Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1880: !? (·''·?)? Like a teardrop?

After defeating the Scarlet Goddess of Corruption, the surviving nightmen and ancestors continued to find new shelters underground.

Soon, they came to the bottom of the well of the Shivra River, and once again built their own royal city and altar, so, not long after, the third new eternal city was built, and the night people named it - Noah Cron.

Due to the several divisions of the night people tribe, the remaining night people in Nokron now only have the belief of the night, and the 'King of the Night' in the belief has not appeared, so Nokron is really Eun's night people are in an awkward situation.

I don't know since when, some night people thought: Since the king did not appear, then why didn't they make a king by themselves?

So, the night people once again thought of their own artificial life technology!

Immediately afterwards, they naturally began to intensify their exploration of artificial life.

Different from the night people on the ground, that is, the flawed platinum sons of Kalia and the Magic Academy, due to the isolation of the world, the progress of the underground night people has been even more rapid, and has even reached the level that can be perfected. The extent to which living organisms imitate the way humans fight.

And with the vigorous development of their king-making movement, the supreme will of the junction, the second finger, got in touch with them.

Because, the second finger does not recognize the existence of that kind of artificial life!

From the point of view of Second Finger and Supreme Will, life should be reincarnated from the melting pot of life to the fate of death, which can only be controlled by God, and ordered them to stop researching artificial life?


The night people obviously don't take the words of the Supreme Will and its messengers seriously. After all, the Supreme Will and Erzhi are not their beliefs, nor are they their gods. Therefore, in order to fight Erzhi, the maddened The night people even built a knife that could hunt and kill the finger, and successfully killed a clone of the second finger on the spot.

Then, the actions of the night people naturally angered the Supreme Will again, and immediately after that, Second Finger was ordered to take revenge.

And this time, no one knows what the revenge of the Supreme Will is, and no one knows what happened in Nokronen, the third eternal city. Anyway, most of the night people magically evaporated, leaving only The empty Eternal City and those silver slime-like creatures followed Nokron in the false night sky below and shattered.

The above information was learned by Annie from Reinara, Lani, and the dog Mr. Wolf who brought her to the Eternal City. She just listened to it as a story and didn't mind it.

And just mentioned that knife, it is exactly what Lan Ni wants to get, and it is also what the other party must help find when she asks Annie to come to the Eternal City.

That kind of incidental thing is, of course, optional for Annie.

At that time, if she dropped in and remembered, she would definitely help, but if she did not drop in or remember, then the other party could only hope that the dog would find it by himself.

If the dog is still obedient, and willing to look for the kind of weapon that can kill the 'two fingers'?



"This is the eternal city 'Norkron'?"


After getting rid of the useless dog, Annie wandered around in this underground world, the eternal city 'Norkron', of course.

"The stars on the head are really beautiful!"


"But it's actually a glowing pyroxene, isn't it?"




"However, it does look a bit like the projection of the stars... When there are no stars to see, it's actually quite good to see them."


Then, naturally, in this underground world, Annie raised her head to study the kind of starry sky that was completely invisible to the surface world.

"never mind!"

(ˉ▽ ̄~)Cut~~

"Leave them alone!"


But soon, Annie gave up and continued to study.

After all, it doesn't matter if they are real stars or fake stars, it's none of her business, Queen Anne, she's just here to play, not to do research!

Besides, she didn't want to study those stars at all, let alone those outer gods!

Immediately after, after reading Rare, Annie hummed a song while looking at the strange underground world scenery and wandered aimlessly.



"However, if nothing else, it seems that some places are just like the ground. They are all very barren and shabby, and there are many, many dead people!"


As she was walking, Annie noticed that the thing that Lan Ni and the dog (Blizzer) on the road had told her about 'the people of the night angered the Supreme Will, and the second finger took revenge' should have been It was indeed true, because she did not encounter any living people on the road, nor did she see that kind of night child. The whole city was empty, only those twisted dead birthers and some silver-black slimes.

But Annie didn't provoke the boring dead, and continued to jump forward alone, looking at the scenery, the buildings of the Eternal City and the slimes crawling around on the road.

