Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1896: (?????) stupider than who

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There is no suspense. With Annie's impatience that can't stand loneliness and has no patience at all, it is of course impossible to stay in the Magic Academy for long.

Is this not?

After only two days in the big library of the Magic Academy, and after visiting the Magic Academy again, she became a little impatient!

And then, the full moon queen Reinara, who sees everything in her eyes, naturally followed the trend and persuaded her directly, saying that if Annie really wanted to know the result earlier, she might as well go and take a peek at it?

To this end, Leinara also thoughtfully provided clues and actively made plans: it is best for Annie to go to the most trusted entourage under Lanni, that is, the strategist Iggy.

Reinara thought that if it was that military advisor Iggy, the other party would definitely know some important clues in advance, such as where La Ni went.

Naturally, whether the Queen of the Full Moon has any favoritism, and whether she is worried about her daughter, so she has changed her way to let Annie go to see if she can help or not. That is a matter of opinion.


When a group of pyroxene mages from the Rhea Lucaria Magic Academy were terrified, apprehensive and suspicious of the uninvited arrival of a nasty little girl, Annie did not alarm anyone. Quietly left the Magic Academy and the big library.

She was going to ask the strategist that Aunt Reinara mentioned for directions, and then she would follow a certain puppet lady to see if the other party could successfully hunt down that evil 'finger' or something.

After half a day...



First, it was teleported directly from the large library of the Rhea Lucaria Magic Academy to a short distance from the Kalia Walled City, and then walked all the way south along the road. After walking for a long time, it was about to reach a certain ruin. But Annie didn't even see the figure of the military advisor.

"Tibbers, didn't Aunt Reinara say that the guy called Iggy, the strategist, is usually somewhere on the road north of the ruins of the royal domain and south of the city of Kalia?"


"But how come people have gone so far and haven't found it yet?"


Then, of course, she began to whimper while dangling her legs impatiently on Tibbers' shoulders.


(● ̄? ̄●)

(Tibbers is indifferent, because the fact is: a bad little master doesn't walk at all, he has been walking all the time, and Uncle Bear himself doesn't shout tired, she is a guy sitting on a bear, how can she be First of all complaining, is there any reason for this?)





"Tibbers, there seems to be a giant on the mountain over there?"


At this moment, Annie discovered that on a rocky mountain not far from the road ahead, it seemed that there was indeed a strange giant sitting there?

(Dear little master, could he be the military Iggy we were looking for?)

(● ̄(?) ̄●)

(And Tibbers, of course, saw it too, and then, he breathed a sigh of relief and asked.)



"He's the strategist Iggy? No way?"


After taking a look, Annie still felt a little reluctant to believe that such a giant would be a military adviser. After all, the other party didn't seem to be very smart no matter what.

(However, no one said that a military advisor can't be a giant...)


(Anyway, I finally met a living person in this kind of wilderness, and the location was right with what others said, so Tibbers would definitely not want to miss it.)



"Didn't you say it?"


Annie was a little surprised by what her little bear said.

Then, she thought about it carefully. Although she had heard the name of that 'Iggy' many times before and after, no one really told her what kind of person that 'Military Iggy' was in the gang fight, and it seemed that Didn't he say he wasn't a giant?



"Will that doll's counselor be a giant?"


"He looks stupid, even stupider than you..."


The more I looked at Annie, the more unlikely it seemed.

When she thought about it, the military division or something should be the kind of shrewd guy who is treacherous and insidious and often comes up with tricks, and the giant in the distance, the body is like a piece of stone lumps, and the stone head Like a wooden head, it is definitely not easy to use!

This is the same as her stupid little bear, with a fur head, so that even the most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most basic and simple magic can't be learned, and it will only be given to her all day long. If you come up with a bad idea, you will be stupid!




'ο'*))) alas

"Whether it is or not, just ask in the past to find out!"


Anyway, they had already traveled for a long time. In addition, the road leading to the fortress on the north bank of Lake Lienya was also very desolate. They walked for a long time without even looking at the patrolling soldiers. If you do, then you can only go directly to the other party and ask.


And when Annie and Tibbers decided and jumped towards each other, the giant also saw her and her little bear, and kept looking at her with that kind of questioning look.



Soon, Annie came to the other side, and sat on the shoulders of Tibbes the bear, slightly surprised, with a huge book in her hand, and an equally huge iron next to it. Hammer, there was a big iron felt much taller than her in front of him, wearing a mirror helmet on his face, and the giants who couldn't see his face at all looked at each other.


"Welcome, honorable Queen Anne, I didn't expect you to be here."

The two sides stared at each other for a while, and then, before Annie could speak, the giant suddenly asked in a friendly, thick and magnetic voice.





"Have we met?"


The other party's sudden answer shocked Annie a little.



"Grandpa, who are you?"


