it was, she wouldn't be easily fooled!

Although, the guys in the round table hall are eccentric, I can't believe it, but such a sneaky guy wearing a mask in front of him always has bloodstains on his hands and clothes, and he doesn't look like it. Even a good guy can't be trusted!



Moreover, Annie is already thinking, should she burn the other party directly, so as not to let the other party come to her next time and make her look out of the way?



"I'm here to help you, really!"

Being refuted by Annie in that way, Fan Lei, the white mask, suddenly had nothing to say, so he could only quibble so awkwardly and hesitantly.


"I have something here. I think it should be handed over to you who are smart..."

"With it, you can get rid of the guidance of two fingers..."

Saying that, White Mask Fan Lei hurriedly took out a festering and blood-stained finger from the dirty and smelly backpack behind him, and then, like a baby, he wanted to hand it to him with a curious expression. in front of some miserable little girl.



"Stop! Stop!"


Then, of course, Annie was taken aback by that disgusting thing, and had to make Tibbers take two steps back and immediately stop the other party.



After seeing clearly what was in the other's hand, Annie's face was of course full of disgust and disgust, and even her nose was about to wrinkle.

"People think..."


"Or is it better to burn you now?"


With that said, Annie, who had made a decision in her heart, grabbed a ball of fire directly, and then made a gesture to attack the opponent.


"No no no!"

"I'm not your enemy, I'm here to help you, really!"

"This, this is a means to get rid of the guidance of two fingers, really, it is a magic item, not what you think!"

White Mask looked at the ball of fire in Annie's hand, of course he was a little flustered.

After all, he himself knew that the little girl in front of him was a powerful being who could destroy the demigod 'Limb' Greck and summon a lot of ashes knights, and he was no match for him at all.



However, Annie didn't say a word, and didn't say whether she believed it or didn't believe it. She just made her little bear Tibbers back step by step, as if to make enough distance for the attack later to prevent the opponent from blowing up after the fireball. The shards of flesh and blood splattered around her?

"I'm really here to help you!"


"Don't you want to go to the Magic Academy?"

"I can still help you, I know where a pyroxene key is, it..."

"It's just south of the Crystal Forest. Going northwest from here, you'll find a pile of rocks, where you can definitely find the pyroxene key you want!"


Speaking of this, the white mask Fan Lei suddenly stopped talking, and just looked at the fireball in Annie's hand in fear.



"But what?"


Annie was a little intrigued.

After all, the other party suddenly stopped talking after half of what she had said, and she must have felt a little uneasy and itchy in her heart!

"You have to promise not to attack me first, I'll say it!"


"It's unreasonable for you to do this, I never thought of doing it against you..."

The white-masked Fan Lei, who was apprehensive in his heart, and his hands and feet were also "uneasy", stepped back, and then answered cautiously.

"Is that so..."


Thinking about it carefully, Annie suddenly felt that her reaction was a little too intense.

Although the other party is really disgusting and indeed has bad intentions, but so far, the other party has really done nothing bad to her. If you burn the other party directly, it seems that it is really unreasonable?

"okay then!"


"Go on!"


After thinking about it, Annie had to reluctantly grabbed the fireball, then stared at the other party with a sullen face, and motioned for the other party to continue.



The relieved white mask gradually relaxed, and after a while, he continued to say:


"In the northwest, south of the crystalline forest, there is a rocky ruin, where you can definitely find a pyroxene key!"


"You have to be careful, it is guarded by a pyroxene dragon called Smarag. That place is its lair and territory. I'm afraid it won't give you the key easily?"

After he finished speaking, he looked at Annie with some trepidation, for fear that she would grab a fireball and attack him or something after another word of disagreement. In that case, maybe he would really fall here today.

"Pyroxene dragon?"




"However, how do you know that there must be a key there, and what do you have to do with that dragon?"


However, Annie did not fully believe what the other party said, but asked suspiciously again.

She has never had a bad sense of the dirty and smelly guy in front of her, so if she has a bad impression, she will definitely have to make several discounts for what the other party says.


"Not really!"

White Mask waved his hands vigorously.

"I have nothing to do with it!"


"I got clues before, saying that... a pyroxene mage died in the hands of the dragon when he went to crusade the pyroxene dragon Smarag, and it just so happened that she had a key on her body!"

"Now, her corpse must still be near the dragon's lair. If you can drive away or destroy it, you will be able to get the key!"

"I promise!"

The white mask Fan Lei said with certainty, not daring to hide anything.

"Is that so?"


Annie stopped and began to ponder the other side's words carefully.

"All right!"

( ̄︶ ̄)

"That's it, people will go and see it!"


In the end, Annie was still a little bit interested and said she would go take a look.

Although, she doesn't need that boring key to force her way into the academy, but it's better to use the key if she has one.

Besides, she hasn't seen Pyroxene Dragon or something, so she really wants to see it.



"Blame Shu Mi, don't follow people sneakily in the future, or else, one day people will really not be able to help burn you!"


After threatening, Annie no longer paid attention to the other party, but patted her little bear on the head and told him to go northwest, ready to try his luck at the rock pile in the south of the crystalline forest.

Of course, she wasn't looking for a pyroxene key, she was going to see what the pyroxene dragon looked like. As for the key, it was just incidental. And don't take it too seriously.


(● ̄? ̄●)

(Tibbers also ignored the white mask, just glanced at the other party before stepping away, gave the other party a malicious look, and then walked away directly.)


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