Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1881: (*???*;) Success in making a king?

As for why Annie appeared another self and attacked her after touching the silver-black flat slime, it must start with the first generation of Eternal City.

From the nameless Eternal City to the establishment of Nok Stella, a part of the night people went to the ground, established the magic town Selia, and began to seal the secret of the origin magic that led to the invasion, while the remaining night people and The stars lost contact, causing the beliefs to diverge, and a new moon belief was born.

Those who were left with the Stellaris were transformed into the Night faction and began to guard the night alone, hoping that one day the night would be filled with stars again.

And when Nok Stella was gradually approached by the scarlet corruption, the night people had to give up the eternal city again, and from then on, the night people who believed in the moon went to the ground, in Lienia. The highest point built the Moonlight Altar, and began to integrate and communicate with humans, and the Kalia Dynasty rose with it, and they continued the research on artificial life in the eternal city on the ground, and led to the Lienia area. The birth of Platinum Village.

In the underground, after a mysterious blind girl defeated the scarlet goddess of corruption, the remaining night people and the ancestors continued to migrate underground and find new shelter.

Soon, they came to the Shivra River area below, and once again began to build their own royal city and altar.

And just like that, the third eternal city was born, and the night people named it - Norronn.

By this time, when the construction of the third Eternal City was completed, the remaining night people were only left with the belief of the night, and the stars and moon factions had already reached the ground.

Although there is a belief in the night, the "King of the Night" in the belief has not appeared for a long time. That kind of thing once made the night people fall into incomparable depression and despair.

Afterwards, they didn't know which genius thought it was. After discussion, they felt that since the "king" did not appear, why didn't they create a king of their own?


The night people finally remembered the artificial life technology that they were very good at. Then, after returning to their old business, they began to increase their efforts to explore artificial life again.


This time, unlike the defective platinum sons of the night people on the ground, the progress of the night people underground can be described as very rapid, and even, they have really created a super life form that can perfectly imitate the way of human fighting.

And that also angered the Supreme Will, because the birth and death of life are the core rules of the world, which belong to the category of divine power, and a group of wizards cannot be touched at will!

Therefore, it will happen later that the second finger came to destroy the eternal city of Norronn and the night people brazenly created a weapon that could kill the second finger, and also successfully killed a second finger clone.

It is a pity that in the end, most of the night people and the glorious third eternal city Norronn were destroyed by the second finger.

Right now, in such a huge city, there are very few night people still alive...

Only those silver teardrop guards are still quietly performing their duties, silently guarding this underground city that has almost been reduced to ruins.

And the reason why Annie found out that there is another self, and the other party will use her own magic and summon 'Tibbers' to fight, is of course the ultimate result of the night people's 'King-making' movement.

And that thing is the product of making kings - imitating teardrops!

It's just that Annie doesn't know that the thing is called 'Teardrops'. Anyway, she only knows that the flat, sick, silver-black Slye that looks like it's broken. Mu actually 're-engraved' another self, and let 'Tibbers' launch an attack on her true master?

'Roar~! ! ’

The 'little bear' that looked like a little bear rushed towards Annie, and, to Annie's surprise, was that the kind of shadow flame that she was very familiar with was still burning on her body?


!? (?\'\'??)?

In a flash, Annie appeared in another part of the temple, causing the idiot 'little bear' summoned by the other party to just flutter in the air.


But then, the 'Annie' on the opposite side raised his hand, and with a coquettish shout, a shattering fire with a big head smashed viciously towards Annie who had just finished flashing.

boom! !

The flames instantly enveloped Annie in it.



And this time, Annie didn't hide, just let the other party's shattering fire explode on her body.

Because ah, she is not afraid of flames at all, so the other party's shattering fire looks very fierce, and it directly burns the ground and smashes it. Apart from a little bit, it didn't hurt her at all!


Although he was not injured, this kind of thing is indeed quite rare when you think about it.

