Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1882: (????)???? Hunting Finger Knife

After analyzing the pleadings and crying of the night people, after Anne learned about the whole story of the 'king-making' activity in the eternal city of Norronn and the miserable status quo, finally, Annie thought again and again, but in the end she didn't go. Directly destroy the counterfeit, but keep it temporarily after controlling it.


Of course, the surviving night people happily greeted their 'King of the Night' and Anne, the 'angel', to their night sky garden, towards their hidden temple and grand palace. And go.

Immediately afterwards, there was naturally a welcome banquet that, although it looked a little shabby, was generally rich and rare, allowing Annie to have a good taste of the various delicious specialties of the underground world.





I don't know how long it took, between the swaying candlelights, when Annie was full and full, the witches and priests of the other party also basically explained the status quo of the eternal city of Norronn and the The product of the original kingmaking activity, that is, the 'Imitation Teardrop' was explained clearly.


'?'*))) Ha!

Of course, how much Annie, who was holding up a bottle of star-like drink and gulp it down, was unknown.

But anyway, no matter what, she always listened to it a little bit more or less.


(● ̄? ̄●)

"Sir God!"

"Next, what do you want me to do?"


"Lord God Envoy, your opinion is..."

Seeing that Annie finally stopped eating and drinking, and looked very satisfied, those night people who agreed to temporarily leave the 'King of the Night' for them because they saw that Annie was strong enough to defeat the imitation teardrops. The priests and witches hurriedly came over with a shy smile and asked cautiously.

That's right!

Now the night people in the eternal city of Norronn have firmly believed that the 'daughter of darkness Annie' who reproduced Anne's appearance and ability is the king created by their night people, and provides the ability to reproduce, and can also make True Anne, whom the King of the Night Man easily defeated, was naturally the envoy who sent the 'King' to them.

They will unconditionally obey their 'Black King Annie' and firmly believe that their 'Black King' will make the night full of stars again!

Correspondingly, the envoy who brought them the "Black King" is also the object they must obey and worship unconditionally.



Annie just curled her lips and glanced at the guys with worried faces, not in a hurry to pay attention to them.


'ο'*))) alas

"I don't know what's going on with you guys, that kind of imitation teardrop, it actually stole some of the original rules of this chaotic world, and then it can use those original rules to directly copy any existing in this world. The upper limit of the appearance and strength of the creatures is still very high, and it is no wonder that the supreme will will try to destroy you."


What Annie has already seen, because the imitation teardrop itself is a combination of some rules of this world, so it has become the kind of existence that encounters strong and weak, and if it encounters Annie, then The result is naturally that the creation of kings and gods directly on the spot is successful, and it is beyond powerful, at least when facing people or gods in this world.

And if it is a mouse, or someone who is destitute and has no armor, but only the faded person with a broken wooden stick, then it must be very weak and weak, and anyone can step on it with one foot. dead.

In this regard, Anne was even thinking that if the first person who was enshrined in the temple was not her Lady Queen Anne, but someone else, the other person would only need to put everything before going in and touching it. The equipment has been taken off, and then it is infected with a little toxin or scarlet corruption or something, and then touch it to make it re-engraved, the result must be very interesting, right?

Of course, it's too late to say anything now. The other party directly copied some of her Queen Anne's best abilities, and was even so powerful that she could imitate her shadow power. It has become this The most powerful being at the border, it would be too late for others to make trouble.


From Annie's point of view, at the moment, under her careless interference, the supreme will and the two fingers, the last thing they wanted to see and the worst result when the other party decided to destroy the Night and Nokron had been Appeared, God knows what will happen in the future!

However, Annie didn't want to care about those bad things. Who made the other party's destruction not complete enough, and also let a lot of night people survive in Norronn, and then there are the results of the other party's research?

Of course……

The supreme will and **** and two fingers, they may never dream of it, the night people intervene in the creation of life and the silver teardrops that create many human forms are actually not the most terrifying, the most, the most, the most The most, most, most, and most terrifying, but the half-finished, seemingly useless 'teardrop'?


"Master God?"

"What is your opinion..."

"grown ups?"

"Master God?"

The priests and witches of the night don't care what the supreme will and fingers that do not deal with them think, they just want to beg the great angel to keep the 'Black King' to them, so they will Once again, he leaned in front of Annie with a smirk and a smile, and just squatted on the cold floor, staring at Annie and the 'king' standing motionless beside Annie.



"Okay! Since you look so pitiful, let's keep her!"


