Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1895: ?|·'?'·)? The Red Wolf of Radagan

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Because there is no such clear and urgent destination to go to, plus I still need to wait for the puppet lady Rani to assassinate a certain 'finger', I also want to know the final result as soon as possible, so, Anne hesitated again and again, and was in no hurry to leave the Lienia area.

Of course, although she wasn't in a hurry to leave, she didn't spend much time in Kalia's royal fortress and territory, nor did she wander around the uninhabited swamp lake, but once again at those pyroxene mages. Under the terrified eyes, she returned to the Rhea Lucaria Magic Academy, where she had made a big fuss.


"Very welcome!"

After getting the news and knowing that Annie was returning to the academy, the Queen of the Full Moon, Leinara, of course, put down all the affairs in her hands immediately, and hurriedly teleported to the main entrance on the north side of the academy to welcome her, and stretched out her hand to embrace Annie in her arms to express her intimacy.


"It's really rare. I thought you wouldn't come again, but I never thought that you really made a special trip to the academy to see me coming."

Immediately afterwards, when she let go of her arms and led Annie to the academy, Reinara naturally sighed while smiling.

From the relaxed and comfortable expression on Annie's face, it is not difficult for Lena to guess that the little guy must have come to find her because there is no difficulty. It made her feel heartily gratified.

In any case, the fact that the other party can think of her when he is idle is enough to prove that she still has a bit of weight in the little guy's heart. With her, she refused to meet her biological daughter, Rani, and that was so much better.



"Aunt Reinara, they didn't make a special trip to see you. They were bored, didn't know where to go, and couldn't leave Lienia for the time being, that's why they came here."


Annie was very honest and didn't choose to hide it. She went directly to Kalia Castle, and then went to the westernmost one in the Three Sisters Tower. She also met the puppet sister Rani, and took her hunting finger. The knife was handed over to the other party and all the things the other party said and did were shaken out in front of the other party's mother.

Of course, Annie wasn't complaining, she just wanted to tell the reason why she came here and the reason why she had to stay here for a few days in this magic academy.

Of course, she didn't say anything.

For example, she didn't say anything about the fact that she secretly drew a big turtle on the face of that puppet lady with an oil marker.

And ah, at this time, she was already imagining...

If that little sister Rani didn't find out, she just went to see the other's subordinates with the big turtle on her face, and she also put on the turtle's face to meet 'Finger' and really killed it with that small knife. As for the finger, I wonder what kind of wonderful expression that 'finger' will have before he dies?


(● ̄? ̄●)


"So it's because of this that you came to see me?"

Reinara was a little surprised by this.

However, she was more surprised by what Rani was going to do. The other party was going to hunt 'finger'. If that kind of thing was said, I'm afraid most people wouldn't believe it, right?

After all, 'Zhitou' is the divine envoy sent by 'Supreme Will' to the border. It is second only to 'Supreme Will', and its strength is said to be extraordinary, but now, her daughter Rani wants to hunt Killing such an existence is indeed shocking enough.

"But no matter what, Annie, you can come here to see me, I'm happy!"

"You just don't know yet, do you?"

"In the academy, some guys are preparing to make some small moves. Now that you are here, you should be able to scare them a lot. I'm afraid some of them will not be able to sleep for several days, right?"

As she spoke, full moon queen Reinara, who was leading the way, gave a rare smile.


"Annie, you've come just in time."

Although Annie came here unintentionally, and there is no very clear purpose, just to pass the time and wait for the result of something, but the arrival of the other party, even if he does nothing, just live in In the academy, she can also provide a huge help to her Renara.

The queen of 'Storm and Fire' who defeated the demigod 'Limb', the mage who rode the dragon, the king of Stonewell City, the existence of defeating and healing the strongest demigod, etc., various deeds and names of Annie's body, In addition, the one-sided battle at the South Gate of the Magic Academy was enough to make those ill-intentioned pyroxene mages tremble.

In Reinara's view, some 'concerned people' might even mistakenly believe that Annie was the rescuer she specially invited, and now, I'm afraid they are already urgently plotting to find another way out?

"Small move?"


"What's the matter?"


