Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1909: ?|·'-'·) The riot in the royal city and the little girl

On this day, the riots in the royal city of Rodel continued throughout the day, affecting more than two-thirds of the city, and gradually subsided until night fell.

The reason is nothing else, it is precisely because of the general who is mainly responsible for the security of the inner city of the royal city, that is, the dragon-suited tree guard. , that is, the bad little girl mage!

And naturally, as a mage, it is definitely not so easy to be caught.

Especially when the little girl seemed to be a little playful, and she repeatedly appeared on purpose, just like playing hide-and-seek with them, teleporting short distances again and again and appearing within their line of sight again and again.

"You can't catch me~?"



After the initial turmoil, more and more elite Rodel knights joined the mighty royal city hunt amid the increasingly arrogant and domineering laughter and laughter of the little girl.

Then, under the witness of countless royal city guards, snowmen, golem guards, citizens hiding in the house, and others, the hundreds, thousands or even more of the pursuers were naturally caught by that bad guy. The little girl running around the city amused like a dog.

At the very beginning, their pursuit went smoothly. First, they chased from the front of the Wangcheng city wall to the city wall on the east side of the Wangcheng City, and then they chased the city wall to the west of the Wangcheng City and near the Wangcheng Walled City. Then, they once chased the little girl. It was blocked on the huge divine bridge.


Before the fight broke out between the two sides, the other party teleported and disappeared without a trace!

Immediately afterwards, when they thought that the pursuit had failed and were so annoyed that they were about to withdraw their troops, the horn sounded to find the target near the cathedral outside the city wall in the east.

As a result, they had to bite the bullet and cross the Wangcheng from the God-given Bridge and hurried to the east.




"Sichuan people, you definitely won't be able to catch others like this!"


"Forget it, they won't play with you anymore!"


In this way, at the end, when tired like a dog, the knights who had been busy for a long time, running round and round the king's city, were preparing to face the big man who was standing outside the city carelessly to abandon bad omens. When the little girl in front of the steps of the church door was beating, she fluttered again.

Because that abominable little girl made a big face in front of all of them, and then, before they rushed to capture her or cut her into pieces, she was once again stunned in their eyes. They teleported away in an instant, so angry that they almost didn't spit out a mouthful of old blood except for staring blankly.



In the next instant, Annie appeared in an empty place near the golden tree and no one in the south of the royal city, completely getting rid of those strange uncles who would only shout and kill.

Today, she had a good time, so she never attacked those stupid guys from beginning to end.

Originally, she planned to walk them two more laps, but seeing that the sky was about to get dark, although the royal city under the golden tree was still glittering with gold, after all, she also tossed the hundreds of thousands of knight uncles. It's been almost a whole day. It's really pitiful to see them running back and forth in the royal city with their heavy shields and spears in their heavy and clumsy armor, and the horses of the big tree guards are even more tiring. She was out of breath, so she reluctantly decided to let them go today.

Waiting for tomorrow, if she is boring enough tomorrow, maybe she will go to them to play again?


(● ̄? ̄●)

(As for this nasty little master of his own family who is not doing his job properly, he clearly said that he came here to find a certain 'finger' trouble, but he ended up going to play hide-and-seek with a group of armored knights, and it was a whole day's behavior to play, Tibbers said that it was used to it and became numb, and said that this was a normal routine, and Uncle Bear would never remind each other.)



"What are those two guys doing?"


At this time, Annie saw: on the edge of the cliff in front, there seemed to be a strange guy standing there, and motionlessly gestured towards the golden and huge golden tree trunk, whose diameter was unknown. posture, and behind the other party, there is a familiar guy, the other party is sitting there on his knees at this time, seems to be persuading the guy on the edge of the cliff.



"You can't think about it, do you want to jump off a cliff?"


Seeing this, Annie of course made some random guesses for granted, and then, unable to hold back her curiosity, and felt that she was idle now, she blinked and walked over there. .



