Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1894: (*???`?) When the moonlight shines on the face

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After using a simple arcane impact to instantly knock the malicious monstrosity away, so that it no longer dares to pester her, Annie's mood finally improved a little, and she began to live in this empty magic tower. Hu Chi hurriedly ran up, and it took a long time to finally come to the door of a room on the top floor.

"Is anyone in there?"


Annie didn't rush in directly and recklessly, but leaned into the door frame, then stuck her head out and peeped and tentatively asked.



As soon as she finished speaking, Annie saw:

This one on the top of the tower is like a study, it looks messy, it doesn't look like a room for a girl at all, the girl with a snow witch peaked hat on her head and a snow witch's suit on her body. At this time, he was sitting motionless on the chair by the wall in the middle, with his head lowered, and the wide hat brim directly covered half of his body, as if he was still asleep.

"Are you still sleeping?"


"Sure enough, Tibbers, you saw it, so she is much more diligent than her!"


It's rare that Annie, who often sleeps until the afternoon, and doesn't even want to wake up until the sun is basking in the sun, is the first time she finds that doll on the body of the doll in front of her in this sunless junction. A long-lost sense of pride.

As a result, her mood became more pleasant and comfortable, and she, who had been annoyed by all kinds of worrying things before, finally had more of that quirky smile on her face.


(● ̄? ̄●)



Finding that the owner here was still sleeping late, without saying anything, Annie walked in without seeing anything and started to look around.

Then, Annie soon found out that there are all kinds of books here, and there is no fun at all?


(ˉ▽ ̄~)Cut~~

Picking up a dusty book and flipping through it casually, seeing Annie who didn't seem to have much to look at, she pouted and threw it back gently.

"I don't even have anything to eat..."

'ο'*))) alas

"Yes! People almost forgot, dolls definitely don't need to eat!"




After seeing the surrounding situation clearly and realizing that there must be no delicious food to kill herself, Annie angrily walked over to a guy who was still sleeping, intending to go up and wake him up. other side.



"Sleep so deeply..."


At this time, when Annie's outstretched hand was just about to touch the body of the doll's sister, Lani, and wake her up, she didn't know what she was thinking, and suddenly froze.



Because ah, at this time, Anne suddenly remembered, it seems that Her Lady Queen Anne had said before that she wanted to do something fun to punish the puppet sister Lani... And now, since the other party slept so much Sweet, isn't this a perfect opportunity?



So, Annie, who could do whatever she thought of, stretched out her hand, and in the blink of an eye, a large black marker appeared in her hand.



Then, Annie moved carefully, holding her breath, carefully got under the big hat of the other party, reached out and used a marker to lightly draw on the beautiful doll face of the other party.

"All right!"




Not long after finishing her masterpiece, Annie took two steps back carefully and got out from under the other's big hat, and after tilting her head for a while, she finally nodded with satisfaction.

"Let's do it first, it seems to be quite beautiful!"


Annie, who was very satisfied with her results, naturally grinned without mind at all, not worrying that the other party would suddenly wake up or something.



"Miss Lani, wake up, get up quickly, someone has brought you a knife!"

So, after tidying up the scene, for example, throwing the marker directly out of the window, and rubbing her dirty hands on the bear's body, Annie pretended to be serious and pushed the one that was still in good shape. Sitting on the chair with her head lowered, with several books on her buttocks, the body of Miss Lani doll.



Okay for a few seconds...


Finally, under the urging of Annie, the doll lady Lani, who was wearing a Snow Witch peaked hat and a Snow Witch suit, slowly raised her head and opened her beautiful left eye and looked at it. To Annie who was standing in front of Qiao Shengsheng.



The moment the other party raised his head, Annie almost didn't open her mouth to laugh.

However, fortunately, she pinched her little bear Tibbers tightly and held it back. She didn't reveal too many flaws, but her face was a little deformed.


"Sure enough, it's you, Annie, not the Blazer I imagined..."

"I should have expected this result long ago, and it's a little earlier than I thought..."

Raising her head and seeing clearly that the person in front of her was the powerful little girl Annie who was 'insurance', La Ni nodded clearly, and then sighed faintly.

"That's right!"

 ̄? ̄)????

"It's people, and now people are bringing you a knife!"


"Here! Here, is this one right?"


With that said, Annie handed the 'Hunting Finger Knife' she found from the Eternal City Norronn to the hand of the lady in front of her.

"As for the stupid big dog in your family, people think it's better if you don't expect too much?"


After seeing the weapon in the opponent's hand and not saying it was wrong, Annie took two steps back, staring at the opponent's face, while giving the opponent a vague reminder.

"I know……"

"Even in deep sleep, I can still feel it."

"Blazer, he..."

Having said that, Lani didn't continue speaking, but just lowered her head slightly, and looked at the black 'hunting knives' she was holding in her hand, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

"Just leave him alone!"


"Well, Miss Lani, what are you going to do next, do you need help?"


Well now, the knife has been found by her, so Annie is more concerned about how the other party executes it, that is, how to get rid of the finger.

Also, if the other party is not sure, just speak up, she may give some help within her capacity, such as... temporarily borrowing the one from Tibbs, the bear who fights super fiercely, although it is useless for the time being. Give it to the other party to play for two days?



(Tibbers said that it didn't want to play with the doll in front of him, because the other party couldn't eat it, and it was hard to the touch, and it didn't feel at all.)


