Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1857: ? (????) ノ 3 姐 Sister Tower

The inherent territory of the royal family, to the west of Kalia Castle, there are three towering magician towers, they are the magician tower of Reina magician, the magician tower of Selvis and the most western one, the Radha. The mage tower of the Moon Princess Lani, daughter of Gang and the Full Moon Queen.

That's right!

La Ni is the demigod, the youngest daughter of the full moon princess Reinara. She served the mage Rena since childhood, learned the magic of snow, and had long been in contact with the outer gods of the stars, and she has been planning to destroy the golden law. And ushered in the era of bright stars.

Because of that, she stole the Rune of Death, forged it into a black blade, and killed the prince 'Golden' Godwin's soul with the black blade on that 'night of the black sword', making Godwin become A dead man was born.

At the same time, she is also the culprit who caused the curse of death to contaminate the entire border, causing a huge crack in the golden law, and indirectly causing Malika to smash the ring of Eldon!


At this time, at the top of the mage tower, the so-called culprit, Lani, was standing in front of the window, silently looking up at the sky.

The current Lani is not what she used to be, she is just a puppet now.

Because, in order to get rid of the influence of the death curse that polluted the entire borderland, she had already transferred her soul to this doll, and also destroyed her own 'demi-god' body!

That kind of resolute and ruthless approach made her a ruthless person who was not inferior to the werewolf subordinate Blazer under her command!

Maybe, compared with her subordinate, she is just a little less?

Of course, those things are not important, and there are very few people who know about them!

Anyway, apart from a very small number of insiders, not many people in the entire border must know that it was such a beautiful and refined magical puppet girl in front of her that indirectly caused the shattering of the law ring and the tragedy of the whole world.


"The golden tree is getting dimmer..."


After a while, the puppet girl wearing a huge Snow Witch pointed hat and a Snow Witch robe and dress sighed softly.


"I seem to see the shadows of the stars..."

Yes, she was just observing the tracks of the stars.

Although it looks into the sky now, I can't see anything. Although the golden tree is losing its light little by little, its current brilliance and canopy still completely block the sky at the junction, allowing The light of the stars did not shine on the border at all.


I don't know why, since the ring of Elden was broken, Lanni found that the golden tree became more and more dim and decadent, and the leaves began to fall. Correspondingly, it was in the sky. Occasionally, shadows and traces of stars can be seen.

Of course, it was only occasional, and it was very short-lived, so that even Lanni didn't know if it was some kind of illusion caused by her looking forward to the arrival of the stars too much.

But it didn't matter, she didn't mind whether it was an illusion or not.

She enjoys the tranquility of this moment very much. Although she can only occasionally glimpse the faint shadows of the stars, it is enough to show that her plan is hopeful, and it can also make her doll body and soul, To feel the incomparably relaxed, comfortable and joyful feeling of seeing a glimpse of the starry sky.

Because she does not regret the things she has done at all. If the world can really return to the era of bright stars, then all the sacrifices will be worth it.



It didn't take long for La Ni to look up at the starry sky and her serenity was broken by the sound of footsteps.

From the sound of heavy footsteps getting closer and closer, it was not difficult for Lani to judge who was coming, so she slowly walked to her seat with a few magic books and sat down, and said towards the door. .

"Is it Blazer?"

Blazer is the waiter bestowed on her by "Two Fingers". He is a loyal guy and a good subordinate who will never betray. It can even be said that he is her shadow and has done many, many difficult things for her.


It is precisely because the other party is a special servant of Kamito sent by Shuangzhi, and it is very likely that he is watching her along the way, so that also casts a haze on the relationship between their master and servant.

Lani doesn't know when the other party will turn into a terrifying curse and become her disaster, but at least for now, she still trusts the other party, and the other party is still loyal to her, that's enough.

"come in."

Therefore, La Ni didn't make the other party wait any longer, and directly signaled the other party to come in.

After all, her current body is just a puppet, and there is no secret that she cannot see people.


"There is news from the Magic Academy..."

Soon, a tall werewolf, the so-called servant of the gods, Blazer strode in, and briefly reported an important event without any fuss.



After listening to Blazer's report, Lani was naturally taken aback, and raised her blue snow demon woman puppet face somewhat unexpectedly.

"Rea Lucalia Magic Academy was attacked?"


"Who did it?"

After being surprised, Lani frowned and thought for a while, and then she looked back at her loyal servant, Blazer, and motioned for him to continue.

"Feel sorry!"

"Lord Lani, there is no more news for the time being, I just heard that it was done by a mage riding a giant dragon."

"The other party fell from the sky and brazenly attacked the south gate of the academy."

"It also completely burned the southern gate of the academy, and the connection world was also affected a lot."

Blazer didn't hide it, and directly stated the key points.

