Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1885: (????) He died on the spot?



"Okay, it stinks! What kind of crappy place is this?"


After Annie, who had been teleported directly after parting with the werewolf Blazer, stood up, frowned on the spot and covered her nose for the first time.

Because ah, she found out that this place seems to be foggy everywhere, and the key is that there is an ominous red breath in the fog in the air, and there is also a stench of fishy mutton in it. She didn't like to stay here any longer.

"It's over there..."


"Blood Lake?"


Of course, like the ominous aura, what Annie disliked even more was the huge lake of blood that was glowing red in the past!

Obviously, the people who live here are definitely not good people!

Think about it too, who is the kind of person who is a little serious, who will be full and live in such a disgusting place?



"It's not fun here, let's go back..."

ε=('ο'*))) alas

After walking around, Annie, who felt that this shabby place was a little boring, and her expression was a little frustrated, quickly backed off, not going to continue to stroll in this underground world, and instead planned to go back to the ground and talk about it.

'! ! ’

Suddenly, before Annie decided where to go back to the ground, not far away, there was a rustling sound.


‘Wang! ! ’

Immediately afterwards, there was the rapid barking of a howling dog.



In doubt, Annie turned her head and looked directly at the place where the voice came from.

"That is……"


A little bit of surprise to Annie: she saw that on the reef by the lake, there were several ugly animals with no hair on their bodies, only the hideous skin and the hideous and ugly animals on their backs. Disgusting sarcoma vicious dog?

Of course, what surprised her the most was that at this moment, they were roaring and rushing towards them, apparently already looking for her.



There is no doubt that those ugly guys must have smelled the fresh smell of Annie, and looking at the way they can't wait to open their huge mouths full of saliva, it is not difficult to guess that they must not come to welcome her like that. Simple.


‘Wang! ’

'what! what! ’

Seeing that Annie didn't run away and was still standing stupidly in place, the blood-tumor dogs were even more excited.

Then, their running speed became a little faster, and all of a sudden they ran to the front of the reef 100 meters away, and began to nimbly climb the reef by the lake where Annie was, scrambling to move towards Annie rushes in.




ε=('ο'*))) alas

At this time, Annie had already smelled the stench and the disgusting stench on them.

So, she slowly stretched out her little hand and aimed at the blood-tumor dog that was the fastest runner and had already rushed to less than five meters in front of her.

'! ! ’

'Ow! ! ’

at this time!

It was too late and the time was too fast, the fastest rushing vicious dog jumped up at a distance of five meters, and at the same time did not forget to open its huge mouth of saliva dripping with stench, and went straight towards the dog. Annie's neck was bitten.



Almost instantly, Annie's palm suddenly lit up with a dark red flame.

"Burn you to death..."



boom! ! !

In the next instant, a fan-shaped flame wave roared out from Annie's palm towards the vicious dog in front and the vicious dogs behind, and the giant mouth of the vicious dog in front was about to approach. Before, she completely shrouded him and the few blood-tumor dogs behind him, who were running a little slower, in the sky-high flames.

'! ! ’



Just for a moment, after a short whimper, the world was quiet, and there was no more the roaring, barking of the vicious dog, and the stench that made Annie's little nose wrinkle.

After a few seconds...

"It's done!"

(? ̄? ̄?) Hey!

As the fire gradually dissipated, and Annie clapped her hands to extinguish the fire, at this time, where are the shadows of those vicious dogs in front of her?

All that was left in front of him was the scorched reef pond that was burned red and slowly poured lava towards the blood lake and made a 'sizzling' sound.

Moreover, the steam and the bubbling heat waves in the pool are not water, but the reef magma burned by Annie!

As for the vicious dogs just now, they were instantly burned to ashes by Annie's terrifying high-temperature flames.

"Since it's over..."


"Then go back!"


This broken place is even less fun than the previous Norron, so Annie didn't want to stay any longer, she was ready to go back.


( ̄▽ ̄“)



However, Annie, who was just about to teleport away, suddenly stopped and turned her head back.

Sure enough, she saw, with the blood mist condensing, a strange man with a white mask, dirty clothes, and looking disgusting, that is, the white mask Fan Lei she had seen before. , at this time, he appeared in front of him for no apparent reason, just staring at her across the magma pool that was burned and melted by her?



"Shu Mi, how are you!"


Annie knew that the other party had just teleported there in some weird way, perhaps because the other party lived nearby, and then she was attracted by the movement caused by her burning just now, so she hurried over to check it out. ?

So, of course, she naturally raised the claw of the bear in her hand and greeted the other party.