Annie expressed a little surprise, because, it sounds, it seems that this Aunt Renara has not been able to fully control the Magic Academy until now?

"Okay, don't worry."


"It's just that some mages in the academy are dissatisfied with my existence. In fact, they should be dissatisfied with my awakening? So, they contacted a guy named 'Selian', wanting to introduce him to the magic academy, and then work together to drive me away? "


"Unfortunately, I changed the magic barrier. Without my permission, even a pyroxene key can't get in. If they think they can drive me away, they will look down on me too much."

Reinara said coldly, obviously not taking the intrigues of those jumping clowns too seriously.

"Se, Selian?"

!? (?\'\'??)?


"Annie, do you know that guy?"

Seeing Annie's reaction, Reinara couldn't help but ask a little curiously.

"do not know!"


"A few days ago, the knights seemed to have caught a guy named 'Selian', and he was only locked up for one day, and released the next day."


"If I had known earlier, they would have let someone capture that guy here and give it to Auntie!"


While talking, uh, Annie couldn't help but feel a little frustrated.

However, it is too late to say anything now, because the three people were only arrested because of the fight, and they did not do anything bad for Nimgford and Stonewell City, so they were released quickly, and How did she know at that time that the other party was thinking of overthrowing Aunt Reinara's rule over this Rhea Lucaria Magic Academy?

"It's okay!"

"Let it go, let it go!"

"There are just some clowns on the left and right, but I never took them to heart!"

However, after listening to Annie's words, Full Moon Queen Reinara chuckled and then waved her hand, as if she really didn't take that "genius" witch Selian who had been tried and expelled by the academy to heart.

"Is that so..."


Hearing that the other party didn't take that kind of trivial matter to heart, Annie reluctantly let go of her heart. Otherwise, she would have to send someone or herself to catch the pyroxene female mage again.



"Aunt Renala, you say, Miss Rani, will she succeed?"


Then, Annie quickly turned her attention to another thing she was more concerned about, and asked anxiously.

No matter what it is, waiting is the most torturous thing. Unfortunately, because Annie has done certain things, she dare not follow and peep easily, so now I have to come to the Magic Academy and wait. .

"You mean Rani?"


"It should be fine, right?"

After hesitating for a while, the Queen of the Full Moon finally nodded affirmatively.

"I believe her!"

"Lanike has always been an excellent mage, even an even better mage than me. Back then, in the dream of the big library, didn't you also play against her, Annie?"

"The combat power she exerted by controlling my mirror image is stronger than that in my heyday. That makes me really proud and proud!"

Although Leinara has been very dissatisfied with Rani these days, when it comes to the talent and strength of the other party, she still can't pick out any major problems.


"From what I know about Rani, she's never going to do something that isn't certain, and once she decides to do it, she'll succeed in the end!"

"'Night of the Black Knife', Golden Godwin is so strong, isn't he also assassinated by her?"

"Although there may be reasons for the assistance of those black knife assassins, but..."


"I choose to trust Rani, she will be fine, that's the path she chose, and I believe she knows how to act."

Known daughter Mo Ruomu, Leinara became more and more complacent the more she talked, and at the same time there was a hint of pride on her face. She didn't feel that her daughter Rani dominated the 'Night of the Black Knife' and now she is going to hunt What's wrong with killing 'finger'.

"hope so!"

'ο'*))) alas

In fact, Annie was not worried, she just felt that the waiting process was a little boring.

She has always been impatient, and it's fun to assassinate 'finger'. To be honest, if she could, she would like to follow it now and stare at it all the way!

But there is no other way. Right now, she can only come to the Magic Academy to wait for news, not to mention how torturous she is.


(● ̄(?) ̄●)



At this time, as the magic elevator ascended to the door of the big library of the Magic Academy, Annie noticed at a glance that outside the door, there was a big wolf dog with long red hair lying all over its body?

At this time, the other party also saw them, and also raised his ears and jumped up alertly.

However, when it saw that in addition to Annie, there was also Reinara, it hurriedly lowered its head and wagged its tail vigorously, looking very pleased, but due to Annie's reasons, it did not come over. .

"Aunt Reyna, that red dog is..."


