After many days of rectification and restoration, as of noon today, the walls, houses, streets, etc. of Stonewell City have all been sorted out.

With the unremitting efforts of the nearly 10,000 residents who returned to Stoneville City after hearing the news, as well as a large number of 'Fire Eye' knights and the reorganized soldiers of the original Greck, this Stoneville City was finally swept away. This decadent and dilapidated appearance has turned into a pair of flags and cleanliness, and finally has what a real big city should look like.

Of course, it just looks like a big city with one or two points on the surface.

After all, no matter what, in a short period of less than a month, it will definitely not be able to compare with the heyday before Greck came here.

In fact, including the Royal City of Rodel, after the shattering of the Eldron Ring and the outbreak of the Fragment War, the entire border area has almost turned into a decadent and dilapidated ashes, which has long since lost its glory in the golden age. .

However, those things are not important!

Although Stoneville City is getting better little by little, at this time, on the Golden Throne of the original Greck, which is now the highest point of Stoneville City, in front of the throne of Queen Anne of Storm and Fire, in In that hall, the Queen's exclusive witch Serorina, the big tree guard whose name is still unknown, two furnace knights with unknown names, Greck's puppet general and 'Fire Eye' knight and other members of Stonewell City The seniors were not happy at all.

Because ah...

Just three days ago, they discovered that their queen of 'Storm and Fire', the new golden king of Stonevale who ended Greck's brutal rule, and their queen Anne Hastur, was staying behind. After a letter to let the witch Serorina govern, it disappeared without a trace, and there is still no news, nor when it will come back.

"Big, have you seen it?"

"Although the letter didn't say where to go, or what to do or when to come back, I can be sure that Master Anne is going to do some very important things, it must be like that!"

Standing beside the throne, silent for a while, and after conveying the magic letter left by Anne to everyone, looking at everyone in the meeting, the witch Serorina, who seemed to be comforting herself, finally gathered up her courage. , began her somewhat cramped speech.


"You said, there is a very important matter here, what should we do?"

"Wait for the master to come back, or..."

Anyway, the witch Serorina didn't say anything, she just looked at the senior generals of the elder brother present with a look of help, waiting for their response.

To be honest, Serorina has always been very uneasy about the arrangement of the little queen she serves, and she is very worried that she is not up to the arduous task of ruling on her behalf.

In fact, it would be fine if it was just to maintain and manage Stonewell City. That thing is very simple, and she doesn't even need to take care of it. The generals present can do a good job, but... the situation is different now. Now, Stonewell City has received a letter for help from the south. The matter is very urgent, so she must make a decision as soon as possible.

And this is the main reason why she has gathered so many senior generals today and brought them together.



Just finished speaking, the two fully-armed furnace knights glanced at each other, and then one of them stepped forward and faced the one who was much thinner and slender than them. Serorina before the Golden Throne said:

"The original monarch we served has long since been expelled. I am afraid that Ladagon and his heirs will not be able to accommodate us. Now we have nowhere to go, and Queen Anne saved me..."

"So, we decided to stay. If you have any orders, please do so!"

"I will definitely help you!!"

After speaking, after expressing his attitude, the furnace knight saluted the witch Serorina next to the throne, and then stood back again.

Although they did not express their allegiance to Stonewell City and the little girl king, the two furnace knights have not left here until now, and they have been helping to maintain order in the city and still claiming to be subordinates, which is enough to show Some intentions of the two of them.

"me too!"

"I am a guardian of the golden tree, and I am also a knight. If I am guarding this land, please give me an order."

At this time, the hero of the golden tree, the big tree guard, also stood up and spoke with vigour.

Although they were loyal to the golden king Greck before, some behaviors of that 'limb' king are really unpopular, and it can even be said that they have reached the level of alienation and betrayal, and they are just because of Responsibility, so I don't dare to be disobedient.

But now it's alright, 'Limb' Greck has been defeated, and the Golden Tree and Wangcheng seem to have long forgotten them, so they can naturally do what they think is right, it has nothing to do with loyalty, Just due to duty and honor.




When the big tree guard finished speaking, the middle and high-ranking officers in the former Greck army looked at me and I looked at you. In the end, no one said a word, just a little uncomfortable, and they didn't know what was in their hearts. Think about something.

Obviously, the fact that the little girl who was strong enough to defeat the demigod master Greek they originally served was not in the city really had a big impact on them, especially when their loyalty was not very high?

However, in the end, they did not dare to make any inappropriate remarks. After all, in Stonewell City, whether it was the furnace knights or the tree guards, or the 'fire eye' knights who ended the rule of Greck with their own hands, they were not They can provoke the remnants of the defeated generals who have been reorganized and finally less than 2,000.

