Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1897: ?(???*)new toy

The Rena Magician's Tower among the Three Sisters Towers at the rear of the Kalia Castle is actually not difficult to find. After all, Annie had only been there once before, and she knew that one of the three towers was the puppet sister La Ni's magician's tower, and the other is the wretched and strange uncle's, so the last one, you can figure out who it is with Tibbers' ass.



So, this time, without disturbing anyone, Annie directly used precise teleportation, and instantly arrived at the tower of Reina Magician's Tower, which seemed to have been vacant for so long that there was no one on duty. inside.

Then, Annie saw that there was nothing in the mage tower except for books, a huge mess of pyroxene crystals and some boxes!

Anyway, Annie didn't learn from some people to go to other people's houses rudely like a robber to look for things, or break in and tumble around and destroy. She just entered quietly, looked at it casually, and then quietly climbed to the top again. Then, just use that portal quietly.

And now, she has reached the underground world.

"here is…"


"Is the Eternal City Norronn?"


After being teleported to this place by that portal, she looked up and looked at the familiar 'stars' night sky in the sky, smelled the air full of earthy smell, and then looked at the surrounding vegetation and terrain, where Annie still didn't know. What kind of place have you come to?



"Not like Norronn..."


"It doesn't look like it's the same place!"


But soon, Anne overruled her own judgment.

No matter how to say, she is also the most the most the most the most the most the most the most and the most, the most, the most, the most powerful Olympic Master, and she is very much for space rules. Familiar, so, just a thought, she knew the specific coordinates here, and knew that it was completely impossible to be the same place as the eternal city of Norronn that she had been to before.



"Is this the Nameless Eternal City, or the Nok Stella?"


Since it is not Norronn, it must be two other places.

As far as Annie knows, there are only those three places in the underground world. Moreover, this place was teleported from the portal of the Reina Magician's Tower, and there are many artificial objects in front of it, so Annie is very sure , this must be one of those two places.

But as for which one it was, she didn't know for the time being.

"never mind!"


But it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter which Eternal City it is!

The important thing at the moment is: Annie knows that the puppet lady, Lani, must have been here before. She only needs to quietly follow him and follow the traces left by him, and she will definitely find him.

And if you can be quicker, maybe you can watch the good show of the opponent's battle against 'finger' on the spot?

Anyway, Annie is really interested in how that puppet lady used that little knife to kill 'Finger', and ah, coming here to wander around and find all the way to find the door, it is comparable to that in the magic school. Silly waiting to be much stronger.

"Let's go!"


"Tibbers, let's go!"


Annie released Tibbers, her royal mount, and jumped on the opponent's shoulder, signaling it to automatically navigate forward.


(● ̄? ̄●)

A certain bear did not dare to resist, and walked forward honestly.

Not long after, with the sound of running water getting closer and closer, Annie soon saw that there was an underground river in front of it, and there were many underground vegetation on both sides of the river, and at the same time, there were also a lot of fluorescent , bugs like fireflies.

As for why the vegetation could survive in this dim environment, Annie didn't know.

Anyway, she won't study too much. She only thinks that it may be because there are a lot of pyroxene in the underground world, that is, the 'stars' in the 'heaven'. Therefore, under their energy radiation, those Can underground vegetation grow normally?

Of course, Annie didn't mind the specifics. She just continued to move forward, following the faint aura left by a certain puppet lady, such as the traces of magic and soul fluctuations. swaying.

"Tibbers, hurry up..."


After a while, Annie began to urge you after she was tired of seeing the underground scenery.



"There is..."


Suddenly, Annie patted Tibbs on the head and stopped, and turned her head suspiciously to look at an open sarcophagus on the beach by the river opposite.



Then, of course, Annie made up her mind.



"Tibbers, let's go and see!"


Soon, Annie gave the order.


(● ̄? ̄●)

And a certain bear is naturally indifferent, and the river in this underground world is not deep, and it has not submerged its knees, so it wades directly in the water, taking funny steps directly towards the other side of the river. Jumped over.



"that is…"


Soon, when the little bear carried himself to the sarcophagus, when Annie stretched her neck to peek inside, she found that, unlike the imagined, ugly and disgusting corpse inside, there was actually a corpse there. Is it clean, and there is only a small doll lying in it?

