Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1878: (⊙o⊙) For you, become a werewolf

In the south of Lake Yaquier, it was not until night fell on the third day that Annie finally arrived in this area belatedly, and began to search aimlessly for the specific location of a certain sealed prison.

And the reason why she arrived here after three days, of course, is because she didn't concentrate on her journey at all, and she was not in a hurry to go to the eternal city 'Norkronen', she just wandered around, wandered around and spent a long time. The reason for the rest of the day on the road.

After all, Her Lady Queen Anne is just a little girl, and she just came to this world to play, eating, drinking and having fun is what she should do. She will definitely not take it to heart.

In fact, she still remembers going to a certain unlucky Mr. Wolf who was locked up, and intends to release him as a dog to lead the way. Too demanding of her.



"Where is that broken place?"


Although the puppet sister Lani, who was shy and did not dare to go back to her mother's womb, said that the werewolf seemed to be locked up in a prison forbidding demons in the south of Lake Yaqir, but how hot is the Nimgford area? It's big, and the south side of Lake Yakir is not small at all. Where can she find it?


(● ̄? ̄●)

(Tibbers didn't pay any attention to the nasty little master on his shoulder, because he was in charge of the journey now, and she just sat on his shoulder to eat snacks and look at the scenery, he didn't even say he was tired, and she complained again. What's the point? Besides, Mr. Xiong naturally knows where the sealed prison is, but if she hadn't known to give orders all day long, she wanted to join in the fun and read something rare when she saw anything, maybe the day before yesterday. It has already arrived at that destination long ago, how could it have been delayed until now, and spared such a long way?)



"Tibbers, are you speaking ill of others?"


Suddenly, Annie seemed to notice something, and as soon as she raised her hand, she grabbed a certain bear's ear.

(Report! Respected little master, the little one never spoke ill of you! By the way, the prison should be right in front of you. You sit down and will be there soon!)

(● ̄(?) ̄●)

(Of course Tibbers wasn't talking, because it was just 'thinking'! However, that kind of thing definitely couldn't be refuted, so he hurriedly started to change the subject.)

At this time, in front of the eyes, there are many strange bugs that emit light, and last time, there were many bugs near the prison where the Furnace Knight was rescued, so this time, I must have gone wrong. local.



"Has it finally arrived?"


Seeing this, Annie didn't care about anything else, and immediately started to stand up with Tibbers' bear head, put her small hand on her forehead, and began to look forward excitedly.



"Grass is taller than people, and people don't see anything!"


But soon, she sat down again in frustration, and patted a certain bear on the head a little unhappily.


(● ̄(?) ̄●)

(Tibbers didn't dare to speak, but continued to lift the bear's legs forward, and he was not in a hurry anyway.)

A few minutes later, when some nasty little girl grows impatient and is about to consider whether to find a place to rest first, then think about what to eat, and whether to take a nap, and then wait until tomorrow. When you're free to go and find it slowly...


'Ow~! ’

Out of nowhere, a wolf howl suddenly sounded, which made her feel refreshed all of a sudden.

"What was that just now?"


"Is it a wolf?"


"That's great, we finally know what to eat for dinner tonight!"


This is really a sleepy pillow. You must know that Annie was still thinking about what fresh food to eat, but who would have thought that a wild wolf had just brought her to the door?




As Tibbers continued to move forward, finally, in the middle of the tall weeds in front, Annie saw a circular shape covered with various patterned slates, which looked like a kind of park. The square is almost the same place.



"That's the sealed prison, but how did the wolf howl come from there..."




"No, it's the werewolf Brian who was locked inside, not the wild wolf?"


Then, when Tibbers continued to move forward and walked to the middle of the sealed prison, Annie naturally thought of something and instantly collapsed.

Luckily, she thought that a wild wolf was watching her and was going to eat roasted wolf legs tonight, but it turned out... there was no wolf legs, only the big bad wolf who was locked in the prison and said to like eating grandma?

'! ! ’

'Who is outside? ’

"I'm Blazer the werewolf, not Brian!"

'who is it? ’

At this time, a guy in the prison seemed to hear Annie's frustrated voice, and then the other party hurriedly shouted and corrected.

However, due to the relationship between the prison, the sound is still a little small when it reaches the outside, and it is still muffled, not even as clear as the sharp wolf howl from the other party just now.

"Who are they?"


"Otherwise, Mr. Wolf, can you guess first?"


"If you guess correctly, there will be a reward!"