Therefore, choosing to remain silent has become their only choice.


"What's your opinion?"

The witch looked at the "Magma Casters" on the other side who were summoned by Annie with their ashes and souls, to see what they were thinking.


"We have no opinion!"

"Since the Queen asked you to preside over the affairs of the witch Serorina, then your order is Her Majesty's order!"

"Please order!"

"We 'Fire Eye' knights will resolutely carry out any orders you give, for the sake of the great Queen Anne!"

The one wearing the rock armor mixed with magma and metal, with dark red magic runes on it, and two 'fire eyes' knights with flickering flames in the gap of the helmet stood up, and went directly to the throne next to Cero Lena expressed their firm stance.


At this point, Serorina finally breathed a sigh of relief.


"I said it!"

After seeing that everyone had no objection, Serorina finally told the piece of information she got today.

It turns out...

On the peninsula to the south, near the Sacrifice Bridge south of Lake Aquil, the 'Fire Eye' knights who were patrolling and investigating the surroundings of Nimgford met a blind girl who also claimed to be Moen The daughter of the city lord, and then begged the 'Fire Eye' knights to bring back a very important message to Stonewell City, that is:

There was a very terrible rebellion in the city of Moen, the southernmost part of the peninsula, and some people (or not at all) in the city launched a violent attack on the soldiers and inhabitants, and it was said that there was some kind of terrible rebellion. Monsters involved?

And now, Moen City urgently needs the support of Stonewell City, and the sooner the better?

"We all know."

"Master, she must become the King of Eldon. There is no doubt about that! That peninsula and Moen City should also be sheltered by the future King of Eldon. Do you have any objections?"


Seeing that everyone had no objection, that everyone was looking at her, and that they had just expressed their support for her temporary 'government', the witch Serorina took a deep breath and said Her final decision:


"I decided: send troops to quell the rebellion in Moen City!"

"In the name of Master Anne!"

Although Serorina can't remember many things, she still remembers a mission that can never be changed, that is: to help the master she serves, that is, Annie to become the king of Eldon!

And now, to become the king of Eldon is not only to control Stoneville City, but also to completely pacify and completely control the entire Nimgford area, which naturally includes the entire peninsula south of the Sacrifice Bridge. border and the city of Moen.

And now, the rebellion in Moen City gave them the best excuse to send troops!

She felt that since Stoneville City has gradually restored calm and order, then they can slowly manage and recover the entire Nimgford area.

Before the master comes back, she will use the fastest speed to help the future 'King of Eldon' to firmly control the entire Nimgford area and the city of Moen to the south, and go to the city for her future master, Annie. The most solid foundation is laid by visiting the Ayrden Ring!




click! !

Hearing this, the tree guards, furnace knights, 'Fire Eye' knights, and those knights from the original Greck in the throne hall stood at attention one after another, and after making a neat sound of armor collision, they all moved towards the standing gold. The witch Serorina next to the throne looked at her and waited for a more specific order from the other party.

For example, how many troops will be sent to conquer Moen City, who will lead the army and who will be responsible for the logistics and so on.


Almost at the same time, when the sorceress Serorina was about to send her army, the Furnace Knights and the Guardians of the Great Tree to the south to conquer the city of Morne for her master to ascend the King of Eldon, a certain man who had been missing for three days. The bad little girl is now riding on the big toy she caught, which is the head of the giant dragon Smarag, who was cured of the pyroxene infection by her. Rhea Lucalia Magic Academy in the mist and enchantment.

"That's right there, right?"




"In the case of the South Gate, it should be over there, behind the town in front of the gate?"


Annie looked down at it condescendingly, and quickly determined the specific location, and then prepared to land.

"Let's go!"

?*. ?(ˊ▽ˋ*)??*.

"Smalrag, dive, let's rush in!"

Gu Yi


Then, Annie reached out and patted the dragon's head and gave her order.

'? ? ’


Flapping his wings and hovering in mid-air, the pyroxene infection on his body had been cured, but he seemed a little puzzled by the giant dragon Smalrag, who was no longer so repulsive of Annie, and did not immediately obey the order and rushed down.



"Don't worry, people will solve that broken enchantment, and it will definitely not let you hit your head and bleed!"


Annie, who knew what the flying dragon under her feet was worried about without thinking, naturally hurriedly explained, and stomped her feet impatiently to urge:

"hurry up!"


"Hurry up, get down!!"