"What the hell?"


In doubt, Annie stretched out her hand decisively, and then the doll-like thing naturally flew straight into her hand.



The light here was so dim that Anne couldn't see clearly.

However, that didn't stop her!

The next second, I saw that she didn't even think about it, she just held up a white and tender finger, and then, a 'fluorescent flash' floated in front of her like a light bulb, allowing her to see clearly what she had in her hand. What is it.



"Why does this puppet look like that puppet lady?"


She frowned and didn't look at it, and soon, Annie exclaimed again.



"It's not like it, it's simply the little figurine of that puppet sister, Lani!"


Then, Annie said with great certainty.

Because, ah, she has already seen clearly, the little doll in her hand is indeed a little doll exactly the same as that witch Lani!

Whether it's the face, clothes, hat, or the closed eye, it's exactly the same as the big one she's seen before, and even the subtle parts are done very delicately, as if they were scaled down. .

For this reason, Annie even took off the other party's Snow Witch's robe and looked inside, and found that the little doll in front of her was the same as the big doll of Miss Lani, and did not wear the inner lining. At the same time, the buttocks The child is also the same shape, so there can be no mistake.





"How come there is a small hand here?"


"And, so fine?"


Looking at the thing in her hand, Annie scratched her head, feeling somewhat puzzled.

What's more, after taking it in her hand, she also felt that in addition to no response, this doll still had a slight coldness, just like the feeling when touching someone else's soul?



"It seems interesting..."

(? ̄? ̄?) Hey!

After struggling for a while, Annie didn't know what she thought of suddenly, and then she didn't rush to leave, she just fiddled with Tibbers' shoulders, and instantly divided that Lara by three and five. Ni Xiao doll's clothes were taken off cleanly, revealing the other party's delicate and delicate doll body.


At this time, the puppet was still being played with by Annie, and it still didn't respond to Annie's manipulation, except that it had a hint of coldness and tenderness to the touch.


(? ̄? ̄?) Hey!

Then, Annie waved her hand, not knowing which world she found a complete set of Barbie dolls wardrobe, and actually took one of the bright red gorgeous ball skirts on Tibbs' shoulders and gave it to the little doll Put it on.



"It's so much more beautiful..."


After replacing the other party's original Snow Witch suit with a bright red dress, Annie glanced at it and nodded in satisfaction.

"However, something seems to be missing..."


But soon she shook her head again, and felt that the other party's temperament seemed to be a little too cold, and it was a little inappropriate to match that gorgeous skirt?

So, she pulled the other party out again and changed into a maid outfit.

"how about this?"


"Or not!"

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"This maid is a little too fierce!"


Shaking her head, Annie rejected it again, and then began to put on a misunderstood princess dress for the other party.

"It still doesn't work!"


"Change this?"




"Change again!"


Just like this, I don’t know if it was intentional or not, Annie was not in a hurry to hurry, and directly started playing the kind of figure dressing for the princess of the moon 'Lani' on Tibbers' shoulders. When the game comes, just dress each other up with different clothes, hats, shoes and hair accessories.

At last…



"This is so much better!"


In the end, I don't know how many times I changed it, and finally, after giving the other party a set of Little Red Riding Hood dress exactly like the one she was wearing, and putting on a pair of red boots, Annie finally nodded slightly satisfied.



"Looks like there's something missing..."




Staring at the other party's face and looking at it, Annie suddenly took out another paintbrush, and directly drew a little turtle on the other party's delicate little face again, making the other party's beautiful face. 's face blossomed.


However, even so, the other party is still motionless.



Taking a look from a distance, she was very satisfied with her painting skills. Annie, who felt that the turtle this time was much more vivid than the last time, quickly discovered a new problem, that is:

"There are too many arms, it's very troublesome, let's tear off two first!"


This puppet even has four arms, which seems a little out of line in the past, so she plans to forcibly tear off two of them to make her look pleasing to the eye and make it easier to change clothes. .


At this moment, Lan Ni, who had endured everything before, and even endured being drawn by a turtle again, finally couldn't bear it anymore, and for the first time reacted to Annie's actions.


"stop it now!"

