
"How should this be?"

"I really don't have a clue!"


Before the cliff, look at the 'stars' in the 'heaven' of this underground world, and then look at Norronn on the cliff to the west and the ten thousand-foot cliff below you. It seems that there are some of the eternal city of Norronn below. In the ruins, the werewolf Brian couldn't help but feel a little tangled and hesitant.

There is no doubt that the facts are in front of him, whether it is the main body of Nokronen above or the ruins of Nokronen below, he can't go!

And just like the information, the eternal city of Nokron seems to have really been destroyed by the Supreme Will or the Second Finger. Although there are still many ruins of buildings and altars left around, but if you want to go up, you want to go to The largest surviving Nokron ruins, I am afraid it is not easy.

Because that Nokron was built on the cliff, and he is now at the bottom, with a height of hundreds of kilometers in the middle, plus he is a werewolf, not a monkey, orangutan or blue sheep, so rock climbing What, that's really not what he's good at.

"what can we do about it……"


'Ow~! ’

After hesitating for a long time, the gloomy werewolf finally couldn't bear it any longer. He raised his head and instinctively howled towards the starry sky.

This is the current situation. He wants to leave but is unwilling. He wants to continue looking for a way, but he has been searching for almost a day and a night. He has tried all the elevators or portals he can find. , the result was that he couldn't go up, which really embarrassed him.


After a howl, letting the wolf howl reverberate in this underground world for a while for the first time, Blazer quickly calmed down and began to rack his brains to think.

He won't be stumped by such a small difficulty in front of him. Besides, that is the task that Lord Lani asked him to do. Even if there is a difficulty, he must overcome the difficulty and complete it unconditionally!


How to overcome it, he must use his wolf brain to think about it carefully...

'Hey! ’

'Over there, is that Uncle Dog Brian? ’

At this moment, very suddenly, a pretty voice came from the west towards Blazer.


From a distance, seeing Annie's figure appearing and jumping toward him, the werewolf Blazer couldn't help but exclaimed in amazement.

"It is you!"


"You disappeared as soon as you came in. I thought you wouldn't come back..."

Obviously, the annoyed wolf howl he just made seemed to have an effect, and he directly attracted the little girl who didn't know where to go before.


"I'm not a dog, I'm a werewolf."

"Also, my name is not Brian, my name is Blazer."

Immediately afterwards, as the little girl approached, the werewolf Blazer solemnly corrected the other's slip of the tongue, although it was not the first time.



"Uncle, what are you doing so earnestly, anyway, wolves and dogs are the same, and they are not much different."


Annie retorted indifferently.

In her opinion, a werewolf looks like a kobold with a dog's head on it, and the dog named 'Erha' looks very similar to a wolf, so call each other a dog Dogs, of course.


(● ̄? ̄●)


"Let's not talk about that!"


"Why did you go?"

Blazer didn't want to dwell on the wolf and dog issue, so he suddenly changed the subject and asked about something he was more interested in.

"I didn't go anywhere, just stroll around!"


After thinking about it, Annie said with a grin.

Obviously, she didn't want to honestly say that she had actually gone to the ruins of Norronn above, and even saw those surviving night people, and even hit a guy called 'Imitation Teardrop', and then let The counterfeit goods that were controlled and embedded in chips blocked the king of the night people, and finally took the other party's treasures and other contents to tell.



"How about you, uncle?"


"It's been so long, you should have completed the task, right?"


Annie asked with a knowing smile.

Because, right now, the quest item that the other party is looking for is just kept in her pocket, and the entire Norronn is just like that, and the night people took it out from a temple and gave it to her, Therefore, if the other party can find or complete the task, it will be a ghost.


(● ̄? ̄●)

"A task?"


"Sorry, I don't have any clues right now..."

After a pause, the werewolf Blazer, who was a little embarrassed, had to bite the bullet and continue:


"You can see that Norlon is right in front of you, it's on top of that cliff, but I just can't find any way to go up."

Saying that, the werewolf Blaze directly pointed to the sky to the west of the two of them.

There, on the high cliff, in addition to the 'sky' dotted with stars, you can still vaguely see the outline of a city, and that, there is no doubt that Blazer did everything possible to get there. Unacceptable place - Norronn.

"I tried everything, including searching for lifts that could be used, and including all the various portals I found."

"But no way, they can't get me up there."

"That gloomy fellow Silvis, he must know something..."

"He must have some inside story that he didn't make clear!"

"I really want to bite him a few times to see if I can force some valuable information out."

Then, the werewolf Blazer, while annoyed, began to curse a guy in a low voice like gnashing his teeth.





Annie blinked, then leaned over and asked curiously.


"Don't you know? Sylvez, like I and Iggy, are all followers of Lady Lani."


"That guy doesn't have the same mind with Mrs. Lanni and us. He's a sinister guy who talks about it all day, and I don't know what he's thinking..."

"Anyway, Lord Lani doesn't seem to trust him completely."

After hesitating for a while, although he felt that it was a little bad to speak ill of his companions behind his back, Blazer the werewolf said it anyway.

Anyway, he was just unhappy looking at the guy who always stared at Lord Lanni with that weird look. If Lord Lanni didn't allow it, he would have wanted to bite or hack that guy to death!

"It's like this..."


"Then, Shu Mi, what do you want to do next?"


Annie didn't care about the affairs of the other party's house, she just asked casually, so after listening, she didn't comment or say what she had done, but just continued to ask.

"I do not know."

"What I can do now is to continue to investigate the surrounding environment. Maybe there is something hidden that I haven't found?"

Blaze the werewolf was really embarrassed about this matter, so he could only think about it like he was talking to himself.