The other party dared to question her Queen Anne's order, but if it wasn't for the fact that she had just caught it, she would definitely make it look good!



Although he was still a little worried, Smalrag, who had seen the terrifying methods of a bad little girl, did not dare to hesitate any longer. He fluttered his wings, then closed his eyes, resigned his fate, and headed straight towards the man who was shrouded in a magical barrier. The south gate of the Rhea Lucaria Magic Academy swooped down.

Swish! !

'? ? ’

Soon, something unbelievable happened to the dragon Smalrag...

I don't know what happened, but it really easily passed through the magical barrier that was completely insurmountable in the past, and successfully entered the sky above the south gate of the academy?

'! ! ’

However, the next second!

Just as it was about to land in front of the spacious south gate, it had to hurriedly flap its wings desperately again to prepare to fly again.

Because, as soon as it lowered its head, it saw that there were actually a lot of pyroxene magicians standing on the square and the steps of the arch bridge at the south gate of the academy below!

And what's even more terrifying: after they saw it break through the barrier and come in, they would use all kinds of terrifying spells regardless, such as the pyroxene crushing stone, pyroxene meteor, pyroxene arc, etc. , bombarded it towards it without money?

Therefore, for the sake of its dragon life, it must be the first to raise its altitude and avoid it.

Although it is a giant dragon, Smarag has pressed its lair next to the Magic Academy, and is not very afraid of those pyroxene magicians, but it is not lacking enough to dare to fly over the Academy and at the same time To provoke so many pyroxene mages!


!? (?\'\'??)?

"Hey! Stop it!"


"What are you doing, people are here to visit!!"


Seeing those academy magicians below who were chaotic and shouting and launching various attacks, while Annie hurriedly shouted to explain, she had to hurriedly use a huge lava shield to help A foolish dragon who was recovering from a serious injury blocked the chaotic and ferocious surprise attacks.

Obviously, the academy mages who hid in the barrier and gathered at the south gate had already seen them, and Annie had seen them too, but she thought those people were going to welcome her, but she didn't think so, Just came in and was hit in the head?

Fortunately, Her Lady Queen Anne is not an ordinary person, otherwise, the sudden attack from the opponent just now would have to be shot down directly!

"stop fighting!"


"People are really here to visit you!"


"Really, there is no malicious intent!!"


After blocking the first wave of the opponent's sudden attack, Annie didn't wait for the opponent to cast the spell again, and then drove the Smarag to lower the height, and then shouted loudly at the wizards near the south gate again. explained.



"There seems to be another person on the head of that dragon?"


"It was the shield she cast just now?"

"Is she a witch?"

"How to do?"

"She said she came to visit."

"Leave her alone!"



However, an academy mage in charge of commanding did not believe Annie's explanation, nor did he pay attention to the surrounding mage who wanted to stop. Adjust the distance again, and attack the giant dragon protected by the dark red shield and the witch on the dragon's head, ready to use a violent pyroxene magic salvo to hit the giant dragon and the dragon's head that dare to approach again. The intruders were shot down.

"The stars are above!"

"What kind of visit is it to ride a giant dragon into the barrier?"


"Don't mind her, hurry up, keep attacking!"

"Make sure to shoot them down!!!"

Obviously, the leading mage did not want to believe that a person who directly rode a giant dragon and broke through the barrier arrogantly and broke into their Rhea Lucaria Magic Academy would be the so-called 'no malice'. visitor!

Therefore, after some testing, more, denser and more powerful pyroxene magics rushed towards the sky as if they were free of money, and hit Annie's lava shield one after another. Ripples like ripples.





Seeing those people continue to attack even after she explained it twice and three Hearing the words of the mage in the lead, wearing a mask of an ugly glowstone, Annie was finally provoked. Now, and intends to take action personally, to give a good look to those guys who dare to attack her for no reason!

"People are angry!!"


You must know that Annie has never been the kind of master who won't fight back. It doesn't matter whether it's justified or unreasonable, once she gets angry, the consequences will definitely be very serious!





A burst of orange-red explosion fireballs quickly fell from the sky, slamming down precisely and fiercely towards the surroundings of the mages!


"not good!"

"Wow ah ah ah!!"

"Help, help!!!"

"Uh ah..."

boom! boom! boom!

Then, the pyroxene mages who were defending at the south gate of the Rhea Lucaria Magic Academy did not have time to launch the third round of attacks, and they saw the sky turned red directly amid the horrified and unpredictable exclamations. Then, as the fireball landed, they were instantly completely drowned in the endless sea of ​​fire by the fireball spells that Annie sent out like falling stars...


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