(● ̄? ̄●)

"It's you……"


"Why are you here?"

Annie, who was staring at the hippie smiling face, looked and looked again, and then looked at the steaming lava pool that Annie had just burned. After a long time, Fan Lei in the white mask suddenly asked with some fear and hesitation.

"There are so many whys!"

(ˉ▽ ̄~)Cut~~

"Blame Shu Mi, since you can be here, why can't others be here?"


"What's wrong with that?"


Originally, Annie was about to leave, but when the other party spoke to her in such a tone of voice and looked domineering and dissatisfied, she must be a little unhappy.

"Of course there is."


"It is the location of our Mongwen Dynasty's spiritual temple. Only my Mongwen Dynasty knights are qualified to know and come here, and you..."


"How on earth did you get in?"

Yes, this is where White Mask Fan Lei feels puzzled and vigilant.

Although, he had thought about flicking and guiding the powerful little girl in front of him to become a knight of their Mongwen dynasty, but, obviously, he failed in the end.

Then, he tried several times to get in touch, but the other party did not accept his good intentions, and even quickly became the king of Stonewell City, laying down the city of Moen on the Weeping Peninsula, and the area of ​​Nielia. The Kalia royal family and the Red Lion City in the Galid Wilderness became one, and concluded a certain covenant, so that he no longer had the slightest chance and possibility to win over each other.

It was precisely because of that that he returned here in frustration, but who would have thought that the other party would appear along with them, and that they had wiped out many of their blood-tumor dogs as soon as they appeared, looking like a bad visitor?

"Of course it was sent in!"


"They came from the eternal city of Norronn over there!"


Annie didn't choose to hide it, and directly and generously told where and how she came.

"Eternal City?"


"No wonder..."

Slightly startled, then, the white mask Fan Lei also glanced westward and quickly understood.

There is no border between their Munger Dynasty and the eternal city of Nokron, which was destroyed by two fingers. The two sides are separated by a terrifying abyss and an underground river. Most people must be unable to get through, even if they fly. It's hard! It's hard!

However, given that the little girl in front of her is a powerful one, she can defeat 'Limb' Greck, enter the Magic Academy by herself and restore the full moon queen Reinara, and finally defeat the strongest demigod Ratan and heal the opponent's scarlet Corrupt and powerful mage, it is not surprising that the other party can teleport.



"Your Excellency, what are you here for?"

After knowing the path of the little girl to come here, the white mask Fan Lei solved a little bit of doubts, but he did not let down his guard at all, but continued to be on guard and asked nervously.

Because he knew that the little girl in front of him didn't like him, and she still had three big runes on her body, but at this time, the other party ran over after almost sweeping all the land south of the royal city Rodel. In the underground world, they even found the secret residence of their Mongolian dynasty, so he couldn't help thinking about it.

Just like...

Does the other party want to be detrimental to their new dynasty's Lord Mong, and want to capture the big rune on Lord Mong?

"For what?"


"Of course I'm here to play!"


Annie didn't hide it, she said with a big smile.

"But it's not fun here at all, people are about to leave, but those nasty evil dogs and you guys are here!"

??(?? ̄? ̄)????

Subconsciously, Annie directly classified the white mask Fan Lei and those disgusting blood tumor dogs together.



"The smell on them is similar to yours. Are you their owner?"


Annie suddenly asked suspiciously, and asked, trying to find out if the other party deliberately let the dog bite her.


However, the white mask Fan Lei on the opposite side did not answer.

"Since you don't like it here, please leave quickly, Your Excellency!"

"This is where the spiritual temple of my Mongwen dynasty is located. We do not welcome uninvited intruders like your Excellency."

Immediately afterwards, Fan Lei, the white mask, replied coldly while being vigilant, and issued a very unfriendly expulsion order to Annie.



Annie glanced at each other in surprise and began to think.

If the other party didn't come out and didn't say those words to herself, Annie might have left this stinky place by now, but... it's different now. If you drive her away, then she will not be in a hurry to leave.



"This is the underground of Nimgford, and Nimgford is someone's territory. Even the eternal city of Norronn has become someone's territory, and this is of course no exception!"


"It's none of your business when people turn around in their own territory?"


Yes, Anne is the ruler of the Nimgford area, there is no doubt about it, and since the land of Nimgford belongs to her family, it is natural that the underground land, mines, caves, buried objects, etc. , it must also be her home!

She said yes and no!

And now, since she is hanging out on her own territory, what does it have to do with the other party whether she can leave, or when she wants to leave?