Then, Annie asked directly face to face.


"They call me the blacksmith Iggy..."

Iggy didn't hide it, and directly and generously revealed his identity and name.





"Are you really that puppet Miss Lani's counselor Iggy?"


Although the other party claimed to be a blacksmith, it didn't matter, the important thing was that the name was right, so Annie asked in disbelief.



"Queen Anne, why are you here today?"

He pondered for a while, and then, it seemed that he could see something from the expression on Annie's face, so the giant Iggy didn't hesitate, and asked in a bit of surprise.



"Tibbers, he's actually a strategist!"


"However, he looks stupider than you, so how can he be a military advisor..."


However, Annie ignored the other party, turned her head directly, and whispered her whisper to the small plush ears on the big head of her little bear, Tibbers.

Yes, she was really surprised by the fact that the big guy who looked stupid in front of her was actually a military division.


(● ̄? ̄●)

(Tibbers didn't talk to him, and he didn't want to discuss whether the giant in front of him was really dumber than his uncle bear, and he didn't want to compare that kind of thing at all!)


Iggy didn't speak in a hurry, and continued to sit quietly in the same place as if he hadn't heard the whispers that Annie had just said.



"Grandpa, I want to ask you something, do you know where Miss Doll went?"


After a long time, Annie finally sat upright again on Tibbers' shoulders, and then, earnestly, Mengmenda asked the so-called giant military Iggy.

"Miss Doll?"


"You're talking about...Lani-sama, right?"

Hearing this, he was stunned at first, but soon, Iggy came to his senses and knew the real intention of Queen Anne who seemed to be looking for him.



"Do you know where she went?"


Annie asked again.


"Of course I know……"


"I don't know how many years it has been. After a long preparation and waiting, Lord Lani finally set off for her long journey."

Then, as if recalling something, Iggy first sighed deeply, and then spoke quietly, and the tone was full of complicated emotions like relief and relief.


But then, he was suddenly silent.

He didn't know what he was thinking of, but he held the book in his hand in such a daze, didn't move, and didn't go to see Annie who was specially visiting.





"Grandpa, you haven't said it yet. Do you know where that puppet sister went?"


After waiting for a while, seeing that the other party suddenly became stupid and a little impatient, Annie, of course, hurriedly asked again.

You know, she had to travel a long way to find the other party. If the other party didn't say anything, wouldn't she come here in vain?


"Feel sorry!"

Finally, under Annie's dissatisfied reminder, Iggy finally came back to his senses.

"About Lani-sama..."


"I know……"

If someone else came to ask him, Iggy would definitely not say it, not even if he threatened him with death.


If it is the most honorable guest of the Kalia royal family in front of him, he has rescued Queen Reyna, General Ratan, and has provided help to Lord Lani many times, and even sent the crucial ' Props' King Stonewell, then Iggy would definitely not dare to hide anything.


"Two days ago, after she explained some things to me, she went to the magician's tower named 'Rena' and embarked on the dark path of her goddess..."


"Thanks to your help..."

"Here, as the counselor of Lord Lani, no, it should be said, as an old servant who has taken care of her since childhood and witnessed her growth, please allow me to express my deepest gratitude to you..."

"The great King Anne..."

As he was talking, Iggy actually stood up slowly, and knelt down toward Annie half-knee, giving the most solemn knightly salute.



"You don't need to thank me, I'm just helping out a little..."


Seeing this, Annie hurriedly waved her hand to signal the other party not to be so polite. After all, she was really just doing a little favor by the way. If it wasn't for the way, no matter how others came to ask her, she might not be able to take care of her.

"You still think about it again, did she go anywhere other than the magician's tower?"


"Somewhere else?"


"It doesn't seem like..."

Giant Iggy shook his head, indicating that he would not know more.

"Really not?"


Hearing this, Annie couldn't help but feel a little depressed.

You know, if she only knew that the puppet sister Lanni went to the magic tower, and then she didn't know anything else, it would be difficult for her to find it.



"Those are……"


Suddenly, when Annie was about to continue to ask Iggy a little more clearly, she was surprised when she noticed some unusual movements around her.

"It's a black knife assassin..."

At this moment, Iggy, who was half-kneeling and thinking, also immediately raised his head and looked in the direction Annie was looking at.

Then soon, he directly recognized those figures.

"Black knife assassin?"




"The bad guys who came to trouble people?"


Annie also remembered, she seemed to have been assassinated by a black knife assassin not long ago, and the result...

That is, there is no result. After all, the other party cannot succeed, and she has never taken those guys to heart.

"Do not……"

"On the contrary!"

"I think……"

"They should have come to find me."

Saying that, Iggy sighed again, then thought for a while, and while slowly putting away the huge book in his hand, he turned his hand to touch the huge hammer he put aside and stood up. up.