Annie started talking to the floor of the prison mischievously, and made fun of the guy locked inside.

'……what! ’


‘King of Stoneville, Queen of Storm and Fire, mighty Lord Anne Hastur? ’

'Is that you? ’

It's a pity that Annie was recognized by that muffled and subtle voice.

In fact, it's no wonder, after all, the two sides only dared to meet a few days ago, and the werewolf Blazer was fortunate enough to see a picture of a little girl beating the strongest demigod Ratan, which was very impressive. , coupled with the title of 'Mr. Wolf', it seems that only Annie has said it, so if he can't guess it, it will be a ghost.



"It's not fun at all!"


The other party guessed it at once, and Annie was immediately unhappy, so that she suddenly didn't want to let the other party out.

Just don't mention the reward she just said!


(● ̄? ̄●)

'Hey! ’

'Queen Anne, are you still out there? ’

After waiting for a while, I heard that there was gradually no movement outside, and the werewolf Blazer inside shouted anxiously again.

"Not anymore!"


"What's the matter, you can find someone else!"


Annie is not happy now, so she replied in a piqued manner.


There was silence in the prison for a while, and I don't know what the werewolf's expression is now, but as you can imagine, it must be very exciting?


'You're really joking...'

'Is such that! ’

'One of my companions, he tricked me into coming here and locked me inside, can you let me out? ’

Then, the werewolf Blazer hurriedly asked earnestly, sounding very, very anxious.



"They don't know you well, why should they let you out?"


Annie said that the other party was a werewolf and could not be eaten, and if it was a wolf, it would be another treatment, and she would release the other party without even begging her.

Of course!

If it is a real wolf, after it is released, there must be another treatment waiting for the other party, such as: peeling the skin and cramping, then roasting it on the bonfire, and then a series of salt, pepper, cumin, etc. A nuanced massage service?




There was no sound inside again.

It seems that the werewolf Blazer also felt that Annie was indeed right. The two of them had only just met for a few days, and basically they had no trustworthy friendship, but he pleaded directly, which was indeed a bit abrupt and harmonious. Difficult for the strong?



"Actually, it's not impossible for people to let you out!"


After finding that the other party was silent, after waiting for a while, Annie herself couldn't help it, and she said tentatively.

'! ! ’

'Really? ’

Soon, an excited voice came from inside.



"You have to say who kept you there and why?"


Annie asked curiously, expressing her great interest in it.

"Is it that lady doll who doesn't wear inner clothes, she kept you here?"


Then, before the other party could consider whether to answer or not, Annie asked again and again impatiently.

'A person or a doll who doesn't wear underwear? ’

'she? ’

'Oh! ’

'You mean Lady Lani, right? ’

Although she didn't understand what Annie meant by 'not wearing Nene', the werewolf quickly realized who she was referring to as 'Miss Doll'.

'Do not! ’

‘It’s not Lord Lani, it’s one of my companions, and it’s Mr. Iggy who locked me up here. ’

Blazer hurriedly explained, and defended his master Lanie.

"Master Iggy?"




Annie said she did not know who the other party was talking about.

'A giant blacksmith who is also my comrade, the subordinate of Lord Lani, our military advisor. ’

'It was he who kept me here without the knowledge of Lord Lani. ’

'real! ’

Blazer didn't dare to hide it, and said everything he knew.

"Is that so..."




"Why did he shut you up?"


Annie continued to ask.


'He said that I would become Lanni's disaster...'

"But that kind of thing is absolutely impossible. I'm the shadow of Lady Lani, and I'm an indispensable part. Mr. Iggy knows that, but..."

‘Honestly, I really don’t know why. ’

There was a sudden silence in the prison for a while. For a long time, when Annie was so anxious that her heart was tingling, the werewolf Blazer explained so faintly.

"do not know?"


"Do not!"


"you are lying!"


Who is Annie? Just by listening, she can tell if the big bad wolf inside is really telling the truth.

"If you don't tell the truth, people will definitely not let you out!"


"And ah..."


"Not only will it not be released, but it will also bring a mountain and completely bury you and the prison below!"


Annie threatened maliciously, but it wasn't just a threat, she really would do that, and, really, could do it.

'don't want! ’



'I guessed a little bit, but if I said, would you let me out? ’

The werewolf Blaze hurriedly stopped it loudly. Then, the prison was silent for a while, and after a long time, the dull voice of the werewolf came up again.

"Do you have a choice?"


Annie asked back, but did not answer the other party directly.