"What's wrong with you?"

"Please keep thinking and keep playing that wonderful string!"


As they approached, Annie could hear clearly, the guy whose back was a little familiar was loudly persuading the strange guy who was still motionless and looked like he wanted to jump off a cliff.

"It won't really be a cliff jump..."


Hearing the other party's advice, Annie took it for granted that she didn't make up for the mistake just now. That skinny guy with a golden mask on his face was indeed preparing to jump off a cliff, and the man behind the other party claimed to be The guy who is a student is trying his best to persuade him.

So, Annie, who felt it was necessary to take another look, quietly approached a little bit, wanting to see if the other party really dared to jump.


(● ̄? ̄●)


"Please go on, let me record all this, that Radagang is just a trivial matter, don't pay attention to him!"

"The golden tree, and the golden law, it's here!"

At this moment, Annie could see clearly that the strange man with the strange box on his neck was still exhorting loudly. It seemed that it was the guy she had seen in the round table hall. Of course, she must have forgotten the name or something. Just remembered that there was such a guy.


However, the strange guy in the mask was still indifferent, still facing the golden tree trunk that still looked huge from the cliff in a strange posture, not only unmoved by the persuasion of the students behind him , and did not want to jump off.


"What are you still hesitating about?"


At this time, the shackled weirdo persuaded again.



"If you don't persuade him to come down quickly, you still have to persuade him to continue?"


Annie was startled a little, listening to the other party's words, she thought it was the strange man trying to persuade the motionless strange man to jump down quickly or something!

However, thinking about it carefully, she denied it again.



"Hey! Shu Mi, what are you doing?"


Finally, I quietly hid behind the two of them and listened to them for a while. I really didn't understand what the two of them were doing, and I didn't know if the guy who was holding a strange posture was really Annie who wanted to jump off. , he couldn't help stepping forward and asked strangely towards the so-called clergyman he had met in the hot round table hall.



"Yes, it's you..."

He turned his head for the first time and found out that the person who came was a little girl who had met once before, the guy who had a cloth on his face, and who didn't know how to recognize Annie, exclaimed in surprise.

Obviously, he must know Annie's identity and what Annie has done, so he is so surprised now.

"Sorry, I didn't notice you just now..."

"I was a little worried because the teacher was still, so..."

Then, the other party hurriedly apologized to Annie and explained it briefly.

"That strange old man, is it your teacher?"


Annie turned her head and kept a funny posture facing the golden tree, and so far stood motionless on the big rock on the edge of the cliff, not afraid of a gust of wind blowing the other side to the strange old man. at a glance.

"Then what's going on?"


"People have been peeping at the side for a long time. Does he want to jump off, or what?"


"Also, did you just want to persuade him to jump, or did you want to persuade him not to jump?"


So, Annie asked all her doubts all at once.


"Jump, jump down?!"

The odd man with the wooden box like a shackle on his neck was instantly taken aback by Annie's strange and nonsensical thoughts.

"No, no!"

"The teacher didn't think about jumping, and I didn't want to persuade the teacher to jump!"

After waving his hands and denying Annie's groundless speculation, the talent continued to add:


"We were just studying the golden law. Of course, the teacher was studying it, and I was in charge of recording. However, as you can see, the closer you get to the golden tree, the more complicated the thinking."


"I don't know what happened now, but the teacher stopped suddenly."

The man did not dare to neglect, and directly explained why they came here, why his teacher faced the golden tree with that strange posture and shape, and why he begged so hard.



"Is that so?"


"That weird pose required to study the Torah?"


This is indeed something that Annie never thought about. Anyway, when she is reading or thinking about things, she will definitely not act like the other party.

In her opinion, this situation seems to be no different from those guys who like to play tricks and tricks, such as those experts or masters, that she has seen on the earth's Internet before?

"And there's..."


"You don't even know that Radagang is that goddess Malika?"


