Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1877: ?(ψ'?')o put ?ni back in the stomach



"Is it this way?"


"seems not……"




"I found it. It seems to be the Third Church of Malika. It looks familiar..."


Anne was now on her own territory, the Nimgford area.

That's right!

Annie left when the celebration was still held in the Red Lion City, because she didn't want to socialize with those troublesome guys at all, so after talking to that Aunt Reinara, she didn't wait for the Red Lion City's People came to thank her once again, and she teleported directly away and returned to the Nimgford area.

Now, on a main road to the north of Yakirhu and south of Mengliu Cave, she saw a telescope of the kind that had been found in the Lyenia area before, and then, by fiddling with it, She finally found the right direction, found the Malika Third Church as a reference point, and knew where she was going next.



"That villain Melina, she seems to have said that the deep well leading to the underground world should be in the fog forest south of the Third Church, and near a small golden tree?"


Then, Annie began to use the telescope to search and operate again, intending to find a certain golden tree in the foggy forest that she said was exactly the same as the big tree in the northern sky, but much smaller. Plant something golden.



"Looking at the foggy past, you can't see anything!"


But soon, Annie gave up.

Because, the so-called fog forest is truly a fog forest, there is a fog filled with mist, and it looks white, and there is no such golden golden tree at all, let alone a deep well that I don't know what it looks like. .



The eternal city 'Norkron' that Anne wants to go to is said to be somewhere underground in Nimgford?

And it happens that, in the east of the fog forest, there is a deep well, that is, the place called Shivra River Well has the road to 'Norkron'!

At present, this is the only information she knows, and even this information was told to her by the uneasy and kind Melina that day and Aunt Leinara yesterday, but about the specific route and that Shivra The exact location of Hejing could only be found by herself.

(However, dear little master, you can directly teleport to the Third Church of Malika, and then go south to find it. Can you come here and find it slowly?)


(At this moment, Tibbers asked speechlessly. Anyway, it doesn't know what the poor little master of its family is thinking, why did he teleport in a large circle to the ruins in front of the storm level, Then, I followed this unfamiliar road all the way to find it.)



"Of course people can't directly teleport to that Malika Third Church!"


"Tibbers, think about it..."


"People said it at the time, and they didn't want to go to that underground world to play, but now, if they were teleported back to that church, if they accidentally ran into that bad guy Melina, then they would beat themselves up. face?"


"So, people would rather go around here than go south from that Malika Third Church!"

o('^') o Humph!

Although what Annie did now was to slap herself in the face, as long as she was not known by outsiders, it would definitely not matter, and this was the main reason why she tried everything she could to get around from here.

(Oh well……)

ε=('?'●))) alas

(In this regard, Tibbs was speechless, and finally knew the true thoughts of this poor little master of his own family who went around so long.)

No mistake

"Let's go!"


"Let's go!!"


Annie didn't care what her stupid little bear thought, and walked straight ahead.

She had just seen in that fun bird's-eye eagle eye telescope, not far ahead, there is a bridge across the river that flows into Lake Aquil, and as long as you cross the bridge and go north, you can reach the Marathi Enter the fog forest in front of Lika's Third Church.

Of course, she can also go straight to the east, and then jump from the cliff to the foggy forest. That kind of place is a dead end for ordinary people, and she can't beat her omnipotent Queen Anne. .


Annie didn't go very far. She soon saw that in front of the bridge, there was a man in black armor, riding a black horse, holding a huge axe and halberd, and even the horse was covered with a strange black cloth. The strange guy with his head is guarding there so neatly?



"Forget it, leave him alone!"

(ˉ▽ ̄~)Cut~~

After looking at it and thinking about it, Annie, who didn't seem to know the other party, continued to walk forward carelessly.



The black cavalry, who also saw Annie, stared at Annie for a while, then pulled the reins absurdly, and then, while the warhorse neighed, steered straight across the halberd, and charged towards Annie at a high speed.



Then, before Annie could ask, the moment the other party galloped past, the halberd with an axe face even bigger than Annie's body smashed towards her fiercely.



Fortunately, Annie is not an ordinary person, so she narrowly escaped with a twist, only the moment when the halberd and the warhorse passed by disturbed her golden hair and the hem of her red dress, but it didn't hurt her. She has a shred of it.



"What are you doing?!"


Seeing this, Annie was naturally so angry that she directly grabbed a ball of fire and questioned loudly.

She didn't understand, this is Ningmu Gefu, her own territory, but how could there be such a black cavalry guard here, and attacked her suddenly, then there is no king law, Do you really think that Her Lady Queen Anne is not the queen here?



However, the man didn't answer, just rushed over a distance and pulled the reins behind him, and then, with a shrill roar from the war horse, let the horse's front hooves stand up from the ground and completed the U-turn. action.

Immediately afterwards, he flicked the reins again, and charged towards Annie angrily once again.



Seeing this, of course Annie didn't even think about it, so she was going to smash the fireball in her hand at the opponent, and then burn the opponent to the point of ashes.

