Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1855: ?(*?)? Dragon Roar

On this night, most of the people in the Rhea Lucaria Magic Academy heard the high-pitched and angry screams coming from the southwest.

There is no doubt that it was the voice of a giant dragon. It sounded like the dull thunder in spring. Many people were shocked and couldn't sleep again for a long time.

Anyone who heard the voice knew without guessing that someone must have provoked another 'Pyroxene Dragon' Smarag in the Lyenia region, south of the Crystal Forest.

As for who provoked the dragon, they didn't mind.

They all know that no matter it is a pyroxene magician or someone else, anyone who dares to challenge the giant dragon will end up with one and only one result, and that is: either become the dragon's Chinese food, Or be a decayed nameless corpse near its lair!

So, after hearing the roar of the 'Pyroxene Dragon' Smarag, they silently started the countdown to the last remaining life of a certain guy who didn't know his life.

After about ten minutes...

The thunderous roar and roar of the dragon finally subsided, making everyone heave a sigh of relief.

And the end of 'Pyroxene Dragon' Smalrag's dragon roar, it proves: a guy who dares to 'slay the dragon' or 'disturb the dragon', the life of the other party has ceased to exist. above this world.


"Great, I finally stopped, it seems that another unlucky person died tonight!"

"Listening to that voice is really torturous."


"It can be regarded as a stop, otherwise many people will not be able to sleep tonight."

Inside the main entrance of the Magic Academy, on both sides of the gate of the fortress above the stairs, they have been quietly listening to the dragon roar from a distance, until the thunder-like dragon roar has completely subsided, the two The pyroxene magician guarding both sides of the academy gate finally breathed a sigh of relief.


"Maybe what you just said was wrong, bad luck or something, maybe more than one?"

Immediately afterwards, one of the gatekeeper mage listened for a while and found that there was indeed no dragon roar, and then suddenly sighed with a smile.


"How do you know there's more than one?"

"Is there any evidence?"

Hearing this, the other mage guard naturally disagreed and asked back. His expression looked relaxed and sloppy, and it didn't look like he was on duty at all.

Think about it too!

After all, the two of them are only responsible for the gatekeeping work in the barrier. The long night and the protection of the magic barrier outside the gate, so they don't need to be too concerned or vigilant, they just need to be here Just stand and occasionally stare at the door, keeping an eye out for those who use the pyroxene key to get in.

So, if they were just standing here chatting like they are now, there must be no one to meddle in their business.

Under the protection of the magic barrier of the academy, for many years, no one has broken in, even the terrifying dragon just now, because without the pyroxene key, no one can enter the front. That South Gate step!

Of course, the same goes for the main entrance to the north.


"Of course there is!"

"Did you not pay attention just now? Last month, and a few months ago, when the dragon roared like just now, it was long and short."

"So I thought..."

"The longer ones are because the people who challenge it are stronger, or because there are more people? And the short ones are because there are fewer people and weaker ones?"

"You heard it just now. It has been barking for a long time, and it is very loud. It is the longest time in these years! So I am sure that there are probably no less than ten people who challenge it, or else You can't last that long!"

As if he had seen it with his own eyes, the guard speculated so plausibly, and at first glance it sounded reasonable.


"Now that they are all dead, it is impossible for mortals to succeed in slaughtering dragons!"

"A while ago, didn't someone in the academy go out to slay dragons with a pyroxene key? But look, until now, I haven't seen those guys come back, and I don't know what's going on."

After speaking, the guard sighed again with emotion.


"It doesn't matter if they die or how many they die, anyway, the dragon can't get in. We just need to stay here and prevent some unrelated outsiders from getting the key and sneaking in."

At this time, the other guard became impatient, and said indifferently after stretching.


"So what kind of outsiders are you?"

"It's the royal family, or the ones from our academy..."



"Okay, let's not discuss that topic anymore, that's it!"