Annie is the most unbearable thing for others to ask her, especially when the other party treats her with delicious food, and the request is not too outrageous, she naturally has no reason to refuse.

"In the future, let her be your king!"


So, he looked at the other self who was standing beside him without saying a word, and his expression was also cold and sluggish. After thinking about it, he nodded and agreed to the pleas of those night people, intending to keep the impostor. Be the king of the opponent in this eternal city and protect it.

"However, she's still a little too stupid. Let me help you make it a little bit!"


With that said, Annie didn't wait for the reaction of the night people, and immediately stuffed a smart chip from the Kepulu star area into the replica's liquid metal brain, and quickly connected the chip to the other party's entire body. .

In the next second, a change that was almost visible to the naked eye happened. The dummy's dull eyes suddenly became sharp and intelligent, and it didn't look as rigid as before.

However, the other party did not speak, just glanced at the night people, and continued to stand beside Annie without saying a word.

"All right!"


"Let's do it, from now on, she will be your king!"

(? ̄? ̄?) Hey!

Saying that, clapping her hands, eating and drinking, and doing a great deed, Annie plans to leave here.


"God, angel!"

Gu Ying

"Where are you going?"

"God, please stay!"


Seeing that the powerful divine envoy who sent the 'Black King' to the Eternal City was about to leave, of course, those witches and priests hurriedly surrounded them and asked earnestly.



"People are going to play everywhere, just leave it alone!"


"You still take care of yourselves, build a broken city well, and thrive. If you have time, people will naturally come back to see you!"


Annie spoke perfunctorily.

Anyway, she doesn't have time to pay attention to these unfamiliar guys now, because she knows, these unfortunate night people, they are still alive and normal, the old and young together, I am afraid there are less than 5,000 people, although look at It's a pity, but she won't stay to help them clean up the mess.


(● ̄(?) ̄●)



"Master God, if I want to find you in the future, what should I do?"


"Master God, you can't just walk away like this!"

At this time, before Annie left, the priestesses hurriedly chased after Annie and stopped in front of Annie to ask.



"Can you go to that Stonewell City on the ground?"


After thinking about it for a while, Annie said indifferently.

But in any case, Anne herself doesn't like to stay in that Stonewell city on weekdays, so they can look for it if they like, but it's none of her business if they can't find it.


"Shi, Stonewell City?"


"Lord God, I will write it down."

Hearing what Annie said, the priestess and the surrounding witches looked at each other, and finally heaved a sigh of relief.

Then, he reluctantly gave way to the road a little, and did not dare to continue to block.



"I almost forgot one thing. Let me ask you: Do you have a small knife called a hunting finger?"


At this time, Annie suddenly remembered that the puppet, Miss Lani, had asked her to ask her several times. At this time, she didn't know if the dog Blazer had found her, so she decided to ask for help first.


"Hunting, hunting fingers?"

"Yes, it is……"


"It is well preserved in a temple, Lord God, what are your orders?"

Hearing that Anne asked about this matter, after the witches and priests looked at each other, one of them hurriedly stood up and answered carefully.

Hunting Finger Knife, it was the secret treasure built by their eternal city in order to fight against the **** and the supreme will. It is said to be a knife born from the corpse of a certain divine creature, a blood-stained curse, plus The refining of the technology of the Eternal can damage the Supreme Will and serve His various servants, such as fingers or something.

In fact, they did use it to kill a clone of Erzhi.

But unfortunately, it was just a clone, and there were too few hunting knives, so the night people finally lost the war, and the eternal city of Norronn was almost completely destroyed. In the end, the people of the night are not one in a hundred.

"Don't worry about it!"


"Just go and get it, it's useful!"


Annie urged impatiently, but she didn't say how to use it.

Anyway, if someone else brought that thing to the door, then she would definitely not mind to help the little girl doll by the way, just bring something.


"I'll send someone to fetch it!"

Seeing that the envoy didn't want to say anything, the priestess of the night didn't dare to ask more, and hurriedly ordered to let a witch lead someone to bring the 'hunting knives' enshrined in the temple back to the palace .

After all, the eternal city of Nokron has been destroyed, and there are very few people in the night. Even if there is such a thing, there is no capital to fight against the finger. Therefore, since the gods in front of them want it, they naturally do not dare. Reason for not agreeing.

"Hurry up!"


"People are very busy!"

Yes, Annie has to be busy playing, shopping, and tossing around, so she doesn't have time to wait for them here for too long.


(● ̄(?) ̄●)


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