Swish! !

In the next second, what surprised Annie even more was that a blue and huge ice crystal flying arrow flew in diagonally, and before Annie shot, before the black cavalry approached Annie, it directly and fiercely connected her. People bring horses to pass by.



puff! !

After the blue and huge ice crystal flying arrow pierced through the man and the horse and plunged deep into the ground and disappeared, of course, the black knight and his horse who just wanted to continue charging against Annie, Then Qi Qi stumbled, then fell on the road, and then struggled for a while and then stopped moving.





Without thinking about it, Annie looked directly in the direction that the ice crystal flying arrow flew in just now, wanting to see who was meddling.

Then soon, she saw: a puppet lady wearing a snow witch's pointed hat and a snow witch's robe was sitting on the branch of the tree, and with which blue eye flashed look at her.




With just one glance, Annie recognized the other party!

That guy, the one from Auntie Reinara, the Queen of the Full Moon, who committed suicide and ran wild, ran away with the doll, and who was the bad woman Lani who even her mother didn't want to see?

"They don't need your help, he's so weak, they just wanted to burn him!"


So, of course, Annie first said something like this, and after affirming that she didn't need help to solve her opponent, she was unhappy and snuffed out the fireball she was holding, and then walked towards the big tree sitting on the other side. past.

"I know……"

"You have easily defeated even the strongest demigod Ratan, so naturally you won't be afraid of these night cavalry, but..."

"I have something to look for you, and I don't have time to wait too long, so I have to take action."

The puppet Lani explained apologetically with her hoarse voice, and watched Annie walk under the tree step by step.

However, she didn't go down either. She just sat on this tree branch two or three meters high, and looked at the puffy little girl condescendingly.

"Night cavalry?"


"People seem to have heard of it..."


Annie remembered that the day before yesterday, when she was in the Red Lion City, the guy named Jielian seemed to have said that it was during the Broken War, that Ratan was attacked by a group of night cavalry during the battle of the King City. After the side, why did you have to retreat in embarrassment?

Of course, those things are not important, the important thing is...

"Miss Lani, you are a little embarrassed now!"


After taking a look at the night cavalry who had fallen by the roadside, Annie no longer thought about why the other party came here, but raised her head with a smile and said to a certain puppet lady sitting on the tree branch.


"Why do you say that?"

Lan Ni was a little strange and didn't understand what Annie meant at all.



"You don't even wear inner clothes, and you dare to sit so high, I'm not ashamed!!"


Saying that, Annie made a big grimace directly at the other party.


(● ̄? ̄●)



"It's okay."

"The left and right are just the body of the doll..."

In the next second, Lani disappeared from the branch and appeared under the tree. Instead, she sat on the tree root protruding from the ground, and continued to stare blankly at Annie. And pretended to say nothing.

"That's right!"


"Anyway, it's a body made of a few pieces of wood..."


"However, Miss Lani, your **** is very round and smooth!"


The other party didn't mind Annie not knowing, but she felt that the other party's soul fluctuated a bit violently, so it was definitely not as natural as the other party showed.


Lani stopped talking, and didn't know what she was thinking.

Fortunately, she is now a doll's body, otherwise, she must have turned into that blushing and thick neck.


"That's it, I have one thing, can I ask you to help me?"

"I heard, you seem to be..."

"Going to the eternal city 'Norkron', right?"

After waiting for a while, perhaps the anger and shame have subsided, so the puppet Lani spoke again.



"Where did you hear that?"


Annie exclaimed.

But soon, she was relieved again.

Because she remembered it, the Red Lion City seemed to belong to the other party's brother's house, and the fact that she was going to the eternal city 'Norkronen' was known to several people besides Leinara, so the other party could know and Baba came to the door, doesn't it seem too strange?

"never mind!"


"It doesn't matter where you heard it, it's just... they don't seem to know you very well, so can't you do your own thing?"


She casually ran to the door to ask for help from herself, and even snatched her own "weird". How could Annie agree to that kind of thing casually?

You know, Her Lady Queen Anne is not that kind of tool person. If she wants to help herself, she has to achieve many prerequisites, such as boosting her favorability, giving herself all kinds of delicious food, and amusing herself. Be happy, then, after completing that series of arduous tasks, it is possible to meet the basic conditions for asking her for help.

"After many awakenings, I must go into deep sleep as soon as possible, and I won't wake up again in a short time..."

"The body of the doll is not as free as imagined."


After explaining the reason why she couldn't go out on her own, La Ni looked at Annie expectantly.

"Going to sleep again?"


"But, why don't you go to Aunt Reinara?"


Hearing that the other party was going to sleep again at every turn, Annie asked strangely.

"Looking for mother?"


"Why should I go to her if I can handle it myself?"

Lani hesitated for a while, and then suddenly said arrogantly and stubbornly, obviously not wanting to follow Annie's suggestion.

"It's very simple!"