"The eternal city of Norronn, when did it become your territory?"

White-masked Fan Lei didn't want to argue about Ning Mugfu on the ground for the time being, but he had no choice but to ask Nokronen, the eternal city in Chichi.

Although, there are not many night people left in Norkron, but if the little girl in front of them is occupied, it will still be a big problem for their newly established Mongwen Dynasty. Small threats, he can not ignore.

"Just yesterday!"


"Tell you, they have given them a clone to be the king of the night, so this is also their territory!"


Annie looked smug, and didn't mind how much shock and shock her words caused to the white mask Fan Lei.



"I think, I get it."

With that said, the white mask Fan Lei slowly took out his striking weapon like a bunch of flowers.

It was his Fan Lei bouquet, a hammer spear made with reference to the bouquet of roses, and the petals in the bouquet were all sharp and sharp blades, and they were full of dark red blood. The top of the pale-white hammer spear was dyed red, and it looked like a real bouquet of roses. It looked graceful and pompous, but it was actually extremely dangerous.

Obviously, his white mask Fan Lei must have used that dangerous and beautiful hammer spear to hammer people, otherwise, the dark red of the bouquet would not have penetrated so deeply.


!? (?\'\'??)?

"Do you want to fight?"


Annie naturally saw the danger of the weapon in the opponent's hand, so, knowing what the opponent wanted to do, she couldn't help but ask in surprise.


"Lord Munger is spending the night with God, I won't allow you to disturb him at this time..."


"And it won't allow you to capture his big rune!"

"no way!"

White Mask Fan Lei said firmly.

"Your Mightiness!"

"This is the last warning, please get out of here immediately!!"

Speaking, the white mask Fan Lei clenched the rose bouquet hammer spear in his hands tightly, and stared at Annie with dangerous eyes.

He didn't know if he was Annie's opponent, but his loyalty made him have to sacrifice everything for his master and try his best to prevent anyone from approaching the temple!

"Big Rune?"




"Is there a big rune here?"


Annie pretended to be surprised.

Of course, she wasn't completely surprised, because if the other party didn't tell her, she really didn't know about it.

"Then people can't leave!"


"Although they don't want to be the king of Eldon, since they have collected three big runes, then, by the way, collect one or two more, I think you shouldn't mind, right?"


Annie said with a smile.

Big Rune, she's useless, but she can collect as many as she can, and then remake them into the ring of Eldon, and then give it to that Aunt Leynera or the avatar she left behind to play with ?

However, it will definitely not be called the Ring of Eldon in the future. Maybe it can be called the 'Ring of Anne' or the 'Ring of Tibbers', which would be much better.

And if it really doesn't work, can it be called the 'Ring of Fire' or something?


"I turned a deaf ear to the warning... and said such arrogant and arrogant words, it's really disappointing!"


"Accept the fate of death!"

Saying that, the white mask Fan Lei suddenly exerted force, jumped up high, and raised the bunch of rose hammer spears in his hand, and instantly reached the top of the magma pool that had just been burned by Annie. And prepared to hit Annie's head with a hammer.





Annie didn't take precautions at all, didn't pay attention to the other party, just hummed coldly, and then stretched out her hand to grab...



The next second, very abruptly, a shrill scream echoed around this scarlet blood lake in an Then, the scream lasted for less than two seconds and then gradually became silent. down.

blah blah blah!

Then, the hammer spear, which looked like a bunch of roses, which looked graceful and exaggerated, but was actually extremely dangerous, fell directly in front of Annie.

At this time, its owner, the white-masked Fan Lei, was already tightly clasped in the palm of his hand by the big magma hand that suddenly stretched out from the magma pool, and the whole person was already burned by the hot, high-temperature magma It became a torch, and it was obviously not alive.





"Forget it, it's not fragrant anymore, let's go and have a look!"


Annie has always been too lazy to think too much about troublesome things.

So, she directly possessed herself, picked up the disgusting hammer that the white mask Fan Lei had dropped, and looked at it. Then, she turned her head and glanced at the spiritual temple in the distance. He made up a certain idea and took Tibbers in one hand and the hammer that looked like a bouquet in the other, and jumped in the direction of the spiritual temple.



And with Annie's departure, it didn't take long for the big hand made of magma to collapse instantly.

Among them, the body of the white-masked Fan Lei, who was burnt to coke, also fell directly into the magma pool along with the collapsed big hand and died on the spot.


Then, he only had a few pieces of black matter that were still burning stubbornly, and every now and then there would be a few crisp sounds...


???(?)????? Looking for a monthly pass?


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