Now that the other party says, there is a little chance. If she doesn't say it, she will turn her head and bury the other party. By then, even if the other party regrets it, it will be too late!



(Tibbers remembered the warrior pot from the last time. The other party seemed to be threatened by his wicked little master, but I have to say, the effect of the threat is really good?)



'I said! ’

Finally, after a sigh, the werewolf Blazer began to patiently explain and explain to Annie across the prison.

It turns out that the werewolf Blazer was actually the waiter who was given by the 'two fingers' to the doll sister Lani who did not wear the inner lining. She would never betray Lani. ?


One day, La Ni, as a god, refused to be a puppet at the mercy of two fingers, and planned to participate in the night of the black knife conspiracy, killing the soul of the 'Golden' Godwin, and then killing her own body to get rid of it completely. Two-finger control...

From that moment on, the two sides naturally went their separate ways.

Correspondingly, Blazer, as the waiter who gave Lani his two fingers, would naturally be suspicious and distrusted by Lanni's military advisor Iggy, although Lanni didn't care about it, and Blaze himself believed that he She would be absolutely loyal to her master Lani, but Iggy didn't think so.

That Iggy still stubbornly believed that Blazer would definitely become Lani's terrifying curse. That was a doomed thing, and it was not based on Blazer's own will. Therefore, at the end of the Ratan battle ceremony, at Annie cured Ratan, and after Blazer came to Nimgef to report to Iggy overnight, the other party suddenly took advantage of Blazer's serious injury and grabbed him decisively and locked him in this sealed prison. inside.



"It's like this..."


"Then why don't you just beat that two-finger to death?"


To Annie, what they were worried about was just a small problem, and she didn't need to think much about how to solve that trouble once and for all.

'really! ’

'Lanne and I thought the same thing. ’

'But to do that, you have to get one thing, and that's why I'm going to the Eternal City. ’


‘Master Iggy doesn’t want to trust me, he always thinks that I will definitely become a disaster for Lady Lani…’

'He attacked me and locked me up...'

As he spoke, the werewolf Blazer's mood in the prison gradually decreased. Obviously, his companions' distrust of him and doubts about his loyalty were indeed a big blow to him.



"You are indeed untrustworthy, because you still haven't fully told the truth!"


After listening to the other party's explanation, Annie stared at the prison on the ground for a while and thought for a while, and then she suddenly said this.

'! ! ’

'I don't! ’

Hearing this, the werewolf Blazer in the prison naturally protested and refuted loudly.

"You have it!"


"That person asked you, who were you before you became a werewolf?!"


Ignoring the other party's protest, Annie asked straight to the point.

'you! ! ’

'You, what do you know? ’

'impossible! ’

"Lanni-sama doesn't even know, how do you..."

Sure enough, upon hearing Annie's questioning, the werewolf Blazer in the prison suddenly lowered his voice, and even exclaimed in a gaffe.

"Everyone knows everything!"

??(?? ̄? ̄)????

Annie didn't answer where she knew from the other party, but anyway, she just knew that the other party was hiding something.


'If I say everything, can you promise never to tell Lanie? ’

'If you can guarantee it, I will say it! ’


'I'd rather not have your help! ’

After a long time, Blazer, the werewolf in the prison, said uneasy and firmly.

"Tell me now!"


Annie said excitedly, expressing her interest in listening to other people's gossip. As for guarantees, it doesn't matter.

After all, the guarantee or something depends on her mood. Maybe one day she will be stabbed out in a bad mood.



"Like Loretta, I was originally a knight of the Kalia royal family..."

'That was a long time ago, when the Ring of Eldon was not broken yet...'


As a last resort, after hesitating for a long time, although the werewolf Blazer hesitated, he still had to slowly tell the story that he had buried in his heart for a long time:

It turns out, before he turned into a werewolf, he was indeed a guard knight of the Kalia royal family, and, one day, he received an order to go to the Three Sisters Tower to protect the safety of Princess Lani. .

It was also on that day, from the moment he received the transfer order, from the moment he was ordered to report and saw the first glimpse of La Ni, he knew that he had met his own moon!

And that 'moon', without a doubt, is Lani!

However, he did not dare to show it. After all, the other party was the princess of the Kalia royal family, a powerful mage, and a demigod, and he was just a small guard knight.


Just like that, he has been performing his duties, and at the same time secretly admiring the beautiful, wise and powerful Moon Princess, silently guarding each other's side, and staying there for many years.