"Because Aunt Reinara said that she wanted to give you a new body, probably because she wanted to put you back into her belly to rebuild?"




"Aunt Reinara said that she asked people to send you a message when they met you, saying yes, she is ready to give you another life, so that you can go to the big library of the Magic Academy to find her when you have time? "


Actually, Annie didn't know what the full moon queen Aunt Reinara was going to do with this Lani, and how she was going to speak to the other party again, but she felt that it was definitely not simply using that amber to recast her body. It's simple, so I can only speculate and look forward to what interesting things will happen at that time.


"Shut up, shut up!!"

"Anyway, I won't go to her, that's my own business!"

"Stuff it back in my stomach..."

"Huh, don't think about it!!"

Rarely, for the first time, the puppet Lani waved her four arms, and refuted it in such a comical and embarrassing manner, with an angry but helpless look.

"Really not?"


"It might be fun!"


Annie is already thinking about whether to grab the other party now, and then turn it back to the big library of the Magic Academy, and then watch on the sidelines to see what kind of attitude this Miss Lani will be stuffed back to Aunt Lena La. in the stomach?


Thinking that Aunt Reinara is still busy with that stupid son in the Red Lion City, and she can't get away for the time being, she can only give up regretfully, and decides to go to the Eternal City in the underground world first. .


(● ̄? ̄●)


"Remember what I just said, if you drop by, you can help me pay attention to one thing..."

"It's in the depths of that city, and that's what it looks like."

Saying that, Lanni, who was a little embarrassed, didn't care whether Annie agreed or not, and just before she was about to leave, she used magic to show something she was looking for.


"If you want to go to the Eternal City, there is a sealed prison on the south side of Lake Aguirre, where there is one of my subordinates, if you can release him, maybe, he can help you find a way to that underground The exact route of the city?"

At this moment, Lan Ni suddenly mentioned another thing.



Annie blinked.

Then, she suddenly felt that that seemed to be the main purpose of the other party coming here to find her? After all, she could see that the sealed prison could not be easily opened with the other person's doll and soul state.


"You should know him. He also participated in the battle ceremony of the Red Lion City. He is a tall werewolf. My loyal servant, you should be very impressed, right?"

Lan Ni slowly put down her arm and asked softly.



"You mean the big bad wolf who likes to eat grandma? Of course people know him!"


Annie exclaimed, and then said that this matter is indeed quite rare.

As far as she knew, the big bad wolf should have only left the Red Lion City the night before, so it was really surprising to her that he was locked up now, even in that kind of sealed prison.

"That's fine..."

"At last!"

Saying that, after being embarrassed, Lani raised her doll's face for the first time, and gave Annie a deep look with her open left eye.


"Thank you for everything you did to your mother and Ratan, I really appreciate it..."

Then, after abruptly saying a word of thanks, she suddenly slowly dissipated into a little bit of stardust magic, and disappeared directly in place, not knowing whether to go back to her magic tower to sleep or run to Where to go.





"It looks like he came to thank others, but in the end, you still don't want to entrust others to help?"


Seeing that the other party ran away without saying a word, Annie couldn't help but feel a little angry.

"If the big bad wolf can be caught, it's too useless, right?"


"People won't save him!"


Yes, Annie didn't want to save the big bad wolf, and she didn't want to help the other party, such as helping the other party find something from the Eternal City, even if it was incidental!

"and many more!"




"If there is a big wolf dog in front to help lead the way, it may be quite good, at least, people don't have to worry about going the wrong way?"


Annie, who had just said that she didn't want to help, suddenly regretted it again, because, she thought, if the big bad wolf who likes to eat her grandmother would really lead the way, she really knew the way to the eternal city 'Norronn' in the underground world. If so, perhaps, she should really save the other party first?

"South, the sealed prison in Lake Aquir?"


Annie said she had seen the sealed prison or something. After all, the last time she released the furnace knight, she had seen that kind of place, so she would definitely not admit it wrong.



"It's decided! Go to the big bad wolf first!"






"Tibbers! What do you mean by those little eyes?"

!? (?\'\'??)?

"You can't lead the way yourself, so are you not allowed to find a dog to lead the way?"


When she found out that her little bear was throwing a contemptuous look at her, of course Annie scolded the other party angrily.


(● ̄? ̄●)

(Tibbers is silent, because, if he can, he really wants to say: 'The reason why the little one can't lead the way is not because every time someone can't hear the correct opinion, but he is self-righteous and always likes it The result of taking an unusual path?' If it really said it, it must have been beaten with anger and rage!)

"The sealed prison in the south?"




Annie was in trouble, because the area to the south was too large, and the hateful puppet sister Lani just didn't give her the exact direction, which made it hard for her to find.

"never mind!"


"Look for it first!"

ε=('ο'*))) alas



As she said that, Annie grabbed a certain bear's neck, then took her short legs and crossed the night knight who had died on the side of the road. She went straight across the bridge and started to walk along the road towards Yaqir. The south side of the lake swayed away.




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