I don't know if it touched a sensitive topic, another guard interrupted his companion recklessly without waiting for his companion to speak.

"The Academy and the Royal Family..."


"Yes, don't say it!"

The guard who started talking obviously knew why his companion suddenly had that attitude, so after a pause, he had to smile bitterly, then shook his head, and quickly closed his mouth.



Then, the two of them continued to stand boredly on the steps inside the main entrance of the academy, standing on both sides of the gate of the fortress, and continued their night vigil work.

In fact, there is no need for them to discuss the sensitive topic just now. Almost everyone in the Rhea Lucaria Academy of Magic has already known about it. It is nothing more than the friction between the academic school and the royal family. What a secret.

Over the years, or innumerable years, there has been friction between the academy faction and the Kalia royal family, and the Lienia area, although it is nominally the territory of the Kalia Kingdom, in fact, it is It is jointly managed by the Magic Academy and the royal family. In this lake area, the Academy has a lot of power, such as building the town in front of the Academy and implementing 'local autonomy'.


The ambitions of the Magic Academy are far more than that. Some high-level officials of the Academy even secretly cultivated a private soldier, those cuckoo knights, and have plans for the royal family.

In the same way, the Kalia royal family, who sensed the intention of the academy, naturally would not sit still. They counteracted and directly built a 'Kalia Guard Army' composed of magic knights.

It is said that the ability of every magic knight is comparable to the heroes of the golden tree, that is, those powerful tree guards?

And the duty of those magic knights is to guard against the Magic Academy, so the magic resistance of those Kalia knights' suits is very impressive, and the pertinence is also very obvious.

Later, the two sides naturally broke out into conflict, and in the end, of course, it ended in the failure of the Magic Academy.

Then, in order to suppress the power of the Magic Academy, the royal family arranged for the Queen of the Full Moon, Rena La, to suppress it. Later, the Queen of the Full Moon and the son of Radagan, 'Broken Star' Rattane cut off the gap between the stars and the magician at the border. The connection completely suppressed the Magic Academy.

It was the darkest hour of the Rhea Lucaria Academy...

But fortunately, with the departure of Radagan, the Queen of the Full Moon began to sink, which directly led to the decline of the Kalia royal family, so the factions in the Magic Academy who opposed the royal family began to move again.


Those things, even though they knew about it, they didn't dare to discuss it casually!

After all, this is still the Rhea Lucalia Magic Academy under the control of the Kalia royal family. The Queen of the Full Moon is still here, and the 'Broken Star' Ratan is still covering the light of the stars. Therefore, some things, they just Definitely wouldn't dare to do it.


The current conflict between the Magic Academy and the Kalia royal family is nothing more than the result of certain ideological conflicts and contradictions.

For example, at present, most of the actual senior management of the college believe that it is not desirable for the college to continue to maintain its neutrality and maintain the barrier that is closed to the outside world. to this world?

But the Kalia royal family, who had been fighting against the golden tree before the break of Eldon's ring, didn't think so. In addition, the current full moon queen has fallen into madness because of Radagan's betrayal, so the royal family is even more. Impossible to agree with the Academy's approach.

As a result, the rift between the two sides over certain issues and decisions inevitably widened, so much so that the two gatekeepers could see the problems and brewing storms in the academy.

Even, as far as they know, some high-level people have already made a lot of big and small actions, but it has not been disclosed to the public because of the closure of the academy, but in any case, it is best for them not to discuss too much casually, so as not to bring misfortune to yourself.

And this time...

Not long after the dragon's roar ceased, in front of a pyroxene dragon's lair not far south of the crystalline forest, what was happening was completely different from what the two gatekeepers had imagined based on their voices.

Here, there are not one or more corpses of 'Dragon Slayer' and 'Dragon Disturber'. Here, there is only one corpse with a bruised nose and a swollen face. At this time, it is lying in the lake and swamp that is neither deep nor shallow. Just a giant pyroxenic dragon whining and moaning.