Annie had seen several of those things, but she didn't pay attention to them, and they seemed to be unaware of her existence because of the distance, so they could still be at peace with each other.


!? (?''??)?

However, when Annie was walking down the next steps, a certain shiny black slime who was sitting still under the steps suddenly transformed into a silver-black long sword and slammed towards it. She stabbed it hard?

"What are you doing?"


Annie, who jumped away for several meters and narrowly avoided, scolded the opponent directly.

But unfortunately, the silver-black 'slime' did not seem to have the intelligence to speak, and still spared no effort to drag the other party's 'little soft'-like body toward the one that flashed far away. Annie came wriggling.



"Find a fight!"


Seeing this, of course Annie would not be used to each other.

I saw that she made a decisive decision, flashed, and then instantly appeared behind the other party, and then when the other party stopped and doubted, she kicked it out with one kick.

'! ’


Then, the opponent was naturally kicked out of shape by Annie's power and flew out of the cliff in a whirl. Then, the silver-black disgusting slime that did not change wings and flew, naturally flew directly. The broken air fell in a parabolic shape toward the cliffs in the depths of Nokronen, which were hundreds of thousands of meters deep.



Clapping her hands, Annie didn't even look at each other, and immediately began to look at this garden-like place.

Because, she suddenly found that it seems to be relatively clean, the flowers and trees seem to have been taken care of, and, besides a large stone pavilion next to it, on the rock wall, there are others like that Cave-like palaces and houses carved and built directly on the rock walls.

But unfortunately, the gates of the cave-like palace houses are closed, and there is no light inside, it does not look like someone lives.





"Let's go ahead and take a look!"


Looking around, and then looking at the beautiful scenery of the stars in the 'sky' in the distance ahead, in the end, Annie didn't think much about it or stayed any longer, but walked straight ahead.

Because she discovered that there seemed to be a place like an altar or a temple over there, so she planned to go there to take a look.



"I advise you better not to go there..."

At this time, just after Annie had walked a dozen steps forward, after seeing that Annie's goal was the altar or the temple she was heading to, suddenly, a cold voice suddenly sounded from behind Annie.



"People thought you weren't coming out!"


Hearing this, Annie stopped decisively and turned her head towards the man who had just emerged from the grass next to her. She was wearing a black and white robe and a high pointed hat on her head. The eldest sister, who had a similar hat and a scarf on her face, made a playful face.

That's right!

In fact, Annie had discovered the other party long ago. Then, she deliberately pretended not to notice, and deliberately wanted to walk towards the temple or altar in front that seemed to be guarded and guarded by the other party.

The purpose was of course to lure the other party out, but looking at it now, the other party really couldn't help but come out on his own.


The other party didn't speak, just stared at Annie silently, while holding a strangely shaped machete in his hand.



"Big sister, you are the same family that Aunt Reinara said, the kind of night person, right?"




"Can you put down the knife, you shouldn't be able to beat others!"


Seeing the other party's faint hostility, and looking at the knife in the other party's hand, Annie, who didn't want to casually clash with the other party, had to smile like this, showing her kindness as much as possible and giving advice.

"I know."

Gu Jian

"You are a mage, and you also have the terrifying power to kick a silver teardrop guard dozens of meters away with one kick. It is really not something I can deal with."

Nodding, the veiled night swordsman said frankly.

Obviously, she just saw the skill that Annie suddenly flashed behind the teardrop guard, it must be some kind of spell.


"You said Reinara..."

"Who is it?"

Then, the Swordsman of the Night Child suddenly asked again.

"You asked Aunt Reinara?"


"She said that they were the descendants of the group of night people who believed in the moon and lived on the ground when Nok Stella was gradually approached by scarlet corruption, and she was also the queen of the Kalia royal family!"


Annie didn't hide it, she said it directly and generously.


"The era when Nok Stella was corrupted by scarlet corruption?"

"I know about that..."

"But that's too long ago, I can't believe what you're saying..."

After thinking for a while, the night swordsman shook his head.