Annie discovered that the shattering fire of the other party and the 'little bear' and the shadow flames on the 'little bear' were exactly the same as hers?

If Annie casts a mirror or something, and endows the mirror with wisdom and power, it is reasonable for the other party to summon 'Tibbers'.

However, now she is very sure that she did not put any mirror images at all, and did not give the other party any power of her own, then, here comes the question:

What about the opponent's ability, that kind of flame, that shattering fire, that 'Little Bear' and the shadow flames on 'Little Bear'?

It's not uncommon to simulate appearances alone. A magician with some skills may be able to recreate an illusion to confuse others according to her Queen Anne's appearance, but at the same time, she can also confuse some of her. The ability of housekeeping has been re-engraved, and even the strength is still very good, and it is the same as the guy in front of him, at least beyond the level of a demigod, she is the first time she has seen it.

'Roar! ! ’

Seeing that Annie was not hurt by the fragmenting fire just now and slowly appeared in the flames, looking like she was intact, of course that other's 'little bear' roared at him again. He lunged at her side with fangs and claws.



"It seems that it is indeed necessary to study it carefully!"


Saying that, without waiting for the other party's 'little bear' to rush towards her, Annie threw her own little bear directly, and then gave the order:

"Tibbers, go! Hold it down!"


'Roar! ! ! ’

??????: ! !

In the next second, Tibbers, who was finally able to come out, slammed towards the impostor with his teeth and claws, and soon, the two shadow flame bears rolled together regardless of you and me, and then just stood there. Bite, scratch, and fight each other.

"All right!"


"Now, let others see, what are you capable of?"

(* ̄▽ ̄)o─═≡※:☆


As she said that, Annie suddenly reached out her hand and projected a fan-shaped flame wave towards the other party. While covering the other party in an instant, she also instantly burned the statue behind the other party and the pillars of the temple behind the statue to melt and melt. Blazing white lava flowing down.

This shows how terrifying the temperature of her flame is!




Surprisingly, without waiting for the fan-shaped flame wave to dissipate, the other party suddenly reached out his hand and projected another flame wave towards Annie, and also directly burned the steps and temple pillars behind Annie. , and also slowly flowed down thick magma.

However, from the melting situation and the red magma, it is not difficult to know that the burning power of the other party does not seem to be as great as the power that Anne just displayed?



"I'm not even afraid of flames..."


"It's so rare..."


Seeing that the other party could splinter, burn, summon bears and not afraid of flames, Annie became even more interested.

"So what?"


Arcane Missiles!

Without thinking about it, with the rapid rotation of a small blue magic circle in her hand, Annie raised her hand and quickly launched five waves of arcane missiles towards the opponent, causing those blue energy arrows to move at extremely fast speed. Bombarded by the opponent.

Gu Mu


Lava Shield!

puff! puff! puff!

There was no accident. With a lava shield released by the opponent, those arcane missiles were directly blocked, and they did not touch the opponent's body at all.


( ̄▽ ̄)

"Not bad, there are still other people's shields, and let them see, what else do you have?"


Seeing that her spell was resisted again, Annie didn't mind at all, and then ignored the shattering fire that the other party smashed at her again, she directly started to use various and messy spells Bombarded towards the opponent, wanting to see how much the opponent can simulate.

Of course, she certainly tried her best to control her power, basically to the extent that she did not exceed the upper limit of the opponent's power.

In this way, in this temple in the eternal city of Nokronen, two identical little girls and two identical shadow flame bears began to fight and fight each other.

'Roar~! ! ’



'Roar! ! ! ’

rumbling rumbling...

The two sides fought until the sky and the earth changed color, the stars swayed, the earth trembled, and the thunder-like roar and the roar of the giant bear were even more continuous!

Even, that kind of sky-high fire almost illuminates the underground world of the real Nokron.

