Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1910: ?(ψ'?')o Walkers by the fire

In the royal city of Rodel, next to the cliff near the golden tree, in a large empty palace-like house not far from the nervous golden mask and the clergyman, Annie lit a bonfire , and plan to take a short break there for a night to have something to eat.


() Chew ~!

In fact, it's not that Annie didn't want to find a cleaner and more comfortable place in the urban area of ​​the royal city, but because there are still people in other places looking for her in the city, and it's still noisy until now, so, She directly chose this place where there were few people and normally no one would come.

And if it weren't for this, Annie wouldn't have teleported here before, and the two neurotic guys wouldn't have come here to study the golden tree and the golden law up close.



"Come out!"


"Miss Melina, people know you are here, don't hide."

'ο'*))) alas

At this moment, Annie, who was eating, suddenly spoke to the air in front of her.

Although, a certain witch lady does have some small skills, can be invisible, can follow, and can also transmit spells at the same time, but, the other party is playing with such small tricks in front of her Queen Anne, it is indeed still that bad. Warm up a little.


Soon, a faint blue light lit up, and then, the cloaked Melina slowly appeared in front of Annie.

Immediately afterwards, the other party didn't speak, just sat there quietly across the bonfire on his knees and stared at Annie with the one eye with only one open eye.


( ̄~ ̄) Chew!

"What's the matter with you?"


Annie asked as she asked, and she had no idea of ​​asking the other party to eat a little too.

Obviously, for some reason, Annie may still have a little bit of animosity towards the other party, so that she doesn't even want to be polite to the other party, so she just eats her own food.


Melina didn't answer, but waited patiently until Annie had eaten almost everything in her hand, and then she said softly:

"Thank you, Annie..."

"Thank you for taking me to the foot of the golden tree, so that I can move freely."

That's right, Melina seems to be taking the initiative to thank her, but whether it is actually true is unknown.



"When did they bring you here?"


Eat them all, Annie is a little baffled.

In fact, she really wanted to say loudly to the other party: It's obvious that you are so shameless, and you have to follow me secretly, and they didn't bring you here specially!

However, Annie is busy eating now, so she doesn't have time to talk nonsense to the other party. Besides, she is tired of playing hide-and-seek with those knight uncles today, and she doesn't really want to be a little lovable with this guy in front of her. The weird witch lady tossed around.

"Anyway, always thank you."

"Next, I'm going to confirm my mission..."

"Annie, I also hope that you can fulfill your mission and become the King of Eldon."

"I think…"

"If it was you, you must have a way, right?"

Melina ignored Annie's arrogant rebuttal, and just said it in words that seemed to have no emotion, as if what she was talking about had nothing to do with her.


From Melina's point of view, she secretly followed and took advantage of Annie's shelter, but Annie didn't expose it or try to get rid of her completely, that was helping her a lot?

"King Eldon again?"



'ο'*))) alas

"People have told you guys many times that they really don't have any interest in what King Eldon is, they are just here to play!"



 ̄? ̄)????

As if she was afraid that the other party would not believe her, Annie finally emphasized it with a certain tone of affirmation and certainty.


However, across the bonfire, Melina's expressionless face seemed to stubbornly clarify one point, that is: she obviously didn't believe Annie's original intention to come here!



"Never mind you!"

('~') Chew~!

Annie got a little angry, and began to turn her head to continue eating her delicious food. At the same time, she was still thinking about whether to find a chance for Tibbers to catch the other party, and then hold the other party down. A hard spanking, out of breath or something?


(● ̄? ̄●)



"On the way here, in the battlefield outside the royal city, I seem to have seen a proverb left by Malika. Do you want to hear it?"

After waiting for a while, maybe the atmosphere was a little embarrassing, or maybe she wanted to find something to say. Anyway, the witch Melina who was sitting opposite Annie suddenly spoke and asked.



"In no mood!"


First, she showed a surprised expression that made the other party look forward to it, and then Annie refused without thinking about it.

After all, she came here to play in this royal city, and the **** that Malika, who didn't know whether she was alive or dead, left behind outside the city, and it was none of her business, Her Lady Queen Anne, she seemed to be full of curiosity people?



(If he could, Tibbers would really like to jump out and say it out loud, but he can't, and doesn't dare, and more importantly, he doesn't have any external language skills.)


The expression on Melina's face became a little richer, of course, just a little bit.

There is no doubt that Annie's answer must have surprised her, but, does that seem to be expected? Anyway, her somewhat unexpected expression quickly recovered, as if it had never changed.

"And one more thing."

"I didn't want to ask, but..."

"I heard that you want to find the place where the three fingers are sealed, is that so?"

Finally, Melina, who was supposed to be leaving, hesitated for a while, then raised her head, looked at Annie and frowned slightly before asking cautiously.



Hearing the other party's words, unexpectedly, Annie herself couldn't help but startled.



"If you don't say it, people will almost forget about it!"


That's right, that's why Annie's performance is so rich!

To be honest, if the other party hadn't suddenly said it, she would have forgotten why she came to Rodel in the royal city. ) didn't even remember it, and it was the same as the 'Tanji' that was still in a state of persistent selective forgetting.


"Miss Melina, do you know where the 'three fingers' lives?"


After thinking about it, Annie naturally hurried over and asked with a smile.

Before the other party didn't talk about the 'three fingers', Her Lady Queen Anne naturally ignored the other party, but now, when she heard that the other party seemed to know something she wanted to know, then she would Naturally, it changed to another expression.


"Is it a heartbreaker?"

However, Melina didn't answer in a hurry, just stared at Annie's eyes for a while, then frowned slightly and asked cautiously.