"In this way, all the conditions are in place."

Shaking her head, La Ni didn't accept Annie's kindness, and sighed quietly in that hoarse voice.

"Next, I'm going to leave..."

"Take the path that only I can walk, into the dark."

Saying that, Lan Ni put away the 'hunting knives' in her hand, then joined her hands like that, and looked at Annie with that signature movement.



"Before embarking on a journey, there is something I must give you."

Saying that, Lani took out the doll's body, and soon, she took out an upside-down bronze statue like an hourglass.



"What is this thing, what is it for others?"


Annie said that she has never been interested in this kind of thing that you can't eat or drink, even if it looks like some kind of magic item, she doesn't care about this kind of thing!

"This is the key that opens the way to the Lienia oracle."

"After using this item to lift the seal, the body I abandoned was on the top of the God-given tower, with half the curse marks of death on it, and it was engraved on the scorched body. For you who are pursuing the Great Rune, you should would be interested."

After explaining, Lan Ni planned to hand the 'Kalia Upside Down' into Annie's hands.

"don't want!"


"No matter what the seal is, it will not be difficult for others. If you want to go to that god-given tower, you can go at any time!"

(ˉ▽ ̄~)Cut~~

Of course Annie did not accept the other party's kindness, and said with some disdain.

Although, she didn't know what the other party said about the 'curse of death', but there was one thing the other party didn't say right, that is: Her Lady Queen Anne did not deliberately pursue any big runes, she was just playing, Those big runes were so inexplicably collected by her.


Lani didn't speak, just stared at Annie so fixedly.


"If it's you, there should be no problem."


"I put it here, you can come and take it at any time if you need it."

Saying that, Mud stretched out her hand, and the upside-down image of Kalia was placed on the side of a stack of thick magic book covers.

"Thank you Annie."

"I'm still bothering you, and you made a special trip to send what I needed, but I have nothing to return."

As she said that, the voice of the doll Lanni gradually became firmer.

"I'm about to go down my dark path..."

"Now, you can leave."


"Next time, if you see your mother, please say hello to her for me. Unfortunately, I'm afraid I won't be able to see her in person."

Finally, after speaking so quietly, Sludge looked at Annie with regretful eyes, indicating that if Annie has nothing to do, she can leave first.



"Then people go back first!"


Seeing that everything was done, and then looking at the other's face, Annie, who had forcibly held back her smile before, finally no longer held back, but directly waved her hand and gave the other a bright big smile before rushing. Turned to face out, and then a teleportation disappeared in an instant.

As for the hourglass-like thing that the other party just said to give her, she didn't even look at it, and for the time being, she has no plans to go to the tower of the God of Lienia.


"The gears of fate are turning..."

Thinking of the 'hunting knives' that Gancai got, the doll Lanni's eyes gradually became cold and cruel.

"but me……"

"It will also start moving."

Saying that, the doll Lanni jumped off her chair and was ready to go.

However, before she set off, she had to explain some things to her subordinate Iggy, for example, about the changes in Blazer, etc. So, after thinking about it, she walked slowly towards the door.


However, when she passed a full-length mirror in the room and was about to walk out the door, she seemed to be startled and stopped quickly.


With some doubts in her heart, she slowly backed back, walked to the mirror and gently raised the snow witch hat on her head, letting the light from outside the window reflect on her. on her face.


Then, as a matter of course, her left eye widened, and she exclaimed.


She saw that on the face of her originally very delicate doll, at this moment, she didn't know when someone painted a big turtle with a black brush? !


He opened his mouth.

For a long time, Lani still didn't speak, and of course the doll she controlled couldn't make more rich expressions, she just stood in front of the mirror and looked at her funny appearance in the mirror. .


Finally, La Ni, who stared at 'self' in the mirror for at least ten minutes, didn't know what she was thinking, and finally lightly opened the doll's red lips and slowly said Annie's name.

This matter, La Ni can know with her butt!

Obviously, the kind of boring and hateful guy who can draw a turtle on his face, except the little girl who just sneaked in and pushed him to wake up, there must be no one else.

Blazer is not in a good state now, the other party will definitely not approach his magic tower, and Iggy will not dare to come up without ordering, as for the vile and despicable fellow of Sylvez, he dares not come alone by taking a few courage from the other party. Face yourself, so it is self-evident who the perpetrator is.


No wonder, just now, Lan Ni always felt that when she was talking to the little girl, that guy seemed to be in trouble, and that little face was always weird and tense. It turned out, It's because of this...

That guy dared to draw such a big and ugly funny turtle on her moon princess Lani, on her demigod, on her god-man's face? !


But fortunately, she just took a quick glance in the mirror before going down the tower, otherwise, if the real one just went down the tower and looked for Iggy and the others, then she couldn't imagine what terrible things would happen. .



Lani, who was extremely angry, Then, she found a rag, and after moistening it with snow magic, she faced the mirror and began to carefully move towards her. The black marks on the doll's face were wiped away.


"No, no way..."

Soon, Lani couldn't help taking a breath.

Because ah, she found that although the black handwriting is not permanent, it is oily, and now after painting on her doll face, if you want to remove it, it seems to be better than painting on normal creatures More difficult to clean on the skin?


?*. ?(ˊ▽ˋ*)??*. monthly pass

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