Then, thinking that these two weirdos were entangled in something boring, and then, of course, Annie exclaimed directly and told some of the inside stories she knew.

As for where she knew the inside story, she forgot it herself, maybe it was what Miss Rani told her, maybe it was some memory fragments obtained from the dead second finger, Or somewhere else, but anyway, Annie knew that that Radagan was indeed Malika, a weirdo who could change her identity and gender!


But at this time, when I heard Annie's words, I was surprised that the old man who was in a weird and funny pose suddenly moved his fingers.


"Radagan is Malika?"

"This kind of thing..."

"is it possible?"

And of course the weirdo with the shackles around his neck heard it too, and then he couldn't help but let out a loud exclamation as he didn't bother to look at his teacher anymore.

"That's how it is..."


"Thank you, King Anne, because of you, the teacher's fingers are moving again. What a moving melody..."


"I want to record it immediately!"

"It's really amazing, but that makes sense. Radagang is actually Malika, a person with two identities, and can give birth to children..."

Then, the eccentric started to write down something, and at the same time muttered to himself, and didn't pay much attention to Annie.



"Then study it slowly!"

??(?? ̄? ̄)????



Looking at these two weirdos who knew that their brains were not normal, after thinking about it, Annie finally decided not to pay attention to them, but turned her head and walked out.

And of course the two weirdos who were studying the so-called golden law didn't pay any attention to her, and they still didn't know what to do with her.

And this time...

When the royal city Rodel had been noisy for a day because of a bad little girl, far away in the middle of Lienia Avenue, on a broken beacon tower, a mother and daughter appeared.


"Now Stonewell's main force must have crossed the strait to reach the southernmost part of Lienia Avenue?"

"Rani, do you think they can win?"

Looking at the two giant flying dragons in the sky who were patrolling first, the tall, tall woman wearing a college robe and a high-pointed hat suddenly turned her head towards the one beside her who was taller than Annie. Maybe even the shorter daughter asked.

That's right, the mother and daughter are the full moon queen Reinara and her petite daughter Rani in a snow witch suit.

The current Rani is no longer a puppet, but the Moon Princess Rani who was stuffed into her belly by the Queen of the Full Moon and was born again!

Of course, the saying of 'putting it back in the stomach' is the kind of rhetoric that a bad little girl preached to the outside world. As for the real situation, it is not known for the time being.

"I do not know."

"But if there are only those two dragons, they will definitely not be able to win the royal city."

Wearing a Snow Witch suit and a wide Snow Witch pointed hat, Lani didn't lift her head and couldn't see her expression clearly, she just said in a milky voice.

"Of course it can't just rely on those two dragons!"

"It is said that they still have fifty thousand flame knights?"


"Should it be the Fire Eye Knight?"

Seeing that the two giant dragons did not find them, but flew north on their own and continued to patrol, the Full Moon Queen suddenly smiled and told what she knew.

"fifty thousand?"

"not enough!"

"If they can wait, or if their knights are as strong as the furnace knights, then the royal city will be within reach!"

After so many years of attrition and many wars, although there are not many guards in the king's city and the night cavalry in Mongot, Lani feels that it is still too hasty to send troops now, even if there are many high-end forces on their side. Very elite, her elder brother, the strongest demigod, even said that she personally led troops to come, but she still felt that this time the northern expedition to the royal city would not be 100% sure.

And without 100% certainty, in Rani's view, it is a risk, which is not desirable, just like when she was dealing with two fingers, in order to achieve various conditions, she forbeared for countless years, until all the conditions were met, She didn't make the move until she thought she was absolutely sure.

And the result was just as she imagined, she used the 'hunting finger knife' to inscribe a half circle of death curse marks on the body of the 'two fingers', drained the opponent's blood, and directly cut the opponent's The body and soul were completely killed, and at the same time everything became logical.



"But I heard that their knights are elemental beings reborn from the furnace of flames, which is a completely different system from the golden tree?"