After a few minutes……

When the whole temple has been destroyed and melted and there are only pools of hot magma left, when a bear sits another bear under his **** and suppresses the other person to get up, when a fake 'Annie' is caught After the magic power became weaker and weaker, Annie finally stopped.

"Ha ha!"


"People know, you are indeed an interesting thing, so it turned out to be like this..."


Up to now, Annie finally basically understood the reason, so she stopped, not planning to completely destroy the opponent.

She understands that the other party will simulate some of the spells she is best at, such as little bears, such as various fire spells that she is good at, etc. However, she knows other messy spells, those tens of thousands of small tricks , but the other party doesn't use it. It seems that it is because the number of simulations is limited, just like the upper limit of the other party's magic power is only at the level of the peak of a demigod?

Moreover, she also found that although the other party also simulated a space pocket, there was nothing in it, and nothing could be taken out!

And then...

Whether it is the other party or the bear, although they look very similar, apart from the appearance and simulated abilities, the other party is essentially a body like liquid metal, and the other party does not seem to have much wisdom. , and can't speak some complex languages, just like procedures or rules, will they implement certain rules by themselves?

In short, the other party is not very perfect, and for Annie, it is just a fun toy.

However, even if it is, it is very powerful. If it is replaced by ordinary people, it will definitely fall into trouble!

However, the upper limit of Her Lady Queen Anne is still too high, and the upper limit of the other party is so lost. Even if you spy on a certain rule, the direct simulation and re-engraving are similar, and the gap with her is still a world of difference. of.




After figuring it out and getting tired of playing it, Annie stretched out her hand and imprisoned the opponent, imprisoning him in a spherical space barrier and suspended in mid-air.

At this time, on the other side, a certain bear also beat the fake bear into a toy, and lifted it up to ask Annie for credit.




Suddenly, unexpectedly, when Annie was thinking about how to deal with that interesting counterfeit, the other party turned black directly in her space barrier?



That's right, it's blackening!

She saw that as the opponent's eyes, hair, and even clothes gradually turned black, the huge power of shadows poured out of the opponent's body continuously, and the power also broke through the boundaries directly from the original peak of demigods. , reached a higher level.


Due to the breakthrough of power, the power of shadows began to overflow from the imprisoned space. At the same time, the surrounding space was interfered to the point of cracking every inch, and she was about to break through the imprisoned barrier of her space?

"No way?"


"Even the power of darkness has been simulated?!"


This time, Annie was really taken aback by the other party.

She never imagined that the other party could achieve this level, so when the evaluation of the other party improved a little, she hurriedly strengthened the space barrier and began to suppress the shadow power of the other party.

After a while, when the space stabilized again, and when the shadow power of the opponent was suppressed, Annie looked at the blackened impostor inside the circular space barrier that had turned black.

"It's amazing..."


Annie always thought that the other party could only use flames that she was good at, but unexpectedly, the other party even copied her shadow power, which is really amazing!

It's a pity The other party is still a little weaker. After all, the upper limit of the other party, or in other words, the upper limit of this world is only that high, and her Queen Anne's upper limit is endless, the gap between the two sides is doomed opponent's ending.

There is no way, who made the other party just meet her omnipotent Queen Anne?

And if you meet that puppet sister Lani, that dog Blazer, that Ratan, or that Aunt Reinara, maybe, the other party really has a chance to win, right?

"That is……"

"King of Darkness and Night!"


"Our King of the Night has finally appeared!!"

"Very good!"

"My king!!"

"O great king of the night, please lead us to the eternal night!"

At this time, attracted by the previous report of the night man swordsman and the huge battle, when hundreds of night man guards, monks and witches arrived at the gate of the broken temple, they saw the razed temple. And the fake 'Annie' that was suspended in mid-air and was imprisoned by Annie, but still exuded terrifying dark magic, as if a **** had descended. cheered loudly.



"What are you doing?"


Annie was a little baffled. She didn't know what was going on with these night people and why they bowed to her impostor.


(● ̄(?) ̄●)


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