"I will be responsible for continuing to investigate this area!"


"Annie, how about you?"

"Where are you going?"

After talking about the things that gave him a headache and no clue, Blazer suddenly asked back.






"Maybe it's going to the east?"


Since everyone has come, Annie must have finished shopping here before going out.

And now, she has already been to Norcolon in the back, and she had a good meal. Plus, she walked all the way and found that there seemed to be no fun here, so she had to go to the one opposite the cliff in the east. Wandered around that area.


"The east side doesn't seem to be able to pass..."

Turning to look east, Blazer frowned directly.

Moreover, in the east, he seemed to smell some kind of dangerous breath, that kind of place, let alone impossible to pass, even if it was possible, he would definitely not pass easily!

Besides, now he can't even get up to Nokron, who is in front of him, and he has no clue how to complete the task, so how can he run to the east?

"People can!"


"Just send it directly, you don't need to run around like you!"


Annie made a playful face at the other party angrily, and did not take the kind of problem the other party worried about to heart.

If there are no coordinates, although random teleportation is not very good, within visual distance, even if there are no coordinates, teleportation is still very easy for her. After all, Her Lady Queen Anne is the most, most, most, most, most The most, the most, the most... the most powerful Super Arcane Archmage!



"I almost forgot, you are a powerful mage..."

First startled, then, Blazer nodded with some envy and understanding.

Because he also knows that the little girl in front of him is a mage, the king of Stoneville City, and a powerful being who saved the full moon queen Reinara and the broken star general Ratan. It also disappeared in an instant, so it shouldn't be difficult for the other party to go to the east.


"and many more!"

At this moment, the werewolf Blazer suddenly thought of something, and then hurriedly shouted to Annie who was about to leave.


"Mage Anne, do you have a way to get to the Norronn above?"

"That's what you just said..."


Blazer asked urgently and apprehensively, with an urgent look on his face, it was not hard to guess that he must have wanted that kind of affirmative answer from Annie's mouth.



"So what?"


Annie was a little baffled, and didn't know what to ask or look forward to about that kind of little thing.

After all, teleportation, especially that kind of teleportation within the line of sight, began to learn when her Lady Queen Anne was three years old. It was extremely simple. In her opinion, anyone can basically learn it. , and those who can't learn are idiots!




"That's great!"

"That's it!"

"Can you send me up?"

"Or, if you know how to get there, can you share it with me?"

Blazer asked anxiously and expectantly, and even the pair of dog ears on his head stood up subconsciously, and the dog's face was full of hope.



"It's not fun up there, what are you doing up there?"

??(?? ̄? ̄)????

Annie firmly refused, and there was no hope for the other party at all.



Blazer's dog face collapsed in an instant, and his ears looked a little wilted.

"That's it!"

"Go and do your job, I'll be in charge here, I'll always find a way to go up..."

He turned his head angrily, and then, the werewolf Blazer stopped begging Annie, but began to observe and ponder, ready to think about where he had not searched.





"Uncle, people advise you not to think too much, unless you can climb up, otherwise, you will definitely not be able to go up!"

(? ̄? ̄?)

Annie is very sure, the other party will definitely not be able to get up!

Because ah, she knows, the above has been taken over by the night people who were lurking before, whether it is the elevator or the portal, there is no way to do it now.

Now, because Annie left her phantom teardrop clone there, the backs of the night people straightened up instantly, and they were back in their city, and no longer hiding or hiding. Fear of being discovered by Second Finger and getting revenge.



"There's really nothing you're looking for. There are only a lot of powerful nights and silver tears. If you go up there with a dog like you, you'll be beaten!"


After speaking with certainty, Annie turned around and left regardless of whether the other party listened or not.



"Why are you so sure?"

The werewolf Blazer frowned, and then, after he had recovered, he turned around and asked.


"You must have been there before, right?"



Seeing that Annie was ignoring him, Blazer had to grit his teeth and chase after him. However, at the edge of the cliff, he had to stop, and only saw the other person's figure flashing and then disappearing.


"That is……"

Then, he saw that the figure of the little girl had appeared on the bridge opposite the cliff, but the bridge had already been destroyed, and there was a dark cliff under the bridge, and the only remaining bridge was far from here. It's still very wide, even if Blazer himself is a werewolf, it is estimated that he can't jump over easily.


"You haven't said it yet!"

As a last resort, Blazer had to open his throat and shout again.


However, ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the little red figure still didn't want to answer him, and then, the other party flashed again, and then disappeared completely.



"damn it!"

"These mages, as expected, are just like Silvis, they are all weird guys!"

Looking at the east direction where Annie disappeared, and at the west side behind him, the ruins of Norronn on the cliffs of hundreds of thousands of meters. After hesitating for a long time, the werewolf Blazer slammed his fist and complained with some annoyance.


"I have to search again, I don't believe it anymore..."

"If it really doesn't work, then I'll have to go back and ask that guy Silvis about the situation."

"Just do it!"

Although he felt that the little girl should have no intention to deceive herself, she had the guts to grit her teeth and made a decision quickly, and she did not have the intention to give up the investigation and go to Naokronen according to her words.

'Ow~! ’

Soon, with a wolf howl, the werewolf Blazer disappeared into the darkness of the underground world.

The light in this underground world is very dim. Although there are stars in the 'heaven', the light is still not good. If people on the ground come here, if there are no torches, they may not even be able to see the road!


It doesn't matter to him Blazer, because he is a werewolf, and a werewolf, like a wolf, has the ability to see in the dark. In this environment, his ability to act is in no way inferior to those who have survived here for generations. humans or other species.


??(????)??Ask for a monthly pass?


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