"As for the strength, I don't know, but since they can pacify Nimgford and the Weeping Peninsula so quickly, they must be quite powerful, right?"

"Before, I didn't have time to take a look. This time, maybe I can study it well. Maybe it will inspire me?"

Contrary to what Rani thought, Reinara, the Queen of the Full Moon, seemed to have a positive and confident attitude towards Rodel's Northern Expedition this time, and she didn't feel any rush.

In fact, if it wasn't for her own strength, if it weren't for the internal and external troubles of the Kalia royal family and the Magic Academy, and it was really incapable of organizing a foreign war by herself, maybe she would have led the Kalia royal family's knights and pyroxenes long ago. The mage went to the throne of Eldon and found the Ladagan who was said to be the same person as Malika.



"Your life was born, it's good now, and it doesn't need any inspiration."

Hearing the full moon queen's answer, Rani, who was beside her, cast an unhappy glance at her mother.

"thank you!"

"That's all Annie's credit for giving me a lot of constructive guidance."

"If it weren't for her, your sisters and yourself, I'm afraid they're not by my side now."

As she spoke, Reinara couldn't help but sigh.

She no longer wants to pursue the past, but now, as long as her children are full, as long as those daughters can grow up normally, she is satisfied.

"Still instructing?"

"Like, so that I can't grow up like this?"

Hearing this, Rani couldn't help but rolled his eyes again, and said sharply in that milky voice.

And her originally hoarse and magnetic alto is obviously never coming back.

"Oh! dear little Lani..."

"Aren't you satisfied?"


"When everything settles down, I'll give you another birth?"

She turned her head and glanced at her daughter beside her, and then, after thinking about it, Man Yue laughed out loud and laughed.


"Do not!"

"That's it for now!"

Rani said angrily, not answering the conversation, and turned her head away arrogantly.

"Don't say it!"

"Little Rani, you should really wear the outfit Annie left you, so you'll really be like a pair of sisters."

"Think about it?"

Seeing that she was wearing a Snow Witch suit and the brim of the wide Snow Witch peaked hat covered her pretty face, Reinara said something dissatisfied.

"Not consider!"

"I'm used to it"

Rani arrogantly refused, expressing that she didn't want to have anything to do with a bad little girl, because she was the princess of the moon, Rani, and she liked to wear this snow witch suit.


Shaking her head, the Queen of the Full Moon did not dare to force it.


"Your attendant, that shadow, he seems to have gone mad, what are you going to do about it?"

Then, Man Yue suddenly asked another thing.


"I do not know…"

"Not urgent!"

"I haven't made up my mind about Blazer. I plan to let Yin Ji lock him up first. Now that he is not Yin Ji's opponent, there will be no problem."

After a pause, little Lani said with a faint sigh.

Rani already knew about the fact that a bad little girl helped her loyal military advisor and left an enchanted item for self-defense, so much so that she can't help it when she talks now A mixed emotion came out.

"So, what about that Silvis?"

"He even sent us two bottles of amber potions two days ago..."

"It smells so good..."

Then, Reinara suddenly asked about another of Rani's subordinates.


"That sleazy rat, when the matter in Wangcheng is over, I will go back and kill him first!"

Hearing her mother talk about that incident, Rani's blushing face turned black in an instant, and she continued to speak with such a murderous voice in that milky childish voice. UU Reading

"Okay, as you like."

"Let's go, let's go back first and see how the soldiers and the mage gate are ready."

"After all, we are not like those Fire Eye Knights. If we send troops, there are a lot of logistics and supplies that are essential."

Saying that, the full moon took a last look at the two giant dragon figures in the sky that acted as outposts, then looked at the straight Lienia Avenue in the south, and then waved the staff, turning the two of them into stars. A little bit of star debris and teleported away instantly.


??????? Ask for a monthly pass

------off topic-----


The work and rest of the May Day are chaotic, and the update time is also chaotic...

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