Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1886: ?(*?)? The end of the dynasty

The spiritual temple of the Mongwen Dynasty was built on the highest point of this underground 'island'.

Anyway, Annie's eyes are not blind. As soon as she raised her eyes, she saw the tattered and tattered temple built on the highest point!

So, this time, she naturally didn't get lost, and quickly wandered all the way up. By the way, she also used the 'Bouquet of Roses' hammer to kill a lot of pure blood knights and blood guards similar to vampires. In the end, he successfully passed through an ancient elevator and arrived at the highest place that looked like a spiritual temple.

"Is it here?"


"Very good!"


"It's finally here..."


Looking at the broken place inside that was directly open to the air without even a roof, and then looked at the strange red blood light on both sides, Annie quickly determined that this place should indeed be the place she was looking for!

"Is anyone here?"


Then, without hesitation, Annie walked in carelessly.

At the same time, she was still dragging the 'Rose Bouquet' hammer in her hand, so she dragged it behind her, not minding that it left a long, blood-filled and dragging dazzling eye behind her. trace.

That is obviously the result of her 'sneaking' all the way up, and from now on, it is not difficult to judge that a guy in the temple hall has not noticed it. Her actions are very effective, and the other party has not been attacked until now. startled.

Originally, Annie didn't want to smash to death the monsters and vampires or vampire knights she encountered on the road, but...

However, those guys rushed up after seeing her and the 'bouquet' in her hand, and they didn't seem to have any room for negotiation, so, in order to prevent them from making a fuss, she had no choice but to make a fuss. Hands, get them all in the shortest possible time to one person and one hammer to smash their heads.

She can teleport, flash directly behind the enemy and then go down with a hammer. It's just like the game of whack-a-mole, so it's not difficult at all. Anyway, it's probably a hot thing, and there's no need to make a fuss at all. What!


(● ̄? ̄●)



Annie continued to walk forward, looking left and right and shouting again.

"no one there?"


"What the **** is this place?"


Looking at the blood-red weird red lights everywhere in the main hall of the spiritual temple, and then looking at the huge and round cocoon on the steps at the end of the main hall, Annie blinked, and then stopped.

Because, she saw: a huge cocoon-like thing was on it, and at this time, a shriveled and ugly arm stretched out from the cracked cocoon, facing the sky, and at the moment when Annie stood still , suddenly fell down weakly, startling her a little, making her think that some dry dead person was going to jump out of it to trouble her.

However, the reality is not what she imagined...

next second!

When Annie was about to wait patiently for the 'birth of the dead' to jump out, and the queen was about to reward the other party with a free brain, she was surprised when she saw that it had already become dry. His hand, a large pool of scarlet blood flowed out unexpectedly, and a large pool gathered directly on the ground on the steps, as if all the blood flowed out in an instant?



Annie didn't speak, didn't move forward in a hurry, just blinked her beautiful big blue eyes and looked curiously, wanting to see what tricks the other party could play.



"That's what it is..."


Immediately afterwards, Annie couldn't help but let out a small exclamation.

She saw, it turned out that the blood from the dry hand in the cocoon soon became as smooth as a mirror, and then, a huge guy in armor and a red cloak came out of the mirror-like blood. He slowly rose with his back facing Annie, and at the same time sucked the blood into his body.

Obviously, it seems to be some kind of blood transmission skill, just like the disgusting white-masked Fan Lei who was caught by Annie's magma hand and burned to charcoal before, it must be a group.


However, after the other person came out of the blood surface, he did not rush to see Annie, but slowly squatted down, grabbed the withered arm and kissed it affectionately.

"My Mikaela..."

"Please wait for me a little longer."


"The distinguished guests are here, I will be back soon!"

After he said those disgusting words in a low voice affectionately, he let go of the withered arm of the deceased with no sense of beauty, turned around slowly, and looked at the main hall of the Lingmiao Temple. Anne at the door.



"It's you?!"


"You are that evil omen ghost Ma... Ma..."


Seeing the other's iconic ugly face, Annie naturally exclaimed directly, and then stammered.