Gradually, they became acquainted with each other, and Lani got used to his presence and became friends with him beyond the master-servant relationship.

And he was also able to enter and exit Lani's magic tower at will, follow her around, and see her other side that ordinary people rarely see.

For example, she would run and play among the flowers chasing butterflies, raise her staff and sway magic like a demon to slaughter flying dragons neatly, hold a thick book and think hard and doze off again and again. , and even sometimes hiding behind the desk and hugging his knees and crying secretly...

He knew all that, and wanted to go further into her heart.

But unfortunately, his moon is La Ni, but La Ni's moon is not him, but an icy dark moon...

Therefore, all he could get was that icy back.

But he didn't mind, as long as he could stay by Lani's side, he would be satisfied.

Therefore, he has been carefully guarding that friendship, never daring to overstep anything, just to maintain that state.


Later, in a riot, he died and turned into a spirit...

Obviously, it was impossible for the Kalia royal family to let a ghost stay by the princess's side, so he lost the qualification to continue guarding La Ni's side, and he didn't even have time to say goodbye.

He was not reconciled to this, he was hysterical, and he even almost went mad because of it...

but to no avail...

He got nothing but a grave and endless grief...

Even, it is impossible for him to live again and return to Lani!

Because of Radagan's relationship, most of the time, Kalia and the golden tree are hostile relationships, and kalia's knights don't believe in the golden tree, so it is impossible for that tree to accept his soul and let him He was reborn.


Wandering around his tomb, he began to begging for the supreme will, begging for the stars in the sky, hoping that they would hear his call and give him a chance to come back to Lani again...

Unfortunately, the Supreme Will is not something he can touch, and the Golden Tree will not bless him either.


In the end, I don't know how long it took, before he almost fell into madness, **** found him.

And what happened after that is self-evident.

For Lani, he agreed to all the conditions of Two Fingers, all!

Even, he handed over his own soul and will, and did not hesitate to agree to the other party's arrangement, and directly turned into a werewolf, just to become stronger.

And Shuangzhi also fulfilled his promise, sent him to La Ni's side, and made him become La Ni's shadow, so that the moonlight could be sprinkled on his face again.

However, it is precisely because he was assigned by both, so his companion, their military Iggy, has always refused to trust him, even if he said he was willing to give his life for La Ni, even if he expressed his love for La Ni Loyalty is more than two fingers, but that's useless.

And then, there was the matter of him being put in this prison.




"In other words, did you voluntarily become that two-fingered tool?"


After listening, Annie, who probably understood the whole story, first blinked, then clapped her hands and concluded.

'yes. ’

‘Most of the time, I follow the two-finger command. ’

'However, if it involves Lady Lani, I will definitely refuse it! ’

In the prison, the werewolf Blazer said with certainty.

Originally, it was his forever secret and could never be told to outsiders, but, thinking that he might be buried in the ground by some bad little girl, and that he might never be able to return to La Ni's side, He had to reveal it for the first time.



"Forget it, since Miss Puppet asked me before, they'll let you out first."


Annie obviously doesn't believe that the other party can resist the existence of 'two fingers', but that kind of thing doesn't matter, anyway, it's none of her business, the world of these adults is too complicated, she doesn't want to think about it too much Woolen cloth!


(● ̄? ̄●)


"You mean Lenny?"

"Is Lady Lani asking you to save me?"

The next moment, as Annie cast the spell, Blazer was teleported out, but he couldn't care about cheering, so he hurriedly looked at Annie and asked eagerly.

"Do not!"


"Actually, they want to go to that dungeon to play, but they don't know the way, and they urgently need a big dog who can lead the way, so they came to you first."


"That young lady said something else!"


However, seeing the excited and moved expression of the other party, Annie suddenly changed her mouth, and then told a small lie for the first time in the world, and directly cleared the relationship between Miss Spicy Puppet and this matter.

Of course, that is not a lie, because that young lady really asked her for another thing, and the reason why she came here has nothing to do with the request of the other It is indeed She herself just wanted to find a leading party.


Hearing this, the werewolf Blazer's ears drooped all of a sudden, and he looked very depressed.


??(?? ̄? ̄)????

"Since it's out, get ready, let's go to the Eternal City!"

?*. ?(ˊωˋ*)??*.

Annie doesn't care what the other party's mood is. Anyway, the other party only needs to take her to the place. When the time comes, the other party can do whatever they want, and she doesn't care!


(\'-ω??) Monthly Pass

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