That's right, Annie's body exuded some kind of terrifying aura at this time, which made the big dog doubtful, so he only dared to stand there and sway from so far away.

"The Red Wolf of Ladagan!"

"Annie, you don't have to worry about it, I'm just worried that some people will be bad for my daughters when I'm away, so I sent it here to watch the door."

"Come on, let's go first!"

Saying that, Reinara strode forward, frowning and looking at the red wolf with complicated eyes, then she didn't say anything, let alone get close to the dog, she just waved her hand while opening the door, After signaling the other party to step aside, he turned his head and greeted Annie behind him.

"It turned out to be your dog..."


"Oh well!"


Since it was Leinara's family who came to see the door, there was nothing she could do, so Annie had to put out some kind of careful thought, followed behind, and walked into the big library.

Then, as soon as she entered, Annie immediately regretted it.

Because, at the moment when the door was closed, she saw: In this huge library that has become resplendent and dazzling, the age of Aunt Reinara's family is estimated to be seventeen or eighteen years old, but the mind is only about three or five years old. The 'newborns' rushed over like crazy, so frightened that she hurriedly shrank to the side.


"Annie, why don't you help teach them magic?"

After a while, when Reinara finally got rid of her daughters' entanglement and comforted them, she hurriedly looked at Annie for the first time, hoping that Annie could help and make her free. Can take a break, and let someone arrange a banquet or something.

"Guidance magic?"


How could Annie agree to such a terrible thing to teach a large group of 'big boys' to learn magic by herself?

"Too much trouble!"


"Let them learn by themselves?"


So, Annie directly and secretly cast a spell to synchronize the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to a holographic projector. Then, under the influence of time rules, she directly connected the entire year of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry from grade one to grade seven. All the courses were packaged and downloaded, and after a meal, one of the first-year courses was played.


"What an amazing magic tool..."

"Give it to us?"

With just one glance, Full Moon Queen Reinara saw the value of that strange 'magic tool', and then exclaimed and asked Annie.



Annie herself doesn't care anyway. Anyway, this kind of thing has no value to her. It's just a basic course for wizards in another world's magic academy before they reach adulthood. It's no big deal.


"What kind of magic is that?"

"Can you cast it directly with a spell?"


"It sounds like it's a bit different from the pyroxene spell..."

After listening for a while, listening to the explanation of the magic professor Mag in the hologram, Reinara quickly noticed something different.

Because it seems that it is not really pyroxene magic, but the mysterious power of another system.

"The spell of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry!"


Annie explained indifferently.

However, she just dealt with it casually, ignoring them, and started wandering around in this renovated big library.

Not long after, she found a small room, and there seemed to be a big box in it?

"Aunt Reinara, what is in this box?"


Many things here have been sorted out, but this box is still here, and it is protected by some kind of magic, which of course makes Annie feel a little rare.


"It seems that Rani exists in something here, and I don't know what's in it, and I don't have a key here."

At this time, Leinara was listening intently to the class, even more seriously than her daughters, so much so that she didn't even want to talk to Annie.

"Don't have a key?"

(ˉ▽ ̄~)Cut~~

Without thinking about it, Annie stretched out her hand and forcibly broke it open with brute force.

For Annie, where do you need a key to open a box or something?

As long as she wants to, she can forcibly break it open at any time, regardless of whether there is a magic restriction, even using a space seal is useless!



"Why is there only one broken ring in it?"


Seeing that there was only one ring in such a big box, Annie couldn't help but feel a little surprised, and then of course she directly stretched out her hand and took it out, and raised it to the Aunt Reinara who was listening to the lecture in the library hall and asked again.

"Probably Rani's too."

"If you have take it, and next time you meet Rani, take it and give it to her!"

At this time, the full moon queen Reinara was so absent-minded that she waved her hand without even looking at it, and indicated that Annie could do whatever she wanted.

"Is that so..."


"Oh well!"

'ο'*))) alas

After discovering that it was not a fun thing, nor had any special power, just an ordinary beautiful ring, Annie pouted and put it away with reluctance, ready to return it at the right time. Doll lady.


?Monthly Pass??(ˉ﹃ˉ?)

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