Although she knows the second generation Eternal City Nok Stella, and also knows that the night people who believe in the moon once split and went to live on the ground, but the current Eternal City is the third generation of Nokronen, plus Nokron Cron has come to this broken last generation in front of them, how can they be too concerned about the things of the ancient era?



"What are you here for?"

"Is it the same as the faders, who were assigned by Two Fingers to destroy and slaughter our people?"

Holding the special-shaped curved sword forged from liquid metal derived from silver teardrops, the swordsman questioned so sternly, and secretly made preparations, intending to send out a certain word immediately once a conflict occurred. A signal for help.

Although there are not many night people here in Nokronen now, and civilization is almost destroyed by the hands of the supreme will, but they are still confident that they can gather a superior number of people and destroy or capture the invaders in front of them. did it.

As long as enough monks and witches come, it must not be difficult to catch the intruder in front of him.

"Of course people are here to play!"


Of course, there is a certain puppet lady who asks her for her own business, but that kind of thing is not too important to Annie.


"You think I'll believe you?"


"Who the **** are you?"

The night swordsman once again scolded, and raised the alien sword in his hand, ready to turn the weapon in his hand into fluid, and then launched the kind of combat technique that attacked the enemy in a wide range and long distance like a soft whip.

Even if she loses, she still has the courage to fight!



"It's too much trouble to explain, anyway, people are here to play!"




"Speaking of which, he seems to be the king of the land above you!"


"It stands to reason that you are also in other people's territory, and people come from their own territory to visit, isn't it okay?"


Annie retorted angrily.

If the other party wanted to do something, then she would definitely accompany her, and promise to subdue the other party at once, then tie it up and throw it to Tibbers to spank or something.





"I think what you said is true, but I won't believe it completely!"


"You wait here first, you are not allowed to go anywhere!"

After hesitating for a while, the Night Man Swordsman did not dare to do anything after all, but just pointed to the pavilion and instructed.

"I'm going to report to our witch now, she should want to see you!"

"If you are telling the truth, we will not embarrass you!"

I don't know if Annie's little girl's appearance is very confusing, or because the power of the kick just now made this night swordsman doubtful, or because she was intimidated by Annie's self-proclaimed 'king' identity. Stop, in short, after saying a few scenes like that stubbornly, the night swordsman turned around in a hurry, walked towards a certain place, and disappeared after a while.



"Did you say you're not allowed to go?"


"People prefer to go!"


Speaking, Annie, who was a little unhappy with the other party's tone, turned around resolutely and jumped towards the destination she had just discovered, that is, the gate that looked like an altar, but looked like a temple.


Since there was no one to stop him, not even a soldier guarding the gate, Annie naturally arrived inside unimpeded.



"Is anyone here?"


Annie shouted towards the place that seemed to be a temple and had a huge stone statue, but unfortunately, it was empty and unobstructed, and no one answered her at all.



But then, Annie saw that in the center of the 'open air' temple, on the ground in front of the statue, there was a pool of soft, flat silver-black materials paralyzed there and squirming slightly, like a The silver-black slime-like weird thing she kicked away before?

"what is that?"


Then, without even thinking about it, Annie jumped over directly.

However, she soon discovered that, unlike the one she kicked flying, the one in front of her is not round, and it doesn't seem to move, just like it's broken?

"what the hell?"




After looking at it, Annie even stretched out and kicked.

next second!


The thing suddenly jumped up, and Annie, who was about to look around to see what other things were around, hurriedly flashed, and instantly burst back ten meters.


The flat silver-black slime didn't do any aggressive attacking movements, but started to writhe wildly on its own.

Immediately after…

"What, what?!"


In Annie's surprise and stunned, she found that that disgusting, like a pool of mud, it turned into her Queen Anne's appearance directly and slowly after a series of twists? !

Moreover, not only the appearance and clothes are exactly the same, but in the other hand of the other party, there is actually a bear that is exactly the same as her bear Tibbers?


(● ̄? ̄●)


"Bite her to death!"

And then, when Annie was still curious and shocked, the other 'Annie' suddenly threw the bear in her hand towards Annie, and said so coquettishly.


?(?^?^?)?? Looking for a monthly pass?


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