So, when Annie was about to put her idea into practice, the little figure spoke abruptly, and stopped Annie's rashness with a frantic tone, wanting to tear it off. The behavior of the two arms.


!? (?''??)?

"La, Miss Lani?!"


Annie looked so surprised and frightened that she almost threw the other party into the water.

Of course, whether she was really reacting naturally, or pretending to be that way, is a question worth discussing and debating.


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"I didn't want to deal with you at first, but I didn't expect you to be so difficult..."

Just like a certain bear, at this moment, the Lanni figure in Annie's hand couldn't help but sigh.

"No wonder!"

"You're still a little girl, I should have thought..."

Lan Ni in Annie's hands didn't argue, she just raised her head and looked at Annie faintly, and at the same time looked at the Little Red Riding Hood suit she was wearing.

To be honest, whether it was the messy clothes before, or the little red riding hood dress in front of her that was exactly the same as Annie's, she felt that they were completely inconsistent with her identity as a Snow Witch, and could not bring out her Snow Witch temperament at all. !

Of course, that kind of thing doesn't matter now, so La Ni doesn't plan to struggle with that kind of issue, nor does she plan to struggle with it. After all, this is just a little puppet she left behind.



"Really Miss Lani?"




"Why do you hide a doll of your own here?"


After a while, Annie continued to ask questions while pretending to be confused.


"Not just in case?"


"This is a back road I prepared. You know, my body has been abandoned by me. Now I am controlling the doll in action. If the action fails, I will come back here in an instant and control this villain. leave."

"However, it was discovered by you guy..."

Lani didn't hide it, maybe she knew that she might not be able to hide it, so she simply told her the specific reason why she left this little doll and hid it in this empty sarcophagus.

"Is that so?"


Nodding, Annie understood.

At the same time, she also got another key piece of information, that is: the other party doesn't seem to have started to act, that is to say, does Her Lady Queen Anne still have the opportunity to go to the scene to observe the other party's god-killing action?

"I should have thought that your little bear is a puppet..."

At this time, La Ni suddenly remembered that, on weekdays, isn't Annie's hand always carrying the bear and inseparable?

And now, after discovering this little doll with her soul fluctuation and imprint here, how can she get better?

"never mind!"

"Anyway, since you came along and discovered my secret, don't even think about retreating!"


"I need your help!"

Then, Lanni was a little angry, a little arrogant, and at the same time a little bit resentful and said something that Annie had to help her.

Obviously, she seems to have really encountered some kind of trouble, and it may not be easy to solve it with her strength?

"Okay, both arms are fine!"


Annie raised her hands to express her attitude.

"What are you busy with?"


For Annie, who is afraid that the world will not be chaotic and that she has nothing to do, helping or something, especially when she is idle, as long as she is interested, then there is no problem!


(● ̄(?) ̄●)

"I want you…."

"Go to find, to destroy the shadow of disaster on this land!"

Lani told the trouble she encountered, and hoped that Annie would help her solve the shadow.

"Shadow of Calamity?"


"Is it up front?"


"Okay, no problem!"


Looking towards the front of the river, Annie quickly agreed.

"Is there anything else?"


Then Annie asked again.


"Please don't change clothes for my doll, don't put "makeup" on me, don't embarrass the witch Lani again..."

"that's all!"

After saying that, the little doll Lanni didn't respond for a moment.

Obviously, the soul of the other party didn't wait for Annie to refuse, and hurried to other places or other dolls.





"Humph! If you don't change it, you won't change it. What's so great?"


Seeing that the other party's doll became cold and unresponsive again, Annie could only pouted her lips and put the other party's doll in her own pocket for safekeeping.

Of course, she hadn't thought about changing the Snow Witch's suit for the other party, and she didn't even want to wash the little turtle off the other party's face. UU reading www. uukanshu. com

"Shadow of Calamity?"


"Come on, Tibbers, let's take a look first!"


The place was so big, and the other party didn't say where the shadow was, so she had to wander aimlessly!


(● ̄? ̄●)

(Seeing that some bad little master finally finished his toss, Tibbers was relieved, and started to lift his legs again, and went straight up the rushing river, and walked towards the front.)


(/^▽^)/?Monthly Pass?

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