Of course, she stuttered not because she was too scared or surprised, but because she seemed to have forgotten the other person's name.

"You mean..."

"Evil Omen, Malkit?"

Seeing that Annie was holding back her little red face and looking tangled, at this moment, the guy who came out of the blood hesitated for a while, then frowned and reluctantly helped Annie to answer the question she had long ago Heard the name once.

"Ah yes!"


"It's the hot ominous ghost, Malkit!"


"So, Ugly Bastard, you haven't been killed yet, have you?"


Annie wasn't sure if the guy in front of her was the one she had seen before, but anyway, she had seen the other's face and remembered it deeply. Ugly very personality, and with those dense and twisted horns on her face, it seems that she is about to suffer from intensive phobia, so she tentatively thinks that they are the same person?


(● ̄? ̄●)

(It's obviously not the same person, but Tibbers didn't bother to explain. After all, they're all guys who are going to be hammered to death later, so the name doesn't seem very important.)


"It seems that you have met my brother, how has he been recently?"

The man did not rush to deny Annie's words, but asked slowly as he walked down the steps.



"Aren't you the same person?"


This time, Annie was stopped.

Then, when she took a closer look, she realized that although the other party looked very similar to the one she had seen, it seemed that the one in front of her was really not the one she had seen?



"So you really aren't him..."



ε=('ο'*))) alas

"You look a little uglier than that guy..."


"People just say that if you fall from such a high place, even if you don't die, you can't get better so quickly. That's how it is!"


Then, Annie, who knew it well, nodded, and stuck out her tongue playfully at the other party in embarrassment.

"That ugly uncle..."


"Who are you?"


Now that she figured out that it was her mistake, Annie asked strangely again, wondering what the other party's name was and why she looked so much like the ugly guy from before.


Hearing that the little girl said that she was uglier than her brother, Munger almost couldn't hold back and smashed the opponent to the ground with a golden fork in his hand.

But fortunately, he still held back abruptly.


"It's the king of the Mongwen Dynasty, the blood Munger!"


At this time, Meng Ge, who was getting closer and closer, just wanted to make a poss, but he didn't think so, he saw the blood mark behind the little girl, and then he saw clearly, it turned out that the little girl What was dragging in his hand was actually the weapon of his capable subordinate, the white-masked Fan Lei?


"That's the 'Rose Bouquet', Fan Lei's weapon!"


"What did you do to Fan Lei?"

Since the weapons have already fallen into Annie's hands, it is only natural, and it is conceivable that his subordinates must be more fortunate than others.


In view of how important Fan Lei was to his new dynasty, the blood king Munger still held that glimmer of hope and roared angrily.

"Fan Lei..."




"That uncle in white mask is too weak. He wants to use this hammer to smash people. Then, if people are not careful, they will burn him."


In this regard, Annie is indeed a little embarrassed.

"He's right next to the blood lake, where they burned a magma pool, it's easy to recognize!"


"Uncle Ugly, if you hurry up now, maybe you can still pick up some bone scum?"




"Give me back this bouquet!"


After speaking, Annie hurriedly threw the weird hammer weapon 'Bouquet of Roses' directly at the other's feet, expressing her willingness to return it to its original owner.



"People dyed it redder, brighter and more beautiful, you don't have to thank me!"


It's really not necessary, anyway, if the other party knows, the reason why the 'Rose Bouquet' is so red now is entirely the result of Her Lady Queen Anne's smashing it all the way, because she gave all the blood knights and guards she saw alive. If she is crushed to death, presumably, the other party will have her heart after eating her, right?


(● ̄? ̄●)



"You killed Fan Lei?!"

Looking at the weapon thrown under his feet, and the fresh blood above, Blood Mengge only felt that his anger was rising, and then he managed to suppress it.

"People are just self-defense!"


"It's a strange **** with a white mask. He wants people to die on the spot, and then they have to burn him!"


In this regard, Annie is very sure that she did nothing wrong.

