Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1858: ?(???)??? The last stubbornness of the Magic Academy

As shown in the first-hand information received by the members of the Kalia royal family who gradually moved to the inherent territory of the royal family, that is, the Kalia Castle, the Rhea Lucaria Magic Academy was indeed It was attacked, and then, the academy did shake hands with the giant dragon mage who attacked.


What was not written in the information was that the college did not want to take the initiative to seek peace, but was forced to do so, and the vague description in the information was just to take care of the college's decency.

In fact, that's something that can't be helped. The strength of the other party is somewhat beyond their imagination.

Especially after several master pyroxene masters were dispatched urgently, but they were all beaten to the ground, they decisively chose to surrender under the lewd power of the giant dragon and the terrifying dragon mage, and chose to believe in the intruder. That outrageous statement, and agreed and willing to believe that the other party rode a dragon into the enchantment and launched an attack brazenly came to the academy to visit, is it really just a misunderstanding?

Although their magical barrier was severely damaged, although the south gate of their academy was reduced to ruins in the flames, and even though they had hundreds of middle and high-level pyroxene mages seriously injured, they finally decided to let go of the past. Quan Dang has never happened, and is ready to carry forward the fine tradition of hospitality of the Magic Academy, and to give the greatest respect and courtesy to the international Mage friends who come to the Academy for a 'visit' based on the principle of openness and inclusiveness!


After the 'misunderstanding' was resolved, the two sides quickly became one, and the academy even sent people to arrange a banquet at the first time, and also specially sent two pyroxenes who have a pivotal position and powerful strength in the academy Accompanied by the old mage, he was responsible for guiding the powerful dragon mage to visit and visit the academy.

Therefore, this scene has only appeared now: a certain miserable little girl is carrying her stuffed toy bear, under the leadership of two academy mages who wear pyroxene magic hoods and can't see their faces, under the leadership of countless Under the onlookers of the academy mages who pointed and dared to speak out, they began to enter the interior of the academy.



"Your barrier is so well-covered that it covers the sky. It's daytime now, but it's gloomy inside..."


Looking at the lights from the windows of the college building in the distance, and then at the gray sky, if Annie wasn't sure that it was daytime outside, she might have thought it was time for dinner and bed.

"You have so many mages here, can you just seal the two gates for a while?"


"As for this?"

ε=('ο'*))) alas

After speaking, Annie couldn't help but sighed, and felt that the guys in the Rhea Lucaria Magic Academy were a little too cautious. They even used magic to completely seal the sky, but it didn't seem to be of any use. Anyway, she couldn't stop her, Her Lady Queen Anne.

Just now, when she was at the door, she just burned the south gate of the other party's house, and then, incidentally, she burned the wizards who dared to resist.

Because, at that time, she still managed to grasp the proportions, and did not directly kill them, but just made their clothes, beards or hair scorched and blisters on their bodies.

After all, she really came to visit, not to conquer this place, and that was the reason why these guys in front of them quickly surrendered and admitted defeat.


"Master Anne, what you said is..."

"We'll take your words into consideration."

"That's right!"

"Let's write a report when we go back to convey your valuable opinions solemnly?"

The two wizards who were leading the way hurriedly turned their heads, and bowed flatteringly and said, and then continued to lead the way, signaling Annie to follow them quickly.

As for whether what they said would attach importance to Annie's opinion is true or false, it is very debatable.

"Your Excellency the Archmage, please come this way."

"be careful……"

"There are quite a few deceased births there and some um... can be said to be some frustrated mages?"

"Anyway, it's better for you not to deal with them."

Immediately afterwards, when passing through a courtyard that looked a little desolate, the old mage wearing a glowstone hood also reminded him very considerately.



Annie didn't mind, and continued to follow the two of them forward.



And the two of them didn't take the initiative to stir up the topic again, and they were so eager and slightly flattering to guide the road ahead, and while winding around, they took Annie to one of the largest buildings in the academy.

After a few minutes……



"Hey! Where are we going now?"


Seeing that she didn't reach her destination after walking for a long time, Annie was naturally a little impatient, and asked directly with some dissatisfaction, wondering where the two of them wanted to take her.



The two wizards who led the way, wearing the hood of the sapphire stone, glanced at each other without a trace, and then one of them turned his head with a flattering smile and pretended to say casually:

"Cough cough!"

"Of course we are going to take you, Archmage, to meet the queen of our Rhea Lucaria Magic Academy."

"Did you not hear it just now?"

The man deliberately pretended to be surprised, and then asked back with a smile.



Annie was startled for a moment, and then she couldn't help but exclaim, obviously a little surprised.



"Shouldn't it be to see the dean of your Magic Academy?"


She just thought that the other party was taking her to see the dean of the college here, that is, the tall, thin, wearing reading glasses, silver-white hair, waist-length beards that can be stuffed into the belt, and then people A shrewd thief who likes to take advantage of others and who likes to deceive children!

And a guy like that, Her Lady Queen Anne had met before when she was at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, so she naturally thought that in this Rhea Lucaria School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, she would also Has an old mage dean similar to that bad old man with a hook nose?


(● ̄? ̄●)


"The dean of our Magic Academy, that is, the kind of top executive and top steward, is nominally the Queen of the Full Moon, Reinara, who is stationed here by the Kalia royal family."


"It's reasonable for us to take you to see her now, isn't it?"

The old mage wearing the Glowing Stone suit hesitated for a while, but soon, he recovered, and hurriedly said in the cautious and vague words.

"That's it..."


"The Queen of the Full Moon?"


"okay then!"


"Then continue to lead the way!"


After thinking about it, I think that the Queen of the Full Moon must be of a higher rank than the Dean, and it is definitely better to see a queen herself than to meet a bad old man with a hook nose and a white beard (guess), there is no Annie. Say more.