"Heart to epilepsy?"


"Why, why do you ask that?"


Annie just felt that the other party's question was a bit baffling, because she herself has always had her own favorite flames, and can also use Shadow Flame and almost all other flame spells, how can she look at the so-called ' Crazy fire'?


"Then why are you looking for the 'three fingers'?"

Unlike Annie's hippie smile, Melina's expression was a little serious at this time, as if she was still wary of something.

"Of course I'm going to destroy it!"


"Anyway, people think it's a bit untidy, and they just want to find trouble with it!"


In fact, Annie feels that the reason why the world has become the tattered state it is now has nothing to do with those two fingers, three fingers or Malika!

So, if you clean up them all, there will definitely be nothing wrong.

And that was the real reason why she took the initiative to help when she heard that Miss Rani was going to deal with Finger.


"Whatever your purpose is, I hope you can change your mind."

"That is something that cannot be easily touched, that is the chaos that will devour all life and wipe out all thoughts!"

"I also know that this world is in a state of destruction, full of pain and despair..."

"But as long as life exists, the world will continue to grow."


"I hope you understand that, everything is fine, everything is salvageable, and it's just like what you did in Nimgford, isn't it nice?"

After thinking for a while, the witch Melina obviously didn't believe what Annie said, so she was so earnest and persuasive.



"What are you talking about?!"


Annie was a little confused by what the other party said, so much so that she jumped up in anger.

She just wanted to find trouble with the 'three fingers', such as teaching the other party a lesson, or burning the other party or something, but why is this weird witch who has a habit of following others suddenly turned towards the other party? Said a lot of words to her Barabara?

Also, when did Her Lady Queen Anne say she was going to destroy the world, is she that kind of person?



"People really just want to find trouble with that 'three fingers'!"


Anne solemnly reiterated again.



"Listen to what you just said..."


"You seem to know exactly where the three fingers are, right?"


After reiterating her point of view, Annie no longer bothered with the other party about those inexplicable things, but went directly to ask thiefly.


Unfortunately, Melina didn't answer, she just sat there blankly across from her and looked at Annie blankly, not knowing what she was thinking.

"People really don't want to do what you said, they really want to destroy it, really!"


"Tell you!"


"Before, people also found a small knife, which seems to be called a 'hunting finger knife', and finally managed to kill a 'two fingers'!"


Seeing that the other party didn't want to say anything, and still doubted herself, Anne quickly added another dose of material, saying that Her Lady Queen Anne was really incompatible with the Fingers.


Melina still didn't speak, she still looked at Annie so directly, and when Annie was a little angry, she spoke again:

"I know what you have done, and I have been watching you secretly."


"Feel sorry."

"No matter what you want to do, or for what purpose, please don't let your heart go crazy..."

"It's dangerous, please stay away from it..."

After speaking, without waiting for Annie to say anything, Melina suddenly stood up.





"People just want to know what it is..."


However, it was a pity that Annie didn't even finish her sentence, and the other party instantly turned into a speck of blue dust, and disappeared almost instantly.





Seeing the other party disappear completely, seeing the other party clearly not wanting to tell her, Annie couldn't help but be a little dumbfounded.



"Don't think that you can't find that guy if you don't say it, tomorrow..."


"Do not!"


"People will find it out for you tonight!"


Annie screamed into the air with some exasperation.

Originally, she planned to spend a few more days in the royal city of Rodel. For example, if she had time, she would tease the golden-armored Rodel knights, and continue to walk them like dogs in the city, watching them wear heavy boards. A came to chase after her, a mage or something.

But now...

After being so provoked by that hateful witch Melina, she changed her mind and decided: no matter what, she must find the three fingers first, and it is tonight!

The other party didn't let her contact her, she chose to contact her!

Moreover, she not only contacts, she also wants to see, what the **** is that crazy!


(● ̄? ̄●)

At this time, when a bad little girl was angry with the air and clamoring to do something, there was a huge lake hole in the bottom of the southern part of the Lienia region, which was the previous The place where the dark abandoned child was sealed, the 'Tangji' who had been standing there like a silent standby state finally changed.

'! ’

‘Beep! beep! ’

'Tan Ji' suddenly moved, and suddenly floated towards the front for a distance and quickly floated away, then turned back.

‘Beep! ’

Then, the huge blue electron eye in front of it lit up, and at the same time, a thick, lightning-like energy particle beam slammed towards the blue light group that had become very large.

Boom! !

In the next second, in a slight shaking, a huge golden building appeared in this lower world.


Then, with an abnormal sound of energy. Above the huge golden building, a blue stable portal appeared, and then a group of templars rushed out of it impatiently.

Then, when the Templars controlled their surroundings and determined that there was no danger, from the blue portal above the steps, there was a blue-lighted person floating in mid-air, directly using void energy to levitate. Flying Protoss.

"Executive Tassadar!"

"The coordinates of the new world have been collected, the Protoss portal is working stably, and the surrounding environment is safe, please show me!"

And while the Protoss who used the Void Energy to levitate and fly was still observing the surrounding environment, a Templar who had come out a long time ago hurried forward to meet him and reported with the Protoss' telepathy ability.

Tassadar once perished with the Overmind, but recently, the Protoss resurrected him through a certain fetish that a little girl once gave to the sector, so now this legendary executive has returned to the high-level sequence of the Protoss. middle.

"very good!"


"According to the plan. UU Reading"

Slowly raising his head and looking at this underground world, Tassadar's eyes suddenly became brighter.


A bunch of golden 'Tang Ji' flew out from the protoss portal, and soon, in this spacious underground world, blue light clusters began to light up one by one.


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