"Looking for you?"




Annie was a little surprised. At first, she thought that the other party was looking for her. After all, she only cleaned up one last time, and now it is inevitable that another group will come.


"I've been loyal to La Ni all these years and intend to continue until that last moment."


"That's betrayal to some people..."

"They won't let me go..."

After that, Iggy took his huge hammer and took two steps forward slowly, but he didn't intend to say more about himself.

"Queen Anne, you can leave now, thank you for your concern and support to Lady Lani."


"I'm about to meet my destiny."

Immediately afterwards, Iggy started chasing people.

Obviously, he wants to drag those black knife assassins alone, and seems to be ready to fight and has some consciousness.



"But don't you need help?"


Of course, Annie was not in a hurry to leave. She just looked indifferently at the group of black-knife assassins who were surrounded by them step by step using that inferior stealth method.

"it's useless……"

"After this time, and next time and next time, you can't stay by my side forever."

Iggy shook his head gently, rejecting Annie's kindness.

"My duty is almost over..."


"I, Iggy, have been serving Lord Lani all the year round, and I have never stopped, but... it may be a long journey, and I can't keep up with her."

"If that's the case, let all this be completely concluded today..."

That's like he said, those black knives will not let him go, and the Queen Anne behind him is very powerful, but she will not always guard him, those assassins who can't even resist the golden Godwin, he Iggy didn't have the confidence to avoid them again and again, so he decided to face them directly, no matter what the outcome was, he had no regrets.

"next time?"


"Then wait until next time!"


Looking around, Annie soon stared at the big iron felt at the other side's house.




Suddenly, Annie smashed a fireball towards the big iron felt, and instantly enveloped it in the dark red flames.


"What, what?"

The next second, under Iggy's astonished eyes, he only saw:

His iron felt melted in an instant, and then soon, as the magic runes lit up, a steel flame giant slowly stood up from the molten iron juice, and was still holding it on top of it. The Kalia Royal Greatsword.

However, the sword was surrounded by red flames at this time, and at the same time, it was full of bright red runes, which looked very extraordinary.



"This iron flame puppet without intelligence is just for you to play with. They have to go to that Reina Magic Tower first!"

Annie knew that these people seemed to like playing with puppets, and even that Miss Lani was a puppet, so she simply made a puppet and gave it to the other party for self-defense.



After speaking, without waiting for the other party's response, Annie directly teleported a spell, and her little bear disappeared without a trace in an instant.


And after Annie disappeared, the puppet, which was melted with iron felt and made up of steel and flames, looked similar to those fire-eyed knights, but was bigger and more rigid, and suddenly a strong red light appeared in its eyes, and then It moved suddenly and rushed forward at a very fast speed.

Swish! !

The flame puppet was just a sword. After the sharp blade with fire flashed away, it instantly slashed a black-knife assassin who was invisible and could only see a vague outline in half.

Then, it began to fight with those angry black knife assassins...

It didn't take long for the **** assassins to be beheaded in all kinds of hideous and ugly postures and fell dead in the wild grass.


So, seeing the steel flame puppet rushing into the formation of the Black Blade Assassin and killing all directions, and being so powerful that with every sword, a Black Blade Assassin was beheaded on the spot, Iggy was so shocked that he almost didn't stare at him. eyeballs.


"Is that the effect of the legendary flame furnace?"

Iggy knew that the mighty Queen Anne had left a thing called the 'Flame Furnace' in Stoneville City, and those who were tormented by the curse but did not lose their minds could gain new life once they were cast into it. very magical.

And it was because of that melting pot that Stonewell City suddenly became the most powerful force in the borderland, no one!

Therefore, when he saw the iron flame puppets that were beheaded between the black knife assassins and were not attacked by the seven or eight black knives under the sword, he subconsciously thought that it was Stonewell's. that kind of thing.



Immediately afterwards, Iggy couldn't help but exclaimed again.

Because, he saw it again, not long after that steel flame puppet ran back after killing all the incoming black knives, and then under his eyes, it melted and condensed again, and changed back to The big iron felt from before?

"This is……"

"The power of Rune?"

"Do not!"

"Not quite like..."

Then, Iggy could still see a different change on his iron That is: the iron felt and the sword above it seemed to have some mysterious flame runes that he could not understand. And there is some kind of power he can't understand?

"King Anne?"

"What are you..."

Looking at the mess all over the ground, looking at the black-knife assassin who was wiped out in less than a moment, and then looking at the iron felt that had returned to its original state, the strategist Iggy was shocked for a long time and didn't know what to say. it is good.


Then, he put down the hammer in his hand, turned around slowly, and looked towards the north, towards the Three Sisters Tower in Kalia Walled City, without making a sound for a long time, as if it was A statue in general.


(?▽?)Monthly Pass

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