Seeing that Annie was not suspicious, the two pyroxene mages looked at each other silently, and while Qi Qi breathed a sigh of relief, they hurriedly continued to lead the way.



"Hey! What are those things hanging from the roof over there?"

ヽ(゜Q.) ノ?

However, before she got far, Annie was caught by a group of four-armed monsters hanging from the beams.

She could see that the place seemed to be a reading room or a place of worship, but now, it was in tatters. Not only was there no one, but there were also many of the monsters she had seen.


"That's some four-armed puppets, they're not perfect, they're always prone to problems..."

"Let's go!"

"Ignore them."

Glancing at the place where Annie was pointing, the old mage who led the way didn't explain much, just said something casually.



Scratching her head, Annie didn't ask any further questions, and just kept walking.

"What are those over there?"

Annie soon saw some bright-eyed people who looked like the dead but didn't look very much like them.

"It should be considered a withered spell, right?"

"Because of long-term inability to satisfy his thirst for magic, he eventually degenerated into a species."

"They are savage and bloodthirsty, and some even lose their minds. They will attack any mage who comes close and absorb the magic and vitality of the mage. The most terrible thing is: except for pyroxenic magic, other spells have no effect on them. Great, so..."

"You'd better stay away from them too?"

As a guide, the old mage who led the way was still doing his duty, and he explained the basic situation of those monsters to Annie directly and considerately.

"Is that so?"


"Then why don't you clean them up?"


"Clean up?"

"Do not……"

"It's not necessary for the time being!"

"Some of them are also our colleagues, students or classmates. Everyone has studied and studied in this open hall..."

"And they are all poor people, some of them can still communicate, and the college is big enough, so let them go."

"When will we become like them ourselves?"

Shaking his head, the old mage smiled bitterly and sighed, but it was only a sigh, but he didn't give any further explanation.



"Sure enough, this place is just like the outside world, it's weird!"


Along the way from the Nimgford area, Annie has seen a lot of monsters like Annie, whether it's the Deathborn or that twisted guy.

Therefore, seeing that the mages in this magic academy coexist with monsters similar to the withered, she just asked that question out of curiosity, and did not continue to pay too much attention, just curled her lips and followed. The two walked forward behind them.

In this way, behind the two unscrupulous old wizards, Annie saw many strange things and monsters in this Rhea Lucaria Magic Academy, as well as the super exaggerated magic elevator. , I don't know if it's delicious, giant monsters, pyroxene crystals piled up everywhere, messy libraries, different areas on the cliff, puppet soldiers, and people who will be stuffed in their stomachs and smashed. of horror magic puppets and more.


What makes Annie most curious and amusing is that it is still round and has hands and feet, but it has no face and looks like a big water tank.

"What is this?"


The first time she saw it, Annie jumped up to the other side, and then asked in surprise while researching.



Seeing a bad little girl ask another question, the two old wizards who led the way had to sigh and stop, and began to deal with it impatiently.



"Is it a magic puppet?"


Annie was definitely dissatisfied with that perfunctory answer, so she didn't leave, she just continued to stay in front of the 'pot', staring hard while continuing to ask curiously.

"All right……"

"They are not actually puppets, but a special kind of life."

"Probably so..."

As a last resort, one of the two old mages stepped forward and began to patiently tell the origin of the 'pot' slowly.

It turns out that the pot is a mysterious life form born in Hu Village, with self-awareness and subdivisions, such as warrior pot, oil pot, special attack pot, etc., also known as living pot.

It is said that the contents of the living pots are mainly human bones, which is also the main reason for them to obtain power and consciousness. Among them, the warrior pot will store the dead bodies of soldiers. Other pots are also different. Those in the pot are different. The soul of the corpse also seems to enter the dream-like place, and the pot gains power from the dream and shows the dream to these corpses?

But no matter what, they are an intelligent race on the borderland, and they have their own civilization and villages, etc.?

As for the more specific, the old mage did not continue to talk about it. Although their magic academy has conducted detailed research on 'pot', and there are many 'pot' experimenters and helpers in the academy, but now he does not I don't want to talk about those things.

"That's it..."


"It looks amazing..."


Looking at those chubby monsters, and hearing that there might be some other creature's corpse or ashes in them, Annie reluctantly gave up the idea of ​​opening their lids and checking the contents inside.


After Annie gave up to study the pots, the three took a magic elevator to a heavy and luxurious bronze door.

"Is it here?"


"Your full moon queen lives far away..."


Seeing that she had finally reached her destination, Annie didn't bother, she just carelessly and impatiently got in through a small gap that was pushed open by the two of and soon, the thick bronze color The door was closed again by the two bad old masters.



"Will she die in it?"

"do not know……"

"But, at least one must die, right?"

"Which one would it be?"

"Anything will do! If neither can get out, that's the best."



"Are we going to deal with that dragon now?"

"Not urgent!"

"Wait until you're sure she's dead!"


After a few simple words of discussion, and after confirming that the heavy bronze door had been closed again, the two old wizards wearing the glowing stone hoods took a few steps back in unison, and then took out their respective glowing stones. The Stone Magic Wand stood still in front of this tall, gorgeous and solemn building, more than ten meters away from the gate, patiently waiting and vigilant without saying a word.


(?ω?) Monthly pass~?

During the Qingming Festival, there are many rains, and all book friends should not urge more.

Don't ask where you went during the day, the incense is burning deep in the mountains.

??(?? ̄? ̄)????

Qingming is very busy, I went up the mountain to burn incense and worship my ancestors, this chapter was still tiring after a day and rushed out overnight after coming back


In short, the bear is definitely constantly changing! !

?*. ?(ˊ?ˋ*)??*.

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