In Blazer's view, who is a little more ruthless than the ruthless, there is nothing strange about the mage. Except for the master who is serving in front of him, Lani, even if it is a guy like Sylvez, he can slash with a weapon. Not at all soft!

And the dragon has nothing to be afraid of. Although that kind of creature is indeed very powerful and difficult to defeat, if the conditions are right, it is not impossible to kill the dragon?


The combination of the mage and the dragon is really tricky, at least, if he encounters such a guy, he will definitely go around.



You must know how many dragons there are in and around this Lyenia area, and where they are located, La Ni knows better than anyone else!

For example, the pyroxene dragon Smarag in the south of the crystalline forest, and a certain pyroxenic dragon Adura who would scramble around, and... the lava soil dragon Makar to the north?

"If it's an attack on the Magic Academy..."

"Could it be the pyroxenic dragon, Smalrag, to the west of the Lake District?"

After being astonished, Lanni soon expressed her guess and thought that Smalrag was a big suspect, after all, it was the closest!

However, which powerful mage would have the strength to tame such a giant dragon and bombard the Magic Academy, she really didn't know.

"It shouldn't be!"

"The one depicted in the intelligence is not the pyroxenic dragon."

"It is said that..."

"Is it... a fire dragon?"

After hesitating for a while, finally the werewolf Blazer shook his head, and then said what he saw from the intelligence.

"Fire dragon?"

"Could it be that lava soil dragon Makar?"

"However, it's impossible for Makar to fly. It's just a soil dragon that has already lost the ability to fly."

Lan Ni pondered, puzzled.

If it weren't for the dragons in the Lienia area and nearby, she really couldn't guess which one it was. After all, there are many ancient dragons, flying dragons, corrupt dragons and other dragons in this world. When suddenly It's normal for a strange fire dragon and a strange wizard to appear, she doesn't know.


"The results of it?"

"What about casualties?"

Since she couldn't understand or guess which dragon and which mage it was, La Ni had to temporarily suppress her doubts and asked again.

"I don't know."

"I only heard that the Magic Academy shook hands with the other party and made peace."

"However, I guess it is likely to be a peace after the defeat. As for the more specific, it is not very clear for the time being, and there is no more information on the returned information."

Blazer didn't continue to talk nonsense, and told everything he knew.

However, this incident shocked him quite a bit. After all, a mage riding a giant dragon raided the magic academy with the protection of the enchantment. In the end, not only did he not lose, but the academy was forced to ask for peace. It proves the strength of the opponent, it must be very terrifying!


"Shake hands and make peace?"


"It's quite rare..."

Lanni, like Blazer, knew that things were definitely not as simple as they seemed, so she couldn't help but sighed with a little laugh.

"All right!"

"I know about this matter, and I will continue to pay attention."

"Remember to continue to pay attention to the other thing I ordered earlier, go!"

After hearing Blazer's report, Lani pondered for a while, then, because she didn't know the specific situation and was unwilling to do more, she gently waved at Blazer.


Blazer didn't dare to neglect, he hurriedly responded, and was ready to quit.

"Do not……"

"Wait first!"

However, before waiting for her werewolf to leave the gate and go down the spiral staircase, Lanni reached out and called out to the other party again.

However, she did not speak in a hurry, but lowered her head slightly to think about something.

"Magic Academy?"

"Fire dragon?"

"At this time, who will it be?"

"That's it."

After thinking for a while, Lan Ni, who really couldn't understand, put it away.


Immediately afterwards, she raised the arm of her own puppet and summoned a blank parchment from the stack of books beside her with magic.

Then, as the fingers of her blue-and-white puppet danced lightly, the characters jumped quickly, and it didn't take long for a letter to be written on the blank parchment full of fluorescent magic words. The name of the believer was written: Kalia Knight 'Mugram'.

However, on the signature, Lani did not write her own name, but only used a magic seal of the Kalia royal family.


"Have someone send this letter to the Magic Academy..."

"The rest just need to be handed over to the Mugram Knights."

"I believe that he will soon convey the information we want to know."

Although that Mugram was not actually her subordinate, Lan Ni was not worried about the other party's loyalty to the Kalia royal family, so after the other party saw the letter, she believed that the other party would definitely do it for her Well that little thing.



"Do you have anything else to do?"

The werewolf Blazer didn't hesitate much, he went forward to take the letter, and then asked again to confirm.

"temporarily unavailable……"

"You go back first."

"Using the doll's physical activity is still too much magic, not as free as imagined, so I need a short period of sleep."

"The rest, just follow the plan."

"When you get more information, remember to wake me up again..."

After speaking, Lani waved her hands a little tiredly, and soon, the head of her doll body slowly dropped, and then she didn't move.


"I see."

Blazer bowed his head in response, and then, seeing that their Lord Lanni was already asleep, he didn't dare to disturb him, just took two steps back slowly, and then turned his head, turning his head as lightly as possible. Leave.


(?ω?)?Monthly pass?

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