That's right!

For a certain bad little girl, she didn't know, and she didn't want to know how much trouble she came to find this pyroxenic dragon, and how much trouble it caused to the people in the magic academy not far away. People's sleep, she only knew that after a while of tossing and playing, she finally succeeded in persuading a certain violent dragon.



"Should I be honest now?"

??(?? ̄? ̄)????

"Look at you, your whole body is covered with pyroxene, and you've been infected by some hot outer gods. You're not honest?"


After examining the ugly stones on the dragon's head, body and wings, Annie took a step forward and kicked the opponent's big nose.

She knew that the giant dragon in front of her, this kind of protist, was definitely infected by the so-called 'gods' of the stars, and the so-called pyroxenes were probably the kind of boring starlight fragments, that is, the outer gods are here. Traces of influence exerted by the world.

But Anne wouldn't go into that kind of boring thing, whether it was or not, it was none of her Queen Anne's business!



"People don't bully you in vain. After a while, they will treat you well. Then, how about you become their mount?"


Annie leaned in front of the other party's big eyes and asked carefully, as if she was afraid that the other party would not see the fierce and threatening gaze in her eyes.

Anyway, Annie thinks, it's better for the other party to be more acquainted?

Because, she is very, very skilled in the business of burning dragons. She started playing with dragons when she was three years old, and if the big guy in front of her dared to refuse, she would not mind being in this swamp at all. Leaving a scorched black dragon skeleton for future generations to look up to!


(● ̄? ̄●)


'Pyroxene Dragon' Smalrag raised its huge vertical pupils to glance at a little girl who was upset, and then slowly closed it again.

At this moment, it has no energy to answer, nor does it want to answer.

After all, whoever fell asleep at home and was suddenly provoked and beaten up by a giant bear, and the key was that he lost in the end... In this situation, whether it is physical If it's still psychological, it's definitely not very pleasant, so if you don't say a word and keep silent, it becomes its last stubbornness.

"If you don't speak, then people will treat you as agreeing!"


In fact, it doesn't matter whether the other party agrees or not. Annie's questioning of the other party is just a passing scene.

"So, it's too pitiful to see you. That person asked you to rest for a night. Let's go to that magic academy tomorrow?"


In fact, Annie didn't think about this stupid dragon at all, but felt that if she ran into other people's magic academies at night, the impact would definitely not be good, and it would be easy to dislike it, so ah, she I plan to wait until the sun rises.

"That's it!"


After speaking, after making a decision, Annie jumped towards the other side's lair, towards the depths of the pile of rubble.


On the corpse of a mage wearing a glowstone hood, she found a glowstone key that was said to be able to pass through the enchantment and safely enter the magic academy.

"That's it?"



(ˉ▽ ̄~)Cut~~


However, after reading the pin-like key, Annie felt that there was no need for it. After thinking about it, she threw it into the lake! "


"I almost forgot, it seems that there is a bald man who really wants this stuff..."


Then, just lost Annie and regretted it a little.

"never mind!"

ε=('ο'*))) alas

"Anyway, I'm not familiar with him, and I'm too lazy to go back to find him, so that's it!"


But after thinking about it for less than a second, Annie was relieved again.

After all, that bald man is not her friend or any important person, not even an acquaintance, so Her Lady Queen Anne must have no need to think about such a stranger.

So, the key is left here, and you can tell the other party when you meet it next time, and if the other party can find it, it is the other party's luck, but if you can't find it, pull it down, she doesn't want to care about those trivial things. Little things!



"Tibbers, let's find a clean place to rest!"


After finishing everything, Annie waved to a certain bear.

This big night, she has to come to fight the dragon, and she has tossed it for a long time. Now that she has done it, she must have a good rest. If there is anything, she can wait until dawn to talk about it!


(● ̄? ̄●)


(σ???)σ..:*☆Monthly Pass

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