Because the truth is exactly what she told her, anyway, she doesn't have anything to say about being overly defensive here. Amoren's mother said a long time ago that when she is attacked by a bad guy, no matter whether the other party's attack is the beginning It's still in progress, and no matter to what extent the other party wants to infringe, she doesn't need to judge, she can directly take revenge with the maximum arbitrary means!


Munger didn't speak, just stared at Annie.

After a while, he slowly looked down at the 'Bouquet of Roses' hammer under his feet, at the fresh blood above and the trail of blood left behind by Annie's dragging. Gradually, he let go of his senses. And when he noticed something, his eyes naturally became more and more dangerous, and at the same time, the aura on his body became more and more terrifying.

"Do you not like it?"




"Anyway, people don't want it anymore. If you don't like it, then throw it away!"


Annie spoke indifferently and clapped her hands at the same time, indicating that this was all she could do.


"Who is it?"

Finally, when his aura had accumulated to a certain extent, the blood king Meng Ge asked before he was ready to start.

"Oh Annie!"


"Ugly Bastard, what do you want to do?"


Annie asked cutely, as if the terrible aura around the other party didn't exist.

"You will die here..."

"I promise!"

Meng Ge said gloomily, and at the same time began to move forward again.



"However, people think that your guarantee may not count?"


Annie's mouth was flat, and then she refuted the other party unceremoniously, and turned her head away in disdain.

She is here to make trouble today, and before, she was still hesitating and considering whether to take action, but now, she doesn't need it, because Annie knows that the other party will not let her go, so in order to avoid trouble, it is better to take the other party Is it better to destroy it?

Anyway, she saw that the other party didn't seem to be a good person, so she would not have any psychological burden when she started.

"You will regret this……"

With that said, the blood king Meng Ge suddenly jumped up, and then a pair of dark wings suddenly grew out of his back.


"Witness the greatness of our wonderful dynasty and the might of the blood king!"

Then, he waved the huge golden fork, and slices of scarlet, blood-like red spirit fire danced and covered the entire temple, directly shrouding Annie in it.



In an instant, Annie squatted down with her head in her arms as if she had been burned, and then curled up in the spirit fire. Soon, her tiny body was covered by the terrifying spirit fire. disappeared into it.


Blood Mengge, who was about to hit him with a fork, saw that the enemy was instantly attacked and disappeared into his own spiritual fire. Seeing that, he couldn't help but startled.



However, although he did not continue to pounce, he was not careless. He just sensed the disappearing breath of the other party, slowly descended, and walked step by step towards the place where the other party had just curled up, intending to get closer to see the situation. , to see if the other party is really that weak, or if he was directly burned by his own spiritual fire.



However, when he got closer, when he stretched out his left hand to extinguish those spirit fires, he was stunned to discover:

Not only was the huddled little girl not hurt in the slightest, but instead she squatted there and made a big grimace at him?



" Kill it!!"


The next second, after instantly imprisoning the other party with a 'Light Binding' spell that she had prepared for a long time, Annie hurriedly threw her little bear at the other party without waiting for the other party to struggle to escape.

'Roar! ! ! ’

??????: Ow!

Then, naturally, a huge bear burning with dark red flames fell from the sky!

Then, at the moment when the blood king Meng Ge was imprisoned and had no way to resist, it slapped the opponent's ugly head with one paw.

Bang! ! !

With a loud bang, a few ugly horns, a certain eyeball and half a drooping brain were slapped out by a bear's ruthless claws.


"Tibbers, why are you playing so fast?"


Before he completely lost consciousness, the blood monarch, Mong, who planned to create his own blood dynasty and replace the golden dynasty, didn't know anything after hearing the dissatisfied scolding. ...


With the beautifully carved three-pronged spear of the 'Blood King' Munger, and with the 'Mongwen Holy Spear', which was about to become the symbol of the new dynasty, it fell to the floor of the slate-paved spiritual temple hall, followed by the huge and ugly , the body still bound by the 'Light Binding' slumped and crouched down, before the Blood Dynasty could be established, it dissipated with a bang...


ヾ(?°?°?)?? The more monthly passes, the faster the update!


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